< Awiphawng 3 >

1 Sardis khaw awhkaw khan ceityih a venawh qee lah: Vawhkaw awikhqi vetaw Khawsa Myihla khqih ingkaw aihchi khqih ak bawmkung ak awikhqi ni. Na ik-oeih sainaak ce sim nyng, ak hqing a myihna tyk hlai hyk ti thi hyk ti.
And to the aungel of the chirche of Sardis write thou, These thingis seith he, that hath the seuene spiritis of God, and the seuene sterris. Y woot thi werkis, for thou hast a name, that thou lyuest, and thou art deed.
2 Tho lah! ak thi tawm na pum ce tha awm sak lah, ka Khawsa a mik huh awh na ik-oeih sainaak ak soep te am hu nyng.
Be thou wakynge, and conferme thou othere thingis, that weren to diynge; for Y fynde not thi werkis fulle bifore my God.
3 Cedawngawh, ik-oeih na huh ingkaw nang zaak ce poek lah, ce ak awi ce ngai nawhtaw zut lah. Cehlai amna thawh awhtaw, quk-ai a myihna law kawng nyng, ityk awh na venawh ka law tice am sim kawp ti.
Therfor haue thou in mynde, hou thou resseyuedist, and herdist; and kepe, and do penaunce. Therfor if thou wake not, Y schal come as a nyyt theef to thee, and thou schalt not wite in what our Y schal come to thee.
4 Cehlai bainaak amak kawlh thlang a khoeh Sardis khaw awh awm hyn hy. Ce mihkhqi cetaw hik bawk bai kawm usaw kai ing cet haih kawng unyng, cekkhqi cetaw kai mi ceh aham ak tyng khqi ni.
But thou hast a fewe names in Sardis, whiche han not defoulid her clothis; and thei schulen walke with me in whijt clothis, for thei ben worthi.
5 Cekkhqi myihna ak noeng thlangkhqi taw hik bawk bai lawt kawm uh. Anih ang ming ce ityk awh awm hqingnaak cabu khui awhkawng am hqe pe kawng, ka Pa ingqawi khan ceityih haiawh ang ming ce kai ing simpyi lawt kawng.
He that ouercometh, schal be clothid thus with whijt clothis; and Y schal not do awei his name fro the book of lijf, and Y schal knoueleche his name bifore my fadir, and bifore hise aungels.
6 U awm haa ak ta ingtaw, Myihla ing thlangboelkhqi venawh ak kqawn peek awi ce za seh.
He that hath eeris, here he, what the spirit seith to the chirchis.
7 Philadelphia khaw awhkaw thlangboel khan ceityih a venawh qee lah: Ve ak awikhqi vetaw a kut awh David a cabi ak awm, thlakciim ingkaw ak thym ak awi ni. Anih ing am awng ce u ingawm am khai thai kawmsaw, a khaih ce u ingawm am awng thai kaw.
And to the aungel of the chirche of Filadelfie write thou, These thingis seith the hooli and trewe, that hath the keie of Dauid; which openeth, and no man closith, he closith, and no man openith.
8 Na ik-oeih sainaak ce sim nyng. Toek lah, U ingawm ama khaih thai chawh ak awng qu ce na haiawh ta law nyng. Nak tha am awm hlai hy, kak awi ce khoem tiksaw kang ming ce am oelh hyk ti.
I woot thi werkis, and lo! Y yaf bifore thee a dore opened, which no man may close; for thou hast a litil vertu, and hast kept my word, and denyest not my name.
9 Setan a sinakawk na ak awmkhqi, Juda thlang na am awm loei saw ak sa qu thlangkhqi qaai ak kqawnkhqi ce – nangmih a venawh law sak kawng nyngsaw nangmih a khawkung awh khuk sym sak kawng, nangmih kai ing ni lungna nyng tice cekkhqi ing sim kawm uh.
Lo! Y schal yyue to thee of the synagoge of Sathanas, whiche seien that thei ben Jewis, and ben not, but lyen. Lo! Y schal make hem, that thei come, and worschipe byfor thi feet; and thei schulen wite,
10 Kak awipeek ce kawdungnaak ing nami yh a dawngawh kai ingawm khawmdek pum khanawh ak awm thlangkhqi noekdak aham ak law hly kawi kyinaak khuiawh kawng ni hoep khqi kawng.
that Y louyde thee, for thou keptist the word of my pacience. And Y schal kepe thee fro the our of temptacioun, that is to comynge in to al the world, to tempte men that dwellen in erthe.
