< Cei 9 >

1 Ce tloek awh, Saul ing Bawipa a hubatkhqi ce him aham teng poepa hy. Khawsoih boei khyt a venna cet nawh,
But Saul, yit a blower of manassis and of betingis ayens the disciplis of the Lord,
2 Damaska khaw awhkaw sinakawk na ceh thainaak ak ca ce thoeh hy, cawh lam awhkaw thlangkhqi ce a huh awhtaw, nu awm pa awm tu nawh Jerusalem thawngim na khyn aham cai hy.
cam to the prince of preestis, and axide of hym lettris in to Damask, to the synagogis; that if he fond ony men and wymmen of this lijf, he schulde lede hem boundun to Jerusalem.
3 Damaska khaw a pha tawm lam awh, khawk khan nakaw vangnaak ak bau soeih ing anih ce coei qawngtheng hy.
And whanne he made his iourney, it bifelde, that he cam nyy to Damask. And sudenli a liyt from heuene schoon aboute hym;
4 Dek na tlu nawh awi ing, “Saul, Saul ikaw tinawh nu kai nani thekhanaak?” tina hy.
and he fallide to the erthe, and herde a vois seiynge to hym, Saul, Saul, what pursuest thou me?
5 Saul ing, Nang u nu, Bawipa? tina hy. Awi ing, “Na thekhanaak Jesu kai ni.
And he seide, Who art thou, Lord? And he seide, Y am Jhesu of Nazareth, whom thou pursuest. It is hard to thee, to kike ayens the pricke.
6 Tuh tho nawhtaw khawk khuina cet lah, cawh na sai hly kawi ce kqawn law bit kaw,” tina hy.
And he tremblide, and wondride, and seide, Lord, what wolt thou that Y do?
7 Saul mi amik cet haih thlangkhqi ce awimyh na dyi hqoeng uhy; awi taw za lawt hlai uhy, thlang taw am hu uhy.
And the Lord seide to hym, Rise vp, and entre in to the citee, and it schal be seide to thee, what it bihoueth thee to do. And tho men that wenten with hym, stoden astonyed; for thei herden a vois, but thei sien no man.
8 Dek awhkawng Saul ce tho hy, cehlai a mik dai saw ikaw awm am hu thai hy. Cedawngawh anih ce a kut awh tu unawh Damaska khawk khuina sawi uhy.
And Saul roos fro the earth; and whanne hise iyen weren opened, he say no thing. And thei drowen hym bi the hondis, and ledden hym in to Damask.
9 Khaw thum voei a mik hyp nawh buh awm am ai hy.
And he was thre daies not seynge; `and he eete not, nether drank.
10 Damaska khaw khuiawh Ananias ak mingnaak hubat thlang pynoet awm hy. Bawipa ing anih ce huh saknaak ing, “Ananias” tinawh khy hy.
And a disciple, Ananye bi name, was at Damask. And the Lord seide to hym in `a visioun, Ananye. And he seide, Lo!
11 Bawipa ing, “Lam dyng awh ak awm Juda a im na ce cet nawhtaw, Tarsu khaw awhkaw Saul ak mingnaak thlang ce doet lah, anih ce tuh cykcah hui hy.
Y, Lord. And the Lord seide to hym, Rise thou, and go in to a streete that is clepid Rectus; and seke, in the hous of Judas, Saul bi name of Tharse. For lo! he preieth; and he say a man,
12 Anih ing huh saknaak awh Ananias ak mingnaak thlang ing a mik ang dangnaak thai aham ak khan awh kut tloeng peek aham a law ce hu hawh hy,” tina hy.
Ananye bi name, entringe and leiynge on hym hoondis, that he resseyue siyt.
13 Ananias ing, “Bawipa, ve ak thlang ing Jerusalem khaw khui awhkaw nak thlak ciimkhqi a thekhanaak akawng a mik kqawn khawzah za nyng.
And Ananye answerde, Lord, Y haue herd of many of this man, how greete yuelis he dide to thi seyntis in Jerusalem;
14 Khawsoih boeikhqi venawh kawng saithainaak ce lo nawh nang ming ak kqawnkhqi boeih ce tu aham vena law hy,” tina hy.
and this hath power of the princis of preestis, to bynde alle men that clepen thi name to helpe.
15 Cehlai Bawipa ing Ananias a venawh, “Cet! ve ak thlang ve Gentelkhqi ingkaw a sangpahrangkhqi ingkaw Israel thlangkhqi haiawh kang ming ak khypyi aham tyk hawh nyng.
And the Lord seide to hym, Go thou, for this is to me a vessel of chesing, that he bere my name bifore hethene men, and kingis, and tofore the sones of Israel.
16 Kang ming ak camawh khuikhanaak iqyt nu a huh kaw, tice kai ing huh bit kawng nyng,” tina hy.
For Y schal schewe to hym, how grete thingis it bihoueth hym to suffre for my name.
