< Awiphawng 20 >

1 A dytnaak amak awm lawk-kqawng cabi ingkaw kenqui pawm law nawh khan nakawng anuk law khan ceityih pynoet ce hu nyng. (Abyssos g12)
And Y say an aungel comynge doun fro heuene, hauynge the keie of depnesse, and a greet chayne in his hoond. (Abyssos g12)
2 Anih ing thlim, syn awhkaw khqui kqym Setan ce tuk nawh kum thongoet khui thawng thla hy.
And he cauyte the dragoun, the elde serpent, that is the deuel and Sathanas; and he boonde hym bi a thousynde yeeris.
3 a dytnaak amak awm lawk-kqawng khuina khawng hy, kum thongoet a boeih hlan dy qampum awhkawng thlang ama thainaak thai ham chawh a khaih coengawh cabi khaih sih hy. Cekcoengawh kawlkalh khuiawh loet sak kaw. (Abyssos g12)
And he sente hym `in to depnesse, and closide on hym, that he disseyue no more the folkis, til a thousynde yeeris be fillid. Aftir these thingis it bihoueth hym to be vnboundun a litil tyme. (Abyssos g12)
4 Awideng thainaak ak hu thlangkhqi ngawihdoelh awh amik ngawi ce hu nyng. Jesu ak awi ingkaw Khawsak awi a ming dyihpyi a dawngawh a hawng awh amik tlyh ang myihla ce hu nyng. Vekkhqi ing qamsatlung ingkaw a myi ce am bawk unawh a talqi ingkaw a kut awh hatnaak awm am ta uhy. A mingmih ce hqing unawh Khrih ingqawi kum thong oet khui boei na uk uhy.
And Y say seetis, and thei saten on hem, and doom was youun to hem. And the soulis of men biheedid for the witnessyng of Jhesu, and for the word of God, and hem that worschipiden not the beeste, nether the ymage of it, nethir token the carect of it in her forheedis, nethir in her hoondis. And thei lyueden, and regneden with Crist a thousynde yeeris.
5 (Kum thongoet a boeih hlan dy ak changkhqi taw am hqing uhy.) Ve ve lamma cyk thawhnaak na awm hy.
Othere of deed men lyueden not, til a thousynde yeeris ben endid. This is the first ayen risynge.
6 Lamma cyk thawhnaak awh ak pakhqi taw zo ak seenkhqi ingkaw ak ciimkhqi na awm uhy. Thihnaak apakkhih ing cekkhqik khanawh ikaw saithainaak am ta voel kaw, cekkhqi taw Khawsa ing Khrih a khawsoeih na awm kawm usaw Khrih ing kum thongoet khui uk haih kawm uh.
Blessid and hooli is he, that hath part in the firste ayenrysyng. In these men the secunde deth hath not power; but thei schulen be prestis of God, and of Crist, and thei schulen regne with hym a thousynde yeeris.
7 Kum thongoet a boeih coeng awhtaw setan ce thawngim khui awhkawng hlah tlaih kaw,
And whanne a thousynde yeeris schulen be endid, Sathanas schal be vnboundun of his prisoun;
8 Khawmdek kil phli awh ak awm qampum thlang ce thainaak aham cet kaw – cetaw Gog ingkaw Magog ni – qaal tuk aham thlang cawi kaw. A doem naak benna taw tuicun ceng awhkaw dizui zah law uhy.
and he schal go out, and schal disseyue folkis, that ben on foure corners of the erthe, Gog and Magog. And he schal gadere hem in to batel, whos noumbre is as the grauel of the see.
9 Khawmdek a boet voel dyna tho unawh Khawsa ing a lungnaak, Khawsa a awmnaak khawk bau ce chung uhy, cehlai khawk khan nakawng mai nung tla law nawh cekkhqi ce ui boeih uhy.
And thei stieden vp on the broodnesse of erthe, and enuyrounede the castels of seyntis, and the louyd citee. And fier cam doun `of God fro heuene, and deuourede hem.
10 Cekcoengawh a mingmih ak thainaakkung qaai ce qamsatlung ingkaw tawngha qawlkhqi ak khawngnaak kat mai tuili khuina khawng hy. Than dai kumqui dy ce a hun awh khuikha kawm uh. (aiōn g165, Limnē Pyr g3041 g4442)
And the deuel, that disseyuede hem, was sent in to the pool of fier and of brymston, where bothe the beeste and fals prophetis schulen be turmentid dai and niyt, in to worldis of worldis. Amen. (aiōn g165, Limnē Pyr g3041 g4442)
11 Ngawihdoelh bawk ingkaw ak cheiawh ak ngawi thlang ce hu nyng, khawmdek ingkaw khan ce a hai awhkawng dawng unawh a awmnaak hun am ta voel uhy.
And Y say a greet white trone, and oon sittynge on it, fro whos siyt erthe fled and heuene; and the place is not foundun `of hem.
12 Cawh thlakthi ak zawi ak bau ngawihdoelh a haiawh dyi unawh cauk ak awng qu hyt ce hu nyng. Ak chang cauk pynoet ak awng qu ce awm hu nyng. Cawhkaw cauk cetaw hqingnaak cauk ni, cauk awh qee amyihna thlakthikhqi ce awideng hy.
And Y sai deed men, grete and smale, stondynge in the siyt of the trone; and bookis weren opened, and deed men weren demed of these thingis that weren writun in the bookis, aftir the werkis of hem.
13 Tuicun awhkaw ak thikhqi ce tuicun ing pe law nawh, thihnaak ingkaw Hades ing lo hy, thlakthikhqi awm pe tlaih hy, thlang boeih ce a mimah a ik-oeih sai amyihna awideng boeih hy. (Hadēs g86)
And the see yaf his deed men, that weren in it; and deth and helle yauen her deed men, that weren in hem. And it was demed of ech, aftir the werkis of hem. (Hadēs g86)
14 Thihnaak ingkaw Hades te mai tuili na khawng hy. Cawhkaw mai tuili cetaw a voeihih thihnaak ni. (Hadēs g86, Limnē Pyr g3041 g4442)
And helle and deth weren sent in to a poole of fier. `This is the secunde deth. (Hadēs g86, Limnē Pyr g3041 g4442)
15 Hqingnaak cauk awh ming amak pa thlang cetaw mai tuili na khawng uhy. (Limnē Pyr g3041 g4442)
And he that was not foundun writun in the book of lijf, was sent in to the pool of fier. (Limnē Pyr g3041 g4442)

< Awiphawng 20 >