< Cei 22 >

1 Koeinaakhqi ingkaw ka pakhqi aw, kak cangnaak awi tuh kak kqawn ve ngai lah uh, tinak khqi hy.
Britheren and fadris, here ye what resoun Y yelde now to you.
2 Aqamaic awi na awi ak kqawn ce a ming zaak awh ngai sap uhy. Cawh Paul ing,
And whanne sum herden that in Ebrew tunge he spak to hem, thei yauen the more silence.
3 “Kai ve Kilikia qam Tarsu khaw awh ak thang Juda thlang pynoet na awm nyng, cehlai ve khawk khuiawh taai nyng. Gamaliel a kut khuiawh ni nu ni pa anaa awi ak leek na ana cawng nyng saw tuhngawi awhkaw nangmih amyihna Khawsa ak lungnaak thlang na awm lawt nyng.
And he seide, Y am a man a Jew, borun at Tharse of Cilicie, nurischid and in this citee bisidis the feet of Gamaliel, tauyt bi the treuthe of fadris lawe, a louyere of the lawe, as also ye alle ben to dai.
4 Ve a lam awhkaw thlangkhqi ve ami thihnaak aham the a kha na nyng, nu awm pa awm tunyng saw thawngim na thlak khqi nyng.
And Y pursuede this weie til to the deth, byndynge and bitakinge `in to holdis men and wymmen,
5 Khawsoih boei khyt ingkaw awi ak tlykkungkhqi ingawm ni sim uhy. Damaska khaw awh amak awm koeinaakhqi aham a mingmih a venawh ca ce lo nyng ve ak thlangkhqi ve thawng ak tlakhqi amyihna tu nawh Jerusalem awh toel aham cet nyng.
as the prince of prestis yeldith witnessyng to me, and alle the grettest in birth. Of whom also Y took pistlis to britheren, and wente to Damask, to bring fro thennys men boundun in to Jerusalem, that thei schulden be peyned.
6 Khawnghyp awh Damaska khaw ka pha tawm awh, khan benna kawng vangnaak ing nik coei pheng hy.
And it was don, while Y yede, and neiyede to Damask, at myddai sudeynli fro heuene a greet plente of liyt schoon aboute me.
7 Dek na kang tluk awh awi ing, “Saul! Ikawtih nani thekhanaak,” ni tina hy.
And Y felde doun to the erthe, and herde a voice fro heuene, seiynge to me, Saul, Saul, what pursuest thou me? It is hard to thee to kike ayens the pricke.
8 Kai ing, Bawipa, nang a u nu? tina nyng. Anih ing, “Kai taw nang ing na the na khanaak, Nazareth khaw awhkaw Jesu,” ni tina hy.
And Y answeride, Who art thou, Lord? And he seide to me, Y am Jhesu of Nazareth, whom thou pursuest.
9 Ka pyikhqi ing vangnaak ce hu hlai uhy, ka venawh kaw ak kqawn law awi cetaw am zasim uhy.
And thei that weren with me sien but the liyt, but thei herden not the vois of hym, that spak with me.
10 Kai ing, ‘Ikaw ka sai hly, Bawipa?’ tina nyng. Cawh Bawipa ing, ‘Tho nawhtaw, Damaska khawk khui na cet. Na sai hly kawikhqi boeih cawh nim then bit kawm uh,’ ni tina hy.
And Y seide, Lord, what schal Y do? And the Lord seide to me, Rise thou, and go to Damask; and there it schal be seid to thee, of alle thingis which it bihoueth thee to do.
11 Ak vang soeih ing ka mik ce a hyp law sak khoep hawh a dawngawh, ka pyikhqi ing ka kut awh ni sawi unawh Damaska khaw na ni ceh pyi uhy.
And whanne Y saye not, for the clerete of that liyt, Y was led bi the hond of felowis, and Y cam to Damask.
12 Cawh Ananias ak mingnaak thlang pynoet ce ka venna law hy. Anih taw anaa awi ak hquut thlang ingkaw ce a khawk khuiawh ak awmkhqi Juda boeih ing amik kqihchahnaak soeih thlang na awm hy.
And a man, Ananye, that bi the lawe hadde wytnessyng of alle Jewis dwellinge in Damask,
13 Anih ce ka venawh dyi nawh, ‘Ka naa Saul, na mik dai hlah seh!’ ni tina hy. Cawh ka mik dai nawh anih ce hu pahoei nyng.
cam to me, and stood niy, and seide to me, Saul, brother, biholde. And Y in the same our biheelde in to hym.
14 Anih ing, “Ni pakhqi a Khawsa ing amah ak kawngaih sim sak ham ingkaw Thlak Dyng ce huh sak nawh am kha awhkaw awi ce zaak sak aham nang ve nik tyk hawh hy.
And he seide, God of oure fadris hath bifor ordeyned thee, that thou schuldist knowe the wille of him, and schuldist se the riytful man, and here the vois of his mouth.
15 Nang zaak ingkaw na huh ce thlangkhqi boeih a venawh simpyikung na awm kawp ti.
For thou schalt be his witnesse to alle men, of tho thingis that thou hast seyn and herd.
