< Joba 16 >

1 Te phoeiah Job loh a doo tih,
Job replied [to Eliphaz and the others: ]
2 “Te bang ol te muep ka yaak coeng. Nangmih boeih kah a hloep khaw thakthaenah ni.
“I have heard things like that before; all of you, [instead of helping me, ] are only causing me to feel more miserable.
3 Khohli ol te a bawtnah om a? Balae tih na doo hamla nang n'huek.
Will your speeches, which are only hot air, never end [RHQ]? Eliphaz, what bothers/irritates you so much that you continue replying to me?
4 Kai khaw nang bangla ka thui thai ta. Na hinglu te ka hinglu yueng la om koinih olthui neh nangmih te kan sun vetih ka lu lamloh nangmih taengah ka hinghuen van ni.
If it were you [three and not I] who were suffering, I could say the things that you are saying; I could make great speeches [to criticize/condemn you], and I could shake my head at you [to ridicule you].
5 Ka ka neh nangmih te kan duel lah vetih ka hmuilai kah thaphohnah loh n'hoeptlang mako.
But, [unlike all of you, ] with what I said [MTY] I would encourage you and try to cause your pain to be less.
6 Ka thui akhaw ka thakkhoeihnah a rhoei moenih. Ka paa koinih kai lamloh metlam a caeh eh?
“But now, if I talk, my pain does not decrease, and if I am silent, my pain still certainly does not [RHQ] go away.
7 Ka hlangboel boeih khaw na pong uh tih ka ngak ngawn coeng.
God has now taken away all my strength, and he has destroyed my family.
8 Kai nan tonga sak khaw laipai la om coeng. Ka laithae khaw ka taengah pai sak tih, ka mikhmuh ah n'doo coeng.
He has shriveled me up, and people think that shows that I [am a sinner]. And people see that I am only skin and bones, and they think that proves that I [am guilty].
9 A thintoek loh a baeh tih kai soah a konaeh. Kai taengah a no te a tah coeng. Ka rhal loh kai soah a mik a huel.
Because God is very angry with me and hates me, [it is as though he is a wild animal that] [MET] has gnashed his teeth at me because he is my enemy.
10 A ka neh kai n'ang thil uh. Kokhahnah neh ka kam han taam uh tih, kai taengah huek ha cu uh.
People gape/stare at me with their mouths open [to sneer at me]; they have struck me on the face/cheek to ridicule me, and they crowd around me to threaten me.
11 Pathen loh kai he hlang thae taengla n'det tih halang kut dongla kai m'muek.
[It is as though] God has handed me over to ungodly people and turned me over to the wicked [DOU].
12 Thayoeituipan la ka om vaengah kai m'phae. Ka rhawn ah n'khak tih kai he n'taekyak. Te dongah kai he amah ham kutnoek la m'pai sak coeng.
Previously, I was living peacefully, but he crushed me; [it is as though] he grabbed my neck and smashed me to pieces. [It is as though] [MET] he set me up like a target;
13 Ka taengah a lithen rhoek loh m'vael uh tih ka kuel a khoh. Lungma a ti kolla diklai dongah ka hmuet phawt coeng.
people are surrounding me [and shooting arrows at me]. His arrows pierce my kidneys and cause the bile [from my liver] to spill onto the ground, and God does not pity me at all.
14 A puut hman ah a puut loh kai m'va. Hlangrhalh bangla kai taengah cu.
[It is as though] [MET] I am a wall that he is breaking through; he rushes at me like [SIM] a soldier [attacking his enemies].
15 Ka vin soah tlamhni ka hui tih ka ki khaw laipi neh ka poelyoe coeng.
[“Because I am mourning, ] I wear pieces of rough cloth that I have sewed together, and I sit [here] in the dirt, very depressed/discouraged.
16 Ka maelhmai he rhahnah neh nok la nok uh tih ka mikkhu khaw nut coeng.
My face is red because I have cried very much, and there are dark circles around my eyes.
17 Te cakhaw ka kut ah kuthlahnah om pawt tih ka thangthuinah khaw cil.
[All this has happened to me] even though I have not acted violently [toward anyone], and I [always] pray sincerely/honestly [to God].
18 Diklai nang loh ka thii he vuei boeh. Ka pang ol he khaw hmuen om boel saeh.
[When I die, ] I want the ground [APO] to [act as though I had been murdered and] cry out against those who killed me, and I do not want anyone to stop me while I am demanding [that God act justly toward] me.
19 Vaan ah pataeng kai kah laipai om tih, ka hlangcal khaw hmuensang ah om coeng ke.
But even now, [I know that] there is someone in heaven who will testify for me, and he will say that what I have done is right.
20 Ka hui khaw Pathen taengah, kai kah hmuiyoi la om tih ka mik khaw pha coeng.
My [three] friends scorn/ridicule me, but my eyes are full of tears [while I cry out] to God.
21 Hlang capa tah hlang ham neh a hui ham Pathen taengah a thui ta.
I pray that [the] one [who knows what I have done] would come to plead with God for me like people plead for their friends.
22 Kum a tarhing ah ha pawk vetih, ka mael voel mueh caehlong ah ka cet pawn ni.”
[I say this because] within a few years [I will die]; I will walk along the [to the grave] from which I will never return.”

< Joba 16 >