< 2 Samuel 15 >
1 Hathnukkhu hoi Absalom ni lengnaw hoi marangnaw hoi amae hmalah ka cet hane tami 50 touh a rakueng.
And it came to pass after this that Abessalom prepared for himself chariots and horses, and fifty men to run before him.
2 Absalom teh amom a thaw teh, longkha koe ouk a kangdue. Siangpahrang koe rucat kâhmo e dei han ka tawn e pueng hah, Absalom ni a kaw teh api kho maw ouk atipouh. Ahnimanaw ni Isarel miphun thung e doeh ouk atipouh awh.
And Abessalom rose early, and stood by the side of the way of the gate: and it came to pass that every man who had a cause, came to the king for judgment, and Abessalom cried to him, and said to him, Of what city art thou? And he said, Thy servant [is] of one of the tribes of Israel.
3 Absalom ni ahni koevah na lawk dei e naw teh atang doeh. Hatei, nange kong ka dei hane siangpahrang hoi apinihai thai mahoeh telah ouk atipouh.
And Abessalom said to him, See, thy affairs [are] right and clear, yet thou hast no one [appointed] of the king to hear thee.
4 Kai teh hete ram dawk lawkcengkung siangpahrang lah na sak awh haw pawiteh, lawk dei hane ka tawn e pueng kai koe a tho awh vaiteh, kalancalah kai ni lawk ka ceng pouh han telah ouk atipouh.
And Abessalom said, O that one would make me a judge in the land; then every man who had a dispute or a cause would come to me, and I would judge him!
5 Tami buetbuet touh barilawa lahoi a tho nah, Absalom ni a kut a dâw laihoi a kuet teh ouk a paco
And it came to pass when a man came near to do him obeisance, that he stretched out his hand, and took hold of him, and kissed him.
6 Isarel siangpahrang koevah lawk dei hane ka tho pueng koe, Absalom ni hottelah ouk a sak. Hottelah Absalom ni Isarelnaw e a lungthin a paru pouh.
And Abessalom did after this manner to all Israel that came to the king for judgment; and Abessalom gained the hearts of the men of Israel.
7 Kum pali touh aloum hnukkhu, Absalom ni siangpahrang koevah, Hebron kho vah BAWIPA koe e ka lawkkam a kuep nahan ka cei sak.
And it came to pass after forty years, that Abessalom said to his father, I will go now, and pay my vows, which I vowed to the Lord in Chebron.
8 Bangkongtetpawiteh, na san ni Siria ram Geshur kho ka o navah, BAWIPA ni Jerusalem kho bout na cetsak pawiteh, BAWIPA e thaw ka tawk han telah lawk ka kam toe telah a ti.
For thy servant vowed a vow when I dwelt at Gedsur in Syria, saying, If the Lord should indeed restore me to Jerusalem, then will I serve the Lord.
9 Siangpahrang ni karoumcalah cet atipouh. Hat navah, Absalom ni a thaw teh, Hebron lah a cei.
And the king said to him, Go in peace. And he arose and went to Chebron.
10 Absalom ni mongka lawk na thai awh tahma, Absalom teh Hebron kho dawk siangpahrang doeh telah na hram awh han telah Isarel miphun pueng koe arulahoi katuetnaw a patoun.
And Abessalom sent spies throughout all the tribes of Israel, saying, When ye hear the sound of the trumpet, then shall ye say, Abessalom is become king in Chebron.
11 Absalom ni a kaw e tami 200 touh e Jerusalem kho thung hoi a cei van awh. A lung kathoungpincalah banghai panuenae awm laipalah a cei awh.
And there went with Abessalom two hundred chosen men from Jerusalem; and they went in their simplicity, and knew not anything.
12 Devit e lawkcengkung Giloh koe e Ahithophel teh ama onae Giloh kho dawk, thuengnae a sak navah Absalom a kaw. Absalom hnukkâbangnaw teh tami moi a pap teh kâtarannae hoe a len.
And Abessalom sent to Achitophel the Theconite, the counsellor of David, from his city, from Gola, where he was sacrificing: and there was a strong conspiracy; and the people with Abessalom were increasingly numerous.
13 Patoune buet touh Devit koe a tho teh, Isarelnaw e lungthin teh, Absalom koelah koung a kamlang toe telah atipouh.
And there came a messenger to David, saying, the heart of the men of Israel is gone after Abessalom.
