< Isaiah 66 >

1 Hiche hi Pakaiyin asei chu ahi: Van hi ka Laltouna ahi, chule leiset hi ka kengphang ngapna ahi. Nanghon hou’in phatah nasah jou dingu hinam? Nanghon hitobang kicholdona khat chu neisahpeh dingu ham?
Thus hath said the Lord, The heaven is my throne, and the earth is my footstool: where is there a house that ye can build unto me? and where is the place of my rest?
2 Ka khutnin van le leiset asem gel ahin, amaho le asunga uho jouse keima’a ahi, tin Pakai keiman ka naseije! Keiman akineosah le lungchang kisihna neithei mi ka thuseija kithing thei mi chu phatthei kaboh ding ahi.
For all these things hath my hand made, that all these things came into being, saith the Lord; but upon such a one will I look, upon the poor, and him who is of a contrite spirit, and who trembleth at my word.
3 Hinla ama ama deilam bou kilhenna, amaho chonsetna hobou deilhen miho chu, akikatdohnau thilto ho jong santhei hilou ding ahi. Hitobang miho chun bongchal kilhainan tohdoh jonguleh, hiho chu mihem’a kilhaina kitohdoh tobangbep’a kila ding ahibouve. Ama hon kelngoi atoji tenguleh, uicha’a kilhaina tobang bepma kila ding ahi! Amahon lousoh ga ahinto ji tengu jongleh, amahon vohcha’a kilhaina thilto abol’uva kila ding ahi. Amahon bego a kilhaina aneijiu jongleh, limsemthu phatthei aboh ‘u tobanga kigel ding ahi.
He that slaughtereth the ox, slayeth a man; he that sacrificeth a lamb, breaketh the neck of a dog; he that offereth a meat-offering, [offereth] swine's blood; he that burneth incense, blesseth an idol: yea, they have made choice of their own ways, and in their abominations doth their soul delight.
4 Amahon akichatnau jouseuva hahsatna kasolpeh ding ahi. Ajeh iham itileh amahon kakou petnin eidonbut pouvin, chule keiman kaseipetnin angaipouve. Ka mitmutah’a amahon chonset abol’uvin, chule ija kaselou chu bol dingin akilhen johtauve.
So will I also make choice of their misfortune, and what they dread will I bring upon them; because I called, and none did answer; I spoke, and they did not hear; and they did what is evil in my eyes, and that in which I delighted not did they choose.
5 Hiche thuhi Pakaiya konin ngaijuvin, Athuseija kithing le ging geh’a umho: Namite chun nahot bol’uvin, chule kaminna kitah tah’a napanjeh in nanotthap tauve. Amahon ataitomu’uvin, “Pakai chu jabollin umhen! Ama’a kipah thanomin um'in! tin seijonguleh, amaho chu hung kijumso tei ding ahiuve.
Hear the word of the Lord, ye that tremble at his word: Your brethren that hated you, that cast you out for the sake of my name, said, “Let the Lord be glorified;” but he will appear to your joy, and they shall be made ashamed.
6 Khopi sunga boina ho jouse hi ipi hija ham? Hou’In'a konna ging thethua khu ipi hija ham? Hiche hi Pakai awgin, amelmate ho douna’a athilbol hija ahi!”
[There is] a voice of tumult from the city, a voice from the temple, the voice of the Lord who rendereth recompense to his enemies.
7 Naosonat ahung kipat masanga, Jerusalem’in chapa khat ahingtai
Before she had travailed she brought forth; before yet her pain was come, she was delivered of a man-child.
8 Hitobang thil kidang hi koijin anamu khah em? Hitobang hi kon anajah khah em? Nam khat chu nikho khatseh’a hungpeng thei ding ham? Chomkhat kahlouva gamkhat chu hung kitungdoh thei ding ham? Hinla Jerusalem’in naosonat athoh pat teng, achate hungpeng doh ding ahi.
Who hath heard the like? who hath seen such things? shall a land be made to travail in one day? or shall a nation be born at once? that Zion hath travailed, also brought forth her children?
9 Hiche nam mite hi naosonat thoh dinga kapuidoh’a ahia napa ahinlou ding hija ham? tin Pakaiyin adongin ahi. Na Pathen chun, “Hilouve, Keiman hiche nam mite hi peng louva kaumlou ding ahi.
Shall I bring to the birth, and not cause to bring forth? saith the Lord; or shall I who cause to bring forth, now prevent it? saith thy God.
10 Jerusalem toh kipah thanomun! Amanu ngailou ho jouse le ama lung hempi jouse, nabonchauvin kipah thanomun.
Rejoice ye with Jerusalem, and be delighted over her, all ye that love her; be highly glad with her, all ye that mourn for her.
11 Chapang sen anu noitwi’a alungmon bang chun amanu aloupina chamkimna chu bulhingsetnin kipa piuvin.
In order that ye may suck, and be satisfied with the breast of her consolations; in order that ye may sip, and find pleasure from the abundance of her glory.
12 Hiche hi Pakaiyin asei ahi: Keiman Jerusalem hi ninglhinna le chamna lui dung kalonsah ding. Chitin-namtin ahenga hunglut dingu, achateu chu noitwija kivah vaset dingu, abantenia apom’a chule aphei chunga atousah ding ahi.
