< Tingtoeng 25 >

1 [David kah] BOEIPA nang taengla ka hinglu kan nawn.
Yahweh, my God, I give myself to you.
2 Ka Pathen nang dongah ka pangtung nah. Yah m'poh sak boeh. Ka thunkha loh kai soah sundaep boel saeh.
I trust in you. Do not allow my enemies [to defeat me], with the result that I would be ashamed/disgraced. Do not allow my enemies to defeat/conquer me, with the result that they would rejoice.
3 Nang aka lamtawn boeih tah yahpok uh pawt vetih, lunglilungla la aka hnukpoh rhoek tah yak uh ni.
Do not allow any of those who trust in you to be disappointed/disgraced. Cause those who (act treacherously toward/try to deceive) others to be disappointed/disgraced.
4 BOEIPA na longpuei te kai n'tueng lamtah na caehlong te kai n'cang puei lah.
Yahweh, show me the way that I should (conduct my life/live as you want me to), teach me how to act in the manner that you want me to act/behave.
5 Na oltak dongla kai n'hoihaeng lamtah kai n'cang puei lah. Namah tah ka daemnah Pathen la na om dongah nang te khohnin yung ah kan lamtawn.
Teach me to conduct my life [by obeying] your truth because you are my God, the one who saves me. All the time I trust in you.
6 BOEIPA nang kah haidamnah neh khosuen lamkah na sitlohnah te poek lah.
Yahweh, do not forget how you have acted mercifully to me and have faithfully loved me; that is the way that you have acted toward me from long ago.
7 Ka camoe kah tholhnah neh ka boekoek te na poek moenih. BOEIPA nang kah thennah dongah na sitlohnah bangla kai he nan poek.
Forgive me for all the sinful things I did and the ways that I rebelled against you when I was young; I ask this because you faithfully love your people and do good things for them, Yahweh, do not forget me!
8 BOEIPA tah then tih thuem. Te dongah hlangtholh rhoek te longpuei ah a thuinuet.
Yahweh is good and fair/just; therefore he shows sinners (how they should conduct their lives/how to live as you want them to).
9 Kodo rhoek te tiktamnah neh a hoihaeng tih kodo rhoek te a longpuei neh a cang puei.
He shows humble people what is right for them to do and teaches them what he wants [them to do].
10 BOEIPA kah caehlong boeih tah, a paipi neh a olphong aka kueinah rhoek ham sitlohnah neh uepomnah la om.
He always faithfully loves and does what he has promised to those who keep his agreement with them and who do what he requires.
11 Aw BOEIPA na ming khoem lamtah kai kah thaesainah len mai cakhaw khodawk han ngai mai.
Yahweh, forgive me for all my sins, which are many, in order that I may honor you [MTY].
12 BOEIPA aka rhih hlang he unim? Anih ni longpuei ah a coelh vetih a thuinuet eh.
To all those who revere you [RHQ], you show them the (right way to conduct their lives/things that they should do).
13 Hnothen dongah a hinglu loh rhaeh rhong vetih a tiingan loh khohmuen a pang uh ni.
They will always be prosperous, and their descendants will continue to live in [this] land.
14 Amah aka rhih rhoek te BOEIPA loh baecenol neh a paipi a ming sak.
Yahweh is a friend of those who have an awesome respect for him, and he teaches them the agreement that he [made with them].
15 Ka mik loh BOEIPA dongah a hmaitang taitu dongah ka kho he lawk dong lamloh a doek.
I always ask [MTY] Yahweh to help me, and he rescues me from danger [MET].
16 Kai oingaih cangloeng neh mangdaeng ham ka taengla ha mael lamtah kai n'rhen dae.
Yahweh, pay attention to me and be merciful to me, because I am alone, and I am very distressed because I am suffering/oppressed.
17 Ka thinko citcai loh pungtai tih khobing khui lamkah kai n'lo lah.
Help me to not worry, and rescue me from my troubles.
18 Kai kah phacip phabaem neh ka thakthaenah he hmu lamtah ka tholh boeih te khuen lah.
Note that I am distressed and troubled [DOU], and forgive [me for] all my sins.
19 Ka thunkha rhoek loh metlam a pungtai uh tih kuthlahnah loh hmuhuetnah neh kai m'hmuet uh he ham hmu lah.
Also note that I have many enemies, see that they hate me very much.
20 Ka hinglu he dawndah lamtah kai n'huul dae. Nang dongah ka ying dongah yah m'poh sak boeh.
Protect me, and rescue me from them; do not allow [them to defeat me], [with the result that] I would be ashamed/disgraced; I have come to you to (get refuge/be safe).
21 Nang kan lamtawn dongah thincaknah, duengnah loh kai n'kueinah uh saeh.
Protect me because I do what is good and honest/just [PRS], and because I trust in you.
22 Aw Pathen Israel te citcai boeih lamkah lat lah.
God, rescue [us] Israeli people from all of our troubles!

< Tingtoeng 25 >