14 Devit ni maimanaw thaw awh vaiteh, yawng awh leih sei. Yawng hoehpawiteh Absalom kut dawk hoi hlout awh mahoeh toe. Karanglah cet awh sei. Hottelah nahoeh pawiteh, ahni ni tang na tuk awh vaiteh, maimae lathueng runae phatsak awh vaiteh, khopui hah tahloi hoi a tuk awh han doeh telah Jerusalem kho ama koe kaawm e sannaw koe a dei pouh.
And David said to all his servants who were with him in Jerusalem, Rise, and let us flee, for we have no refuge from Abessalom: make haste and go, lest he overtake us speedily, and bring evil upon us, and smite the city with the edge of the sword.
15 Siangpahrang e sannaw ni, siangpahrang nang ni na dei e pueng ka sannaw ni sak hanelah coungkacoe ka o awh han telah ati awh.
And the king's servants said to the king, In all things which our lord the king chooses, behold [we are] thy servants.
16 Hahoi siangpahrang teh a imthungnaw hoi a cei awh. a im a ring sak hanelah a yudonaw 10 touh a hruek.
And the king and all his house went out on foot: and the king left ten women of his concubines to keep the house.
17 Siangpahrang a tâco teh taminaw ni a hnukkâbang awh teh, im a poutnae koe a kâhat awh.
And the king and all his servants went out on foot; and abode in a distant house.
18 A taminaw ni a yawngtahrei awh. Kerethnaw, Pelethnaw, Gitnaw, Gath kho e hoi a hnukkâbangnaw 600 touh teh, siangpahrang e hmalah a cei awh.
And all his servants passed on by his side, and every Chelethite, and every Phelethite, and they stood by the olive tree in the wilderness: and all the people marched near him, and all his court, and all the men of might, and all the men of war, six hundred: and they were present at his side: and every Chelethite, and every Phelethite, and all the six hundred Gittites that came on foot out of Geth, and they went on before the king.
19 Siangpahrang ni Git tami Itai koevah bangkongmaw kaimouh koe na kâbang. Ban nateh siangpahrang koe awmh. Nang teh miphun louk doeh. Hatdawkvah na onae koe lah ban lawih.
And the king said to Ethi, the Gittite, Why dost thou also go with us? return, and dwell with the king, for thou art a stranger, and thou has come forth as a sojourner out of thy place.
20 Paduem tangmin doeh nueng na tho. Kaimouh koe avoivang lah na cei han namaw. Nâ lah maw ka cei han tie ka panuek hoeh. Ban lawih, na hmaunawnghanaw kaw nateh ban leih. Pahrennae hoi yuemkamcunae teh nang koevah awm seh telah atipouh.
Whereas thou camest yesterday, shall I to-day cause thee to travel with us, and shalt thou [thus] change thy place? thou didst come forth yesterday, and to-day shall I set thee in motion to go along with us? I indeed will go whithersoever I may go: return then, and cause thy brethren to return with thee, and may the Lord deal mercifully and truly with thee.
21 Itai ni siangpahrang koe, BAWIPA hoi siangpahrang a hring e patetlah siangpahrang ka bawipa na onae pueng koe na san heh, due hai due, hring hai hring pou ao han doeh telah atipouh.
And Ethi answered the king and said, [As] the Lord lives and as my lord the king lives, in the place wheresoever my lord shall be, whether it be for death or life, there shall thy servant be.
22 Devit ni Itai koe, cet awh nateh pou cet awh, telah ati. Hottelah Git tami Itai teh a taminaw hoi a canaw hoi pou a cei awh.
And the king said to Ethi, Come and pass over with me. So Ethi the Gittite and the king passed over, and all his servants, and all the multitude with him.
23 Khocanaw teh puenghoi a khuika awh. A hnukkâbangnaw ni a cei awh teh, siangpahrang ama roeroe ni Kidron palang a raka teh taminaw pueng ni hai a raka awh teh, kahrawng lam koelah hoi a cei awh.
And all the country wept with a loud voice. And all the people passed by over the brook of Kedron; and the king crossed the brook Kedron: and all the people and the king passed on toward the way of the wilderness.
24 Zadok hoi Levihnaw pueng Cathut e thingkong a kâyawt laihoi thingkong a patue awh. Taminaw ni kho a tâco takhai hoehroukrak Abiathar teh thuengnae a sak.
And behold also Sadoc, and all the Levites were with him, bearing the ark of the covenant of the Lord from Baethar: and they set down the ark of God; and Abiathar went up, until all the people had passed out of the city.
