< Thempu Dan 13 >

1 Pakaiyin Mose le Aaron henga, hiti hin thu aseipeh lhon in.
And the Lord spoke unto Moses and unto Aaron, saying,
2 Koitobang khat chu atahsa vun pomdoh aboldoh ham, ahilouleh adul doh a ham auma ahileh, hiche natna akona chu avun ahung pat doh a, ahung phah lha dia ginmo ahileh, amapa chu thempupa Aaron kom ham ahilouleh achapate thempu ho heng lama puiding ahi.
If a man shall have in the skin of his flesh a swelling, a rising, or a bright spot, and it might become in the skin of his flesh the plague of leprosy: then shall he be brought unto Aaron the priest, or unto one of his sons the priests.
3 Chuteng thempu pan atahsa pat laichu avet peh ding, hiche atipat laiya amulse chu akan tom ding, chule hiche atahsa pat laichu atahsa vunpotho sanga asunglut joham khat akimu leh, hitobang tipat natna chu aphah veiya ahi; thempu pan ama chu avet lhah ding, hitobang natna nei mihem chu thempu pan ama hi aphah ahin abohtai, aphondoh ding ahi.
And if the priest shall see the plague in the skin of the flesh, and the hair in the plague be turned white, and the appearance of the plague be deeper than the skin of his flesh: it is a plague of leprosy; and [so soon as] the priest shall see him, he shall pronounce him unclean.
4 Atipat lai avunbeh chu akan chah ding, akang laichu avun tho sunga alut loulai leh, atahsaa amul jong akan chah loulai ahileh, hiche natna neipa chu thempu pan nisagi sunga angai banga ajehsah ding,
But if it be a white bright spot in the skin of his flesh, and its appearance be not deeper than the skin, and the hair be not turned white: then shall the priest shut up the plague seven days.
5 Chule nisagi lhinni leh thempu pan avela avet lhah kit ding, chuteng thempupa mitmu changa anat chu a oldoma, ati pat jeng jong avun beh dang hoa achalbe tahlouva ahileh, hiche natna neipa chu thempu pan ni sagi sung vet a akoi ding ahi.
And the priest shall see him on the seventh day; and, behold, if the plague have remained unchanged in its appearance, the plague have not spread in the skin: then shall the priest shut him up seven days more.
6 Ni sagi ahung lhin kit nikho tengleh thempu pan natna neipa chu avela avet lhah kit ding, atipat na chu avom doh a, atahsa chung dang hoa atipat chu achalbe tah louva ahileh, amapa chu thempu pan akisutheng ahitai, tia phondohna anei ding ahi. Hiche tipat chu tahsa chung boldoh tobang ahin, hiche natna neipa tipat neipa chun, aponsil ho akisop theng ding chuteng athenga um thei ding ahi.
And the priest shall see him again on the seventh day; and, behold, if the plague be somewhat pale, and the plague have not spread in the skin: then shall the priest pronounce him clean; it is a rising, and he shall wash his clothes, and be clean.
7 Hinlah thempu pan avet lhah jou nung jenga jong, atibol chu avunbeh dang hoa achalbe nah laiya ahileh, thempupa heng lama avela che kit ding ahi.
But if the rising should spread abroad in the skin, after he hath been seen by the priest for his cleansing, he shall be seen again by the priest.
8 Chuteng thempu pan avet lhah ding, atibol chu atahsa vun danga achal bea ahileh, hichea chu thempu pan ama chu atheng lou ahitai, ti aphondohna anei ding ahi.
And if the priest see that, behold, the rising have spread abroad in the skin, then shall the priest pronounce him unclean: it is leprosy.
