< Ezekiel 7 >

1 BOEIPA ol kai taengla ha pawk tih,
And the word of the Lord came unto me, saying,
2 “Nang hlang capa aw ka Boeipa Yahovah loh Israel khohmuen kah a bawtnah ham he ni a thui. Khohmuen a hmoi pali, pali ah a bawtnah ha pawk coeng.
And thou, son of man, thus hath said the Lord Eternal concerning the land of Israel, There is an end! the end is coming over the four corners of the land.
3 A bawtnah he nang soah a pai coeng dongah ka thintoek he nang taengla kan tueih ni. Na khosing bangla nang lai kan tloek vetih namah kah tueilaehkoi boeih te namah taengah kan thung ni.
Now cometh the end over thee, and I will let loose my anger against thee, and will judge thee according to thy ways, and I will lay upon thee all thy abominations.
4 Nang te ka mik long khaw n'rhen pawt vetih lungma ka ti mahpawh. Tedae na khosing te namah taengah kam paek vetih namah kah tueilaehkoi te namah khui ah thoeng ni. Te vaengah BOEIPA kamah he nam ming bitni.
And my eye shall not show pity upon thee, and I will not spare thee; for thy own ways will I lay upon thee, and thy abominations shall come in the midst of thee: and ye shall know that I am the Lord.
5 “Ka Boeipa Yahovah loh he ni a thui. Yoethae pakhat kah yoethae thoeng he.
Thus hath said the Lord Eternal, An evil, a peculiar evil, behold, is coming.
6 A bawtnah ha pawk coeng. A bawtnah ha pawk coeng. Haenghang tih nang taengla ha pawk coeng ke.
An end is coming, there is coming the end: it waketh up against thee; behold, [the evil] cometh.
7 Khohmuen kah khosa nang soah cangen la ha thoeng coeng lah ko. Soekloeknah a tue khohnin ha pawk tom coeng tih tlang kah omngaihnah tal coeng.
The evil decree is come against thee, O thou inhabitant of the land: the time is come, near is the day of tumult, and not the joyful call on the mountains.
8 Ka kosi he nang soah a yoei la ka lun pawn vetih ka thintoek he nang taengah ni ka hong eh. Na khosing bangla nang soah lai ka tloek vetih namah tueilaehkoi boeih te nang taengah kam paek ni.
Now will I in a short time pour out my fury over thee, and I will let out all my anger against thee, and I will judge thee according to thy ways, and I will lay upon thee all thy abominations.
9 Ka mik loh rhen pawt vetih lungma ka ti mahpawh. Na khosing bangla nang te kan thuung vaengah namah kah tueilaehkoi te namah khui ah om ni. Te vaengah BOEIPA kamah loh ka ngawn te na ming bitni.
And my eye shall not show pity, and I will not spare: according to thy ways will I lay [evil] on thee, and thy abominations shall come in the midst of thee: and ye shall know that I am the Lord that smiteth.
10 “Khohnin ha pai coeng he, cangen khaw yulh coeng he. Conghol loh khooi tih althanah khaw muem coeng.
Behold the day, behold, it is coming; the evil decree is gone forth; the staff hath blossomed, presumption hath budded;
11 Kuthlahnah tah halangnah conghol dongah poe. Tedae amih khuikah te a hong ni, a hlangping khuikah khaw a honghi, a boei khuikah a honghi, amih kah rhahlung rhaengsae khaw a hong ni.
The violence is grown up into the staff of wickedness: nothing is left of them, and nothing of their multitude, and nothing of theirs; and there shall be no lamenting for them.
12 A tue ha pawk coeng tih khohnin loh ha pai coeng. Aka lai loh a kohoe boel saeh lamtah aka yoi khaw nguekcoi boel saeh. A hlangping boeih soah a thinsa coeng.
The time is coming, the day occurreth; let the buyer not rejoice, and let the seller not mourn; for wrath is against all her multitude.
13 Aka yoi kah hnoyoih te a hing la a hing uh khui khaw koep mael pawh. A hlangping boeih ham a mangthui te lat mahpawh te. Hlang he amah kah thaesainah dongah a hingnah talong thai mahpawh.
For the seller shall not return to that which is sold, although their soul were yet alive; for the vision is against all her multitude; no one shall return; but the soul of every one is fastened to his iniquity, they do not strengthen themselves [to repent].
14 “A cungkuem te soepboe ham olueng te a ueng thil. Tedae a hlangping boeih sokah ka thinsa dongah ni caemtloek la a caeh pawh.
