< Isaiah 29 >

1 Ariel kho, Ariel kho, Devit ni a tungpupnae kho a rawk toe. Kum touh hnukkhu kum touh pakawi awh. Pawinaw hah patuen patuen to awh.
Alas for the city of Ariel, which David besieged. Gather ye fruits year by year; eat ye, for ye shall eat with Moab.
2 Hatei, kai ni Ariel kho hah runae ka kâhmo sak han. Hote kho dawk khuikanae hoi cingounae ao han. Hote kho teh ka hmalah Ariel kho patetlah ao han.
For I will grievously afflict Ariel: and her strength and her wealth shall be mine.
3 Kai teh nangmouh petkâkalup lah ransanaw ka tungpup sak han. Ramvengimnaw hoi pet na kalup vaiteh, lampawpkhunaw hai ka tai han.
And I will compass thee about like David, and will raise a mound about thee, and set up towers round thee.
4 Nang teh rahnoum sak lah na o vaiteh, talai thung na deipan han. Rep na tabonae vaiphu thung hoi na lawk a tâco han. Na lawk teh kahrai lawk patetlah talai thung hoi a tâco han. Na lawk teh talai thung hoi paiyaicalah thai lah ao han.
And thy words shall be brought down to the earth, and thy words shall sink down to the earth, and thy voice shall be as they that speak out of the earth, and thy voice shall be lowered to the ground.
5 Hatei, na tarannaw teh vaiphu patetlah ao awh vaiteh, kamathengnaw hai palek e cahik patetlah ao awh han.
But the wealth of the ungodly shall be as dust from a wheel, and the multitude of them that oppress thee as flying chaff, and it shall be suddenly as a moment,
6 Vaitalahoi pouk laipalah, ransahu BAWIPA ni khoparit lawk, tâlî, puenghoi kacai e lawk, ka kang e hmaipalai naw sin vaiteh, nang koe pai hanelah a tho han.
from the Lord of Hosts: for there shall be a visitation with thunder, and earthquake, and a loud noise, a rushing tempest, and devouring flame of fire.
7 Ariel kho ka tuk e ram pueng dawk e ransanaw, hote kho hoi hote kho hah ka tuk ni teh hote kho ka rektap e tami pueng teh, mang patetlah tangmin e vision patetlah ao han.
And the wealth of all the nations together, as many as have fought against Ariel, and all they that war against Jerusalem, and all who are gathered against her, and they that distress her, shall be as one that dreams in sleep by night.
8 A von ka hlam e ni bu ka ca toe telah a mang a sak eiteh, a kâhlaw toteh, a von toungloung a hlam e patetlah thoseh, tui kahran e ni hai, tui ka nei toe telah a mang a sak eiteh, a kâhlaw toteh tui toung loung a kahran e patetlah thoseh Zion mon ka tuk e ram pueng dawk e ransanaw teh ao awh han.
And as men drink and eat in sleep, and when they have arisen, the dream is vain: and as a thirsty man dreams as if he drank, and having arisen is still thirsty, and his soul has desired in vain: so shall be the wealth of all the nations, as many as have fought against the mount Sion.
9 Hmoung tet awh nateh, hmoung ngam awh. Mit dawn awh nateh, hmawt laipalah awm awh. Misur net laipalah parui awh. Yamu net laipalah rawrawcu laihoi cet awh.
Faint ye, and be amazed, and be overpowered, not with strong drink nor with wine.
10 Bangkongtetpawiteh, BAWIPA ni inae hoi kâkuen e muitha hah nangmae lathueng a awi vaiteh, nangmae profet mitnaw hah tabuem vaiteh, na hmunae lûnaw hah a ramuk han.
For the Lord has made you to drink a spirit of deep sleep; and he shall close their eyes, and [the eyes] of their prophets and of their rulers, who see secret things.
11 Nangmouh hanelah vision pueng teh, tacikkin e ca thung e lawklungnaw patetlah ao. Hot hah cakathoumnaw koe poe vaiteh, hete ca hah atu touk haw, telah na tetpawiteh, ahni ni, hete ca teh tacikkin lah ao dawkvah, kai ka touk thai hoeh, telah bout ati han.
And all these things shall be to you as the words of this sealed book, which if they shall give to a learned man, saying, Read this, he shall then say, I cannot read [it], for it is sealed.
12 Hahoi hote ca hah, ca kathoum hoeh e koe bout poe nateh, hete ca hah atu touk haw, telah na tetpawiteh, ahni ni, kai teh ca ka thoum hoeh bout ati han.
And this book shall be given into the hands of a man that is unlearned, and [one] shall say to him, Read this; and he shall say, I am not learned.
