< Lampahnah 31 >

1 BOEIPA loh Moses te a voek tih,
Then spake Yahweh unto Moses, saying:
2 “Na pilnam te coi lamtah Israel ca rhoek kah tawnlohnah neh Median soah phulo laeh,” a ti nah.
Exact thou the avenging of the sons of Israel, from the Midianites, —and, afterwards, shalt thou be withdrawn unto thy kinsfolk.
3 Te dongah Moses loh pilnam te a voek tih, “Na taeng lamkah hlang rhoek te caempuei la pumcum saeh lamtah Midian soah BOEIPA kah tawnlohnah paek ham Midian cuuk uh thil saeh.
So Moses spake unto the people saying, Arm ye from among you men, for the war, and let them go against Midian, to render the avenging of Yahweh upon Midian.
4 Israel koca boeih khui lamloh koca khat ah thawng khat, koca khat ah thawng khat rhip te caempuei la tueih uh,” a ti nah.
A thousand from each tribe, —of all the tribes of Israel, shall ye send forth unto the war.
5 Te dongah Israel a thawng a thawng khui lamloh koca khat ah thawng khat te hol uh tih thawng hlai nit te caempuei la pumcum uh.
And there volunteered out of the thousands of Israel, a thousand of each tribe, —twelve thousand, armed for war.
6 Te phoeiah Moses loh amih koca pakhat lamkah thawngkhat te caempuei la a tueih. Te vaengah khosoih Eleazar capa Phinekha khaw a kut dongkah hmuencim hnopai neh tamlung olueng neh caempuei la cet.
And Moses sent them a thousand of each tribe to the war, —them, and Phinehas son of Eleazar the priest, to the war, with the vessels of the sanctuary, and the alarm trumpets, in his hand.
7 Te dongah BOEIPA loh Moses te a uen bangla Midian te a muk uh tih tongpa boeih te a ngawn uh.
So they made war upon Midian, as Yahweh had commanded Moses, and slew every male:
8 Midian manghai rhoek te khaw amih kah rhok dongah a ngawn uh. Midian manghai panga, Evi neh Rekem khaw, Zur neh Hur khaw, Reba neh Beor capa Balaam khaw cunghang neh a ngawn uh.
and the kings of Midian, slew they besides their other slain namely, Evi, and Rekem, and Zur, and Hur, and Reba, five kings of Midian, —Balaam also, son of Beor, slew they with the sword.
9 Israel ca rhoek loh Midian kah huta camoe khaw a rhamsa boeih neh a boiva boeih a mawt uh tih a thadueng boeih khaw a poelyoe pa uh.
And the sons of Israel took captive the women of Midian and their little ones, —all their cattle also and all their flocks and all their substance, carried they off as a prey;
10 Amih kah tolrhum lakli, a khopuei boeih neh a lumim boeih khaw hmai neh a hoeh pa uh.
all their cities also in their sites, and all their encampments, burned they up with fire.
11 Kutbuem boeih khaw, hlang neh rhamsa dongkah a hnorhawt boeih khaw a khuen uh.
Then took they all the spoil, and all the booty, —both of man and beast;
12 Te phoeiah tamna neh kutbuem hnorhawt te khaw Jerikho kah Jordan kaep, Moab kolken kah rhaehhmuen kah Moses taeng neh khosoih Eleazar taengah, Israel ca rhaengpuei taengla a khuen uh.
and brought in unto Moses and unto Eleazar the priest and unto the assembly of the sons of Israel—the captives and the booty, and the spoil unto the camp, —unto the waste plains of Moab, which are by Jordan, near Jericho.
13 Moses, khosoih Eleazar neh rhaengpuei kah khoboei boeih khaw amih doe hamla rhaehhmuen vongvoel la tawn uh.
And Moses, and Eleazar the priest and all the princes of the assembly, went forth to meet them, —unto the outside of the camp.
14 Tedae caem aka soep thawng khat mangpa rhoek neh caempuei caemtloek lamkah aka pawk yakhat mangpa taengah Moses a thintoek.
Then was Moses sore displeased with the officers of the force, —the princes of thousands, and the princes of hundreds who were coming in from the warring host.
15 Te phoeiah amih te Moses loh, “Huta tah boeih na hlun uh nama?
And Moses said unto them, —Have ye saved alive every female?
16 Peor kah olka dongah BOEIPA taeng lamloh boekoeknah la hol uh ham Balaam kah ol lamloh Israel ca rhoek taengla amih ha pawk coeng ne. Te dongah ni lucik loh BOEIPA kah hlangboel a tlak thil.
Lo! they, became unto the sons of Israel, by the advice of Balaam, the cause of daring acts of treachery against Yahweh, over the affair of Peor, —and then came the plague against the assembly of Yahweh!
17 Te dongah camoe lakli kah tongpa boeih te ngawn uh lamtah tongpa kah thingkong dongah tongpa aka ming huta boeih khaw ngawn uh.
Now, therefore, slay ye every male among the young, —every woman also that hath cohabited with man, slay ye.
