< Jeremiah 34 >
1 Babilon Siangpahrang Nebukhadnezar hoi ransanaw pueng, a uknaeramnaw hoi taminaw pueng ni Jerusalem hoi khopuinaw pueng a tuk navah BAWIPA koehoi Jeremiah koe ka tho e lawk,
Thus said the Lord; Make to thyself bonds and yokes, and put [them] about thy neck,
2 Isarel BAWIPA Cathut ni hettelah a dei, Judah siangpahrang Zedekiah koe cet nateh dei pouh, BAWIPA Cathut ni hettelah a dei, khenhaw! hete khopui heh Babilon siangpahrang kut dawk ka poe vaiteh, hmai hoi a sawi han.
3 Ahnie kut dawk hoi na hlout mahoeh. Hatei man lah na o roeroe vaiteh a kut dawk na pha han. Na mit ni Babilon siangpahrang e mit a hmu han, minhmai kâhmo laihoi na pato vaiteh Babilon lah na cei han telah ati.
and thou shalt send them to the king of Idumea, and to the king of Moab, and to the king of the children of Ammon, and to the king of Tyre, and to the king of Sidon, by the hands of their messengers that come to meet them at Jerusalem to Sedekias king of Juda.
4 Hateiteh, oe Judah siangpahrang Zedekiah, BAWIPA e lawk thaihaw, nange kong dawk BAWIPA ni hettelah a dei, tahloi hoi na dout mahoeh.
And thou shalt commission them to say to their lords, Thus said the Lord God of Israel; Thus shall ye say to your lords;
5 Karoumcalah na due han. Nang hoehnahlan e siangpahrang, kakhekungnaw hmuitui a sawi pouh awh e patetlah, nang han na sawi pouh awh han. Aiyoe bawipa, telah na khuika han. Bangkongtetpawiteh, lawk ka pabo toe, telah BAWIPA ni a dei telah ati.
I have made the earth by my great power, and with my high arm, and I will give it to whomsoever it shall seem [good] in mine eyes.
6 Babilon siangpahrang ransahunaw ni Jerusalem hoi kacawirae Judah khopuinaw pueng, Lakhish hoi Azek a tuk awh navah,
I gave the earth to Nabuchodonosor king of Babylon to serve him, and the wild beasts of the field to labour for him.
7 Profet Jeremiah ni hete lawknaw pueng Jerusalem e Judah siangpahrang Zedekiah koe a dei pouh. Bangkongtetpawiteh, Judah khopui thung dawk tawn hane rapan ka tawn e teh hetnaw dueng doeh toe.
8 Siangpahrang Zedekiah ni Jerusalem e tamihupui koevah, taminaw pueng ni Hebru sannu hoi Hebru sanpa lah awm pawiteh hloutsak hanlah ao.
And the nation and kingdom, all that shall not put their neck under the yoke of the king of Babylon, with sword and famine will I visit them, saith the Lord, until they are consumed by his hand.
9 A hmaunawngha e thaw ka tawk e Hebru tami apihai awm hanh naseh, telah hloutnae lawk a dei teh, lawkkamnae a sak hnukkhu BAWIPA koehoi Jeremiah koe lawk ka tho e teh,
And hearken ye not to your false prophets, nor to them that divine to you, nor to them that foretell events by dreams to you, nor to your auguries, nor your sorcerers, that say, Ye shall by no means work for the king of Babylon:
10 taminaw pueng ni thaw ka tawk pouh e napui, thaw ka tawk pouh e tongpa hai thoseh hloutsak hanlah ao. Ahnimae thaw tawk hanlah apihai awm hanh naseh tie lawkkam ka dâw e kahrawikungnaw hoi taminaw pueng ni lawkkam a dâw awh teh a hloutsak katang awh.
for they prophesy lies to you, to remove you far from your land.
11 Hatei hatnae tueng dawk bout kamlang awh teh a hloutsak awh e thaw ka tawk e napui, tongpanaw hah bout a man awh teh amamae kut rahim vah thaw bout a tawk sak awh.
But the nation which shall put its neck under the yoke of the king of Babylon, and serve him, I will even leave it upon its land, and it shall serve him, and dwell in it.
12 Hat toteh, BAWIPA koehoi BAWIPA e lawk Jeremiah koevah a pha.
I spoke also to Sedekias king of Juda according to all these words, saying, Put your neck into [the yoke], and serve the king of Babylon.
13 Isarel BAWIPA Cathut ni hettelah a dei, Izip ram santoungnae thung hoi na tâcokhai hnin dawk, na kakhekungnaw koe vah,
14 taminaw pueng ni a hmaunawngha Hebru tami ahni koe yo e kum 6 touh a thaw tawk pouh pawiteh kum 7 kuep nah teh a hloutsak han, telah lawkkamnae a sak toe. Hatei na kakhekungnaw ni tarawi ngai awh hoeh, a hnâ a tabuem awh.
For they prophesy unrighteous [words] to you,
15 Atuvah nangmanaw ni na kamlang awh teh taminaw pueng ni a imri koe hloutnae lawk a pâpho teh ka mithmu vah kalan e na sak awh teh ka min onae im dawk ka hmalah lawkkamnae sak awh.
for I sent them not, saith the Lord; and they prophesy [in] my name unjustly, that I might destroy you, and ye should perish, and your prophets, who unrighteously prophesy lies to you.
16 Hatei, bout na kamlang awh teh ka min na kamhnawng sak awh teh lungthocalah hoi na tha awh e na sannu sanpanaw bout na man awh teh, namamae kut rahim vah thaw ka tawk e sannu sanpa lah bout na ta awh.
I spoke to you, and to all this people, and to the priests, saying, Thus said the Lord; Hearken not to the words of the prophets that prophesy to you, saying, Behold, the vessels of the Lord's house shall return from Babylon: for they prophesy to you unrighteous [words].
17 Hatdawkvah, BAWIPA ni hettelah a dei, taminaw pueng ni mae hmaunawngha hoi imri koe hloutnae lawk dei hanlah ka lawk na ngai awh hoeh. Khenhaw! kai kama ni nangmouh koe hloutnae lawk ka pâpho telah BAWIPA ni a dei. Tahloi, takang, lacik hoi doeh: runae kâhmo sak hanlah talai uknaeram pueng dawk na ta han.
I sent them not.
18 Ka lawkkam kaek e hoi ka hmalah reksei e maitoca rahak vah a cei teh lawkkamnae ka ek e,
If they are prophets, and if the word of the Lord is in them, let them meet me, for thus has the Lord said.
19 Judah kahrawikung, Jerusalem kahrawikung hoi tuenla hoi, vaihma hoi taminaw pueng ni reksei e maitoca rahak ka cet e taminaw pueng hah,
And as for the remaining vessels,
20 A tarannaw hoi thei hanlah katawngnaw koe ka poe vaiteh ahnimae ro teh kalvan e tavanaw hoi talai e sarangnaw e rawca lah ao han.
which the king of Babylon took not, when he carried Jechonias prisoner out of Jerusalem,
21 Judah Siangpahrang Zedekiah hoi a sannaw a tho awh, ahnimouh thei han ka tawng e Babilon siangpahrang ransahu nangmouh koehoi kabannaw kut dawk ka poe han.
22 Khenhaw! hete khopui dawk bout ban hanelah kâ ka poe han telah BAWIPA ni a dei. Hattoteh na tuk awh han, a la awh vaiteh hmai a sawi awh han. Hahoi Judah khopui kingdi sak han telah BAWIPA ni a dei.
they shall go into Babylon, saith the Lord.