< Lampahnah 31 >

1 BOEIPA loh Moses te a voek tih,
And the Lord spak to Moyses, and seide,
2 “Na pilnam te coi lamtah Israel ca rhoek kah tawnlohnah neh Median soah phulo laeh,” a ti nah.
Venge thou firste the sones of Israel of Madianytis, and so thou schalt be gaderid to thi puple.
3 Te dongah Moses loh pilnam te a voek tih, “Na taeng lamkah hlang rhoek te caempuei la pumcum saeh lamtah Midian soah BOEIPA kah tawnlohnah paek ham Midian cuuk uh thil saeh.
And anoon Moises seide, Arme ye men of you to batel, that moun take of Madianytis the veniaunce of the Lord.
4 Israel koca boeih khui lamloh koca khat ah thawng khat, koca khat ah thawng khat rhip te caempuei la tueih uh,” a ti nah.
Of ech lynage be chosun a thousynde men of Israel, that schulen be sent to batel.
5 Te dongah Israel a thawng a thawng khui lamloh koca khat ah thawng khat te hol uh tih thawng hlai nit te caempuei la pumcum uh.
And of ech lynage thei yauen a thousynde, that is twelue thousynde of men, redi to batel;
6 Te phoeiah Moses loh amih koca pakhat lamkah thawngkhat te caempuei la a tueih. Te vaengah khosoih Eleazar capa Phinekha khaw a kut dongkah hmuencim hnopai neh tamlung olueng neh caempuei la cet.
whiche Moises sente with Fynees, the sone of Eleazar, preest. And he bitook to hem hooli vesselis, and trumpis to make sown.
7 Te dongah BOEIPA loh Moses te a uen bangla Midian te a muk uh tih tongpa boeih te a ngawn uh.
And whanne thei hadden fouyt ayens Madianytis, and hadden ouercome, thei killiden alle the malis,
8 Midian manghai rhoek te khaw amih kah rhok dongah a ngawn uh. Midian manghai panga, Evi neh Rekem khaw, Zur neh Hur khaw, Reba neh Beor capa Balaam khaw cunghang neh a ngawn uh.
and `the kyngis of hem, Euy, and Reem, and Sur, and Hur, and Rebe, fyue princes of `the folc of hem. Also thei killiden bi swerd Balaam, the sone of Beor.
9 Israel ca rhoek loh Midian kah huta camoe khaw a rhamsa boeih neh a boiva boeih a mawt uh tih a thadueng boeih khaw a poelyoe pa uh.
And thei token the wymmen of hem, and the litle children, and alle beestis, and al purtenaunce of howshold; what euer thei myyten haue, thei spuyleden;
10 Amih kah tolrhum lakli, a khopuei boeih neh a lumim boeih khaw hmai neh a hoeh pa uh.
flawme brente as wel citees, as litle townes and castels.
11 Kutbuem boeih khaw, hlang neh rhamsa dongkah a hnorhawt boeih khaw a khuen uh.
And they token pray, and alle thingis whiche thei hadden take, as wel of men as of beestis, and thei brouyten to Moyses,
12 Te phoeiah tamna neh kutbuem hnorhawt te khaw Jerikho kah Jordan kaep, Moab kolken kah rhaehhmuen kah Moses taeng neh khosoih Eleazar taengah, Israel ca rhaengpuei taengla a khuen uh.
and to Eleazar, preest, and to al the multitude of the sones of Israel. Forsothe thei baren othere `thingis perteynynge to vss, to the castels in the feldi places of Moab bisidis Jordan, ayens Jericho.
13 Moses, khosoih Eleazar neh rhaengpuei kah khoboei boeih khaw amih doe hamla rhaehhmuen vongvoel la tawn uh.
Moises and Eleazar, preest, and alle the princes of the synagoge, yeden out in to the comyng of hem, with out the castels, `that is, of the tabernacle.
14 Tedae caem aka soep thawng khat mangpa rhoek neh caempuei caemtloek lamkah aka pawk yakhat mangpa taengah Moses a thintoek.
And Moises was wrooth to the princes of the oost, to tribunes, and centuriouns, that camen fro batel;
15 Te phoeiah amih te Moses loh, “Huta tah boeih na hlun uh nama?
and he seide, Whi reserueden ye wymmen?
16 Peor kah olka dongah BOEIPA taeng lamloh boekoeknah la hol uh ham Balaam kah ol lamloh Israel ca rhoek taengla amih ha pawk coeng ne. Te dongah ni lucik loh BOEIPA kah hlangboel a tlak thil.
whether it be not these that disseyueden the sones of Israel, at the suggestioun of Balaam, and maden you to do trespas ayens the Lord, on the synne of Phegor, wherfor also the puple was slayn?
17 Te dongah camoe lakli kah tongpa boeih te ngawn uh lamtah tongpa kah thingkong dongah tongpa aka ming huta boeih khaw ngawn uh.
