< Isaiah 54 >

1 Caya nu loh tamhoe laeh, aka cun noek pawt long khaw tamlung neh rhong saeh, aka vawn pawt khaw hlampan saeh. BOEIPA loh, “Rhukom kah a ca rhoek lakah aka pong kah a ca ping ngai coeng,” a ti.
Sing, O barren one, that thou hast not born: break forth into song, and rejoice aloud, that thou hast not travailed; for more are the children of the desolate than the children of the married wife, saith the Lord.
2 Na dap hmuen te aek lamtah na dungtlungim kah himbaiyan khaw yueng dae. Na liva hlawt ham khaw tuemsoem boel lamtah na hlingcong te caang sak.
Enlarge the space of thy tent, and let them stretch forth the curtains of thy habitations, —spare not: lengthen thy cords, and strengthen thy stakes;
3 Banvoei bantang la na pungtai vetih na tiingan loh namtom te a pang ni. Te vaengah khopuei aka pong ah khaw kho a sak uh ni.
For to the right and to the left shalt thou spread forth; and thy seed shall drive out nations, desolate cities shall they repeople.
4 Rhih boeh, yah na pok mahpawh. Hmaithae na lo pawt vetih na hmai tal mahpawh. Na cacawn vaengkah yahpohnah na hnilh bitni. Na nuhmai vaengkah kokhahnah khaw na poek voel mahpawh.
Fear not, for thou shalt not be made ashamed; and be not confounded, for thou shalt not be put to the blush; for the shame of thy youth shalt thou forget, and the reproach of thy widowhood shalt thou not remember any more.
5 Nang aka yuu nah tih nang aka saii kah a ming tah caempuei BOEIPA ni. Nang aka tlan, Israel kah a cim tah diklai pum kah Pathen la a khue.
For thy husband is thy Maker, the Lord of hosts is his name; and thy Redeemer is the Holy One of Israel, “The God of all the earth,” shall he be called.
6 A hnoo uh dongah mueihla ngaihlih nu bangla nang te BOEIPA loh ng'khue ni. Te dongah na camoe kah na Pathen loh, “Na yuu te khaw a hnawt,” a ti.
For as a woman forsaken and grieved in spirit did the Lord call thee back, and as a wife of youth, that was rejected, saith thy God.
7 Mikhaptok ca nang kan hnoo dae haidamnah neh a tanglue la nang kan coi bitni.
But for a brief moment have I forsaken thee; but with great mercies will I again receive thee.
8 “Thinhul tuiphul vaengah tah ka maelhmai he nang taeng lamloh mikhaptok ah ka thuh coeng dae kumhal kah sitlohnah neh nang kan haidam,” tila nang aka tlan Yahovah loh a thui.
In a little wrath did I hide my face for a moment from thee; but with everlasting kindness will I have mercy on thee, saith thy Redeemer the Lord.
9 Kai ham tah tahae kah he Noah kah tui van pawn ni. Noah tui loh a khuk vaengah diklai ham ka toemngam te nang taengkah ka thintoek ah ni ka toemngam tih nang kan tluung.
For as the waters of Noah is this unto me; as I have sworn that the waters of Noah should no more pass over the earth: so have I sworn that I would not be wroth with thee, nor rebuke thee.
10 “Tlang rhoek te nong uh tih som rhoek ke tuen uh cakhaw kai kah sitlohnah he nang taeng lamloh nong mahpawh. Kai kah rhoepnah paipi tah tuen mahpawh,” tila nang aka haidam BOEIPA loh a thui.
For the mountains may depart, and the hills may be removed; but my kindness shall not depart from thee, neither shall the covenant of my peace be removed, saith he that hath mercy on thee, the Lord.
11 Mangdaeng loh a thikthuek khaw damti pawh. Kai loh namah kah canglung lungto neh kan kol sak dongah minhum dongah nang kan hol bitni.
O thou afflicted, tossed by the tempest, and not comforted, behold, I will lay thy stones with fair colors, and lay thy foundations with sapphires.
12 Na puthue te aithilung, na vongka te hmaihli lungto neh, na khorhi boeih te danngaih lungto neh kan saii ni.
And I will make of rubies thy battlements, and thy gates into carbuncle-stones, and all thy borders into precious stones.
13 Na ca rhoek te BOEIPA loh boeih a lolmang thil vetih na ca rhoek kah rhoepnah khaw ping ni.
And all thy children shall be disciples of the Lord; and great shall be the peace of thy children.
14 Duengnah dongah n'cikngae sak vetih, hnaemtaeknah lamloh na lakhla pawn ni. Na rhih voel pawt vetih porhaknah khaw nang taengla ha pawk voel mahpawh.
In righteousness shalt thou be established: keep far from oppression, for thou shalt not fear; and from terror, for it shall not come near unto thee.
15 A mae la aka mae te khaw kai lamkah moenih he. Nang aka mae te khaw namah taengah cungku bitni.
Behold, they that assemble together, are nothing without me: whatsoever assembleth together against thee shall fall under thy power.
16 Hmaisa-aek hmai aka hmut kutthai khaw kamah long ni ka suen ne. A bisai te hnopai la a poeh sak akhaw laikoi sak ham kutcaihnah khaw kai loh ka suen pah coeng.
Behold, I have created the smith that bloweth the coals in the fire, and that bringeth forth an instrument for his work; and I have also created the waster to destroy.
17 Hnopai tom te nang taengah hlinsai cakhaw thaihtak mahpawh. Laitloeknah dongah ol cungkuem loh nang n'tlai thil cakhaw na boe mahpawh. BOEIPA kah olphong dongah tah tahae kah he BOEIPA sal rhoek kah rho neh kamah taeng lamkah duengnah la om.
No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper; and every tongue that will rise against thee in judgment thou shalt condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord, and their due reward from me, saith the Lord.

< Isaiah 54 >

A Dove is Sent Forth from the Ark
A Dove is Sent Forth from the Ark