17 Cekcoengawh taw Ananias ce im na cet nawh ipkhui na lut hy. Saul ak khan awh a kut tloeng pe nawh, “Ka na Saul, vena na law awh lam na na venawh ak dang Bawipa Jesu ing – na mik ang dangnaak tlaih aham ingkaw Ciim Myihla ing na benaak aham kai ve ni tyi hy,” tina hy.
And Ananye wente, and entride in to the hous; and leide on hym his hondis, and seide, Saul brothir, the Lord Jhesu sente me, that apperide to thee in the weie, in which thou camest, that thou se, and be fulfillid with the Hooli Goost.
18 Cawh Saul a mik awhkawng a khel amyihna tla nawh, a mik ce dang tlaih hy. Tho nawh baptisma hu pahoei hy.
And anoon as the scalis felden fro hise iyen, he resseyuede siyt. And he roos, and was baptisid.
19 Buh a ai coengawh, ak tha awm tlaih hy. Hubatkhqi mi Saul ce Damaska khaw khuiawh khawqyt awm hy.
And whanne he hadde takun mete, he was coumfortid. And he was bi sum daies with the disciplis, that weren at Damask.
20 Jesu ve Khawsa Capa ni tinawh sinakawkkhqi awh kqawn pahoei hy.
And anoon he entride in to the synagogis, and prechide the Lord Jhesu, for this is the sone of God.
21 Anih ak awi a mik zakhqi boeih ce a mik kawpoek kyi nawh, “Anih ve Jerusalsem khaw khuiawh ve Jesu ang ming ak kqawnkhqi boeih ak thekhanaak thlang amyihna awm hlai hy ti? Cekkhqi ni khawsoeih boeikhqi venawh thawng awh thlaak aham ni vena a law?” ti uhy.
And alle men that herden hym, wondriden, and seiden, Whether this is not he that impugnede in Jerusalem hem that clepiden to help this name? and hidir he cam for this thing, that he schulde leede hem boundun to the princis of preestis?
22 Cehlai Saul taw ak tha awm hqui khqoet khqoet hy, Jesu taw Khrih ni tice dyihpyi nawh, Damaska khaw awh ak awm Judakhqi ce noeng khqi hy.
But Saul myche more wexede strong, and confoundide the Jewis that dwelliden at Damask, and affermyde that this is Crist.
23 Khawnghi khawqyt ca a awm coengawh, Judakhqi ing him aham teng uhy,
And whanne manye daies weren fillid, Jewis maden a counsel, that thei schulden sle hym.
24 cehlai cekkhqi ang cainaak ce Saul ing sim hy. Khawmthan khawdai anih him thainaak aham vawng chawmkengkhqi awh mah uhy.
And the aspies of hem weren maad knowun to Saul. And thei kepten the yatis dai and niyt, that thei schulden sle him.
25 Cehlai a hubatkhqi ing khawmthan awh ceh pyi unawh, vawng ak khan nakawng vaihqang awh nuk thla dym uhy.
But hise disciplis token hym bi nyyt, and delyuereden hym, and leeten him doun in a leep bi the wal.
26 Jerusalem a pha awh, hubatkhqi mi huh qu aham sui hy, cehlai cekhqi ing kqih uhy, hubat am tang vani hy voei tinawh poek uhy.
And whanne he cam in to Jerusalem, he assaiede to ioyne hym to the disciplis; and alle dredden hym, and leueden not that he was a disciple.
27 Cehlai Barnaba ing ceh pyi nawh ceityihkhqi venna khyn hy. Saul ing lam awh Bawipa a huhnaak ingkaw Bawipa ing a venawh awi ak kqawn peek akawng ingkaw Damaska khaw awh kqihnaak a taak kaana Bawipang ming ing awi ak kqawn akawng khqi ce kqawn pek khqi hy.
But Barnabas took, and ledde hym to the apostlis, and telde to hem, how in the weie he hadde seyn the Lord, and that he spak to hym, and hou in Damask he dide tristili in the name of Jhesu.
28 Cedawngawh Saul taw cekkhqi venawh awm nawh Jerusalem khaw khuiawh ngaihding na thoek hy, Bawipang ming ing qaalleeknaak ing awi ce kqawn hy.
And he was with hem, and entride, and yede out in Jerusalem, and dide tristili in the name of Jhesu.
29 Greek awi na amik pau Judakhqi mi oelh qu unawh awi ce kqawn pek khqi hy, cehlai cekkhqi ing anih ce him aham ngaih uhy.
And he spak with hethene men, and disputide with Grekis. And thei souyten to sle hym.
30 Koeinaakhqi ing ce akawng ce ami sim awh, anih ce Kaiserea khaw na nu ceh pyi uhy, cekcoengawh Tarsu khaw na tyi uhy.
Which thing whanne the britheren hadden knowe, thei ledden hym bi nyyt to Cesarie, and leten hym go to Tarsis.