9 Mihem khat chu tiphah natna anei tengleh, thempupa heng lama puiding,
If the plague of leprosy happen to be on a man, then shall he be brought unto the priest;
10 Chuteng thempu pan tiphah nat veipa chu avet lhah ding, avun beh a chu akang tobang adul doh a, hiche akang lai chun atahsa mul kisan akan sah tah a, adul doh lai akona avouso thah akimu doh khah a ahileh,
And the priest shall see, and, behold, if there be a white swelling in the skin, and the hair in it have turned white, or there be a trace of healthy flesh in the swelling:
11 Hiche natna chu anapa tahsa vun sung thoa lut ahitan, chuteng thempu pan nantna neipa chu athenglou ahitai, ti aphondohna snri ding, vet a jong akoitah lou ding, hichepa chu atheng lou aboh a kisim ding ahi.
It is an inveterate leprosy in the skin of his flesh, and the priest shall pronounce him unclean; he shall not shut him up, for he is unclean.
12 Chule hiche tiphah natna chu atahsa vun hoa achan soh tah a, hichea chu phah natna veipa chun thempupa mu theiya, aluchang apat akengto phang chan, phah natna chun atom lhah a ahileh,
And if the leprosy break out abroad in the skin, and the leprosy cover all the skin of [him that hath] the plague from his head even to the feet, so far as the eyes of the priest can see:
13 Amapa chu thempu pan hoitah a vet lhahna anei ding, hichea jong chu tiphah natna chun amapa chu atom lhah jing tah ahileh, thempu pan amapa chu hiche tiphah natna anei jeh’a chu, atheng lou aboh ahitai, tia aphondoh ding, hinlah aphah natna atina khem hojouse chu akan doh a ahileh, amapa chu athenga kisim ding ahi.
If now the priest should see, that, behold, the leprosy have covered all his flesh, he shall pronounce the plague clean; it is all turned white, he is clean.
14 Chule amapa tahsa chunga chu avouthah akisebea ahileh, atheng louva umnalai ding ahi.
But on the day that healthy flesh appeareth therein, he shall be unclean.
15 Amapa vouthah kisepbe lai chu thempu pan avet ding, atheng lou ahitia aphondoh ding ahi; ajeh chu vouthah kisep doh kiti hi atheng lou ahin, hichu tiphah natna ahi.
And the priest shall see the healthy flesh, and pronounce him to be unclean; the healthy flesh is unclean, it is the leprosy.
16 Hinlah tichunga natna chu akhip tah a ahung kan doh khah a ahileh, tiphah natna veipa chu thempu heng lama hung ding,
Or if the healthy flesh turn again, and be changed unto white, he shall come unto the priest;
17 Amapa chu thempun avet lhah ding, anatna tiphah chu ahung kansoh a akikhenna auma ahileh, hichea chu thempu pan tiphah natna veipa chu aphahna akona athengdoh ahitai, amapa hi athengtai tia aphondoh ding ahi.
And if the priest see him, and, behold, the plague be turned into white: then shall the priest pronounce the plague clean, he is clean.
18 Mihem khattou tahsa chunga uilut neiya, pomdoh aum khah leh,
And if there be a person who hath had in his skin an inflammation, and hath been healed,
19 Hiche tina maha akona chu anai kang ahung umdoh khah a, asan le akang kihal ahung pomdoh thaa ahileh, hitobang natna chu thempupa henga vetlhahna nei ding ahi.
And if there be on the place of the inflammation a white swelling, or a white and dark red bright spot, he shall be shown to the priest;
20 Thempu pan vet lhahna anei ding, hiche natna chu avun tho sanga asung lut joh a, atahsa mul jeng jong akang ahung umdoh khah a ahileh, amapa chu thempu pan atheng lou ahitai, ti aphondohna anei ding ahi. Ajeh chu hitobang natna chu tiphah ahin uilut lima hung sohdoh ahi.
And if the priest see, and, behold, its appearance be lower than the skin, and the hair thereof have been turned white: then shall the priest pronounce him unclean, it is the plague of leprosy broken out in the inflammation.
