< Matthai 8 >

1 Tlang awhkawng ak kqum awh, thlang kqeng khawzah ing a hu awh hquut uhy.
But whanne Jhesus was come doun fro the hil, mych puple suede hym.
2 Cawh mynqaai ak tlo thlang pynoet law nawh a haiawh khuk sym doena, “Bawipa, na ngaih awhtaw ni qoei sak thai hyk ti,” tina hy.
And loo! a leprouse man cam, and worschipide hym, and seide, Lord, if thou wolt, thou maist make me clene.
3 Jesu ing a kut a zyng coengawh anih ce bi hy. “Ngaih nyng, ciimcaih hlah!” tina hy. Kawlhkalh awh a mynqaai ce qoei tlang hy.
And Jhesus helde forth the hoond, and touchide hym, and seide, Y wole, be thou maad cleene. And anoon the lepre of him was clensid.
4 Cawh Jesu ing a venawh, “U a venna awm koeh kqawn moe, ami simnaak aham cet nawh khawsoeih a venawh na pum ce nam huh coengawh, Mosi ak awipeeknaak a myihna ik-oeih nawnnaak ce sai,” tina hy.
And Jhesus seide to hym, Se, seie thou to no man; but go, shewe thee to the prestis, and offre the yift that Moyses comaundide, in witnessyng to hem.
5 Jesu ing Kapernaum khawk khui na a lut awh, qaal boei pynoet ce a venna law nawh, qeennaak thoeh hy.
And whanne he hadde entrid in to Cafarnaum, `the centurien neiyede to him, and preiede him,
6 Bawipa, ka tyihzawih khawn nawh im awh zaih hy, a tlawh nauh hy,” tina hy.
and seide, Lord, my childe lijth in the hous sijk on the palesie, and is yuel turmentid.
7 Jesu ing, “Law nawh qoei sak bit kawng,” tina hy.
And Jhesus seide to him, Y schal come, and schal heele him.
8 Qaal boei ing a venawh, “Bawipa ka im awh law aham am tyng nyng. Awi doengmah kqawn nawhtaw, ka tyihzawih ce qoei bit kaw.
And the centurien answeride, and seide to hym, Lord, Y am not worthi, that thou entre vndur my roof; but oonli seie thou bi word, and my childe shal be heelid.
9 Kai awm uknaak ak kai awh awm lawt nyng. Cedawngawh pynoet na ce, 'Ceh,' ka tinaak awh cet nawh, thlang chang awm, 'Law,' ka tinaak awh law hy; ka tamnaa awm, 'Ve sai ka tinaak awh,' ka ti awh sai lawt hy,” tina hy.
For whi Y am a man ordeyned vndur power, and haue knyytis vndir me; and Y seie to this, Go, and he goith; and to another, Come, and he cometh; and to my seruaunt, Do this, and he doith it.
10 Cek awi ce Jesu ing ang zaak awh, ak kawpoek kyi nawh, ahu awh ak bangkhqi venawh, “Awitak ka nik kqawn peek khqi, Israel khqing lak awh vemyihna cangnaak ak bau am hu nyng.
And Jhesus herde these thingis, and wondride, and seide to men `that sueden him, Treuli Y seie to you, Y foond not so greet feith in Israel.
11 Ka nik kqawn peek khqi, khaw law khaw tlak ben nakawng thlang khawzah law kawm usaw, Abraham, Isak, Jacob mi khawk khan awh buh poei kung awh kutoet na ngawi haih kawm uk ti.
And Y seie to you, that many schulen come fro the eest and the west, and schulen reste with Abraham and Ysaac and Jacob in the kyngdom of heuenes;
12 Cehlai ram cakhqi taw kqangnaak ingkaw hatahnaak a awmnaak, a leng ben khawmthannaak awh khawng kawm uh,” tina khqi hy.
but the sones of the rewme schulen be cast out in to vtmer derknessis; there schal be wepyng, and grynting of teeth.
13 Cekcoengawh Jesu ing qaal boei a venawh, “Cet hlah! nak cangnaak amyihna na venawh saina awm seh,” tina hy. Ce a tym qoe awh ce a tyihzawih awm qoei tlang hy.
And Jhesus seide to the centurioun, Go, and as thou hast bileuyd, be it doon to thee. And the child was heelid fro that hour.
14 Piter a im na Jesu a ceh awh, Piter a senu ce a sa tlo nawh zaih hy.
And whanne Jhesus was comun in to the hous of Symount Petre, he say his wyues modir liggynge, and shakun with feueris.
15 Jesu ing anih ce a kut awh tu hy, cawh anih ce a satlawh ing hlah pahoei hy, tho nawh a mingmih ce do a dan hy.
And he touchide hir hoond, and the feuer lefte hir; and she roos, and seruede hem.
16 Khawmy benawh ak kawk khuiawh qaai ak bekhqi ce law pyi uhy, anih ing qaaikhqi ce hqek nawh thlak tlokhqi boeih ce qoei sak hy.
And whanne it was euen, thei brouyten to hym manye that hadden deuelis, and he castide out spiritis bi word, and heelide alle that weren yuel at ese;
17 Tawngha Isaiah ing: “Amah ing ningnih tha amak awmkhqi ce lo law nawh, ningnih a tlawhnatnaakkhqi ce phyi law hy,” tinawh ak kqawn ce a cupnaak aham na ni.
that it were fulfillid, that was seid by Ysaie, the profete, seiynge, He took oure infirmytees, and bar oure siknessis.
