< Thuchihbu 21 >

1 Pathen in vadung twi alon sahna nom nom’a alonsah banga, lengpa lungthim jong ahei lele thei ahi.
Like brooks of water is a king's heart in the hand of the Lord: whithersoever it pleaseth him doth he turn it.
2 Mihem in achonna lam lam chu amit mun dih asa-jin, hinlah Pakaiyin mihem lungthim akhol chil jin ahi.
Every way of a man is straight in his own eyes; but the Lord weigheth the hearts.
3 Kilhaina gantha sang in, thildih bol’a thu adih a tanding hi, Pakai lunglhaina ahijoi.
To exercise righteousness and justice is more acceptable to the Lord than sacrifice.
4 Kiletsahna lungthim pua mitha chule miphalou ho natoh aboncha chonset jeng ahi.
Haughtiness of the eyes, and an immoderate heart, are the sinful field of the wicked.
5 Miching hon gunchutah’a tohgon anei jouseu abulhing thei jin, amavang amin mei meiya natong ho alhasam teijin ahi.
The plans of the diligent tend only to plenty; but every hasty man is [destined] only to want.
6 Jou le nal thoa nei le gou kichom khom jouse amangthah ding bep ahin, thina thang kisong tobang ahibouve.
The getting of treasures by a tongue of falsehood is like the fleeting breath of those that seek death.
7 Thu adih’a tanding mihon anahsah lou jeh un, miphalou pumthoa natong hon pannabei jin asumang jitauve.
The robbery of the wicked will drag them away; because they refuse to execute justice.
8 Themmona neipan lamdih ajot jipon, lungthim thengpa lam lhahna adih jing in ahi.
Perverse is the way of the man that is estranged [from goodness]; but as for the pure, his work is upright.
9 Numei hanse khat toh'in nom khat’a chenkhom sang in, chungden in-vum’a chen ding aphajoi.
It is better to dwell in a corner of a roof, than with a quarrelsome woman in a roomy house.
10 Miphalou lhagao’in thilse jeng bou angai chan, aheng akom in jong ama’a kon’in khotona amu jipoi.
The soul of the wicked longeth for evil: his neighbor findeth no grace in his eyes.
11 Panna beija mi tot chaveipa gotna akipeh teng, milham in chih-nan anei theijin chule miching ho akihil chan in hetna akibelep ji'e.
When the scorner is punished, the simple is made wise: and when the wise is taught intelligence, he receiveth knowledge.
12 Midih chu miphalou in amelchih jing in, miphalou vang chu achunga hamsetna lhung tei ding ahi.
The righteous regardeth attentively the house of the wicked; [but God] overturneth the wicked into unhappiness.
13 Koi hileh migenthei akateng kijahmosah chu, ama kana ahung lhun teng koiman ajah phah peh lou ding ahi.
Whoso stoppeth his ears against the cry of the poor, he also will cry himself, but shall not be answered.
14 Aguh’a kipa thilpeh hin alunghang jong adamsah thei jin, koima hetlouva nehguh kipe hin lungsat jong adaisah jitai.
A gift in secret pacifieth anger, and a bribe in the bosom, strong fury.
15 Thu adih’a kitan hin midih akipasah in, hinlah miphalou ho ding in tijat umtah ahi.
It is joy to the righteous to execute justice; but it is a terror to wrong-doers.
16 Mi koi hileh hetkhen themna’a kon lamvaija vahmang chan chu, mithi hotoh kivop khomna ding mun ajot ahitai.
The man that wandereth astray out of the way of intelligence shall rest in the assembly of the departed.
17 Tahsa nopsahna lamjeng lhangai hochun vaichatna akimudiu ahin, koi hijongleh jule noplenna-a kipe hochu itihchan hijongleh haodoh loudiu ahi.
He that loveth pleasure will be a man of want: he that loveth wine and oil will not become rich.
18 Koi hileh min akhoto ding jeng ngaicha a chu, vaicha pum’a umjing ding, chule ju-a lop jong haodoh thei lou ding ahi.
The wicked shall be a ransom for the righteous, and the treacherous shall be put in the stead of the upright.
19 Numei lungkhoh le lungsa jing, jia neija chen khom sang in, thei phahlou neldi gam’a chen aphajoi.
It is better to dwell in a desert land, than with a quarrelsome and vexatious woman.
20 Miching chenna in-ah nei le gou lutah tah aum in, hinlah mingol in abonchan ane-mang jitai.
There are a desirable treasure and oil in the dwelling of the wise; but a foolish man will swallow it up.
21 Koi hileh chonphatna lam khohsah a, chule mi khotona neipa chun jabolna amu tei ding ahi.
He that pursueth righteousness and kindness will find life, righteousness, and honor.
22 Miching mihatpa chenna khopi jong akholchil soh keijin, chule akisonpi pen-u kulpi jong alekhup’a asuhchim hel ding ahi.
A wise man scaleth the city of the mighty, and casteth down the strength in which they trusted.
23 Koi hileh thipkhen cha um’a lei kituh tang chu, gim le hesohna’a jong kivengdoh ding ahi.
Whoso guardeth his mouth and his tongue guardeth his soul against distresses.
24 Mi noise le kiletsahna jong hi, pannabeija tot chaveipa kiseina ahibouve.
The presumptuous and proud, scorner is his name, dealeth in the wrath of presumption.
25 Mi thase ho chu aduchat uvin achamlou’a thina alhut ahi. Ajeh chu amahon akhut-u mangcha’a natoh ding anom pouve.
The longing of the slothful will kill him; for his hands refuse to labor.
26 Miphalou hon nitin in anei asit jing un, miching in anei ahom in, akile lah ngai poi.
All the day he feeleth a great longing; but the righteous giveth and withholdeth not.
27 Miphalou ho kilhaina gantha chu thet umtah ahina chungchon in, phatlouna lungpun hin phaldoh taleu, ichan geija thet um cheh ding hitam!
The sacrifice of the wicked is an abomination: how much more, when he bringeth it with a sinful purpose?
28 Jou le nal seija hettohsah’a pang ho suhbeija um ding, hinlah adih’a hettohsah’a pangpa thusei min angaipeh jing ding ahi.
A lying witness shall perish; but the man that is obedient [to the law] can speak for ever.
29 Miphalou chu adihlou’in aki ngamsah jin, hinlah midih chun atoh masang in ageltoh masa jin ahi.
A wicked man showeth impudence in his face; but as for the upright, he will consider well his way.
30 Mihem chihna le hetkhen themna chule aguh a kithumop themna chengsea kon hin, Pakai deh-jou ding aum poi.
There is no wisdom nor understanding nor counsel against the Lord.
31 Galsat nikhoa manchah din sakol gonsan aum in, hinlah gal-jona hi Pakaija kon bou ahi.
The horse is prepared for the day of battle; but with the Lord is the victory.

< Thuchihbu 21 >