21 Ahinlah thempu pan avet lhah a tina mahaa beh, atahsa mul ho kang doh nailou anatna jeng jong asung thoa lut nailou, tina maha nai jong avom nah laiya ahileh, hichepa chu thempu pan ni sagi sunga vet a aum sah ding ahi.
But if the priest see it, and, behold, there be no white hair therein, and if it be not lower than the skin, and it be pale: then shall the priest shut him up seven days.
22 Hiche natna chu atahsa chunga achalbe khah a ahileh vang, amapa chu thempu pan atheng lou ahitai, ti aphondohna anei ding, hiche jeng jong hi phahnat vei ahi.
And if it now spread abroad in the skin, then shall the priest pronounce him unclean: it is the plague [of leprosy].
23 Hiche anatn chu ati chung munkhat seh a sohdoh chalbe louva aumleh, hiche tiphah chu uilut ahiin, hichea chu thempu pan amapa chu atheng e, tia aphondoh ding ahi.
But if the bright spot remain in its place, and spread not, it is a scar of the inflammation; and the priest shall pronounce him clean.
24 Meiyin mihem tahsa chu akah khah a, meikahna avun beh le avouso chu ahung dul doh a, asan le akang kihel, akang ham ahung sodoh tah a ahileh,
Or if there be a person in whose skin there is a place burnt by fire, and the mark of the burning become a bright spot, white and dark red, or white;
25 Hichea chu thempu pan anat nalai meikah lai chu avet lhah peh ding, anat nalai a atahsa timul geiya ahung kan doh khah a chule avun tho sunga asunglut khahtaa ahileh, hichu phah natna ahin, meiyin akah na maha chu hung soh oh a ahitan, thempupan amapa chu atheng loua ahitai, ti aphondohna anei ding ahi, ajeh chu hiche natna chu phah natna ahi.
And if the priest see it, and, behold, the hair in the bright spot have been turned white, and its appearance be deeper than the skin: it is leprosy, broken out in the fire-wound; and the priest shall pronounce him unclean, it is the plague of leprosy.
26 Hinlah anatna chu thempu pan vetlhahna aneiya, anatna behkah timul jeng jong akang asohdoh nailou, anatna chu avuntho sung jenga jong lutnai louva, avom den nah laiya ahileh, thempu pan amapa chu ni sagi sunga vet a aum sah ding ahi.
But if the priest see it, and, behold, there be in the bright spot no white hair, and it be not lower than the skin, and it be pale: then shall the priest shut him up seven days.
27 Thempu pan jong ni sagi alhin nikho tengleh avela avet lhah kit ding, anatna chu avunbeh dang hoa achalbe khah a ahileh, hichea chu thempu pan nat veipa chu athengloua ahitai, ti aphondohna anei ding ahi.
And the priest shall see him on the seventh day: if now it have spread abroad in the skin, then shall the priest pronounce him unclean: it is the plague of leprosy.
28 Ahin hiche anatna chu munbeh khat bouva auma chule avunbeh dang hoa chalbe talouva, hitia chu avunbeh khat bou aumden tah a, avun chu avom ahikhah leh, meiyin akah jeh’a hung duldoh a ahin, thempu pan hitobang ho chu atheng lou ahipoi tia, phondohna anei ding ahi, meiyin akahna maha chu akhem hung sohdoh kha ahi.
And if the bright spot remain in its place, [and] it have not spread abroad in the skin, and it be pale: it is a swelling of the fire-wound; and the priest shall pronounce him clean; for it is a scar of the fire-wound.
29 Pasal leh numei khat pen pen in aluchang, akha lhang dona tina anei khah a ahileh,
And if there be a man or woman on whom there arise a plague, on the head or on the beard;
30 Hichu thempu pan avet lhah ding, anatna chu avun thosunga alut khah a ahileh, atina maha beh a atahsa mul jeng jong eng lilih a auma, voichet chut dana aum khah a ahileh; hiche natna veipa chu thempu pan atheng louva ahitia, phondohna anei ding ahi. Ajeh chu hitobang natna chu tithah phah natna ahin, hichu lu chung leh kha lhang chana chal lut thei ahi.