18 Tedae huta khuiah khaw tongpa kah thingkong aka ming hlan camoe boeih tah namamih ham hlun uh.”
But all the young of womankind that have, not cohabited with man, preserve alive for yourselves.
19 “Nangmih hinglu aka ngawn boeih neh rhok aka ben boeih tah hnin rhih khuiah rhaehhmuen vongvoel la rhaeh uh. A hnin thum neh a hnin rhih dongah namamih neh na tamna te khaw cilpoe uh.
Ye, then, pitch outside the camp, for seven days, —whosoever hath killed a person and whoever hath touched the slain, cleanse yourselves (from sin) on the third day and on the seventh day ye and your captives,
20 Himbai boeih neh maehpho dongkah hnopai boeih, maae lamkah bitat boeih neh thing hnopai boeih khaw cilpoe uh,” a ti nah.
Every garment also, and every article of skin and every thing made of goat’s-hair, and every article of wood, shall ye cleanse (from sin).
21 BOEIPA loh Moses taengah a uen bangla olkhueng dongkah khosing he, khosoih Eleazar loh caemtloek la aka cet caempuei hlang rhoek taengah,
Then said Eleazar the priest unto the men of the host, who had been to the war: This, is the statute of the law, which Yahweh hath commanded Moses:
22 “Sui neh cak, rhohum, thi, samphae neh kawnlawk,
Surely the gold and the silver, —the bronze the iron, the tin and the lead,
23 Hmai aka khoeng hno boeih tah hmai ah caeh sak uh lamtah caihcil bitni. Pumom tui neh cilpoe saeh lamtah hmai loh a khoeng pawt boeih tah tui dongah caeh sak uh.
whatsoever thing can go into fire, ye shall pass through fire and it shall be clean, only with the water of separation, shall ye cleanse it (from sin). But whatsoever cannot go into fire, ye shall pass through water.
24 A hnin rhih dongah na himbai te na suk uh tih na caihcil uh phoeiah rhaehhmuen la kun uh,” a ti nah.
And ye shall wash your clothes on the seventh day, and be clean, —and after-wards, shall ye come into the camp.
25 BOEIPA loh Moses te a voek tih,
Then spake Yahweh unto Moses, saying:
26 “Hnorhawt dongkah hlangmi te, na hlang kah tamna neh rhamsa khaw, khosoih Eleazar neh rhaengpuei kah a napa rhoek hlangmi khaw tae uh.
Reckon thou up the sum of the booty that was captured, both of man and of beast, —thou and Eleazar the priest, and the ancestral heads of the assembly;
27 Caempuei la a khuen tih caem aka tu laklo neh rhaengpuei boeih laklo ah hnorhawt te tael pah.
and divide the booty into two parts, between them who took upon them the war, who went out in the host, —and all the [rest of the] assembly.
28 Caempuei la aka cet caemtloek hlang rhoek khui lamloh ya nga vaengah hinglu pakhat tah hlang khaw, saelhung khaw, laak khaw, boiva khaw BOEIPA taengah mangmu la tloeng.
Then shalt thou levy a tribute unto Yahweh—from the men of war, who went forth in the host, one living thing, out of five hundred, —of the human beings, and of the herd, and of the asses and of the flock:
29 A rhakthuem te lo lamtah BOEIPA kah khosaa la khosoih Eleazar ham pae.
out of their half, shall ye take [them], —and thou shall give [them] unto Eleazar the priest as a heave-offering unto Yahweh.
30 Israel ca rhoek kah te a rhakthuem ah coelh pah. Sawmnga lamloh pakhat tah hlang khaw, saelhung khaw, laak khaw, boiva khaw, rhamsa khaw boeih tu lamtah BOEIPA kah dungtlungim loh a kuek aka ngaithuen Levi taengah pae,” a ti nah.
And out of the half allotted to the sons of Israel, shalt thou take one allotted portion out of fifty of the human beings, of the herd, of the asses and of the flock of all the cattle, —and shalt give them unto the Levites, who keep the charge of the habitation of Yahweh.
31 BOEIPA loh Moses a uen vanbangla Moses neh khosoih Eleazar loh a saii.
And Moses and Eleazar the priest did, —As Yahweh commanded Moses.
32 Caempuei pilnam loh a poelyoe hnorhawt dong lamloh maeh coih la aka om he boiva he thawng ya rhuk neh thawng sawmrhih thawng nga,
And it came to pass that the booty, over and above the prey which the people of the host had seized, was, —of the flock, six hundred and seventy-five thousand;
33 saelhung thawng sawmrhih neh thawng hnih,
and, of the herd, seventy-two thousand;
34 Laak thawng sawmrhuk neh thawng khat lo.
and, of the asses, sixty-one thousand;
35 Hlang kah hinglu khaw tongpa kah thingkong aka ming pawh huta he a pum la hinglu thawng sawmthum thawng nit lo.
and, of the human persons, even of the woman-kind who had not cohabited with man, —all the persons, thirty-two thousand.
