< Suencuek 31 >

1 Tedae Laban ca rhoek kah olka la, “Jakob loh a pa koe te boeih a loh dongah hekah thangpomnah boeih he khaw a pa koe ni hlawp a bawn,” a ti uh te a yaak.
And Iacob herde the wordes of Labas sonnes how they sayde: Iacob hath take awaye all that was oure fathers and of oure fathers goodes hath he gote all this honoure.
2 Te phoeiah Laban kah maelhmai te Jakob loh a hmuh vaengah hlaem hlaemvai kah bangla anih taengah om pawh.
And Iacob behelde the countenauce of Laban that it was not toward him as it was in tymes past.
3 Tedae BOEIPA loh Jakob te, “Na pa rhoek kah khohmuen neh na pacaboeina taengla bal ngawn lamtah nang taengah ka om bit ni,” a ti nah.
And the LORde sayde vnto Iacob: turne agayne in to the lade of thy fathers and to thy kynred and I wilbe with ye.
4 Te dongah Jakob loh Rakhel neh Leah te a tah tih kohong kah a boiva te a khue.
Tha Iacob sent and called Rahel and Lea to the felde vnto his shepe
5 Te phoeiah amih te, “Na pa maelhmai te ka hmuh vaengah, hlaem hlaemvai vaengkah bangla kai taengah anih om pawt cakhaw a pa kah Pathen loh kai taengah om.
and sayde vnto the: I se youre fathers countenauce yt it is not toward me as in tymes past. Morouer ye God of my father hath bene with me.
6 Tahae ah ka thadueng boeih neh na pa taengah ka thohtat te na ming uh.
And ye knowe how that I haue serued youre father with all my myghte.
7 Na pa khaw kai taengah omsaa tih ka thapang te voei rha la a hoilae. Tedae kai he thae sak ham tah Pathen loh anih a paek moenih.
And youre father hath disceaued me and chaunged my wages. x. tymes: But God suffred him not to hurte me.
8 Rhikrhak te nang kah thapang la om saeh a ti van hatah boiva te khaw rhikrhak la boeih thang tih a rhangcam te nang kah thapang la om saeh a ti van hatah boiva te a rhangcam la boeih thang.
When he sayde the spotted shalbe thy wages tha all the shepe barespotted. Yf he sayde the straked shalbe thi rewarde tha bare all the shepe straked:
9 Tedae na pa kah boiva te Pathen long ni a lat tih kai taengah m'paek.
thus hath God take awaye youre fathers catell and geue the me.
10 Boiva te a pa a cuk tue a pha coeng tih ka mik te ka huel. Mueimang ah ka hmuh tih kikong loh a caeh thil boiva tah rhangcam, rhikrhak neh dikdek la om he.
For in buckynge tyme I lifted vp myne eyes and sawe in a dreame: and beholde the rammes that bucked the shepe were straked spotted and partie.
11 Te phoeiah Pathen kah puencawn loh kai te ka mang ah, 'Jakob,” a ti tih, “Kai ni he,” ka ti nah.
And the angell of God spake vnto me in a dreame saynge: Iacob. And I answered: here am I.
12 Te dongah, “Na mik huel lamtah tahae kah boiva a rhangcam, rhikrhak neh dikdek taengah aka cu kikong rhoek boeih ke so lah. Laban loh nang taengah a saii boeih te ka hmuh coeng.
And he sayde: lyfte vp thyne eyes ad see how all therames that leape vpon the shepe are straked spotted and partie: for I haue sene all that Laban doth vnto ye.
13 Kai tah kaam te na koelh tih kai taengah olcaeng neh na caeng vaengkah te Bethel Pathen ni. Hekah khohmuen lamloh thoo laeh, cet lamtah na pacaboeina kah khohmuen la mael laeh,’ a ti,” a ti nah.
I am ye god of Bethell where thou anoynteddest the stone ad where thou vowdest a vowe vnto me. Now aryse and gett the out of this countre ad returne vnto the lade where thou wast borne.
14 Te dongah Rakhel neh Leah loh a doo vaengah, “A pa im kah hamsum neh rho te mamih ham om voel a?
Than answered Rahel and Lea and sayde vnto him: we haue no parte nor enheritaunce in oure fathers house
15 Anih loh kholong hlang la m'poek uh dongah mamih he n'yoih phoeiah mamih kah tangka te a caak khaw a caak moenih a?
he cownteth us eue as straungers for he hath solde vs and hath euen eaten vp the price of vs.
