< 2 Timothy 4 >

1 Pathen neh Khrih Jesuh hmaiah kang uen. A phoenah, a ram neh aka duek aka hing laitloek ham cai.
I earnestly declare (therefore *K*) (I myself *k*) before God and (Lord *K*) Christ Jesus who is being about to judge [the] living and [the] dead, (and *N(K)O*) by the appearing of Him and the kingdom of Him,
2 Ol te hoe pah. Na bihoep tamto akhaw pai thil laeh. Thinsennah thuituennah cungkuem neh toeltham lamtah, sim lamtah, hloep laeh.
do preach the word, do be ready in season [and] out of season, do convict, do rebuke, [and] do exhort with complete patience and with instruction.
3 Aka cuem thuituennah neh a yaknaem uh pawt vaengah ni a tue a pai eh. Tedae a hoehhamnah bangla amamih kah hnavue aka thak saya rhoek te a kuk uh ni.
There will be for a time when sound teaching not they will endure, but according to [their] own (*k*) desires to themselves they will gather around [them] teachers having an itching ear;
4 Te phoeiah oltak lamkah a hna te a khong uh vetih cil taengla mael uh ni.
and from indeed the truth hearing they will turn away, unto however myths they will be turned aside.
5 Tedae nang tah a cungkuem ah cue uh lamtah olthangthen bibi te patang doeah saii. Na bibi te khaw ming lah.
You yourself however do be sober in all things, do endure afflictions, [the] work do perform of an evangelist, the ministry of you do fully carry out.
6 Ka phum uh coeng tih ka voeinah tue khaw ha pai coeng.
I myself for already am being poured out, and the time of the departure (of me *N(k)O*) has come.
7 Aka then thingthuelnah te ka thingthuel coeng. Hma te ka khah coeng. Tangnah te ka kuem coeng.
The good (*k*) fight I have fought, the race I have finished, the faith I have kept;
8 Tahae lamkah kai ham duengnah rhuisam te a khueh coeng. Te te aka dueng laitloekkung boeipa loh tekah khohnin ah kai n'thuung ni. Te phoeiah kai bueng pawt tih a phoenah aka lungnah rhoek boeih te khaw a paek ni.
From now on is laid up for me the of righteousness crown which will award to me the Lord in that [very] day, the righteous judge; not only however to me myself, but also to all those already loving the appearing of Him.
9 Kai taengah koe aka pawk la na haam mako.
do be diligent to come to me soon.
10 Demas loh kai n'phap tih ta kumhal kah he a lungnah. Te dongah Thessalonika la, Kresens te Galati la, Titu te Dalmatia la vik cet. (aiōn g165)
Demas for me (has deserted *NK(o)*) having loved the present age and he has gone to Thessalonica; Crescens to Galatia, [and] Titus to Dalmatia; (aiōn g165)
11 Ka taengah Luka bueng ni aka om. Marku te lo lamtah namah neh ha puei uh. Kai ham tah bibi dongah congpang koila om.
Luke is alone with me. Mark having taken do bring [him] with yourself; he is for to me useful for [the] ministry.
12 Tedae Tukhiko te Ephesa la ka tueih coeng.
Tychicus however I have sent to Ephesus.
13 Na lo vaengah Troas kah Karpuh taengah himbai neh cayol olpuei la maehpho ka khueh te hang khuen.
The cloak that (I left *NK(o)*) in Troas with Carpus, [upon] coming do bring and the books especially the parchments.
14 Rhohum aka bi Alexander loh kai soah thae muep a tueng sak. Boeipa loh anih te amah khoboe bangla a thuung bitni.
Alexander the coppersmith great to me harm did; (Will render *N(k)O*) to him the Lord according to the deeds of him;
15 Mamih kah olka te bahoeng a kamkaih dongah nang khaw anih te ngaithuen.
whom also you yourself do yourself beware of; exceedingly for (has opposed *N(k)O*) our own message.
16 Kai kah olthungnah lamhma vaengah kai taengla ha pawk uh pawh. Hlang boeih loh kai n'phap cakhaw amih te ngaiyaknah boel sih.
In the first of my defense no [one] me (attended *N(k)O*) but all me (deserted; *NK(o)*) Not to them would it be charged!
17 Tedae Boeipa loh kai m'pai puei tih kai n'thaphoh. Te daengah ni kai lamkah olhoe te a soep sak vetih namtom loh boeih a yaak eh. Te tlam ni sathueng ka lamloh n'hlawt.
And the Lord me stood by and He strengthened me, so that through me the proclamation may be fully accomplished, and (may hear *N(k)O*) all the Gentiles, And I was delivered out of [the] mouth of the lion.
18 Boeipa loh khoboe thae boeih lamkah kai n'hlawt vetih vaan kah amah ram khuila n'daem sak ni. Amah te kumhal ah kumhal duela thangpomnah om saeh. Amen. (aiōn g165)
(and *k*) Will deliver me the Lord from every deed evil and will bring [me] safely into the kingdom of Him heavenly; to whom [is] the glory unto the ages of the ages, Amen. (aiōn g165)
19 Priska neh Aquila, Onesiphor imkhuikho te toidal ne.
do greet Prisca and Aquila and the of Onesiphorus house.
20 Erastu te Korin ah om tih Trophimu te a tloh dongah Miletu ah ka khueh.
Erastus remained in Corinth; Trophimus however (I left *NK(o)*) in Miletus ailing.
21 Sikca hlanah pawk hamla na haam mako. Ubuluh, Puden, Linu, Kalaudia neh manuca rhoek boeih loh nang kut n'tuuk uh.
do be eager before winter to come. Greets you Eubulus and Pudens and Linus and Claudia and the brothers all.
22 Boeipa loh na mueihla te om puei saeh. Lungvatnah tah nangmih taengah om saeh.
The Lord (Jesus Christ *K*) [be] with the spirit of you. Grace [be] with you all (Amen. *KO*) (to Timothy second [epistle] of the Ephesian church first overseer having been chosen It was written from Rome when from second time stood Paul before Caesar Nero *K*)

< 2 Timothy 4 >