< Thothuengnah 25 >

1 Sinai tlang ah BOEIPA loh Moses a voek tih,
Yahweh said to Moses/me on Sinai Mountain,
2 Israel ca rhoek te voek lamtah thui pah. Kai loh nangmih taengah kam paek khohmuen te na kun thil uh vaengah khohmuen loh BOEIPA ham Sabbath te yaeh saeh.
“Tell the Israelis [that I, Yahweh, say this]: When you enter the land that I am about to give you, every seventh year you must honor me by [not planting any seeds. You will be] allowing the ground to rest.
3 Na khohmuen te kum rhuk tawn lamtah na misur khaw kum rhuk na hloe khuiah a thaih te bit.
For six years you are to plant seeds in your fields and prune your grapevines and harvest the crops.
4 Tedae a kum rhih dongah tah khohmuen ham koiyaeh Sabbath la om saeh. BOEIPA kah Sabbath ah na khohmuen te tawn boeh. Na misur khaw hloe boeh.
But the seventh/next year you must [dedicate] to me, and allow your fields to rest. Do not plant seeds in your fields or prune your grapevines [during that year].
5 Na cang pong te at boeh. Na khohai misur khaw bit boeh. Khohmuen kah koiyaeh kum la om saeh.
Do not reap [the grain] that grows in your fields without having been planted, or harvest the grapes that grow [without the vines being pruned]; you must allow the land to rest for that one year.
6 Na Khohmuen kah Sabbath vaengah tah cakok te namah ham neh na salpa ham khaw, na salnu ham khaw, na kutloh ham khaw, na taengah aka bakuep na lampah ham khaw om bitni.
But you are permitted to eat whatever crops grow by themselves during that year without having been planted. You and your male and female servants, and workers whom you have hired, and people who are living among you temporarily are permitted to eat it.
7 Na khohmuen kah na rhamsa neh mulhing loh a caak ham khaw a thaih boeih om ni.
Also, [during that year] your livestock and the wild animals in your land are permitted to eat it.’
8 Te dongah kum rhih kum rhih kah Sabbath voei rhih tae lamtah voei rhih a cup phoeikah kum sawmli pako vaengah Sabbath kum la om saeh.
‘Also, after every 49 years has ended, you must do this: (On the tenth day of the seventh month/At the end of September) [of the next/50th year], blow trumpets throughout the country, to declare that it will be a day on which you request that I forgive you for the sins that you have committed.
9 Hla rhih dongkah hlasae hnin rha vaengah tamlung neh tuki na ueng ni. Tholh dawthnah khohnin ah khaw na khohmuen boeih ah tuki na ueng ni.
10 Kum sawmnga kum te ciim uh lamtah kho khuikah khosa rhoek boeih ham sayalhnah hoe uh. Te te nangmih ham jubilee la om saeh. Hlang kah a khohut te mael lamtah hlang boeih te a huiko taengla mael uh.
Set apart that year, and proclaim that throughout the country, it will be a year of restoring the land and freeing people: All the people [who sold their property] will receive back the property that they previously owned, and slaves must be (freed/allowed to return to [their property and] their families).
11 A sawmnga kum te nangmih ham jubilee kum la om saeh lamtah, lo tawn uh boeh. Te dongah amah aka pong khaw at uh boeh. Khohai kah khaw bit uh boeh.
That year will be a Year of Celebration; [during that year] do not plant anything, and do not harvest [in the usual way] the grain/wheat that grows without having been planted, or the grapes that grow without the vines being pruned.
12 Tekah jubilee tah nangmih ham a cim la a om dongah khohmuen kah a thaih te na caak uh ni.
It will be a Year of Celebration, so eat [only] what grows in the fields (by itself/without any work being done to produce anything).
13 Tekah jubilee kum vaengah hlang kah a khohut te mael uh.
‘In that Year of Celebration, everyone must return to their own property.
14 Hnoyoih te na imben taengah na yoih uh tih, na imben kut lamkah na lai atah manuca te khat neh khat vuelvaek uh thae boeh.
