< Laitloekkung 1 >

1 Joshua a dueknah hnukah Israel ca rhoek loh BOEIPA te a dawt uh tih, “Ulae kaimih ham Kanaan taengla aka cet vetih a moecuek kah bangla anih te a vathoh thil lah ve,” a ti uh.
And it came to pass after the death of Joshua, that the children of Israel enquired of the Lord, saying, Who shall go up for us first against the Chananites, to fight against them?
2 Te dongah BOEIPA loh, “Judah te cet saeh lamtah khohmuen he a kut ah ka paek tangtae coeng ni ke,” a ti nah.
And the Lord said, Judas shall go up: behold, I have delivered the land into his hand.
3 Te vaengah a manuca Simeon te, “Kai hmulung khuila kamah taengla ha luei lamtah Kanaan ke vathoh thil sih. Kai khaw nang hmulung kah khuikah nang taengah ka pongpa van eh,” a ti nah tih Simeon khaw anih taengla cet.
And Judas said to his brother Symeon, Come up with me into my lot, and let us array ourselves against the Chananites, and I also will go with you into your lot: and Symeon went with him.
4 Judah a luei vaengah BOEIPA loh amih kut ah Kanaan neh Perizzi te a tloeng pah tih Bezek ah hlang thawng rha a tloek uh.
And Judas went up; and the Lord delivered the Chananite and the Pherezite into their hands, and they struck them in Bezek to [the number of] ten thousand men.
5 Bezek ah Adonibezek te a hmuh uh tih anih te a tloek uh phoeiah Kanaan neh Perizzi te a tloek uh.
And they overtook Adonibezek in Bezek, and fought against him; and they struck the Chananite and the Pherezite.
6 Adonibezek te rhaelrham van dae a hnukah a hloem uh tih a kae uh vaengah a kut a kho kah kutnu khonu te a tlueh pa uh.
And Adonibezek fled, and they pursued after him, and took him, and cut off his thumbs and his great toes.
7 Te vaengah Adonibezek loh, “Manghai sawmrhih kut kho kah kutnu khonu ka tlueh pah tih ka caboei hmuikah cakdik aka rhut la om uh. Ka saii bangla Pathen loh kai taengah han thuung coeng,” a ti. Anih te Jerusalem la a khuen uh tih te ah te duek.
And Adonibezek said, Seventy kings, having their thumbs and their great toes cut off, gathered [their food] under my table: as I therefore have done, so God has recompensed me: and they brought him to Jerusalem, and he died there.
8 Judah ca rhoek loh Jerusalem te a vathoh thil uh tih a buem uh. Cunghang ha neh a ngawn phoeiah khopuei te hmai ah a pup uh.
And the children of Judas fought against Jerusalem, and took it, and struck with the edge of the sword, and they burnt the city with fire.
9 Te phoeiah tlang neh tuithim kolrhawk kah aka om Kanaan te tloek ham Judah ca rhoek loh suntla uh.
And afterwards the children of Judas went down to fight with the Chananite dwelling in the hill country, and the south, and the plain country.
10 Te phoeiah Hebron ah aka om Kanaan te khaw Judah loh a paan bal. Hebron kah a ming rhuem tah Kiriatharba ni. Te vaengah Sheshai, Ahiman neh Talmai te khaw a tloek uh.
And Judas went to the Chananite who lived in Chebron; and Chebron came out against him; [and the name of Chebron before was Cariatharbocsepher: ] and they struck Sessi, and Achiman, and Tholmi, children of Enac.
11 Te lamloh Debir kah khosa rhoek te a paan uh tih cet uh. Derbir kah a ming rhuem tah Kiriathsepher ni.
And they went up thence to the inhabitants of Dabir; but the name of Dabir was before Cariathsepher, the city of Letters.
12 Te vaengah Kaleb loh, “Kiriathsepher aka tloek tih aka buem te tah ka canu Akcah te a yuu la ka paek ni,” a ti.
And Chaleb said, Whosoever shall strike the city of Letters, and shall first take it, I will give to him Ascha my daughter to wife.
