< Tingtoeng 108 >

1 [David kah Tingtoeng laa] Pathen aw ka lungbuei cikngae la ka hlai vetih ka thangpomnah nen khaw ka tingtoeng ni.
God, I am (very confident/trusting completely) [IDM] in you. I will sing to praise [you]. with all my inner being.
2 Thangpa neh rhotoeng haenghang lamtah khopo ah kai ka haeng lah eh.
I will arise before the sun rises, and I will [praise you while I play] my [big] harp and my (lyre/small harp).
3 Pilnam rhoek lakliah BOEIPA namah te kan uem saeh lamtah, namtu pawt taengah nang kan tingtoeng eh.
[I prayed], “Yahweh, I will thank you among [all] the people-groups; I will sing to praise you among the nations,
4 Na sitlohnah tah vaan lakah sang tih, na oltak loh khomong khaw a puet.
because your faithful love for us reaches up to the heavens, and your faithfully doing what you promise [is as great as the distance] up to the clouds.
5 Pathen tah vaan ah, na thangpomnah te diklai pum ah pomsang pai saeh.
Yahweh, [show] in the heavens that you are very great! And [show] your glory [to people] all over the earth!
6 Na lungnah rhoek te pumcum uh van saeh. Na bantang kut neh khang lamtah, kai n'doo lah.
Answer our [prayers] and by your power help us [MTY] [to defeat our enemies] in order that we, the people whom you love, may be saved/rescued.”
7 Pathen loh a hmuencim lamkah, “Ka sundaep vetih, Shekhem te ka boe phoeiah Sukkoth kol ka suem ni.
And [Yahweh answered our prayers and] spoke from his temple, saying, “Because I have conquered [your enemies], I will joyfully [everything in] [city] and I will distribute among my people [the valuable things] in Succoth Valley.
8 Gilead he kai kah tih, Manasseh khaw kai kah. Ephraim khaw ka lu ham lunghim tih, Judah khaw ka taem ni.
The Gilead [region] is mine; the [people of the tribe of] Manasseh are mine; [the tribe of] Ephraim is [like] my war helmet, and [the tribe of Judah] is like the (scepter/stick that I hold which shows that I am the ruler) [MET];
9 Moab tah kai kah tuihluknah am ni. Edom soah ka khokhom ka voeih tih, Philistia te ka yuhui thil.
the Moab [region] is [like] my washbasin [MET]; I throw my sandal in the Edom [area to show that it belongs to me]; I shout triumphantly because I have defeated [the people of] the Philistia [area].”
10 Hmuencak khopuei la ulong kai n'khuen eh? Edom la ulong kai m'mawt eh?” a ti.
[Because we want to attack the people of] Edom, (who will lead my [army triumphantly] to their [capital] city that has strong walls around it?/I want someone to lead my [army triumphantly] to their [capital] city that has strong walls around it.) [RHQ]
11 Pathen nang loh kaimih nan hlahpham pawt tih, Pathen namah te kaimih kah caempuei rhoek taengla na pawk moenih a?
God, we [hope that] [RHQ] you have not abandoned us, and that you will go with us when our army marches out [to fight our enemies].
12 Hlang kah loeihnah he a poeyoek. Te dongah rhal taengah khaw, kaimih he bomnah m'pae lah.
[We need you to] help us when we fight against our enemies, because the help that humans can give us is worthless.
13 Pathen neh caem ka tloek uh vetih, ka rhal ka suntlae ni.
[But] with you [helping us], we shall win; you will [enable us to] defeat our enemies.

< Tingtoeng 108 >