< Johan 21 >

1 Hekah phoeiah, hnukbang rhoek ham Tiberias tuili ah Jesuh amah te koep phoe.
After these things revealed Himself again Jesus to the disciples at the sea of Tiberias; He revealed [Himself] now in this way.
2 A phoe tangloeng vaengah Simon Peter, Didymus la a khue Thomas, Galilee ram Kana lamkah Nathanael, Zebedee ca rhoek neh a hnukbang a tloe panit te tun om uh.
They were together Simon Peter, and Thomas who is being named Didymus, and Nathanael from Cana of Galilee, and the [sons] of Zebedee, and others of the disciples of Him two.
3 Simon Peter loh amih taengah, “Ngatu la ka cet ni,” a ti nah. Te dongah amah te, “Kaimih khaw nang taengah ka lo uh ni,” a ti na uh. Cet uh tih lawng dongah kun uh ngawn dae tekah khoyin ah a tuuk uh moenih.
Says to them Simon Peter; I am going to fish. They say to him; Come also we ourselves with you. They went forth and (they climbed *N(k)O*) into the boat (immediately *K*) and during that [very] night they caught no [thing].
4 Mincang a pha vaengah Jesuh te tuikaeng ah pai dae hnukbang rhoek loh Jesuh ni tila ming uh pawh.
When morning now already (having become *NK(o)*) stood (*k*) Jesus on the shore; not however knew the disciples that Jesus it is.
5 Te dongah Jesuh loh amih taengah, “Camoe rhoek, ngasa khat khaw na khueh uh moenih a?” a ti nah hatah, “Om pawh,” a ti na uh.
Says therefore to them Jesus; Children, Surely not any fish have you? They answered to Him; No.
6 Tedae amih te, “Lawng a kaepvai kah bantang benah lawk te voei lamtah nga na dang uh bitni,” a ti nah. Te dongah lawk te a voeih uh hatah doek thai pawt la nga muep yet.
And He said to them; do cast to the right side of the boat the net and you will find [some]. They cast therefore, and no longer no longer it to haul in (were they able *N(k)O*) from the multitude of the fish.
7 Te vaengah Jesuh kah a lungnah hnukbang loh Peter taengah, “Boeipa ni,” a ti nah. Simon Peter tah a tlingyal la a om dongah Boeipa ni tila a yaak vaengah a sokah himbai te a vaep tih tuili ah amah cungpung.
Says therefore the disciple that [one] whom was loving Jesus to Peter; The Lord it is. Simon therefore Peter having heard that the Lord it is the outer garment put on he was for naked and he cast himself into the sea.
8 Tedae a tloe hnukbang rhoek tah lawng neh ha lo uh. Lan lamloh dong yahnih tluk pataeng lakhla la a om uh mueh la nga lawk te a mawt uh.
And the other disciples in the boat came; not for were they far from the land but about away cubits two hundred dragging the net with the fish.
9 Lan te a pha uh vaengah hmai ulh om tih vaidam neh nga te a tloeng thil a hmuh uh.
When therefore they got out onto the land, they see a fire of coals lying and fish lying on [it] and bread.
10 Jesuh loh amih te, “Tahae kah na tuuk uh nga te bet han khuen uh,” a ti nah.
Says to them Jesus; do bring [some] of the fish that you have caught now.
11 Te dongah Simon Peter loh cet tih nga len ya sawmnga pathum a bae la lawk te lan la a doek. He yet lo dae lawk tah pawn pawh.
Went up (therefore *NO*) Simon Peter and drew the net (to the land *N(k)O*) full of fish large a hundred fifty three; although so many there are not was torn the net.
12 Jesuh loh amih te, “Halo uh buh ca uh,” a ti nah. Te vaengah anih te, “U nang nim?” tila dawt ham khaw hnukbang rhoek loh ngaingaih voel pawh. Boeipa ni tila a ming uh coeng.
Says to them Jesus; Come do have breakfast. None however was daring of the disciples to ask Him; You yourself who are? knowing that the Lord it is.
13 Jesuh ha pawk tih vaidam te a loh phoeiah amih te a paek, nga te khaw amih a paek.
Comes (therefore *K*) (*ko*) Jesus and takes the bread and gives [it] to them and the fish likewise.
14 Tahae ah he duek lamkah a thoh phoeiah Jesuh loh hnukbang rhoek taengah a pathum phoe nah ni.
This [is] now [the] third time was revealed (*ko*) Jesus to the disciples (of him *k*) having been raised out from [the] dead.