‘If you sell some of your land to a fellow Israeli or if you buy some land from one of them, you must treat that person fairly:
15 Jubilee phoeikah kum na tae soah na imben kah khohmuen te na lai uh neh a vuei a thaih kum na tae soah yoi saeh.
If you buy land, the price that you will pay will depend on the number of years there will be until the next Year of Celebration. If someone sells land to you, he will charge a price that is determined by the number of years until the next Year of Celebration.
16 A cangvuei kah a tarhing te namah taengah han yoih coeng dongah a kum loh amah tarhing ah yet tih a lainah loh rhoeng cakhaw kum kah a tarhing te hnah pah lamtah a lainah te hnah pah.
If there will be many years before the next Year of Celebration, the price will be higher; if there will be only a few years until the next Year of Celebration, the price will be lower. [You could say that] what he is really selling you is the number of crops [which you can harvest before the next Year of Celebration].
17 Hlang pakhat long he a imben te vuelvaek boel saeh. Tedae kai tah nangmih kah BOEIPA Pathen la ka om dongah na Pathen te rhih lah.
Do not cheat each other; instead, revere me. I, Yahweh your God, [am the one who am commanding this].
18 Te dongah ka khosing te vai uh lamtah ka laitloeknah te ngaithuen uh. Te te na saii uh daengah ni diklai ah ngaikhuek la kho na sak uh eh.
‘Obey all my laws [DOU] carefully. If you do that, you will continue to live safely in your country [DOU].
19 Diklai long khaw a thaih a paek vetih kodam la na caak ni. A khuiah khaw ngaikhuek la kho na sak uh ni.
And crops will grow well on the land, and you will have plenty to eat.
20 Tedae, “Kum rhih dongah lo ka tawn uh pawt tih ka cangvuei khaw ka khoem uh pawt koinih balae ka caak uh eh,” na ti uh oeh cakhaw,
But you may ask, “If we do not plant or harvest our crops during the seventh year, what will we have to eat?”
21 kai kah yoethennah he kum rhuk khuiah nangmih ham kang uen vetih kum thum ham a vuei a thaih om bitni.
[My answer is that] I will bless you very much during the sixth/previous year, with the result that during that year there will be enough crops to provide food for you for three years!
22 Kum rhet dongah tawn uh lamtah cang rhuem te kum ko hil ca uh. Cangah a pha duela cang rhuem te ca uh.
Then, after you plant seed during the eighth/next year [and wait for the crops to grow], you will eat the food grown in the sixth year, and continue to eat it until more food is harvested in the ninth year!
23 Nangmih tah kai taengah yinlai neh na lampah uh dae khohmuen tah kamah taengah a ti ham dongah khohmuen te khaw yoi boeh.
‘You must not sell any of your land to belong to someone else permanently, because the land [is not yours, it]; is really mine, and you are only living on it temporarily and (farming/taking care of) it for me.
24 Te dongah na khohut khohmuen boeih dongah khohmuen ham tlannah khueh uh.
Throughout the country that you will possess, you must remember that if someone sells some of his land to you, he is permitted to buy it back from you [if he wants to].
25 Na manuca te daeng tih a khohut te a yoih atah khohmuen aka tlan ham anih neh aka yoei uh loh ham paan saeh lamtah a manuca kah hnoyoih te koep tlan saeh.
‘So, if one of your fellow Israelis becomes poor and sells some of his property [to obtain some money], the person who is most closely related to him is permitted to come and buy that land for him.
26 Aka tlan ham hlang ni a om pawt tih khohmuen a tlannah rhoeh te a kut loh pha pawh, a dang pawt bal atah,
However, if a man has no one to buy the land for him, and he himself prospers again and saves enough money to buy that land back,
27 a hnoyoih kah kum te tae saeh lamtah a hoei te koe a yoih thil hlang taengah thuung saeh. Te phoeiah amah khohut te lat saeh.
he must calculate how many years there will be until the next Year of Celebration. Then he must pay to the man who bought the land the money that he would have earned by continuing to grow crops on that land for those years.
28 Tedae anih taengah a mael rhoeh te a kut loh a dang pawt atah a hnoyoih te aka lai kut dongah jubilee kum duela om dae saeh. Tedae jubilee vaengah hlah pah saeh lamtah amah khohut taengla mael saeh.