13 Te dongah Kaleb mana Kenaz capa Othniel loh a buem tih a canu Akcah te a yuu la a paek.
And Gothoniel the younger son of Kenez the brother of Chaleb took it; and Chaleb gave him his daughter Ascha to wife.
14 A yuu te ha pawk vaengah a napa taengkah khohmuen bih ham a va te a vueh. Te dongah laak dong lamkah a bit uh vanneh anih te Kaleb loh, “Nang ham balae kan saii eh,” a ti nah.
And it came to pass as she went in, that Gothoniel urged her to ask a field of her father; and she murmured and cried from off her ass, You have sent me forth into a south land: and Chaleb said to her, What is your request?
15 Te dongah a canu loh, “Kai ham khaw yoethennah nan suem vanbangla tuithim khohmuen ke kai m'pae mai lamtah tuidueh tui khaw kai ham nam paek mai mako,” a ti nah. Te dongah anih te Kaleb loh a siip tuidueh neh a hnawt tuidueh te a paek.
And Ascha said to him, Give me, I pray you, a blessing, for you have sent me forth into a south land, and you shall give me the ransom of water: and Chaleb gave her according to her heart the ransom of the upper [springs] and the ransom of the low [springs].
16 Rhophoe khopuei lamkah Moses masae Keni ca rhoek neh Arad tuithim Judah khosoek Judah ca rhoek tah luei uh tih pilnam taengah kho a sak uh.
And the children of Jothor the Kenite the father-in-law of Moses went up from the city of palm-trees with the children of Judas, to the wilderness that is in the south of Juda, which is at the descent of Arad, and they lived with the people.
17 Te phoeiah Judah te a mana Simeon neh cet rhoi tih Zephath khosa rhoek Kanaan te a tloek rhoi. Khopuei te a thup tih khopuei ming khaw Hormah la a sak pah.
And Judas went with Symeon his brother, and struck the Chananite that inhabited Sepheth, and they utterly destroyed them; and they called the name of the city Anathema.
18 Te vaengah Judah loh Gaza neh a khorhi, Ashkelon neh a khorhi, Ekron neh a khorhi te a loh.
But Judas did not inherit Gaza nor her coasts, nor Ascalon nor her coasts, nor Accaron nor her coasts, [nor] Azotus nor the lands around it.
19 Te vaengah BOEIPA loh Judah a om puei tih tlang khaw a huul coeng dae kol kah khosa rhoek tah thi leng a khueh dongah haek thai pawh.
And the Lord was with Judas, and he inherited the mountain; for they were not able to destroy the inhabitants of the valley, for Rechab prevented them.
20 Moses kah a thui bangla Hebron te Kaleb taengah a paek uh hatah te lamkah Anak ca rhoek pathum te vik a vai.
And they gave Chebron to Chaleb, as Moses said; and thence he inherited the three cities of the children of Enac.
21 Jerusalem kah khosa Jebusi te tah Benjamin ca rhoek loh ana haek pawt dongah tihnin due Jerusalem kah Benjamin ca rhoek taengah Jebusi loh kho a sak.
But the children of Benjamin did not take the inheritance of the Jebusite who lived in Jerusalem; and the Jebusite lived with the children of Benjamin in Jerusalem until this day.
22 Joseph imko loh Bethel a paan uh vaengah khaw amih te BOEIPA loh a om puei.
And the sons of Joseph, they also went up to Baethel; and the Lord was with them.
23 Lamhma a ming Luz khopuei la aka om Bethel te Joseph imko loh a yaam uh.
And they encamped and surveyed Baethel: and the name of the city before was Luza.
24 Te vaengah kho khui lamkah aka lo hlang pakhat te longyam rhoek loh a hmuh uh tih, “Khopuei khuirhai te kaimih n'tueng dae, nang taengah sitlohnah ka saii uh van bitni,” a ti nah.
And the spies looked, and behold, a man went out of the city, and they took him; and they said to him, Show us the way into the city, and we will deal mercifully with you.
25 Te dongah amih te khopuei vongrhai a tueng tih khopuei te cunghang ha neh a tloek uh. Tedae hlang pakhat neh a imkhui pum te tah a loeih sak uh.