And therfor sle ye alle men, what euer thing is of male kynde, and litle children; and strangle ye the wymmen that knew men fleischli;
18 Tedae huta khuiah khaw tongpa kah thingkong aka ming hlan camoe boeih tah namamih ham hlun uh.”
forsothe reserue ye to you damesels, and alle wymmen virgyns,
19 “Nangmih hinglu aka ngawn boeih neh rhok aka ben boeih tah hnin rhih khuiah rhaehhmuen vongvoel la rhaeh uh. A hnin thum neh a hnin rhih dongah namamih neh na tamna te khaw cilpoe uh.
and dwelle ye with out the castels in seuene daies. He that sleeth a man, ether touchith a slayn man, schal be clensid in the thridde and the seuenthe dai;
20 Himbai boeih neh maehpho dongkah hnopai boeih, maae lamkah bitat boeih neh thing hnopai boeih khaw cilpoe uh,” a ti nah.
and of al the pray, whether it is clooth, ether vessel, and ony thing maad redi in to thingis perteynynge to vss, of the skynnys and heeris of geet, and `of tre, it schal be clensid.
21 BOEIPA loh Moses taengah a uen bangla olkhueng dongkah khosing he, khosoih Eleazar loh caemtloek la aka cet caempuei hlang rhoek taengah,
And Eleazar, preest, spak thus to the men of the oost that fouyten, This is the comaundement of the lawe, which the Lord comaundide to Moises,
22 “Sui neh cak, rhohum, thi, samphae neh kawnlawk,
The gold, and siluer, and bras, and yrun, and tiyn, and leed, and al thing that may passe by flawme, schal be purgid bi fier;
23 Hmai aka khoeng hno boeih tah hmai ah caeh sak uh lamtah caihcil bitni. Pumom tui neh cilpoe saeh lamtah hmai loh a khoeng pawt boeih tah tui dongah caeh sak uh.
sotheli what euer thing may not suffre fier, schal be halewid bi the watir of clensyng.
24 A hnin rhih dongah na himbai te na suk uh tih na caihcil uh phoeiah rhaehhmuen la kun uh,” a ti nah.
And ye schulen waische youre clothis in the seuenthe dai, and ye schulen be clensid; and aftirward ye schulen entre in to the castels `of the tabernacle.
25 BOEIPA loh Moses te a voek tih,
And the Lord seide to Moises, Take ye the summe of tho thingis that ben takun, fro man `til to beeste,
26 “Hnorhawt dongkah hlangmi te, na hlang kah tamna neh rhamsa khaw, khosoih Eleazar neh rhaengpuei kah a napa rhoek hlangmi khaw tae uh.
thou, and Eleazar, preest, and alle the princes of the comyn puple.
27 Caempuei la a khuen tih caem aka tu laklo neh rhaengpuei boeih laklo ah hnorhawt te tael pah.
And thou schalt departe euenli the prey bytwixe hem that fouyten and yeden out to batel, and bitwixe al the multitude.
28 Caempuei la aka cet caemtloek hlang rhoek khui lamloh ya nga vaengah hinglu pakhat tah hlang khaw, saelhung khaw, laak khaw, boiva khaw BOEIPA taengah mangmu la tloeng.
And thou schalt departe a part to the Lord, of hem that fouyten, and weren in batel, `o soule of fiue hundrid, as wel of men, as of oxun, and of assis, and of scheep.
29 A rhakthuem te lo lamtah BOEIPA kah khosaa la khosoih Eleazar ham pae.
And thou schalt yyue `that part to Eleazar, preest, for tho ben the firste fruytis of the Lord.
30 Israel ca rhoek kah te a rhakthuem ah coelh pah. Sawmnga lamloh pakhat tah hlang khaw, saelhung khaw, laak khaw, boiva khaw, rhamsa khaw boeih tu lamtah BOEIPA kah dungtlungim loh a kuek aka ngaithuen Levi taengah pae,” a ti nah.
Also of the myddil part of the sones of Israel, thou schalt take the fiftithe heed of men, and of oxun, and of assis, and of scheep, and of alle lyuynge beestis; and thou schalt yyue tho to the dekenes, that waken in the kepyngis of the tabernacle of the Lord.
31 BOEIPA loh Moses a uen vanbangla Moses neh khosoih Eleazar loh a saii.
And Moyses and Eleazar diden, as the Lord comaundide.
32 Caempuei pilnam loh a poelyoe hnorhawt dong lamloh maeh coih la aka om he boiva he thawng ya rhuk neh thawng sawmrhih thawng nga,
Forsothe the prey which the oost hadde take, was sixe hundrid fyue and seuenti thousynde of scheep,
33 saelhung thawng sawmrhih neh thawng hnih,
of oxun two and seuenti thousynde,
34 Laak thawng sawmrhuk neh thawng khat lo.
of assis sixti thousynde and a thousynde;
35 Hlang kah hinglu khaw tongpa kah thingkong aka ming pawh huta he a pum la hinglu thawng sawmthum thawng nit lo.
the soules of persones of femal kynde, that knewen not fleischli men, two and thretti thousynde.