Then shall the priest see the plague; and, behold, if its appearance be deeper than the skin, and there be in it a yellow thin hair: then shall the priest pronounce him unclean, it is a dry scall, it is the leprosy of the head or of the beard.
31 Hinlah hiche natna veipa chu thempu pan avetlhah nung jenga jong avuntho sung nunga asung lut hih laiya, atina maha beh a atahsa mul doh nailou ahileh, hiche natna tithah veipa chu thempu pan ni sagi sunga vet a aum sah ding ahi.
And if the priest see the plague of the scall, and, behold, its appearance be not deeper than the skin, and there be no black hair in it: then shall the priest shut up the plague of the scall seven days.
32 Chule ni sagi lhin nikho tengleh, thempu pan vetlhahna aneipeh ding, ki thejal louva anatna tithah chu auma, anatna beh kah jenga jong atahsa mul eng kimuloua, tithah natna jeng jong avunthoa asunglut loudana akimu a ahileh,
And the priest shall see the plague on the seventh day; and, behold, if the scall have not spread, and there be in it no yellow hair, and the appearance of the scall be not deeper than the skin:
33 Hiche tithah veipa chun amatah in atahsa mul aki vochai ding, atithah nabeh lai vang chu ahoi ding ahi; chuteng leh thempu pan hiche tithah veipa chu ni sagi sunga vet a aum sah ding ahi.
Then shall he be shaved, but the scall he shall not shave; and the priest shall shut up the scall seven days more.
34 Nisagi lhin nikho le thempu pan atithah natna chu avet lhah peh kit ding, atithah natna chu avunbeh hoa chalbe talouva, avuntho sung nunga jong sunglut louva auma ahileh, thempu pan tithah veipa chu atheng ahitai, ti aphondohna anei ding ahi. Chuteng amapa chun aponsil jouse akisop lhah ding, athenga um ding ahi.
And the priest shall see the scall on the seventh day; and, behold, if the scall have not spread in the skin, and its appearance be not deeper than the skin: then shall the priest pronounce him clean, and he shall wash his clothes, and be clean.
35 Itobang khat a athengtai, tia athenga aum nung jenga jong, ati chung dunga ahung chalbe khah a ahileh,
But if the scall should spread abroad in the skin after his being pronounced clean:
36 Avela thempu pan hiche tithah veipa natna chu avet lhah peh kit a, atithah natna chu atahsa chung dang hoa achalbe khahtah a ahileh, hichea thempua pang ding chun atahsa mul a-eng ham a-eng lou ham ti, khol talouva hichepa chu atheng lou ahitai, ati jeng ding ahi.
Then shall the priest see him; and, behold, if the scall have spread in the skin, the priest shall not seek for the yellow hair; he is unclean.
37 Hinlah thempupa mitmua atithah natna chu akinga dana auma atithah beh jong, atahsa mulvom ahung kedoh a, atithah natna jong adam ding tah a ahileh, amapa chu atheng ahitan, hiche jeh’a chu thempu pan jong amapa chu athenga ahitai, ti aphondohna anei ding ahi.
But if the scall have remained stationary in its color, and black hair have grown up therein: the scall is then healed, he is clean; and the priest shall pronounce him clean.
38 Pasal hileh numei hileh atahsa chung aboldoh a, akang ahung sohdoh a duldoh khat tou anei khah leh,
And if there be a man or a woman having in the skin of their flesh bright spots, white bright spots;
39 Ahung boldoh lai chu vet lhahna thempupan anei ding, atahsa dullai chu akan dup hela, ati chunga kona soh maimai ahivang leh, hichu avunthoa hung kimu chen ahitan, hiche pachu athenga um ding ahi.
And if the priest do see, and, behold, there are in the skin of their flesh bright spots, pale and white: it is a freckly eruption grown in the skin; he is clean.
