< 2 Manghai 9 >

1 Tonghma Elisha loh tonghma ca pakhat te a khue tih a taengah, “Na cinghen te yen laeh, na kut dongah situi um khat khuen lamtah Ramothgilead la cet laeh.
Meanwhile, the prophet Elisha summoned one of the other prophets. He said to him, “Get ready [IDM] and go to Ramoth [city] in [the] Gilead [region]. Take this jar of [olive] oil with you.
2 Te la na pawk vaengah Nimshi koca Jehoshaphat capa Jehu te pahoi so lah. Cet lamtah anih te a manuca lakli lamloh thoh. Te phoeiah anih te imkhui kah imkhui la khuen.
When you arrive there, search for a man named Jehu, the son of Jehoshaphat and grandson of Nimshi. Go with him into a room away from his companions,
3 Te phoeiah situi um te lo lamtah a lu ah suep pah. Te vaengah, ‘BOEIPA loh he ni a thui. Nang he Israel sokah manghai la kang koelh coeng,’ ti nah. Te phoeiah thohkhaih te ong lamtah rhaelrham laeh, uelh boeh,” a ti nah.
and pour [some of] this oil on his head. Then say to him, ‘Yahweh declares that he is appointing you to be the king of Israel.’ Then open the door and run away as quickly as you can.”
4 Te dongah tonghma tueihyoeih cadong tah Ramothgilead la cet.
So the young prophet went to Ramoth.
5 A pawk vaengah caem mangpa rhoek tarha ana ngol uh tih, “Kai taengkah ol he mangpa nang ham ni,” a ti nah. Jehu loh, “Kaimih boeih khuiah u ham nim?” a ti nah vaengah, “Mangpa nang ham,” a ti nah.
When he arrived, he saw that the commanders of the army were having a conference. He [looked at Jehu and] said, “Sir, I have a message for [one of] you.” Jehu replied, “Which one of us is the message for?” The young prophet replied, “It is for you, commander/sir.”
6 Te dongah thoo tih imkhui la a kun puei phoeiah a lu soah situi neh a suep pah. Te phoeiah anih te, “Israel Pathen BOEIPA loh he ni a thui. BOEIPA kah pilnam so neh Israel soah manghai la nang kang koelh coeng.
So Jehu got up and went with the young prophet into a house. There the young prophet poured some [olive] oil on Jehu’s head and said to him, “Yahweh, the God whom we Israelis [worship], declares this: ‘I am appointing you to be the king of my Israeli people.
7 Na boei Ahab imkhui te ngawn kuekluek. Ka sal tonghma rhoek kah thii neh BOEIPA sal boeih kah thii te Jezebel kut lamloh phu ka loh ni.
You must kill your master [King Joram], the son of Ahab, because I want to punish [Ahab’s wife] Jezebel for murdering [MTY] many of my prophets and other people who served me.
8 Ahab imkhui he boeih milh ni. Ahab lamkah ngawn tah pangbueng aka yun thil khaw, Israel khuiah a khoh neh a hlah khaw ka thup ni.
You must kill [not only Joram but] all of Ahab’s family. I want to get rid of every male in the family, including young ones and old ones.
9 Ahab imkhui te Nebat capa Jeroboam imkhui bangla, Ahijah capa Baasha imkhui bangla ka saii ni.
I will get rid of Ahab’s family, like I got rid of the families of two other kings of Israel, Jeroboam and Baasha.
10 Jezebel te ui loh Jezreel khoyo ah a ngaeh vetih up uh mahpawh,” a ti nah. Te phoeiah thohkhaih te a ong tih rhaelrham.
And [when] Jezebel [dies], her corpse will not be buried. Dogs will eat her corpse there in Jezreel [city].’” After the young prophet said this, he left the room and ran.
11 Jehu te a boei rhoek kah sal rhoek taengla a moe vaengah tah anih te, “Then ngawn a? Pavai te nang taengla balae han loh,” a ti na uh. Te vaengah amih te, “Hlang te khaw a kohuetnah te khaw na ming uh,” a ti nah.
When Jehu came out of the room to where his other commanders were, they said to him, “Is everything all right? Why did that mad fellow come to you?” He replied, “You know what kinds of things young prophets like him say.”
12 Tedae, “A honghi nim, kaimih taengah thui to laeh,” a ti na uh. Te dongah, “Heben hebang la kai taengah cal tih, ‘BOEIPA loh he ni a thui, Israel sokah manghai la nang kang koelh,’ a ti,” a ti nah.
They said, “You are lying! Tell us what he said!” He replied, “He told me that Yahweh said, ‘I am appointing [MTY] you to be the king of Israel.’”
