< Sunglatnah 6 >

1 BOEIPA loh Moses te, “Pharaoh taengah ka saii ham te na hmuh pawn ni. Tlungluen kut he amih taengah a tueih vetih tlungluen kutloh amih te a khohmuen lamloh a haek ni,” a ti nah.
And the Lord said to Moses, Now you shall see what I will do to Pharao; for he shall send them forth with a mighty hand, and with a high arm shall he cast them out of his land.
2 Pathen loh Moses te a voek bal tih a taengah, “Kai tah Yahweh ni.
And God spoke to Moses and said to him, I [am] the Lord.
3 Abraham taengah, Isaak taeng neh Jakob taengah Tlungthang Pathen la ka phoe coeng dae ka ming te amih taengah Yahweh la ka ming sak moenih.
And I appeared to Abraam and Isaac and Jacob, being their God, but I did not manifest to them my name Lord.
4 Te dongah Kanaan khohmuen te amih taengah paek hamla amih taengah ka paipi te ka thoh bal. A khuiah ana bakuep nah te a lampahnah khohmuen ni.
And I established my covenant with them, to give them the land of the Chananites, the land wherein they sojourned, in which also they lived as strangers.
5 Kai loh Israel ca rhoek kah nguekcoinah te khaw ka yaak coeng. Egypt loh amih thohtat sak cakhaw ka paipi te ka poek.
And I listened to the groaning of the children of Israel (the affliction with which the Egyptians enslave them) and I remembered the covenant with you.
6 Te dongah Israel ca rhoek te thui pah. Kai BOEIPA loh nangmih te Egypt bitloh hmui lamkah kan loh vetih amih kah thohtatnah lamloh nangmih te kang huul ni. Nangmih te ban ka yueng vetih tholhphu tanglue neh kan tlan ni.
Go, speak to the children of Israel, saying, I [am] the Lord; and I will lead you forth from the tyranny of the Egyptians, and I will deliver you from bondage, and I will ransom you with a high arm, and great judgment.
7 Nangmih te kamah taengah pilnam la kan loh vetih nangmih taengah Pathen la ka om ni. Te vaengah Egypt bitloh hmui lamloh nangmih aka khuen BOEIPA na Pathen kamah he nan ming uh bitni.
And I will take you to me a people for myself, and will be your God; and you shall know that I am the Lord your God, who brought you out from the tyranny of the Egyptians.
8 Nangmih khaw te khohmuen la kang khuen ni. Te te paek ham ni ka kut he Abraham taeng neh Isaak taeng neh Jakob taengah ka thueng. Te dongah te te BOEIPA kamah loh khoh la nangmih taengah kam paek ni,” a ti nah.
And I will bring you into the land concerning which I stretched out my hand to give it to Abraam and Isaac and Jacob, and I will give it you for an inheritance: I [am] the Lord.
9 Moses loh Israel loh ca rhoek taengah a thui dae mangkhak la thohtatnah neh mueihla kobawtnah dongah Moses ol te hnatun uh pawh.
And Moses spoke thus to the sons of Israel, and they listened not to Moses for faint-heartedness, and for their hard tasks.
10 Te vaengah BOEIPA loh Moses te a voek tih,
And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying,
11 Paan lamtah Egypt manghai Pharaoh te thui, Israel ca rhoek te a khohmuen lamloh hlah laeh saeh,” a ti nah.
Go in, speak to Pharao king of Egypt, that he send forth the children of Israel out of his land.
12 Tedae Moses loh BOEIPA mikhmuh ah rhep a thui tih, “Israel ca rhoek long pataeng kai ol he a hnatun uh moenih he. Te dongah kai tah ka hmuilai aka ngun he Pharaoh loh metlam kai ol a hnatun eh?” a ti nah.
And Moses spoke before the Lord, saying, Behold, the children of Israel listened not to me, and how shall Pharao listen to me? and I am not eloquent.
13 Te phoeiah BOEIPA loh Moses neh Aaron te a voek tih Israel ca kawng neh Egypt manghai Pharaoh kawng khaw, Egypt khohmuen lamloh Israel ca rhoek a khuen ham te khaw a uen.
And the Lord spoke to Moses and Aaron, and gave them a charge to Pharao king of Egypt, that he should send forth the children of Israel out of the land of Egypt.
14 Israel kah caming Reuben koca kah a napa imkhui kah a lu rhoek la Enok neh Khetsron Pallu neh Karmee tih, te rhoek te Reuben huiko la om.