40 Mihem koitobang khat chu, alujang sam pullha chai keiya auma alu kisan atolleua ahileh, amapa chu atheng ahi.
And if there be a man whose hair of the head fall off, he is a bald head; he is clean.
41 Chule mikhat tou achal sam jouse apullhah a, alujang sam jouse apul lhah a adetol leuva leh amapa chu atheng ahi.
And if from the side of his face his hair fall off, he is forehead-bald; he is clean.
42 Adetol lai ahin achal sam tollai ahin, hiche beh a kona chu avun san tobang ahung dul doh a ahileh, hitobang natna chu asung lama kona tithah natna hung sohdoh ahin, hichu adeh tollai le achalsam tollai achu hung sohdoh ahi.
But if there be on the bald head, or the bald forehead, an eruption, white and dark red: it is the leprosy sprung up on his bald head, or his bald forehead.
43 Chuteng thempu pan amapa chu avet lhah ding, adeh tollai ham achal sam tollai mun hama, tin ahung sohdoh chu, tahsa chunga tithah natna banga agel khah tah leh,
And the priest shall see him; and, behold, if the swelling of the eruption be white and dark red on his bald head, or on his bald forehead, like the appearance of the leprosy on the [other parts of the] skin of the flesh:
44 Hiche pachu aphah ahitan, atheng louva ahitai, tia aphondoh ding, hiche pa chun alujang chunga natna chu akipoh ding ahitai.
He is a leprous man, he is unclean; the priest shall pronounce him unclean; his plague is on his head.
45 Hitobang natna tithah vei mi chun ponse jong akisil ding, alujang sam aput lhai ding, amuh chung geiya pon'a aki toma, aboh, aboh tia penga asap ding ahi.
And the leper on whom the plague is, his clothes shall be rent, and his head shall be bare, and he shall cover himself up to his upper lip, and, Unclean, unclean, shall he call out.
46 Ama tobanga natna nei mihem chun, adammo sungsea atheng louva um ding ahi, ajeh chu aboh ahitan, amachu achangseh'a polam ngahmun tiphah ho umna muna cheng ding ahi.
All the days whereon the plague which rendereth unclean is on him, he shall be unclean; alone shall he dwell; without the camp shall his habitation be.
47 Ponsil dunga tithah natna anat khah tah a ahileh: samul pon hihen, tupat ponnem hileh,
And if there be a garment on which there arise a plague of leprosy, whether it be on a woollen garment, or on a linen garment;
48 Adung le avaiya kikhong tupet ponnem hihen, samul pon hihen, savun hihen ipi savun a kisem hijong leh,
Whether it be on the warp, or on the woof; of linen, or of woollen; whether on a skin, or on any thing made of skin;
49 Hiche ponsil chunga chu tina maha ahung dul liuva, asan jong ahung sodoh a ahileh, hiche ponsil chu man lutah a adung avai kipheh a kikhong hijong leh, savuna kikhong hihen ipi savuna ponsil kikhong hijong leh, hiche natna chu tithah phah natna ahin, thempupa heng lama puiya vetsah ding ahi.
And the plague be dark green or dark red, on the garment, or on the skin, or on the warp, or on the woof, or on any article made of skin: it is the plague of leprosy; and it shall be shown unto the priest.
50 Thempu pan anatna chu avet lhah soh keijya, hiche natna vei mihem chu nisagi sung vet a um ding ahi.
And the priest shall see the plague, and shut up the plague seven days.
51 Ni sagi lhin nikho tengleh thempupan avela vet lhahna anei kit ding, hichea jong chu anatna posila achalbe nalai leh, aponsil chu adung avaiya kipheh a chalchep a kikhong hihen, savun thoa kikhong hihen, ipi tobang hihen, savun jat jat a kikhong hijong leh, anatna chu tiphah natna ahin, hijeh achu aponsil pen pen chu atheng lou ahitai.