16 Hmantang ah Pathen loh a pa taengkah a lat khuehtawn boeih te mah koe neh n'ca rhoek kah ni. Te dongah Pathen loh nang taengah a thui boeih te tah saii laeh,” a ti rhoi.
Moreouer all the riches which God hath take from oure father that is oures and oure childerns. Now therfore what soeuer God hath sayde vnto the that doo.
17 Te dongah Jakob loh thoo tih a ca rhoek neh a yuu rhoek te kalauk rhoek dongla a ngol sak.
Tha Iacob rose vp and sett his sones and wiues vp vpon camels
18 Te phoeiah a napa Isaak kah khohmuen Kanaan la caeh ham a boiva neh a kawn a dang boeih te khaw, Paddanaram ah a dang amah kah hnopai, boiva te khaw baat a thawn.
and caried away all his catell and all his substace which he had gotte in Mesopotamia for to goo to Isaac his father vnto the lade of Canaan.
19 Tedae Laban loh amah kah tu te a mul vok pah ham a caeh vaengah Rakhel loh a napa kah sithui te a huen.
Laba was gone to shere his shepe and Rahel had stolle hir fathers ymages.
20 Anih a yong te a puen mueh la Jakob loh Arammi Laban kah lungbuei te a namnah.
And Iacob went awaye vnknowynge to Laban the Sirie and tolde him not yt he fled.
21 Anih a yong dongah a taengkah boeih te khaw a thoh puei tih, tuiva a poeng phoeikah Gilead tlang dan la a hooi puei.
So fled he and all yt he had and made him self redy and passed ouer the ryuers and sett his face streyght towarde the mounte Gilead.
22 Tedae Jakob a yong te a hnin thum daengah Laban taengah a puen pah.
Apo the thirde day after was it tolde Laba yt Iacob was fled.
23 Te dongah Laban loh amah manuca rhoek te a khuen tih hnin rhih longcaeh due anih hnuk te a hloem phoeiah Jakob te Gilead tlang ah a tuuk.
Tha he toke his brethre with him and folowed after him. vij. dayes iourney and ouer toke him at the mounte Gilead.
24 Tedae Arammi hoel Laban te Khoyin a mang ah Pathen loh a paan tih, “Namah te ngaithuen, Jakob taengah a then khaw a thae la na thui ve,” a ti nah.
And God came to Laba the Siria in a dreame by nyghte and sayde vnto him: take hede to thi selfe that thou speake not to Iacob oughte save good.
25 Tedae Laban loh Jakob a tuuk vaengah Jakob loh amah kah dap te tlang ah a tuk coeng dongah Laban neh a manuca rhoek long khaw Gilead tlang ah rhaeh uh.
And Laba ouer toke Iacob: and Iacob had pitched his tete in yt mounte. And Laban with his brethern pitched their tete also apon the mounte Gilead.
26 Te vaengah Laban loh Jakob la, “Balae na saii he. Ka thinko he na liim tih ka tanu rhoek te cunghang kah a sol bangla na hmaithawn.
Than sayde Laba to Iacob: why hast thou this done vnknowynge to me and hast caried awaye my doughters as though they had bene take captyue with swerde?
27 Yong ham te balae tih na phah, kai taengah na puen mueh la kai nan liim. Nang te kohoenah neh, laa neh, kamrhing neh, rhotoeng nen khaw kan tueih van mako.
Wherfore wentest thou awaye secretly vnknowne to me and didest not tell me yt I myghte haue broughte yt on the waye with myrth syngynge tymrells and harppes
28 Ka ca rhoek so neh ka canu rhoek soah te mok ham kai nan paek pawt khaw na pavai coeng tih ni na saii.
and hast not suffred me to kysse my childern and my doughters. Thou wast a fole to do
29 Nangmih te a thae la saii ham ka thaa om ngawn dae hlaem yin ah na pa kah Pathen loh kai m'voek tih, 'Jakob te a thae neh a then khaw thui te namah ngaithuen,’ a ti.
it for I am able to do you evell. But the God of youre father spake vnto me yesterdaye saynge take hede tha thou speake not to Iacob oughte saue goode.
30 Tedae na pa im te ngaidam la na ngaidam coeng dongah na cet khaw na cet mai ni. Balae tih kai kah pathen na huen,” a ti nah.
And now though thou wetest thi waye because thou logest after thi fathers house yet wherfore hast thou stollen my goddes?