11 Law nai hawh kawng. U ingawm boei lumyk ce ama ni qawtnaak aham na taak ce ak cakna tu khak lah.
Lo! Y come soone; holde thou that that thou hast, that no man take thi coroun.
12 Ak noeng thlang cetaw ka Khawsa a tempul ak tung na sai kawng nyng. Cawhkawng ityk awh awm am cehta voel kaw. Anih a dawngawh ka Khawsang ming ing ka Khawsa a khawk bau ming ce qee pe kawng nyngsaw; kang ming thai ce awm qee pe kawng.
And hym that schal ouercome, Y schal make a pilere in the temple of my God, and he schal no more go out; and Y schal write on hym the name of my God, and the name of the citee of my God, of the newe Jerusalem, that cometh doun fro heuene of my God, and my newe name.
13 U awm haa ak ta ingtaw, thlangboelkhqi venawh Myihla ing ak kqawn peek awi ce za seh.
He that hath eeris, here he, what the spirit seith to the chirchis.
14 Laodicea khaw awhkaw thlangboel khan ceityih a venawh awh qee lah: Ve ak awikhqi taw Amen, ypawm ingkaw dyihthing thym, Khawsa ik-oeih sai ak ukkung ak awikhqi ni.
And to the aungel of the chirche of Laodice write thou, These thingis seith Amen, the feithful witnesse and trewe, which is bigynnyng of Goddis creature.
15 Na bibinaak ce sim nyng, ding awm am ding tiksaw ling awm am ling hyk ti. Pynoet na na awm qep aham ngaih hlai nyng!
I woot thi werkis, for nether thou art cold, nether thou art hoot; Y wolde that thou were could, ethir hoot;
16 Na oih kqoeng a dawngawh – ling awm am ling hyk ti, ding awm am ding hyk ti – kam khak khuiawh kawng ni sa tawm hawh nyng.
but for thou art lew, and nether cold, nether hoot, Y schal bigynne to caste thee out of my mouth.
17 Namah ingtaw, ‘boei nyng, khawhthem awm ta nyng ikaw awm am ngoe voel nyng,’ tihyk ti. Ngaihak khawbing, qeen ak kap, khawdeng, mikhyp ingkaw ak pum a zal na na awm ce am sim hyk ti.
For thou seist, That Y am riche, and ful of goodis, and Y haue nede of no thing; and thou wost not, that thou art a wretche, and wretcheful, `and pore, and blynde, and nakid.
18 Na boeinaak aham kai a venawh kaw sui mai awh a hloei ce ve thlai lah; chahnaak ak awm ak pum a zal na na awmnaak ce na singdahnaak aham hik bawk ve thlai lah; khaw na huhnaak thai aham miksi ve sak lah.
Y counsele thee to bie of me brent gold, and preued, that thou be maad riche, and be clothid with whijt clothis, that the confusioun of thi nakidnesse be not seen; and anoynte thin iyen with a collerie, that thou se.
19 Ka lungnaak thlang ce toel nyngsaw cuk am kik nyng. Cedawngawh ak thym na awm nawh zut lah.
Y repreue, and chastise whom Y loue; therfor sue thou goode men, and do penaunce.
20 Ngai lah chawmkeng awh dyi nyng saw khoek nyng. U ingawm kak awi ce za nawh chawh ce am awng awhtaw, kun kawng nyng saw anih ing buh ai haih kawng nyng, anih awm kai a venawh awm lawt kaw.
Lo! Y stonde at the dore, and knocke; if ony man herith my voys, and openith the yate to me, Y shal entre to hym, and soupe with hym, and he with me.
21 Kai ing ka noeng a dawngawh ka Pa a ngawihdoelh awh ka ning ngawih haih amyihna, ak noeng thlang cetaw boei ngawihdoelh awh kai ing ngawih haih thainaak ce pe kawng.
And Y schal yyue to hym that schal ouercome, to sitte with me in my trone, as also Y ouercam, and sat with my fadir in his trone.
22 U awm haa ak ta ingtaw, Myihla ing thlangboelkhqi venawh ak kqawn peek awi ce za seh.
He that hath eeris, here he, what the spirit seith to the chirchis.

< Awiphawng 3 >