< Tingtoeng 16 >

1 [David kah Laa] Aw Boeipa Pathen namah dongah ka ying tih kai n'dawndah lah.
“A Michtham of David.” Preserve me, O God; for I have placed my trust in thee.
2 Ka Boeipa Yahovah namah taengah, “Nang phoeiah tah ka hnothen a om moenih,” ka ti.
[O my soul], thou hast said unto the Lord, Thou art my Lord: my happiness is not without thee;
3 Diklai ah aka cim tih, aka khuet boeih taengah ka naep.
[But] in the saints who are on the earth, and in the excellent—in them is all my delight.
4 A tloe aka oei rhoek tah a nganboh la pung. Amih thii te tuisi ka bueih pawt vetih ka hmuilai neh amih ming te ka khuen mahpawh.
Multiplied shall be the sorrows of those who give presents to another god: I will not pour out their drink-offerings of blood, nor bear their names upon my lips.
5 BOEIPA tah kai kah buham khoyo neh ka boengloeng la om. Namah loh ka hmulung khaw na duel.
Thou, O Lord, art the portion of my inheritance, and my cup; thou hast drawn my lot.
6 Rhilong khaw kai ham tah, hmuennaep ah cet tih, kai ham rho then ngawn coeng.
My possessions are fallen in agreeable places: yea, my heritage is pleasant to me.
7 Kai aka uen aka to BOEIPA te a yoethen saeh. Khoyin ah khaw ka kuel loh kamah n'toel.
I will bless the Lord, who hath given me counsel: also in the night seasons my reins admonish me.
8 BOEIPA loh kai kah bantang ben ah om tih, kamah hmai la ka mop taitu dongah ka tuen mahpawh.
I have always set the Lord before me, that, being at my right hand, I might not be moved.
9 Te dongah ka lungbuei a kohoe tih ka thangpomnah loh a omngaih vaengah, ka pumsa khaw ngaikhuek la duem ni.
Therefore is rejoiced my heart, and my spirit is glad: also my flesh shall rest in safety.
10 Ka hinglu he Saelkhui la na hnoo pawt vetih, namah kah hlangcim te hlan na hmuh sak mahpawh. (Sheol h7585)
For thou wilt not abandon my soul to the grave: thou wilt not suffer thy pious [servant] to see corruption. (Sheol h7585)
11 Hingnah caehlong te kai nan tueng tih, na hmai ah kohoenah kodam la om. Na bantang kut ah a yoeyah la ka ngailaem.
Thou wilt let me know the path of life: fulness of joy is in thy presence; pleasures are at thy right hand for evermore.

< Tingtoeng 16 >