31 Cekcoengawh taw Juda qam, Kalili qam ingkaw Samari qam awh amik awm thlangboelkhqi ce ngaihding na awm uhy. Ciim Myihla ing a mingmih ce thaawm sak hy; tha pe nawh pung a tai khqoet khqoet uhy, Bawipa kqihnaak ing khaw sa uhy.
And the chirche bi al Judee, and Galilee, and Samarie, hadde pees, and was edefied, and walkide in the drede of the Lord, and was fillid with coumfort of the Hooli Goost.
32 Piter ce khaw lawngkhqi na cet nawh, Lydda khaw awhkaw thlak ciimkhqi hqip aham cet hy.
And it bifelde, that Petre, the while he passide aboute alle, cam to the hooli men that dwelliden at Lidde.
33 Cawh ce Ainea ak mingnaak thlang pynoet, khaw kup kqeet amak tho thai khawkkhem ce hu hy.
And he foond a man, Eneas bi name, that fro eiyte yeer he hadde leie `in bed; and he was sijk in palsy.
34 Piter ing a venawh, “Ainea, Jesu Khrih ing ni qoei sak hawh hy. Tho nawhtaw na hi ce khyn hlah,” tina hy. Cawh Ainea ce tho pahoei hy.
And Petre seide to hym, Eneas, the Lord Jhesu Crist heele thee; rise thou, and araye thee. And anoon he roos.
35 Lydda ingkaw Shaqon awh ak awm thlangkhqi boeih ing ami huh awh Bawipa benna hawi uhy.
And alle men that dwelten at Lidde, and at Sarone, saien hym, whiche weren conuertid to the Lord.
36 Joppa khaw awh Tabitha ak mingnaak hubat thlang pynoet awm hy (ve ve Dorka tinawh leh uhy); anih taw ik-oeih leek ak sai ingkaw khawdeng khuikhakhqi ak dawm ak hlaikung na awm hy.
And in Joppe was a disciplesse, whos name was Tabita, that is to seie, Dorcas. This was ful of good werkis and almesdedis, that sche dide.
37 Ce tloek awh anih ce tlo nawh thi hy, a pum ce ami silh coengawh ip khanna ta uhy.
And it bifelde in tho daies, that sche was sijk, and diede. And whanne thei hadden waischun hir, thei leiden hir in a soler.
38 Lydda khaw taw Joppa khaw awhkawng zoe ca hy; hubatkhqi ing Lydda khaw awh Piter awm hy ti a ming zaak awh, thlang pakkhih tyi unawh, “Ang tawnna law cang lah!” tinawh qeennaak thoeh sak uhy.
And for Lidda was nyy Joppe, the disciplis herden that Petre was thereynne, and senten twei men to hym, and preieden, That thou tarie not to come to vs.
39 Cekkqawi a hu ce Piter ing hqut nawh, a pha awhtaw anih ce ak khan ipkhui na ceh pyi uhy. Nuhaikhqi boeih ing anak chung unawh kqang uhy, Dorka ing cekkhqi mi ami awm haih awh a mingmih aham a sai peek quikhqi ingkaw hikhqi ce huh uhy.
And Petre roos vp, and cam with hem. And whanne he was comun, thei ledden hym in to the soler. And alle widewis stoden aboute hym, wepynge, and schewynge cootis and clothis, which Dorcas made to hem.
40 Piter ing cekhqi boeih ce ipkhui awhkawng ceh sak khqi hy; cekcoengawh khuk sym nawh cykcah hy. Nu ak thi benna ce mang nawh, “Tabitha tho hlah,” tina hy. Cawhkaw nu ing a mik ce dai law hy, Piter ce ahuh awh tho nawh ngawi hy.
And whanne alle men weren put with out forth, Petre knelide, and preiede. And he turnede to the bodi, and seide, Tabita, rise thou. And sche openyde hir iyen, and whanne sche siy Petre, sche sat vp ayen.
41 Piter ing a kut awh tu nawh thawh hy. Cekcoengawh ak cangnaak thlangkhqi ingkaw nuhaikhqi ce khy nawh cekkhqi a venawh ak hqing na pek khqi tlaih hy.
And he took hir bi the hond, and reiside hir. And whanne he hadde clepid the hooli men and widewis, he assignede hir alyue.
42 Ce ak awi ce Joppa khaw khuiawh thang khawnghak nawh thlang khawzah ing Bawipa ce cangna uhy.
And it was maad knowun bi al Joppe; and many bileueden in the Lord.
43 Joppa khaw awh Piter taw mehvyn ak khqui Simon a im awh khawnghi iqyt nu awm hy.
And it was maad, that many daies he dwellide in Joppe, at oon Symount, a curiour.

< Cei 9 >