And he showed them the way into the city; and they struck the city with the edge of the sword; but they let go the man and his family.
26 Te dongah hlang pakhat te Khitti kho la cet tih kho a thoong. Tekah kho ming te Luz la ana khue dongah tihnin due anih ming la om.
And the man went into the land of Chettin, and built there a city, and called the name of it Luza; this [is] its name until this day.
27 Bethshan neh a khobuel rhoek, Taanakh neh a khobuel rhoek, Dore kah aka om, aka om neh a khobuel rhoek, Ibleam kah aka om rhoek neh a khobuel rhoek, Megiddo kah aka om rhoek neh a khobuel rhoek tah Manasseh loh ana haek pawt dongah Kanaan rhoek loh khohmuen ah khosak ham khak huul uh.
And Manasse did not drive out [the inhabitants of] Baethsan, which is a city of Scythians, nor her towns, nor her suburbs; nor Thanac, nor her towns; nor the inhabitants of Dor, nor her suburbs, nor her towns; nor the inhabitant of Balac, nor her suburbs, nor her towns; nor the inhabitants of Magedo, nor her suburbs, nor her towns; nor the inhabitants of Jeblaam, nor her suburbs, nor her towns; and the Chananite began to dwell in this land.
28 Israel a om vaengah a moem tih Kanaan te saldong la a khueh tih a haek rhoe a haek moenih.
And it came to pass when Israel was strong, that he made the Chananite tributary, but did not utterly drive them out.
29 Gezer ah aka om Kanaan te khaw Ephraim loh ana haek pawt dongah Gezer kah Kanaan tah amih lakli ah kho a sak.
And Ephraim did not drive out the Chananite that lived in Gazer; and the Chananite lived in the midst of him in Gazer, and became tributary.
30 Kitron kah khosa rhoek neh Nahalal kah khosa rhoek te khaw Zebulun loh ana haek pawt dongah a lakli ah Kanaan loh kho a sak tih saldong la om uh.
And Zabulon did not drive out the inhabitants of Kedron, nor the inhabitants of Domana: and the Chananite lived in the midst of them, and became tributary to them.
31 Akkho kah khosa rhoek, Sidon kah khosa rhoek neh Ahlab, Akhzib, Helbah, Aphek, Rehob te khaw Asher loh ana haek pawh.
And Aser did not drive out the inhabitants of Accho, and [that people] became tributary to him, nor the inhabitants of Dor, nor the inhabitants of Sidon, nor the inhabitants of Dalaph, nor Aschazi, nor Chebda, nor Nai, nor Ereo.
32 Amih te ana haek pawt dongah khohmuen kah aka om Kanaan lakli ah Asher long khaw kho a sak.
And Aser lived in the midst of the Chananite who inhabited the land, for he could not drive him out.
33 Bethshemesh kah khosa rhoek neh Bethanath khosa rhoek te Naphtali loh ana haek pawt dongah khohmuen kah aka om Kanaan lakli ah kho a sak. Tedae Bethshemesh neh Bethanath kah aka om rhoek te tah amih ham saldong la om uh.
And Nephthali did not drive out the inhabitants of Baethsamys, nor the inhabitants of Baethanach; and Nephthali lived in the midst of the Chananite who inhabited the land: but the inhabitants of Bethsamys and of Baetheneth became tributary to them.
34 Tlang kah Dan ca rhoek te Amori loh la a nen dongah anih te tah kol la suntlak sak ham pae pawh.
And the Amorite drove out the children of Dan into the mountains, for they did not suffer them to come down into the valley.
35 Amori khaw Heres tlang, Aijalon neh Shaalbim ah khosak ham huul uh ngawn dae Joseph imko kah a bong a ban a puel phoeiah tah amih te saldong la om uh.
And the Amorite began to dwell in the mountain of shells, in which [are] bears, and foxes, in Myrsinon, and in Thalabin; and the hand of the house of Joseph was heavy upon the Amorite, and he became tributary to them.
36 Amori khorhi he Akrabbim kham lamloh Sela voelh a poeng duela om.
And the border of the Amorite [was] from the going up of Acrabin, from the rock and upwards.

< Laitloekkung 1 >