< Thempu Dan 18 >

1 Pakai, Pathen in Mose henga hiti hin thu aseipeh in,
And Jehovah spoke to Moses, saying,
2 Israel chate henga seipeh inlang, Keima hi nangho Pakai, na Pathen u-chu kahi, ati.
Speak unto the children of Israel, and say unto them, I am Jehovah your God.
3 Nang hon na bonchauva masanga Egypt gamsunga, nachen laiyuva nachonna bang un, Keiman kahinpui lutna Canaan gam'a vang nachon louhel diu ahi. Amaho chonna dan jouse hi najui lou diu ahi.
After the doings of the land of Egypt, wherein ye dwelt, shall ye not do; and after the doings of the land of Canaan, whither I bring you, shall ye not do; neither shall ye walk in their customs.
4 Nanghon na bonchauva keima chonna dan jeng nanit diu, nunle khan tohthoa keima chonna dan aboncha najui diu ahi. Ajeh chu keima nang ho Pakai leh Pathen kahi.
Mine ordinances shall ye do and my statutes shall ye observe to walk therein: I am Jehovah your God.
5 Hijeh chun nabonchauva keima chondan jouse le chonna dan aboncha, nun le khan tohthoa nanit jing diu ahi, hichu nit ding chua kona hinna ahiye, ajeh chu keima Pakai chu kahi.
And ye shall observe my statutes and my judgments, by which the man that doeth them shall live: I am Jehovah.
6 Nangho jouse leh pasal kiti phot in aki naipi ainko ham chu, ajotlut a anih ahopeh louhel ding ahi. Pakai le Pathen keima kaum jing e.
No one shall approach to any that is his near relation, to uncover his nakedness: I am Jehovah.
7 Nanu sagoh keoham, napa delchen nasut peh thei louhel ding, nanu nih chen le sil jong naho peh thei louhel ding ahi; ajeh chu ama nahingnu ahin, nangman anih chu naho peh louhel ding ahi.
The nakedness of thy father, and the nakedness of thy mother, shalt thou not uncover: she is thy mother: thou shalt not uncover her nakedness.
8 Napa jinu nih chen jong naho lou ding, hichu nabol khah ngai ngai leh napa delchen nasut tobang ahi.
The nakedness of thy father's wife shalt thou not uncover: it is thy father's nakedness.
9 Napa akona na numei channu hihen, nanu akona numei chanu hi jongleh, hiche na sopi numei chu insung akona peng hihen kholgama kona peng hijong leh, anih naho peh louhel ding ahi.
The nakedness of thy sister, the daughter of thy father, or daughter of thy mother, born at home, or born abroad — their nakedness shalt thou not uncover.
10 Na chapate chanu, na tunu te ham khat chu anih na hopeh louhel ding ahi; ajeh chu na tute nihchen na hodoh peh chu nangma le nangmaa kihoh doh peh tobang nahi.
The nakedness of thy son's daughter, or of thy daughter's daughter — their nakedness shalt thou not uncover; for theirs is thy nakedness.
11 Nangman napa jinu chanu ham, napa akona hungpeng numei chu anih naho peh louhel ding ahi, hiche nu chu na sopinu ahi.
The nakedness of thy father's wife's daughter, begotten of thy father: she is thy sister: thou shalt not uncover her nakedness.
12 Nangman napa sopi numei jeng jong anih na hodoh peh louhel ding ahi, hiche nu chu napa dings sopi kinai cha ahi.
The nakedness of thy father's sister shalt thou not uncover: she is thy father's near relation.
13 Nanu sopi numei jong anih nahopeh thei louhel ding, nanu akona asopi numei akinai picha ahibouve.
The nakedness of thy mother's sister shalt thou not uncover; for she is thy mother's near relation.
14 Napa sopipa delchen jong nalhep peh lou ding, ajinu jong nanailut thei lou ding ahi, ajeh chu nang dia nanu ngahnu ahi.
The nakedness of thy father's brother shalt thou not uncover; thou shalt not approach his wife: she is thine aunt.
15 Namou nu jeng jong anih na hodoh lou ding ahi, ajeh chu amanu hi nangma chapa dia ajinu ahin, anih na hodoh thei louhel ding ahi.
The nakedness of thy daughter-in-law shalt thou not uncover: she is thy son's wife; thou shalt not uncover her nakedness.
16 Na sopipa jinu nih jong na hodoh peh thei lou ding, ajeh chu amanu chu na sopipa nabolna tobang bang hi ding ahi.
The nakedness of thy brother's wife shalt thou not uncover: it is thy brother's nakedness.