But if the original owner does not have any money to buy the land that he sold, it will continue to belong to the man who bought it, until the next Year of Celebration. In that year it must be returned to its original owner, and he will be able to live on it again.
29 Hlang loh tolrhum khopuei vongtung khuikah im te a yoih mai ni. Tedae a yoihnah kum a thok hil a tlannah om saeh lamtah a tlannah tue te khueh saeh.
‘If someone who lives in a city that has a wall around it sells a house there, during the next year he will be permitted to buy it from the man who bought it.
30 Kum loh cup tih a thok duela a tlan pawt atah khopuei vongtung khuikah im te im aka lai neh anih kah cadilcahma taengah a ti la pai saeh lamtah jubilee vaengah khaw hlah boel saeh.
If he does not buy it during that year, it will belong permanently to the man who bought it and to his descendants. It must not be returned to the original owner in the Year of Celebration.
31 Vongup kah im mai cakhaw a kaepvai ah vongtung a om pawt atah khohmuen lohma bangla poek uh saeh. Anih ham tlannah om saeh lamtah jubilee vaengah hlah pah saeh.
But houses that are in villages that do not have walls around them are considered to be as though they are in a field. So if someone sells one of those houses, he is permitted to buy it back at any time. And [if he does not buy it], it must be returned to him in the Year of Celebration.
32 Levi khopuei kah khopuei im tah amih kah khohut ni. Levi ham tah kumhal ah tlannah om saeh.
‘If any descendants of Levi sell their houses in the towns in which they live, they are permitted to buy them back at any time.
33 Israel ca rhoek khuiah Levi rhoek long tah a khopuei neh a im bueng he amih kah a khohut la a khueh uh dongah Levi rhoek long tah tlan saeh. A khohut khopuei kah im a yoih tangtae khaw jubilee vaengah koep lat saeh.
And because the houses in their towns are on land that [was given to them by] other Israelis, that land will become theirs again in the Year of Celebration [if they do not buy it back before then].
34 Tedae amih Levi khopuei kah khohmuen khocaak te tah amamih kah kumhal a khohut la a om coeng dongah yoi uh boel saeh.
But the pastureland near their towns must not be sold. It must belong to the original owners permanently/forever.
35 Na manuca te daeng tih nang taengah a kut a hmawn oeh atah anih te yinlai neh lampah banghui lam khaw talong lamtah namah taengah hing sak.
‘If one of your fellow Israelis becomes poor and is unable to buy what he needs [IDM], others of you must help him like you would help a foreigner who is living among you [DOU] temporarily.
36 Anih taeng lamkah a casai neh a pueh a kan khaw lo boeh. Na Pathen te na rhih daengah ni na manuca loh nang taengah a hing eh.
[If you lend money to him], do not charge any kind of interest [DOU]. Instead, [show by what you do that you] revere me, your God, and help that man, in order that he will be able to continue to live among you.
37 Anih te a casai la tangka pu boeh. Na cang khaw a pueh a kan la yoi boeh.
If you lend him money, do not charge interest; and if you sell food to him, [charge him only what you paid for it]; do not get a profit from it.
38 Kai tah nangmih taengah Pathen la om ham neh nang taengah Kanaan khohmuen paek ham Egypt khohmuen lamkah nangmih aka doek na Pathen BOEIPA ni.
[Do not forget that] I am Yahweh your God, who brought you out of Egypt to be your God and to give you the land of Canaan, [and I did not charge you for doing that].
39 Na taengkah na manuca te daeng tih nang taengla amah a yoih uh atah sal kah thohtatnah bangla anih te thohtat sak boeh.
‘If one of your fellow Israelis becomes poor and sells himself to you, do not force him to work like a slave.
40 Namah taengah kutloh neh lampah bangla om saeh lamtah Jubilee kum hil nang taengah thotat saeh.
Treat him like you treat workers that you hire or like someone who is living on your land temporarily. But he must work for you [only] until the Year of Celebration.
41 Te phoeiah amah neh a ca rhoek te nang taeng lamkah nong saeh lamtah a huiko taengla mael saeh. Te vaengah a napa kah khohut la mael saeh.
During that year, you must free him, and he will go back to his family and to the property that his ancestors owned.