31 Tedae Jakob loh a doo tih Laban te, “Na canu rhoek he kai taeng lamloh na doek ve ka ti tih ka rhih dongah ni.
Iacob answered and sayde to Laba: because I was afrayed and thought that thou woldest haue take awaye thy doughters fro me.
32 A taengah na khohni na hmuh te tah kaimih kah pacaboeina hmaiah hing boel saeh. Kai taengkah he namah loh hmat lamtah namah kah atah lo,” a ti nah. Tedae Rakhel loh a huen te Jakob loh ming pawh.
But with whome soeuer thou fyndest thy goddes let him dye here before oure brethre. Seke that thine is by me and take it to the: for Iacob wist not that Rahel had stolle the.
33 Te dongah Laban loh Jakob kah dap khaw, Leah kah dap neh taengom rhoi kah dap khuila cet dae a hmuh pawt dongah Leah kah dap lamkah halo tih Rakhel kah dap khuila kun.
Tha wet Laba in to Iacobs tete and in to Leas tete and in to. ij. maydens tentes: but fownde the not. Tha wet he out of Leas tete and entred in to Rahels tete.
34 Tedae Rakhel loh sithui te a loh tih kalauk kah ngoldoelh khuiah a khueh tih a ngol thil dongah dap te Laban loh boeih a phatuem dae hmu pawh.
And Rahel toke the ymages and put them in the camels strawe and sate doune apo the. And Laba serched all the tete: but fownde the not.
35 Te vaengah Rakhel loh a napa taengah, “Ka boeipa mik ah sai boel mai. Kai taengah huta kah khosing om tih nang hmuh ah thoh ham ka coeng moenih,” a ti nah. Te dongah a sat akhaw sithui te hmu pawh.
Tha sayde she to hir father: my lorde be not angrye yt I ca not ryse vp before the for the disease of weme is come apon me. So searched he but foude the not.
36 Tedae Jakob te sai tih Laban te a ho. Te vaengah Jakob loh Laban te a doo tih, “Kai kah mebang dumlai neh mebang tholhnah dongah lae kai hnukah nan hlak.
Iacob was wrooth and chode with Laba: Iacob also answered and sayde to him: what haue I trespaced or what haue I offended that thou foloweddest after me?
37 Tahae ah kai kah hnopai boeih te na phatuem tih na im kah hnopai khat khaw na hmuh te kai kah pacaboeina neh nang kah paca boeina hmuh ah n'rha phoeiah man mamih rhoi laklo ah n'tluung uh rhoi sue.
Thou hast searched all my stuffe and what hast thou founde of all thy housholde stuffe? put it here before thi brethern and myne and let the iudge betwyxte vs both.
38 Kum kul khuiah he nang taengah ka om coeng dae na tumanu neh na maae rhoek loh thangyah vai pawt tih na boiva khuikah a tal rhoek khaw ka ca vai pawh.
This xx. yere yt I haue bene wyth the thy shepe and thy gootes haue not bene baren and the rammes of thi flocke haue I not eate.
39 Saha te na taengla kan khuen pawh. Khoyin loh a huen khaw, khothaih loh a huen khaw nan suk dongah kai loh kamah kut lamkah neh ka kawn.
What soeuer was torne of beastes I broughte it not vnto ye but made it good mysilf: of my hade dydest thou requyre it whether it was stollen by daye or nyghte
40 Khothaih ah kholing loh n'do tih khoyin ah rhaelnu loh m'boh phoeiah ka mik loh ih ham a hlavawt tih ka om.
Moreouer by daye the hete consumed me and the colde by nyghte and my slepe departed fro myne eyes.
41 Tahae ah kai loh nang im ah kum kul ka om khuiah na canu rhoi ham kum hlai li neh na boiva ham kum rhuk te nang taengah ka tho ka tat dae ka thapang te voei rha la na hoi na lae.
Thus haue I bene. xx. yere in thi house and serued the. xiiij. yeres forthy. ij. doughters and vi. yere for thi shepe and thou hast changed my rewarde. x. tymes.
42 A pa kah Pathen, Abraham kah Pathen neh Isaak kah birhihnah te kai taengah om pawt koinih kuttling la kai nan tueih tarha mai veh. Kai kah phacip phabaem neh ka kut kah a thatloh te Pathen loh a hmuh dongah ni hlaem yin ah a tluung,” a ti nah.