25 Siangpahrang ni Zadok koevah, Cathut e thingkong teh khopui thung bout bankhai awh. BAWIPA hmalah minhmai kahawi ka hmawt pawiteh, na bankhai awh vaiteh, Cathut e thingkong hoi a onae bout ka hmu han.
And the king said to Sadoc, Carry back the ark of God into the city: if I should find favour in the eyes of the Lord, then will he bring me back, and he will shew me it and its beauty.
26 Hateiteh, nang dawkvah lunghawinae khoeroe ka tawn hoeh tetpawiteh, kai hi ka o, ahawi ati e patetlah kai dawk sak naseh telah a ti.
But if he should say thus, I have no pleasure in thee; behold, [here] I am, let him do to me according to that which is good in his eyes.
27 Siangpahrang ni vaihma Zadok koe hai, nang teh kahmawtkung nahoehmaw, na capa Ahimaaz hoi Abiathar e capa Jonathan hai kaw nateh khopui thung ban awh.
And the king said to Sadoc the priest, Behold, thou shalt return to the city in peace, and Achimaas thy son, and Jonathan the son of Abiathar, your two sons with you.
28 Nangmanaw ni na thaisak hoehroukrak, kai ni kahrawngum e ayawn koe na ring awh han telah a ti.
Behold, I continue in arms in Araboth of the desert, until there come tidings from you to report to me.
29 Zadok hoi Abiathar ni Cathut e thingkong hah Jerusalem kho a ceikhai awh teh hawvah ao awh.
So Sadoc and Abiathar brought back the ark of the Lord to Jerusalem, and it continued there.
30 Devit teh a khuika laihoi a lû a ramuk teh, a khokkhawm a rading teh khok caici lahoi Olive Mon dawk a takhang. A hnukkâbang e pueng ni a lû a ramuk awh teh, khuika laihoi a takhang awh.
And David went up by the ascent of [the mount of] Olives, ascending and weeping, and had his head covered, and went barefooted: and all the people that were with him covered [every] man his head; and they went up, ascending and weeping.
31 Absalom koelah kambawngnaw thung dawk, Ahithophel hai a bawk van telah Devit koe a dei pouh awh. Devit ni Oe BAWIPA, Ahithophel ni pouknae a poe e hah pathunae lah coung sak haw telah a kâhei.
And it was reported to David, saying, Achitophel also [is] among the conspirators with Abessalom. And David said, O Lord my God, disconcert, I pray thee, the counsel of Achitophel.
32 Mon koe a pha toteh Devit ni Cathut a bawk. Arki tami Hushai ni hai angki a ravei teh a lû dawk vaiphu a kâphuen laihoi ama kâhmo hanelah a tho.
And David came as far as Ros, where he worshipped God: and behold, Chusi the chief friend of David came out to meet him, having rent his garment, and earth [was] upon his head.
33 Devit ni kai koe na cet van pawiteh, kai na tarawk han doeh.
And David said to him, If thou shouldest go over with me, then wilt thou be a burden to me;
34 Khopui koelah na ban vaiteh, Absalom koevah Oe bawipa kai teh nang koe san lah ka o han. Na pa koe san lah ouk ka o e patetlah atu na san lah ka o han na tetpawiteh, Ahithophel khopouknae ka ngang pouh kung lah doeh let na awm tih.
but if thou shall return to the city, and shalt say to Abessalom, Thy brethren are passed over, and the king thy father is passed over after me: and now I am thy servant, O king, suffer me to live: at one time even of late I was the servant of thy father, and now I [am] thy humble servant—so shalt thou disconcert for me, the counsel of Achitophel.
35 Haw vah vaihma Zadok hoi Abiathar hai ao nahoehmaw. Hatdawkvah siangpahrang im e lawk na thai e pueng hah vaihmanaw koe bout na dei han.
And, behold, [there are] there with thee Sadoc and Abiathar the priests; and it shall be that every word that thou shalt hear of the house of the king, thou shalt report it to Sadoc and Abiathar the priests.
36 Zadok capa Ahimaaz hoi Abiathar capa Jonathan capa kahni touh ao. Na thai e pueng bout na thaisak nahanelah, ahnimanaw kai koe pou na patoun han telah atipouh.
Behold, [there are] there with them their two sons, Achimaas the son of Sadoc, and Jonathan the son of Abiathar; and by them ye shall report to me every word which ye shall hear.
37 Devit e a hui Hushai teh kho thung vah a cei. Absalom hai Jerusalem kho koelah a pha.
So Chusi the friend of David went into the city, and Abessalom was lately gone into Jerusalem.