42 Kamah kah sal la om ham amih te Egypt kho lamkah ka loh. Amih te sal yoih la yoi uh boel saeh.
[It is as though] you Israelis are my slaves/servants, whom I [freed from being slaves] in Egypt. So none of you should be sold to become slaves.
43 Anih te mangkhak la taemrhai boeh. Na Pathen te rhih lah.
And do not treat the Israelis whom you buy cruelly; instead, revere me, your God.
44 Na kaepvai namtom taeng lamkah sal, salnu na lai te tah namah taengah namah kah salnu salpa la om uh saeh.
‘If you want to have slaves, you are permitted to buy them from nearby countries.
45 Nangmih loh na lai uh tih nangmih taengah aka bakuep lampah ca rhoek neh nangmih taengkah a huiko lamloh na kho kah nangmih lakliah a cun uh te khaw khohut bangla nangmih taengah om uh saeh.
You are also permitted to buy some of the foreigners who are living among you, and members of their clans that were born in your country. Then you will own them.
46 Te dongah amih te namah phoeikah na ca rhoek taengah kumhal kah a pang khohut la pang sak lamtah thohtat sak. Tedae na manuca Israel ca rhoek khat khat neh anih kah a manuca soah mangkhak la taemrhai boeh.
They will be your slaves for the remaining years of your life, and after you die, it is permitted for your children to own them. But you must not act in brutal ways toward your fellow Israelis.
47 Nang taengkah yinlai neh lampah kut long pataeng a kae vaengah a taengkah na manuca tah daeng tih na taengkah yinlai lampah taengah khaw, yinlai huiko kah a mii taengah khaw, amah a yoi uh khaming,
‘If a foreigner who is living among you [DOU] becomes rich, and if one of your fellow Israelis becomes poor and sells himself to that foreigner or to a member of his clan/family,
48 a yoih uh phoeiah khaw a manuca khui lamkah khat khat long ni tlannah a khueh atah tlan saeh.
it is permitted for someone to pay for him to be freed. It is permitted for one of his relatives to pay for him to be released:
49 A nupu long khaw, a nupu capa long khaw tlan saeh. A pumsa saa lamkah, amah huiko long khaw tlan saeh. A kut loh a na mak atah amah khaw tlan uh saeh.
An uncle or a cousin or another relative in his clan may pay for him to be released. Or, if he prospers [and gets enough money], he is permitted to pay for his own release.
50 Anih a yoih lamkah a lai kum te jubilee kum duela tae pah saeh. Te phoeiah a kum tarhing dongkah a khohnin vanbangla a yoih tangka te om saeh lamtah anih te kutloh bangla om saeh.
The man who wants to pay for his own release must count the number of years until the next Year of Celebration. The price he pays to the man who bought him will depend on the pay that would be given to a hired worker for that number of years.
51 Kum muep a ngaih pueng atah a yet tarhing la a lainah tangka dong lamkah te tlannah la pae saeh.
If there are a lot of years that remain until the Year of Celebration, he must pay for his release a larger amount of the money.
52 Tedae jubilee kum duela kum cavilcavel ni a ngaih coeng atah a kum tarhing te poek pah saeh lamtah a tlannah te pae van saeh.
If there are only a few years that remain until the Year of Celebration, he must pay a smaller amount to be released.
53 Kum at phoeiah kum at kutloh bangla om saeh. Anih te na mikhmuh ah mangkhak la taemrhai boeh.
During the years that he is working for the man who bought him, the man who bought him must treat him like he would treat a hired worker, and all of you must make sure that his owner does not treat him cruelly.
54 Te tlam pataeng a tlan thai pawt atah Jubilee kum vaengah anih te a ca rhoek neh rhenten hlah saeh.
‘And even if a fellow Israeli who has sold himself to a rich man is not able to pay for himself to be freed by any of these ways, he and his children must be freed in the Year of Celebration,
55 Israel ca rhoek he kamah taengah ka sal rhoek kah sal la om ham ni Egypt kho lamkah ka loh. Kai tah nangmih kah BOEIPA Pathen ni, a ti nah.
because [it is as though] you Israelis are my slaves/servants, whom I, Yahweh your God, freed from [being slaves in] Egypt.’”

< Thothuengnah 25 >