36 Caempuei la aka kun kah hamsum rhakthuem he a pum la boiva thawng ya thum neh thawng sawmthum thawng rhih ya nga lo.
And the myddil part was youun to hem that weren in the batel, of scheep thre hundrid seuene and thretti thousynde and fyue hundrid;
37 BOEIPA kah mangmu te boiva dong lamloh ya rhuk sawmrhih panga,
of whiche sixe hundrid fyue and seuenti scheep weren noumbrid in to the part of the Lord;
38 Saelhung thawng sawmthum thawng rhuk lo. Te vaengah BOEIPA ham amih kah mangmu te sawmrhih pumnit lo.
and of sixe and thretti thousynde oxun,
39 Laak thawng thumkip neh ya nga vaengah BOEIPA ham amih mangmu pum sawmrhuk pakhat lo.
two and seuenti oxun, and of thretti thousynde assis and fyue hundryd, oon and sixti assis;
40 Hlang kah hinglu khaw thawng hlai rhuk vaengah BOEIPA ham amih kah mangmu te hinglu thumkip panit lo.
of sixtene thousynde persoones of men, twei and thretti persoones bifelden in to the `part of the Lord.
41 Te dongah BOEIPA loh Moses a uen vanbangla BOEIPA kah khosaa mangmu te Moses loh khosoih Eleazar taengah a paek.
And Moises bitook the noumbre of the firste fruytis of the Lord to Eleazar, preest, as it was comaundid to hym,
42 Israel ca rhakthuem lamloh caem aka muk hlang taeng lamkah khaw Moses loh a tael pah.
of the myddil part of the sones of Israel, which he departide to hem that weren in batel.
43 Hlangboel rhakthuem lamloh boiva thawng ya thum neh thawng sawmthum thawng rhih ya nga lo.
And of the myddil part that bifelde to the tother multitude, that is, of thre hundrid seuene and thretti thousynde scheep and fyue hundrid,
44 Saelhung he thawng thumkip neh thawng rhuk lo.
and of sixe and thretti thousynde oxun,
45 Laak thawng sawmthum neh ya nga lo.
and of thretti thousynde assis and fyue hundrid, and of sixtene thousynde wymmen,
46 Hlang kah hinglu thawng hlai rhuk lo.
Moyses took the fyftithe heed,
47 Israel ca rhoek rhakthuem dongkah te Moses a loh. Sawmnga ah pakhat tah hlang lamkah khaw, rhamsa lamkah khaw a loh tih BOEIPA loh Moses a uen bangla BOEIPA dungtlungim kah a kuek aka ngaithuen Levi taengah a paek.
and yaf to the dekenes, that wakiden in the tabernacle of the Lord, as the Lord comaundide.
48 Te phoeiah caempuei a thawng thawng aka soep, thawng khat mangpa rhoek neh yakhat mangpa rhoek tah Moses taengla mop uh.
And whanne the princes of the oost, and the tribunes and centuriouns hadden neiyed to Moises,
49 Moses taengah, “Na sal rhoek loh caemtloek hlang rhoek kah boeilu te a tae uh vaengah mamih lamkah he kaimih kut hmuiah hlang he a hmaai moenih.
thei seiden, We thi seruauntis han teld the noumbre of fiyters, whiche we hadden vndur oure hoond, and sotheli not oon failide;
50 Te dongah BOEIPA mikhmuh ah kaimih kah hinglu ham aka dawth la hlang loh a hmuh sui hnopai, cak neh khungpak, kutcaeng, hnathawn neh oilung te BOEIPA nawnnah ham kang khuen,” a ti uh.
for which cause we offren `in the fre yiftis of the Lord, alle bi vs silf, that that we myyten fynde of gold in the pray, girdelis for `the myddil of wymmen, and bies of the armes, and ryngis, and ournementis of the arm nyy the hond, and bies of the neckis of wymmen, that thou preye the Lord for vs.
51 Te dongah Moses neh khosoih Eleazar loh amih taeng lamkah sui neh kutsai hnopai boeih te a doe.
And Moises and Eleazar, preest, token al the gold in dyuerse spices,
52 Te dongah thawngkhat mangpa rhoek neh yakhat mangpa rhoek taeng lamloh BOEIPA taengah khosaa la a tloeng uh sui boeih he shekel thawng hlai rhuk ya rhih sawmnga lo.
`ether kyndis, bi the weiyte of the seyntuarye, sixtene thousynde seuene hundrid and fifti siclis, of the tribunes, and centuriouns.
53 Caempuei hlang rhoek long khaw amah kah hlang te a poelyoe uh.
For that that ech man rauyschide in the prey, was his owne;
54 Te phoeiah Moses neh khosoih Eleazar loh thawngkhat neh yakhat mangpa rhoek lamkah sui te a doe tih tingtunnah dap la BOEIPA mikhmuh ah Israel ca rhoek ham poekkoepnah la a khuen.
and thei baren the gold taken in to the tabernacle of witnessyng, in to the mynde of the sones of Israel, bifor the Lord.

< Lampahnah 31 >