16 Kaw na qeh bak bak? Tho, batisma hu nawhtaw na thawlhnaakkhqi ce sil lah, ang ming ce khy lah,’ ni tina hy.
And now, what dwellist thou? Rise vp, and be baptisid, and waische awei thi synnes, bi the name of hym clepid to help.
17 Jerusalem na hlat tlaih nyng saw bawkim awh kak cykcah awh huhsaknaak ce hu nyng,
And it was don to me, as Y turnede ayen in to Jerusalem, and preyede in the temple, that Y was maad in rauysching of soule,
18 Bawipa ing awi ak kqawn law ce hu nyng. Anih ing, “Ang tawnna, Jerusalem ve cehta hlah; kak awithang nak kqawn hly ve do ham am ngaih uhy,’ ni tina uhy.
and Y siy him seiynge to me, Hiye thou, and go out faste of Jerusalem, for thei schulen not resseyue thi witnessing of me.
19 Kai ing, “Bawipa, nang anik cangnaak thlangkhqi ce thawng thlak aham ingkaw vyk aham sinakawk pynoet coeng pynoet awh cet nyng, tice vekkhqi ing sim uhy.
And Y seide, Lord, thei witen, that Y was closing togidir `in to prisoun, and betinge bi synagogis hem that bileueden `in to thee.
20 Na ceityih Stephen a thi ang lawngawh, cawh dyi nyng saw a mingmih ce dyih pyi nyng, anih a mik himkhqi a hi ce ana qeh pek khqi nyng,” tina nyng.
And whanne the blood of Steuene, thi witnesse, was sched out, Y stood niy, and consentide, and kept the clothis of men that slowen hym.
21 Cawh Bawipa ing, “Cet; ak hla na Gentelkhqi venna ni tyi vang nyng,” ni tina hy.
And he seide to me, Go thou, for Y schal sende thee fer to naciouns.
22 Ve ak awi ak kqawn dy taw thlang kqeng ing ngai pe hlai uhy. Cekcoengawh taw, “Ve ak thlang ve Khawmdek awh koeh hqing sak uh! A hqing aham am tyng hy,” tinawh khy uhy.
And thei herden him til this word; and thei reiseden her vois, and seiden, Take awei fro the erthe siche a maner man; for it is not leueful, that he lyue.
23 Khy unawh ami hikhqi ce khan na ami khawng coengawh dek pli ce khan na theh uhy.
And whanne thei crieden, and kesten awei her clothis, and threwen dust in to the eir,
24 Cawh qaalboei ing Paul ce qalkap a awmnaak hun na ceh pyi aham awi pehy. Ikawtih thlang kqeng ing vemyihna a mik khy sih tice sim aham a ngaih adawngawh quiboeng ing vyk nawh doet aham awi pehy.
the tribune comaundide hym to be led in to castels, and to be betun with scourgis, and to be turmentid, that he wiste, for what cause thei crieden so to him.
25 Vyk aham hi ami suh peek awh, cawhkaw ak dyi qalkap zakhat ak ukkung a venawh Paul ing, “A thawlhnaak awm huh hlan awh Rom thlang ve vemyihna na vyk hly thai sawhqat nawh nu?” tina hy.
And whanne thei hadden boundun hym with cordis, Poul seide to a centurien stondinge niy to hym, Whether it is leueful to you, to scourge a Romayn, and vndampned?
26 Qalkap zakhat ak ukkung ing ce ak awi ce ang zaak awh, qaalboei a venna cet nawh kqawn pehy. Anih ing, “Ikawmyihna sai vang na ti? Ve ak thlang ve Rom thlang ni,” tina hy.
And whanne this thing was herd, the centurien wente to the tribune, and telde to hym, and seide, What art thou to doynge? for this man is a citeseyn of Rome.
27 Cawh qaalboei ce Paul a venna cet nawh doet hy, “Nang ve Rom thlang aw, kqawn lah?” tina hy. Paul ing, “Oeih, Rom thlang na awm nyng,” tina hy.
And the tribune cam niy, and seide to hym, Seie thou to me, whether thou art a Romayn?
28 Cawh qaalboei ing, Kai ingtaw Rom thlang na awm thainaak ham tangka khawzah pe nyng,” tina hy. Cehlai Paul ing, “Kai taw Rom thlang qoe qoe na thang nyng,” tina hy.
And he seide, Yhe. And the tribune answeride, Y with myche summe gat this fredom. And Poul seide, And Y was borun a citeseyn of Rome.
29 Anih doet aham ak caikhqi ce thoeih bat uhy. Rom thlang na ak awm Paul ce thiqui ing ak khih dawngawh qaalboei awm ly hy.
Therfor anoon thei that schulden haue turmentid hym, departiden awei fro hym. And the tribune dredde, aftir that he wiste, that he was a citeseyn of Rome, and for he hadde boundun hym.
30 A khawngawi nyn awh Judakhqi ing Paul ve thawlh puk uhy tice sim aham a ngaih dawngawh Paul ce a hlah awh khawsoeih boeikhqi ingkaw Sanhedrin ce khy sak hy. Cekcoengawh Paul ce khy nawh cekkhqi haiawh dyih sak hy.
But in the dai suynge he wolde wite more diligentli, for what cause he were accusid of the Jewis, and vnbounde hym, and comaundide prestis and al the counsel to come togidir. And he brouyte forth Poul, and sette hym among hem.

< Cei 22 >