They have blown the cornet, every one maketh himself ready; but no one goeth to the battle; for my wrath is against all her multitude.
15 Tollong ah cunghang neh im ah duektahaw neh khokha om. Lohma kah te cunghang dongah duek vetih khopuei kah te khokha neh duektahaw loh a dolh ni.
The sword is without, and the pestilence and the famine are within: he that is in the field shall die by the sword; and he that is in the city, him shall famine and pestilence devour.
16 Amih hlangyong rhoek tah loeih uh suidae tlang ah kolrhawk vahui bangla om uh ni. Hlang boeih he amamih kah thaesainah dongah kawk uh ni.
But they that escape of them shall escape, and they shall be on the mountains like the doves of the valleys, all of which are moaning, every one in his iniquity.
17 Kut khaw boeih kha vetih khuklu khaw tui la boeih poeh ni.
All hands become feeble, and all knees go into water.
18 Tlamhni a vah uh vetih amih te tuennah loh a thing ni. Maelhmai boeih te yah neh om vetih a lu boeih te lungawng la om ni.
And people gird themselves with sackcloth, and shuddering covereth them: and upon all faces there is shame, and upon all their heads there is baldness.
19 A ngun tollong la a voeih uh vetih a sui te pumom bangla om ni. A ngun neh a sui loh amih a huul ham a coeng moenih. BOEIPA kah thinpom khohnin ah amih kah hinglu te cung pawt vetih amih bung khaw hah mahpawh. Amih kah thaesainah tah hmuitoel la om coeng.
Their silver shall they cast into the streets, and their gold shall be as though it were unclean: their silver and their gold shall not be able to deliver them on the day of the wrath of the Lord; they shall not satisfy their souls, and not fill their bowels; because it was the stumbling-block for their iniquity.
20 Amih kah kirhang cangen te a hoemdamnah ham a khueh. Tedae amih kah tueilaehkoi neh a sarhingkoi tah a muei la amah taengah a saii uh. Te dongah amih te pumom la ka khueh.
And as for the beauty of his ornament, which he had instituted for [their] pride: even therein did they make the images of their abominations, their detestable things; therefore have I rendered it unclean for them.
21 Kholong kut ah maeh la, diklai halang taengah kutbuem la ka paek ni. Te vaengah anih te a poeih rhoe a poeih uh ni.
And I will give it up into the hands of the strangers for a prey, and to the wicked of the earth for a spoil: and they shall pollute it.
22 Ka maelhmai te amih lamloh ka mangthung vaengah ka khoem duen te a poeih uh. A khuila dingca rhoek kun uh vetih a poeih uh ni.
And I will turn away my face from them, and they shall pollute my place where I dwelt in secret; and therein shall barbarians enter and pollute it.
23 “Khohmuen he thii kah laitloeknah bae tih khopuei he kuthlahnah a khawk coeng dongah thirhui saii uh laeh.
Make chains; for the land is full of blood-guiltiness, and the city is full of violence.
24 Namtom kah boethae te ka thoeng sak vetih amih im kah te a huul uh ni. Hlangtlung kah hoemdamnah te ka paa sak vetih a rhokso te a poeih uh ni.
Therefore will I bring the worst of nations, and they shall take possession of their houses: I will also cause the pride of the mighty to cease; and their holy places shall be polluted.
25 Mitmoengnah a pai dongah ngaimongnah tlap uh cakhaw dang uh mahpawh.
Destruction cometh: and they will seek peace, but there shall be none.
26 Lucik soah lucik pai vetih olthang soah olthang om ni. Tonghma lamkah mangthui tlap cakhaw khosoih lamkah olkhueng neh patong rhoek kah cilsuep khaw paltham ni.
Mishap shall come upon mishap, and report shall be spread upon report: and then will they seek a vision from the prophet; but the law shall be lost from the priest, and counsel from the ancients.
27 Manghai te nguekcoi vetih khoboei loh khopong ni a bai eh. Khohmuen kah pilnam kut khaw hlinghlawk vetih a khosing bangla amih te ka saii ni. Amamih laitloeknah dongah amamih te lai ka tloek vaengah BOEIPA kamah te m'ming uh bitni,” a ti.
The king shall mourn, and the prince shall be clothed with distress, and the hands of the people of the land shall be powerless: after their way will I do unto them, and according to their own manners will I judge them; and they shall know that I am the Lord.

< Ezekiel 7 >