And excepte the God of my father the God of Abraha and the God whome Isaac feareth had bene with me: surely thou haddest sent me awaye now all emptie. But God behelde my tribulation and the laboure of my handes: and rebuked the yester daye.
43 Laban long khaw Jakob te a doo vaengah, “Huta rhoek te kai canu rhoek tih tongpa rhoek te khaw kai ca rhoek ni. Boiva te khaw kai kah boiva tih namah loh na hmuh boeih te kai koe ni. Tedae tihnin ah ka canu rhoek, amih ham neh amih loh a sak camoe rhoek ham balae ka saii thai voel.
Laban answered ad sayde vnto Iacob: the doughters are my doughters and the childern ar my childern and the shepe are my shepe ad all that thou seist is myne. And what can I do this daye vnto these my doughters or vnto their childern which they haue borne?
44 Te dongah halo laeh! Kai neh nang paipi sai sih lamtah kai laklo nang laklo ah laipai la om saeh,” a ti nah.
Now therfore come on let us make a bonde I and thou together and let it be a wytnesse betwene the and me.
45 Te dongah Jakob loh lungto a rhuh tih kaam la a ling.
Than toke Iacob a stone and sett it vp an ende
46 Te phoeiah Jakob loh amah kah paca boeina rhoek la, “Lungto rhut uh,” a ti nah. Lungto te a rhuh uh tih lungkuk la a saii uh phoeiah tah lungkuk taengah buh pahoi a caak uh.
ad sayde vnto his brethern gather stoones And they toke stoones ad made an heape and they ate there vpo the heape.
47 Te dongah tekah lungkuk te Laban loh Jegarsahdutha a sui tih Jakob loh Galeed la a khue.
And Laba called it Iegar Sahadutha but Iacob called it Gylead.
48 Te phoeiah Laban loh, “Tihnin ah hekah lungkuk loh kai laklo neh nang laklo ah laipai la om coeng,” a ti dongah a ming te Galeed a sui.
Than sayde Laban: this heape be witnesse betwene the and me this daye (therfore is it called Gilead)
49 Te phoeiah, “Hlang hui taeng lamloh n'thuh vaengah kai laklo neh nang laklo ah BOEIPA loh n'tawt saeh,” a ti dongah Mizpah a sui.
and this totehill which the lorde seeth (sayde he) be wytnesse betwene me and the when we are departed one from a nother:
50 Ka ca huta rhoek te khoem na phaep tih ka ca rhoek hmanah yuu na loh atah mamih taengah hlang om pawt dae kai neh nang laklo kah laipai tah Pathen ni tila hmu sih.
that thou shalt not vexe my doughters nether shalt take other wyves vnto them. Here is no man with vs: beholde God is wytnesse betwixte the and me.
51 Te phoeiah Laban loh Jakob te, “Lungkuk he khaw kaam he khaw ne, te ni kai laklo neh nang laklo ah kan thuinuet.
And Laban sayde moreouer to Iacob: beholde this heape and this marke which I haue sett here betwyxte me and the:
52 Boethae ham khaw hekah lungkuk neh kaam he tah kai loh nang taengla hekah lungkuk kan poeng pawt ham neh nang khaw kai taengla na poe pawt ham hekah lungkuk neh kaam he laipai la om saeh.
this heape be wytnesse and also this marcke that I will not come ouer this heape to the ad thou shalt not come ouer this heape ad this marke to do any harme.
53 Abraham kah Pathen neh Nakhaw kah Pathen, a napa kah Pathen loh mamih laklo ah laitloek uh saeh,” a ti nah. Te phoeiah Jakob loh a napa Isaak kah birhihnah neh a toemngam.
The God of Abraham the God of Nahor and the God of theyr fathers be iudge betwixte vs. And Iacob sware by him that his father Isaac feared.
54 Te dongah Jakob loh tlang ah hmueih a nawn phoeiah buh ca la amah huiko te a khue. Buh a caak uh phoeiah tlang ah rhaeh uh.
Then Iacob dyd sacrifyce vpon the mounte and called his brethern to eate breed. And they ate breed and taried all nyghte in the hyll.
55 Laban te mincang ah thoo tih a ca rhoek neh a canu rhoek te a mok. Te phoeiah amih te yoethen a paek. Te phoeiah cet tih Laban khaw amah hmuen la mael.
And early in the mornynge Laban rose vp and kyssed his childern and his doughters and blessed the and departed and wet vnto his place agayne.

< Suencuek 31 >