17 Numei khat chu anih na hodoh pehtah jong leh, achanu chu anih na hopeh louhel ding ahi; chule hiche numei nu chapa le chanu hihen achanu hijong leh, anih hodoh dia na kipui thei lou ding, amaho cheng chu nangdia na kinaipi tikhat nahiuvin, hichu nabol khah tah leh gitlounaa chon chu na hitai.
The nakedness of a woman and her daughter shalt thou not uncover; thou shalt not take her son's daughter, nor her daughter's daughter, to uncover her nakedness: they are her near relations: it is wickedness.
18 Chule numei khat chu asopinu dam lai sung sea, asopinu chu anih hodoh peh dia napui thei louhel ding ahi.
And thou shalt not take a wife to her sister, to vex her, to uncover her nakedness beside her, during her life.
19 Numei chu a thinei pet a na nai lut a anih na hopeh lou hel ding ahiye.
And thou shalt not approach a woman in the separation of her uncleanness to uncover her nakedness.
20 Nangman kiphal theng tah dana na in hengpa jinu chu luppi ding lung na vop lou hel ding, amanu chutoh chonset a na lhalut a na kisuh boh thei lou ding ahi.
And thou shalt not lie carnally with thy neighbour's wife, to become unclean with her.
21 Na chate khat a khat cha jong meiya govam ding chule Molech adia na todoh lou hel ding, hiche hoa kona chu na Pakai le Pathen min nasuh thang theilou ding ahi, ajeh chu keima Pathen kahi.
And thou shalt not give of thy seed to let them pass through [the fire] to Molech, neither shalt thou profane the name of thy God: I am Jehovah.
22 Pasal hi numei tobang banga na luppi thei louhel ding, hichu thet umtah thil bol ahi.
And thou shalt not lie with mankind as one lieth with a woman: it is an abomination.
23 Kiphal theng tah dana gancha nanai lut a na luppi lou hel ding ahi, hitobang chu chonset ahibouve, numei jeng jong kiphal thengtah a gancha angsunga kona kido louhel ding ahi, hichu conset lah a gitlouna lenpen khat ahi.
And thou shalt lie with no beast to become unclean therewith; and a woman shall not stand before a beast to lie down with it: it is confusion.
24 Hichengsea kon hin nangho chonset a lhalut hihhel un, ajeh chu keima tah in nang ho masang a namtin vaipi kadohna chu hitobanga ana chonset khah jih-u ahi.
Make not yourselves unclean in any of these things; for in all these have the nations which I am casting out before you made themselves unclean.
25 Hitia chu gamle leiset jong ana suhboh uva ahitai; hichea kona chu themmo channa talent kamat sah ahin, hitobanga chu agam leiset a cheng mite jouse jong acham loua kitol mang ahitauve.
And the land hath become unclean; and I visit the iniquity thereof upon it, and the land vomiteth out its inhabitants.
26 Nanghon nabonchauva keima chonna dan ngai le ka chonna jouse hi nit soh keiyun; agama cheng hihen ahilouleh, nalah uva kona hung kholjin hijong leh, hitia thet umtah thil ho hi khat a khat cha jong nabol thei louhel diu ahi.
But ye shall observe my statutes and my judgments, and shall not commit any of all these abominations: the home-born, and the stranger that sojourneth among you;
27 Ajeh chu thil thet umtah hicheng jouse hi, nang ho masanga cheng mite nana bolu ahitan; hiti chun agam jeng jong ana suboh tauvin ahi.
(for all these abominations have the men of the land done, who were before you, and the land hath been made unclean);
28 Tun nanghon agam hi suboh kit leuchun, nangho masanga ana cheng namtin vaipi te bang banga chu nache doh jeng diu ahi.
that the land vomit you not out, when ye make it unclean, as it vomited out the nation that was before you.
29 Koihi jongleh hitobang thil thet umtah'a kona chonkha aum ngai ngai leh, hitobang bol kha mihem chu nang ho jouse lah akona pampeiya um jeng ding ahi.
For whoever committeth any of these abominations, ...the souls that commit them shall be cut off from among their people.
30 Keima thupeh hi nanit jeng diu, namasang uva mite nana bolsau thet umtah chondan chengse hi, nabol louhel diu ahi, hichea kon chun kisuboh hihhel un, Keima hi nangho Pakai le na Pathen u-kahi, ati.
And ye shall observe my charge, that ye commit not [any] of the abominable customs which were committed before you; and ye shall not make yourselves unclean therein: I am Jehovah your God.

< Thempu Dan 18 >