For thus hath said the Lord, Behold, I will extend to her peace like a river, and like a rapid stream the glory of nations, that ye may suck: upon the arm shall ye be borne, and upon knees shall ye be dandled.
13 Minun acha alhamon tobanga keiman nangho hi Jerusalem’a kalhamon ding nahiuve.
As one whom his mother comforteth, so will I comfort you; and in Jerusalem shall ye be comforted.
14 Hiche ho jouse hi namusoh tengleh, nalungsung kipah ding chule hampa banga nakidodoh ding ahi. Mitinin Pakai phattheina khut chu asohte chunga amu thei dingu chule amelmate chunga alunghanna amudiu ahije.
And ye shall see this, and your heart shall be glad, and your bones shall flourish like the grass; and then will be known the hand of the Lord on his servants, and he will be indignant toward his enemies.
15 Ven, Pakai chu meikoutoh kilhonin ahungin chule asakol kangtalai chu huipi hung nung gin tobang'in agingdoh jenge. Aman alunghanna’a gimbol dinga hung ding chule aphosalna meikou tobang hiding ahi.
For, behold, the Lord will come with fire, and his chariots will be like the storm-wind, to send forth his anger with fury, and his threatening with flames of fire.
16 Pakai chun vannoi hi alunghanna le achem jama agimbol ding ahi. Ama’n leiset chung thu atanna Chula mi tampi chu ahintha ding ahi.
For by fire will the Lord judge, and by his sword against all flesh: and many shall be the slain of the Lord.
17 Amaho tah kisuthenguva chule honsung lailunga thingphung nung lama lim semthua kisuthenga- thet umtah vohsale juchasa’a chule thil thenglou hoa kivahvaset ho chu hoisetah’a mangthah ding ahiuve.
They that sanctify themselves, and purify themselves for the gardens, behind one tree in the midst, they who eat the flesh of the swine, and the abomination, and the mouse, together shall they perish, saith the Lord.
18 Amahon ipi abol’u kamudoh theijin chule ipi agellu kahedoh theije. Hijeh’a hi keiman nam jouse le mipite kakhop khom’a chule amahon kaloupina amu dingu ahi.
And I, because of their works and their thoughts, will let it come to pass to gather all the nations and tongues; and they shall come, and shall see my glory.
19 Keiman amaho lah’a melchihna khat kavetsah ding ahi. Chule chitin-namtin lah’a thupoa pang ding ho chu - Tarshis’a, Libia miho lah’a, chule Lydia miho (thalkap them tah’ho tobang lah)’a, Tubal ho le Greek mite ho lah’a chule twikhanglen gal lama umho jouse keiman min jakhalou ho, kaloupina mukhaloulaiho henga kasol ding ahiuve.
And I will display a sign on them, and I will send from them those that escape unto the nations, Tharshish, Pul, and Lud, that draw the bow, Thubal, and Javan, the isles afar off, that have not heard my fame, and have not seen my glory; and they shall proclaim my glory among the nations.
20 Amaho chun chitin ho lah’akonna namite amohthem ho chu ahinpui khom dingu ahi. Amaho chun kalhangtheng Jerusalema amaho chu Pakaiya kilhaina dinga ahin puilut dingu ahi. Amaho chun sakol ho chunga, sakol kangtalaiho chunga chule sangan chungle sangong sangho chunga hungtou’uva hung ding ahiuve, tin Pakaiyin aseije.
And they shall bring all your brethren out of all nations as an offering unto the Lord, upon horses, and in chariots, and in litters, and upon mules, and upon dromedaries, to my holy mountain Jerusalem, saith the Lord, as the children of Israel bring the offering in a clean vessel into the house of the Lord.
21 Chule keiman amaho lah’a abangkhat chu thempua le Levi mia kalhendoh ding ahije, tia keima Pakaijin kaseisa ahitai.
And of them also will I take for priests and for Levites, saith the Lord.
22 Vanthaho le leithah aumden jing ding tobanga chu, nangho jong chu min amangkit theilou kamite nahi jing dingu ahitai, tin Pakaiyin aseije.
For as the new heavens and the new earth, which I will make, shall have permanence before me, saith the Lord, so shall exist permanently your seed and your name.
23 Hapta ahapta seh’a chule lhakhatna kona lhakit geija mihem jouse kahenga keima eihou dia hung hung jeng ding ahiuve.
And it shall come to pass, that from one new moon to the other new moon, and from one sabbath to the other sabbath, shall all flesh come to prostrate themselves before me, saith the Lord.
24 Chule amaho chu apotdoh tenguleh hitia hi: Tahsa thisa ho ahin laijuva keima eidou ho chun ahin mu dingu ahi. Ajeh chu amaho vallhuma lungtol ho jong chu thilou hel dingu ahi, chule amaho gou dinga mei jong chu itih’a mit thei talou ding chule lampia hungvah le ho jouse chun kidang asahuva tija ding ahiuve.
And they shall go forth, and look upon the carcasses of the men that have transgressed against me; for their worm shall not die, nor shall their fire be quenched; and they shall be an abhorrence unto all flesh.

< Isaiah 66 >