13 Bawipa ni, hete miphunnaw ni pahni hoi kai koe rek na hnai awh teh, amamae pahni hoi kai hah na pholen awh. Ahnimae lungthin teh kai hoi a kâhla poung. Ahnimouh ni tami ni sak e kâlawk hoi kai hah na taki awh.
And the Lord has said, This people draw nigh to me with their mouth, and they honour me with their lips, but their heart is far from me: but in vain do they worship me, teaching the commandments and doctrines of men.
14 Hatdawkvah, khenhaw! Hete miphun koe kângairu hno buet touh hnukkhu buet touh hah puenghoi kângairu sak nahanelah, bout ka patue han rah. Ahnimouh thung e a lungkaangnaw e lungangnae teh a rawk han. Kathoumnaw e thoumnae hai a kahma han telah ati.
Therefore behold I will proceed to remove this people, and I will remove them: and I will destroy the wisdom of the wise, and will hide the understanding of the prudent.
15 BAWIPA ni panue hoeh nahanelah pouknae teh kadung poung lah a hro awh teh, amamae sakyoenae teh hmonae koe a sak awh teh, kaimouh hah apinimouh na hmu va, kaimouh hah apinimouh na panue va, telah ouk ka tet e taminaw teh a yawthoe awh.
Woe to them that deepen their counsel, and not by the Lord. Woe to them that take secret counsel, and whose works are in darkness, and they say, Who has seen us? and who shall know us, or what we do?
16 Nangmouh ni palet lah na o sak awh toe. Hlaam ka bo e hah amhru patetlah pouk kawi na maw. Sak lah kaawm e ni kasakkung hanelah, ahni ni kai na sak e nahoeh, telah ati kawi na maw. Sakyoe lah kaawm e hno ni, ka sakyoe hanelah, ahni teh banghai panuek hoeh, ati kawi na maw.
Shall ye not be counted as clay of the potter? Shall the thing formed say to him that formed it, Thou didst not form me? or the work to the maker, Thou hast not made me wisely?
17 Lebanon mon teh talai ahawi lawhmuen lah ao teh, talai kahawi e lawhmuen teh ratu lah ao nahan sica doeh a ngai toe.
[Is it] not yet a little while, and Libanus shall be changed as the mountains of Chermel, and Chermel shall be reckoned as a forest?
18 Hatnae hnin dawkvah, hnâ ka thai hoeh e naw ni Cakathoung e lawk a thai awh han. Mitdawnnaw ni vuivainae hoi hmonae dawk hoi hlout awh vaiteh, mit a hmu awh han.
And in that day the deaf shall hear the words of the book, and they that are in darkness, and they that are in mist: the eyes of the blind shall see,
19 Lung kârahnoum e naw teh, BAWIPA dawk lunghawinae hah a katha lah bout a hmu awh han. Ayâ rahak kamathoe e taminaw teh, Isarelnaw e kathounge Bawipa dawk a lunghawi awh han.
and the poor shall rejoice with joy because of the Lord, and they that had no hope among men shall be filled with joy.
20 Bangkongtetpawiteh, ka mathengpaan e tami teh kahmat vaiteh, ka dudam e tami teh a kahma han.
The lawless man has come to nought, and the proud man has perished, and they that transgress mischievously have been utterly destroyed:
21 Yonnae sak hanelah a pawp teh, lawk lahoi tami buetbuet touh a yon sak teh, kho longkha koe ahni hanelah karap ka patung pouh e tami hoi ayawmyin lah tami kalannaw e ham hah ka lawm e tami pueng teh, raphoe lah ao awh han.
and they that cause men to sin by a word: and men shall make all that reprove in the gates an offence, because they have unjustly turned aside the righteous.
22 Hatdawkvah, Abraham ka rungngang e BAWIPA ni, Jakop miphun hoi kâkuen lah, Jakop miphun teh a hnukkhu kayanae hoi minhmai mathoenae hai awm mahoeh toe.
Therefore thus saith the Lord concerning the house of Jacob, whom he set apart from Abraam, Jacob shall not now be ashamed, neither shall he now change countenance.
23 Ahnimouh ni kai ni ka sak e hno a hmu awh navah, kaie ka min hah amamae lungui vah a thoungsak awh han. Jakop miphun e kathounge BAWIPA teh a thoung tet awh vaiteh, Isarel Cathut teh a taki awh han.
But when their children shall have seen my works, they shall sanctify my name for my sake, and they sanctify the Holy One of Jacob, and shall fear the God of Israel.
24 Lam ka phen e naw ni thaipanueknae hoi kâkuen e muitha hah coe awh vaiteh, lunghminhoehnae hoi ka cingou e naw ni hai cangkhainae lawk hah a dâw awh han telah ati.
And they that erred in spirit shall know understanding, and the murmurers shall learn obedience, and the stammering tongues shall learn to speak peace.

< Isaiah 29 >