36 Caempuei la aka kun kah hamsum rhakthuem he a pum la boiva thawng ya thum neh thawng sawmthum thawng rhih ya nga lo.
And the half, the share of them who had gone forth in the host, was, —the number of the flock—three hundred and thirty-seven thousand and five hundred;
37 BOEIPA kah mangmu te boiva dong lamloh ya rhuk sawmrhih panga,
and so, the tribute unto Yahweh, out of the flock, was—six hundred and seventy-five;
38 Saelhung thawng sawmthum thawng rhuk lo. Te vaengah BOEIPA ham amih kah mangmu te sawmrhih pumnit lo.
and the herd, thirty-six thousand, —and the tribute of them unto Yahweh—seventy-two;
39 Laak thawng thumkip neh ya nga vaengah BOEIPA ham amih mangmu pum sawmrhuk pakhat lo.
and the asses, thirty thousand and five hundred, —and the tribute of them unto Yahweh, sixty-one;
40 Hlang kah hinglu khaw thawng hlai rhuk vaengah BOEIPA ham amih kah mangmu te hinglu thumkip panit lo.
and the human persons, sixteen thousand, —and the tribute of them unto Yahweh, thirty-two persons.
41 Te dongah BOEIPA loh Moses a uen vanbangla BOEIPA kah khosaa mangmu te Moses loh khosoih Eleazar taengah a paek.
And Moses gave the tribute—the heave-offering of Yahweh, unto Eleazar the priest, —As Yahweh commanded Moses.
42 Israel ca rhakthuem lamloh caem aka muk hlang taeng lamkah khaw Moses loh a tael pah.
And, of the half, allotted unto the sons of Israel, —which Moses halved away from the men who had gone out in the host,
43 Hlangboel rhakthuem lamloh boiva thawng ya thum neh thawng sawmthum thawng rhih ya nga lo.
the half allotted unto the assembly, was—of the flock, three hundred and thirty-seven thousand, and five hundred;
44 Saelhung he thawng thumkip neh thawng rhuk lo.
and, of the herd, six and thirty thousand;
45 Laak thawng sawmthum neh ya nga lo.
and, of asses, thirty thousand and five hundred;
46 Hlang kah hinglu thawng hlai rhuk lo.
and, human persons, sixteen thousand.
47 Israel ca rhoek rhakthuem dongkah te Moses a loh. Sawmnga ah pakhat tah hlang lamkah khaw, rhamsa lamkah khaw a loh tih BOEIPA loh Moses a uen bangla BOEIPA dungtlungim kah a kuek aka ngaithuen Levi taengah a paek.
So then Moses took—out of the half belonging to the sons of Israel the allotted portion one out of fifty, of the human beings and of the beasts, —and gave them unto the Levites, the keepers of the charge of the habitation of Yahweh, As Yahweh commanded Moses.
48 Te phoeiah caempuei a thawng thawng aka soep, thawng khat mangpa rhoek neh yakhat mangpa rhoek tah Moses taengla mop uh.
Then came near unto Moses the officers who belonged unto the thousands of the host, —the princes of thousands and the princes of hundreds;
49 Moses taengah, “Na sal rhoek loh caemtloek hlang rhoek kah boeilu te a tae uh vaengah mamih lamkah he kaimih kut hmuiah hlang he a hmaai moenih.
and said unto Moses, Thy servants have reckoned up the sum of the men of war who are in our hand, —and there is not missed from among us, a man!
50 Te dongah BOEIPA mikhmuh ah kaimih kah hinglu ham aka dawth la hlang loh a hmuh sui hnopai, cak neh khungpak, kutcaeng, hnathawn neh oilung te BOEIPA nawnnah ham kang khuen,” a ti uh.
Therefore have we brought near an offering unto Yahweh, what, each man, hath found—articles of gold, ankle chains and bracelets, rings earrings and buckles, —to put a propitiatory-covering over our souls before Yahweh.
51 Te dongah Moses neh khosoih Eleazar loh amih taeng lamkah sui neh kutsai hnopai boeih te a doe.
So Moses, and Eleazar the priest took the gold of them, —all the wrought articles.
52 Te dongah thawngkhat mangpa rhoek neh yakhat mangpa rhoek taeng lamloh BOEIPA taengah khosaa la a tloeng uh sui boeih he shekel thawng hlai rhuk ya rhih sawmnga lo.
And all the gold of the heave-offering which they offered up unto Yahweh, was—sixteen thousand seven hundred and fifty shekels, —of the princes of thousands, and of the princes of hundreds.
53 Caempuei hlang rhoek long khaw amah kah hlang te a poelyoe uh.
The men of the host, had taken prey, each man for himself.
54 Te phoeiah Moses neh khosoih Eleazar loh thawngkhat neh yakhat mangpa rhoek lamkah sui te a doe tih tingtunnah dap la BOEIPA mikhmuh ah Israel ca rhoek ham poekkoepnah la a khuen.
So then Moses and Eleazar the priest took the gold of the princes of thousands, and hundreds, —and brought it into the tent of meeting, as a memorial for the sons of Israel before Yahweh.

< Lampahnah 31 >