18 A ven awhkaw thlang kqeng ce Jesu ing a huh awh, tuili caqai sa benna ceh aham awi pehy.
And Jhesus say myche puple aboute him, and bade hise disciplis go ouer the watir.
19 Cawh anaa awi cawngpyikung thlang pynoet ce a venawh law nawh, “Cawngpyikung na cehnaak hoei awh bat lawt vang nyng,” tina hy.
And a scribe neiyede, and seide to hym, Maistir, Y shal sue thee, whidir euer thou schalt go.
20 Jesu ing a venawh, “Ngentangkhqi ingawm ak khuikawk ta unawh, khan nakaw phakhqi ingawm bu ta uhy, cehlai thlanghqing Capa ingtaw a lutloengnaak awm am tahy,” tina hy.
And Jhesus seide to hym, Foxis han dennes, and briddis of heuene han nestis, but mannus sone hath not where `he schal reste his heed.
21 Ahu awh ak bat thlak chang pynoet ing, “Bawipa cet nyngsaw ka pa pup cang vang nyng,” tina hy.
Anothir of his disciplis seide to him, Lord, suffre me to go first, and birie my fader.
22 Cehlai Jesu ing a venawh, “Ka hu awh bat law mai, thlak thi ce thlak thi lawt ing pup mai seh,” tina hy.
But Jhesus seide to hym, Sue thou me, and lete deed men birie her deede men.
23 Cekcoengawh lawng khuina ce lut nawh a hubatkhqi awm lut pahoei lawt uhy.
And whanne he was goon vp in to a litil schip, his disciplis sueden hym.
24 Cawh poek kaana khawhli khungdeng nawh tuibak ing lawng ce kup phlet hlo hlo hy. Cehlai Jesu taw ip dut dut hy.
And loo! a greet stiring was maad in the see, so that the schip was hilid with wawes; but he slepte.
25 A hubatkhqi ing thawh unawh, “Bawipa ni hul khqi lah! Tui awh cum hawh kawng u nyng! tina uhy.
And hise disciplis camen to hym, and reysiden hym, and seiden, Lord, saue vs; we perischen.
26 A mingmih a venawh, “Cangnaak ak zawikhqi, kawtih namik kqih?” tinak khqi hy. Cekcoengawh tho nawh khawhli ingkaw tuiphu ce zyi saw, cawhtaw khawhli ingkaw tuiphu ce dym pahoei hy.
And Jhesus seide to hem, What ben ye of litil feith agaste? Thanne he roos, and comaundide to the wyndis and the see, and a greet pesibilnesse was maad.
27 Cekkhqi ce amik kawpoek kyi nawh, “Kawmih ak thlang hy voei nu ve? khawhli ingkaw tuiphu ingawm ak awi ngai pe uhy! ti uhy.
And men wondriden, and seiden, What maner man is he this, for the wyndis and the see obeischen to him?
28 Tui caqai ben awh ak awm Gadarin qam ce a pha awh, ak kawk khuiawh qaai ak be thlang pak khih ce phyi awhkawng a venna law hy nih. Cekkqawi ce a ni tlung soeih a dawngawh ce a lam awh u awm am cet thai hy.
And whanne Jhesus was comun ouer the watir in to the cuntre of men of Gerasa, twey men metten hym, that hadden deuelis, and camen out of graues, ful woode, so that noo man myyte go bi that weie.
29 Cekkqawi ing anik khy doena, “Khawsa Capa kainih ve ikaw ni ti nak kqawi vang na ti? A tym a khoek hlanawh kainih khuikha sak aham na law nawh nu? tina hy nih.
And lo! thei crieden, and seiden, What to vs and to thee, Jhesu, the sone of God? `art thou comun hidir bifore the tyme to turmente vs?
30 Cekkhqi ami awmnaak hyn awhkawng a hlanaak bet awh ce vawk khawzah cah uhy.
And not fer fro hem was a flocke of many swyne lesewynge.
31 Qaaikhqi ing a venawh, “kaimih ve nani hqek khqi awhtaw vawkkhqi ak kawk khuiawh ni ceh sak khqi mai,” tinawh qeennaak thoeh uhy.
And the deuelis preyeden hym, and seiden, If thou castist out vs fro hennes, sende vs in to the droue of swyne.
32 Jesu ing cekkhqi venawh, “Cet uh!” tina hy. Cedawngawh cekkhqi ce cawn unawh vawkkhqi ak kawk khuina lut uhy, cawh vawkkhqi boeih ce tuili na hqang awhkawng cawn unawh thi boeih uhy.
And he seide to hem, Go ye. And thei yeden out, and wenten in to the swyne; and loo! in a greet bire al the droue wente heedlyng in to the see, and thei weren deed in the watris.
33 Vawk ak khoem thlangkhqi ce khawk khuina dawng unawh cawhkaw ik-oeih ami huhkhqi ingkaw ak kawk khuiawh qaai ak be thlang pakkhih akawng ce thlangkhqi venna kqawn pe uhy.
And the hirdis fledden awey, and camen in to the citee, and telden alle these thingis, and of hem that hadden the feendis.
34 Cawh khawk khui awhkaw thlangkhqi boeih ce Jesu huh aham cet uhy. Jesu ce ami huh awh, ce a qam ce cehtaak aham a venawh qeennaak thoeh uhy.
And lo! al the citee wente out ayens Jhesu; and whanne thei hadden seyn hym, thei preieden, that he wolde passe fro her coostis.

< Matthai 8 >