And if he see the plague on the seventh day, that the plague have spread in the garment, either in the warp, or in the woof, or in the skin, or in any article that is made of skin: the plague is a corroding leprosy; it is unclean.
52 Hiche mipa chun aponsil chu meiya agovam ding, adung avaiya kipheh chalchep pon hihen, sa vun hihen, tupat ponnem hileh, ipi sa vuna kisem von hijong leh, natna chunga akona titphah natna ahin, hichu meiya govam ding ahi.
And he shall then burn that garment, whether warp or woof, in woollen or in linen, or any article of skin, whereon the plague is; for it is a corroding leprosy, in fire shall it be burnt.
53 Thempu pan avet a hiche adung avaiya kipheh chalchep a kikhong, ponsil chung lah hihen savuna kisem vonlah hijong leh, anat nachu chalbe louva auma ahileh,
And if the priest shall see, and, behold, the plague have not spread on the garment, either on the warp, or on the woof, or on any article of skin:
54 Hichea chu thempu pan ama ho henga thu aseiya, japi hon nat bena ponsil chu asop ngim diu, chuteng thempu pan hiche ponsil chu ni sagi sunga vet a aum sah ding ahi.
Then shall the priest command that they wash the thing whereon the plague is, and he shall shut it up seven days more.
55 Hiche nat bena ponsil chu akisop ngim soh teng leh thempu pan avela avet lhah ding, natbe na ponsil vang chu akisop ngim jou tah louva ahileh, anatna chu ponsil chung achalbe louvang in, hiche ponsil chu aboh a um ding, tithah natna khem chu ponsil sung lang ham apolang hama abe jong leh hichu meiya govam ding ahi.
And if the priest see, after the plague hath been washed, and, behold, the plague have not changed its color, and the plague have not spread: it is unclean, in fire shalt thou burn it; it is a decay on its inside or on its outside.
56 Thempu pan avet lhah laiya amahon hichu asop ngim thei uva, nat bena beh lai chu avom aum dana ahileh, hiche beh lai kahse chu ponsil vona kona chu abo-eh a apai jeng thei ahi, savuna kisem hihen adung avaiya kipheh chah kheh a ki khong hijong leh,
And if the priest see, and, behold, the plague have become pale after its having been washed: then shall he tear it out from the garment, or from the skin, or from the warp, or from the woof.
57 Hiche jenga jong chu ponsil chung lah ham, adung avaiya kipheh a kikhong ponsil lah ham, savuna kisem von chung ham, chule ipi vona kisem hijong leh, savun von kisem chung jenga jong ahung sodoh a akimu kit nah laiya ahileh, hiche anatpi chu thi loulai ahin, chalbe nalai ahi, abena penvang chu meiya agovam manghel diu ahi.
And if it appear again on the garment, either on the warp, or on the woof, or on any instrument of skin: it is a growing plague; with fire shalt thou burn that whereon the plague is.
58 Ahinlah aponsil ham, savuna kisem von ham ahilouleh ipi pena kisem ponsil hijong leh, savuna kisem jeng jong nasop ngim sel uva; hiche natpi chu abeihela ahileh ani chan nan jong sop kit un, chutileh theng ding ahitai.
And the garment, either the warp or the woof, or every instrument of skin, which thou shalt wash, and the plague depart therefrom, shall be washed the second time, when it shall be clean.
59 Hichea akisei jouse hi tithah natna ham, samul pon chung lah ham, tupat ponnem chung ham, adung avaiya kipheh a kikhong ponsil chung ham, ipi pen vona kisem ponsil chung hihen, savuna kisem hitaleh achunga hiche tithah natna natpi achuh tah jeh a, itilam dola dantoh kitoh a phaham ti, abol ding dan ahi.
This is the law of the plague of leprosy on a garment of woollen or linen, either in the warp, or the woof, or any article of skin, to pronounce it clean, or unclean.

< Thempu Dan 13 >