15 A caak uh vaengah Jesuh loh Simon Peter te, “Johan capa Simon amih lakah kai nan lungnah a?” a ti nah. Peter loh, “Ue, Boeipa, Nang kan lungnah te namah loh na ming,” a ti nah. Jesuh loh, “Kai kah tuca rhoek te cuncah ne,” a ti nah.
When therefore they had dined, says to Simon to Peter Jesus; Simon ([son] of John, *N(K)O*) love you Me more than these? He says to Him; Yes Lord, You yourself know that I dearly love You. He says to him; do feed the lambs of Mine.
16 A pabae la anih te, “Johan capa Simon kai nan lungnah a?” a ti nah. Peter loh, “Ue, Boeipa, Nang kan lungnah te namah loh na ming,” a ti nah. Jesuh loh, “Ka tu te dawndah ne,” a ti nah.
He says to him again a second time; Simon ([son] of John, *N(K)O*) love you Me? He says to Him; Yes Lord, You yourself know that I dearly love You. He says to him; do shepherd the sheep of Mine.
17 A pathum ah Peter te, “Johan capa Simon. kai nan lungnah a?” a ti nah. Anih te, “Kai nan lungnah a?” tila voeithum a dawt dongah Peter tah a kothae tih, “Boeipa, namah loh boeih na ming. Nang kan lungnah te namah loh na ming,” a ti nah. Jesuh loh, “Kai kah tu rhoek te cuncah ne.
He says to him the third time; Simon ([son] of John, *N(K)O*) do you dearly love Me? Was grieved Peter because He said to him the third time; Do you dearly love Me? And (he speaks *N(k)O*) to Him; Lord, all things You yourself know, You yourself know that I dearly love You. Says to him Jesus; do feed the sheep of Mine.
18 Nang taengah rhep rhep ka thui. Tanoe la na om vaengah namah loh na khih tih na ngaih la na cet dae na patong vaengah na kut te na phuel vetih hlang tloe loh nang n'khih phoeiah na ngaih mueh hmuen la n'sol ni,” a ti nah.
Amen Amen I say to you; When you were younger, you were dressing yourself and were walking where you were desiring. when however you may be old, you will stretch forth the hands of you, and another you will dress and will bring [you] where not you do desire.
19 He vaengah ni dueknah lamloh Pathen a thangpom ham te a thui tih a phoe coeng. Hekah he a thui phoeiah Peter te, “Kai m'vai,” a ti nah.
This now He said signifying by what death he will glorify God. And this having said He says to him; do follow Me.
20 Peter te a mael vaengah Jesuh loh a lungnah hnukbang loh ham vai te a hmuh. Anih te khaw hlaembuh vaengah a rhang dongah hangdang tih, “Boeipa nang aka voei te unim?” a ti nah.
Having turned (now *k*) Peter sees the disciple whom was loving Jesus following who also had reclined at the supper on the bosom of Him and said; Lord, who is it who is betraying You?
21 Anih te Peter loh a hmuh vaengah Jesuh te, “Boeipa, anih tah metlam lae?” a ti nah.
Him (therefore *NO*) having seen Peter says to Jesus; Lord, this man and what about?
22 Jesuh loh, “Anih te ka lo due naeh sak ham ka ngaih cakhaw nang ham balae a ti eh? Nang te kai m'vai ngawn,” a ti nah.
Says to him Jesus; If him I shall desire to remain until I come, what [is it] to you? You yourself Me do follow.
23 Te dongah, “Tekah hnukbang tah duek mahpawh,” a ti olka te manuca rhoek taengah yilh cet. Tedae Jesuh loh anih te, “Duek mahpawh,” a ti moenih. “Anih te ka pawk duela naeh sak ka ngaih cakhaw nang ham balae a ti eh?” ti ni a thui.
Went out therefore this saying among the brothers that the disciple that not dies; (and *k*) Not said (however *no*) to him Jesus that not he dies, but If him I shall desire to remain until I come, what [is it] to you?
24 He tah hnukbang rhoek loh a phong tih a daek rhoek te ni. Te dongah a olphong aka om tah oltak tila m'ming uh.
This is the disciple who is bearing witness concerning these things and (the [one] *no*) having written these things, and we know that true of him the testimony is.
25 Jesuh loh a saii te a tloe khaw muep om dae tekah te pakhat pakhat ah daek uh koinih cabu daek tangtae te diklai amah pataeng hoeng mahpawh tila ka poek.
There are now also other things many (that *N(k)O*) did Jesus which if they shall be written every one, not even itself I suppose the world (to have space *NK(o)*) for the to be written books. (Amen *KO*)

< Johan 21 >