And these are the heads of the houses of their families: the sons of Ruben the firstborn of Israel; Enoch and Phallus, Asron, and Charmi, this is the kindred of Ruben.
15 Simeon koca ah Jemuel neh Jamin, Ohad neh Jakhin, Zohar neh Kanaan nu kah a capa Saul khaw om. He rhoek he Simeon kah huiko la om.
And the sons of Symeon, Jemuel and Jamin, and Aod, and Jachin and Saar, and Saul the son of a Phoenician woman, these are the families of the sons of Symeon.
16 Amah rhuirhong dongah Levi koca rhoek a ming tah Gershon, Kohath neh Merari om. Levi kah a hingnah kum he kum ya sawmthum kum rhih lo.
And these are the names of the sons of Levi according to their kindred, Gedson, Caath, and Merari; and the years of the life of Levi were a hundred and thirty-seven.
17 Gershon koca ah Libni neh Shimei he amah huiko la om van.
And these are the sons of Gedson, Lobeni and Semei, the houses of their family. And the sons of Caath,
18 Kohath koca ah Amram, Izhar, Hebron neh Uzziel om. Kohath kah a hingnah kum he kum ya sawmthum kum thum lo.
Ambram and Issaar, Chebron, and Oziel; and the years of the life of Caath were a hundred and thirty-three years.
19 Merari koca rhoek la Mahli neh Mushi om tih Amah rhuirhong ah tah te rhoi khaw Levi kah huiko la om.
And the sons of Merari, Mooli, and Omusi, these are the houses of the families of Levi, according to their kindred.
20 Amram loh a napi Jokhebed te a yuu la a loh tih Aaron neh Moses a cun pah. Amram a hingnah kum he kum ya sawmthum kum rhih lo.
And Ambram took as wife Jochabed the daughter of his father's brother, and she bore to him both Aaron and Moses, and Mariam their sister: and the years of the life of Ambram were a hundred and thirty-two years.
21 Izhar koca ah Korah, Nepheg neh Zikhri.
And the sons of Issaar, Core, and Naphec, and Zechri.
22 Uzziel koca Mishael, Elizaphan neh Sithri.
And the sons of Oziel, Misael, and Elisaphan, and Segri.
23 Aaron loh Amminadab canu, Nahshon ngannu Elisheba te a yuu la a loh tih Nadab, Abihu, Eleazar neh Ithamar a sak pah.
And Aaron took to himself to wife Elisabeth daughter of Aminadab sister of Naasson, and she bore to him both Nadab and Abiud, and Eleazar and Ithamar.
24 Korah kah koca ah Assir, Elkanah neh Abiasaph tih, te rhoek te Korah kah cako la om uh.
And the sons of Core, Asir, and Elkana, and Abiasar, these are the generations of Core.
25 Aaron capa Eleazar loh Putiel nu te a yuu la a loh tih Phinekha te a sak. Te rhoek te amah huiko ah Levi napa kah patuel la om.
And Eleazar the son of Aaron took to himself for a wife [one] of the daughters of Phutiel, and she bore to him Phinees. These are the heads of the family of the Levites, according to their generations.
26 BOEIPA loh Aaron neh Moses te, “Israel ca rhoek te Egypt kho lamloh a caempuei la khuen laeh,” a ti nah.
This is Aaron and Moses, whom God told to bring out the children of Israel out of the land of Egypt with their forces.
27 Israel ca te Egypt lamloh khuen ham Egypt manghai Pharaoh taengah aka thui khaw amih rhoi Moses neh Aaron ni.
These are they that spoke with Pharao king of Egypt, and Aaron himself and Moses brought out the children of Israel from the land of Egypt,
28 BOEIPA loh Moses a voek hnin ah Egypt kho ah om coeng.
in the day in which the Lord spoke to Moses in the land of Egypt;
29 Te vaengah BOEIPA loh Moses te a voek tih, “Kai tah Yahweh ni, kai loh nang taengah ka thui boeih te Egypt manghai Pharaoh taengah thui pah,” a ti nah.
then the Lord spoke to Moses, saying, I am the Lord: speak to Pharao king of Egypt whatever I say to you.
30 Tedae Moses loh BOEIPA mikhmuh ah, “Kai hmuilai aka ngun he Pharaoh loh kai ol te metlam a hnatun pai eh?,” a ti.
And Moses said before the Lord, Behold, I am not able in speech, and how shall Pharao listen to me?

< Sunglatnah 6 >