< Suencuek 6 >

1 Te vaengkah hlang loh diklai hman ah pungtai pahoi tih amamih ham canu a cun uh hatah,
And it cometh to pass that mankind have begun to multiply on the face of the ground, and daughters have been born to them,
2 Pathen capa rhoek loh hlang canu rhoek te then tila a hmuh uh. Te dongah amih te amamih yuu la boeih a coelh tih a loh uh.
and sons of God see the daughters of men that they [are] fair, and they take to themselves women of all whom they have chosen.
3 Te dongah BOEIPA loh, “Hlang ngawn tah pumsa la om tih kai kah mueihla loh hlang taengah kumhal ah ka naep eh a ti pawt dongah hlang kah khohnin he kum ya neh kum kul mah om saeh,” a ti.
And Jehovah saith, 'My Spirit doth not strive in man — to the age; in their erring they [are] flesh:' and his days have been an hundred and twenty years.
4 Te vaeng tue ah Nephilim rhoek tah diklai ah om uh. A hnukah khaw Pathen capa rhoek te hlang canu rhoek taengah kun uh tih amih ham ca a cun pa uh. Amih te khosuen kah hlangrhalh la ming aka om hlang rhoek ni.
The fallen ones were in the earth in those days, and even afterwards when sons of God come in unto daughters of men, and they have borne to them — they [are] the heroes, who, from of old, [are] the men of name.
5 BOEIPA loh diklai hmanah hlang kah boethae he yet tih a lungbuei kopoek neh benbonah boeih khaw hnin takuem a thae bueng ni tila a hmuh.
And Jehovah seeth that abundant [is] the wickedness of man in the earth, and every imagination of the thoughts of his heart only evil all the day;
6 Te dongah BOEIPA loh diklai hmankah hlang a saii te hal coeng tih a lungbuei te tlo.
and Jehovah repenteth that He hath made man in the earth, and He grieveth Himself — unto His heart.
7 Te dongah BOEIPA loh, “Ka suen hlang te diklai hman lamkah ka khoe pawn ni. Hlang khaw, rhamsa khaw, rhulcai khaw, vaan kah vaa khaw amih ka saii dongah te ka hal coeng,” a ti.
And Jehovah saith, 'I wipe away man whom I have prepared from off the face of the ground, from man unto beast, unto creeping thing, and unto fowl of the heavens, for I have repented that I have made them.'
8 Tedae Noah tah BOEIPA mik ah mikdaithen la om.
And Noah found grace in the eyes of Jehovah.
9 Hekah he tah Noah kah rhuirhong ni. Noah he amah kah thawnpuei khuiah hlang dueng neh a cuemthuek la om. Pathen nen khaw Noah tah pongpa hmaih.
These [are] births of Noah: Noah [is] a righteous man; perfect he hath been among his generations; with God hath Noah walked habitually.
10 Noah loh capa pathum Shem, Ham, neh Japheth te a sak.
And Noah begetteth three sons, Shem, Ham, and Japheth.
11 Te vaengah diklai te Pathen mikhmuh ah poci tih diklai te kuthlahnah loh a khulae.
And the earth is corrupt before God, and the earth is filled [with] violence.
12 Te dongah Pathen loh a sawt vaengah diklai hmanah pumsa boeih tah a longpuei te poci tih diklai khaw poci coeng ne.
And God seeth the earth, and lo, it hath been corrupted, for all flesh hath corrupted its way on the earth.
13 Te dongah Pathen loh Noah taengah, “Pumsa boeih kah a bawtnah tah ka mikhmuh ah pai coeng. Amih mikhmuh lamkah kuthlahnah te diklai hah. Te dongah ni diklai neh amih te ka phae ne.
And God said to Noah, 'An end of all flesh hath come before Me, for the earth hath been full of violence from their presence; and lo, I am destroying them with the earth.
14 Namah ham gopher thing neh lawng te saii lamtah lawng te a bu saii pah. Te phoeiah a khui ah khaw, poeng ah khaw aang neh hnil.
'Make for thyself an ark of gopher-wood; rooms dost thou make with the ark, and thou hast covered it within and without with cypress;
15 Tekah lawng te metlam na saii eh tikoinih, lawng kah a yun te dong ya thum, a daang dong sawmnga, a sang dong thumkip lo ni.
and this [is] that which thou dost with it: three hundred cubits [is] the length of the ark, fifty cubits its breadth, and thirty cubits its height;
16 Lawng te imphu na saii vetih tlungyun te tah dong khat cup sak. Te phoeiah lawng kah a kaep ah thohka khueh lamtah a cuek, pabae neh pathum la saii.
a window dost thou make for the ark, and unto a cubit thou dost restrain it from above; and the opening of the ark thou dost put in its side, — lower, second, and third [stories] dost thou make it.
17 Kai khaw kamah loh pumsa boeih te phae hamla diklai ah tuilii tui kang khuen coeng ne. A khuiah vaan hmui lamkah hingnah mueihla khaw, diklai dongkah a cungkuem he pal ni.
'And I, lo, I am bringing in the deluge of waters on the earth to destroy all flesh, in which [is] a living spirit, from under the heavens; all that [is] in the earth doth expire.
18 Tedae nang taengah kai kah paipi te ka thoh vetih nang khaw, na ca rhoek khaw, na yuu khaw, na langa rhoek khaw, namah neh lawng khuila na khuen ni.
'And I have established My covenant with thee, and thou hast come in unto the ark, thou, and thy sons, and thy wife, and thy son's wives with thee;
19 Te vaengah mulhing boeih lamkah khaw, pumsa boeih lamkah khaw a hluei neh a la te panit ah khueh lamtah namah taengah hing sak ham lawng te boeih paan puei.
and of all that liveth, of all flesh, two of every [sort] thou dost bring in unto the ark, to keep alive with thee; male and female are they.
20 Vaa te khaw amah hui la, rhamsa lamkah khaw amah hui la, diklai ah rhulcai boeih lamkah amah hui la, boeih khuikah panit tah hlun ham nang taengah ham paan saeh.
Of the fowl after its kind, and of the cattle after their kind, of every creeping thing of the ground after its kind, two of every [sort] they come in unto thee, to keep alive.
21 Te phoeiah na caak ham buh boeih te namah taengah khuen lamtah namah ham tung. Namah ham neh amih ham cakok la om saeh,” a ti nah.
'And thou, take to thyself of all food that is eaten; and thou hast gathered unto thyself, and it hath been to thee and to them for food.'
22 Te dongah Noah loh a saii tih Pathen loh anih a uen boeih te a saii van.
And Noah doth according to all that God hath commanded him; so hath he done.

< Suencuek 6 >

The World is Destroyed by Water
The World is Destroyed by Water