13 Te vaengah hlang loh a himbai a loh uh paitok tih tangtlaeng hlaklong soah anih ham a khueh uh. Te phoeiah tuki te a ueng uh tih, “Jehu manghai coeng,” a ti uh.
Then they all spread their cloaks on the steps of the building [for Jehu to walk out on], and they blew trumpets and shouted, “Jehu is now the king!”
14 Nimshi koca Jehoshaphat capa Jehu loh Joram te a taeng. Te vaengah Joram amah neh Israel pum tah Aram manghai Hazael te a hmai lamloh Ramothgilead ah aka mah la om.
King Joram and his army had been defending Ramoth against the attacks by the army of the king of Syria. King Joram had returned to Jezreel [city], to recover from being wounded in the battle against the army of Hazael, the king of Syria. And Jehu made plans to kill Joram. He said to his other commanders, “If helping me is truly what you want, make sure that no one leaves this city to go to warn the people of Jezreel [about what I am planning to do].”
15 Tedae manghai Jehoram tah Aram manghai Hazael loh a vathoh thil tih Arammi loh a ngawn vaengkah a hmasoe te toi ham Jezreel la mael. Te vaengah Jehu loh, “Nangmih kah hinglu ni a om van atah khopuei lamloh hlangyong coe boel saeh. Cet vetih Jezreel ah puen khaw puen lah ve,” a ti.
16 Te dongah Jehu te leng dongah ngol tih Jezreel la a caeh caeh vaengah teah te Joram ana yalh coeng. Te vaengah Judah manghai Ahaziah khaw Joram te sawt hamla suntla van.
Then Jehu and his officers got into their chariots and rode to Jezreel, where Joram was still recovering. And King Ahaziah of Judah was there, visiting Joram.
17 Te vaengah Jezreel kah rhaltoengim dongah aka pai loh a tawt vaengah Jehu cako te a hmuh. Amah taengla a pawk vaengah tah, “Kai cako ka hmuh,” a ti. Te dongah Jehoram loh, “Lengboei te lo,” a ti nah. Te phoeiah amih te doe hamla a tueih tih, “Rhoepnah ham nim?” a ti nah.
A guard was standing in the watchtower in Jezreel. He saw Jehu and his men approaching. He called out, “I see a lot of men [who are approaching]!” King Joram [heard what the watchman said, so he] said to his soldiers, “Send someone on a horse to go and find out if they are coming to be friendly to us or to attack us.”
18 Anih te doe hamla marhang dongah aka ngol te cet tih, “Manghai loh he ni a thui, rhoepnah ham nim?” a ti nah. Tedae Jehu loh, “Rhoepnah te nang hut a? Kai hnuk ah mael palueng,” a ti nah. Te dongah rhaltawt te puen tih, “Puencawn he amih taengla pawk tih ha mael pawh,” a ti nah.
So a man rode out to meet Jehu and said to him, “The king wants to know [if you are coming to be] friendly to us.” Jehu replied, “This is not the time for you [RHQ] to be concerned about acting friendly! Turn around and come behind me!” So the guard in the watchtower reported that the messenger had reached the group [that was approaching], but that he was not returning [alone].
19 Te dongah a pabae la marhang dongah aka ngol te a tueih tih amih taengla pawk. Te vaengah, “Manghai loh, ‘He he rhoepnah ham a?’ a ti,” a ti nah. Tedae Jehu loh, “Rhoepnah te khaw nang hut a? Kai hnuk ah mael palueng,” a ti nah.
So King Joram sent another messenger, who asked Jehu the same question. Again Jehu replied, “This is not the time [RHQ] for you to be concerned about acting friendly! Turn around and follow me!”
20 Rhaltawt te puen bal tih, “Amih taengla a pha dae ha mael pawh. A vainah khaw Nimshi capa Jehu kah a vainah bangla, pavai bangla a vai,” a ti nah.
Then the watchman reported again, “That messenger also reached them, but he is not coming back [alone]. And [the leader of the group must be] Jehu, the son of Nimshi, because he is driving [his chariot] furiously, [like Jehu does]!”
21 Te dongah Jehoram loh, “Hlah uh laeh,” a ti nah tih amah kah leng neh hlah uh. Te vaengah Israel manghai Jehoram khaw, Judah manghai Ahaziah khaw amah amah kah leng dongah ngol. Te phoeiah Jehu doe hamla thoeih rhoi tih Jezreel Naboth khamyai ah anih neh hum uh.
Joram said [to his soldiers], “Get [my chariot] ready!” So they did that. Then King Joram and King Ahaziah both rode toward Jehu, each one in his own chariot. And [it happened that] they met Jehu at the field that had previously belonged to Naboth!
22 Jehoram loh Jehu te a hmuh van neh, “Jehu, rhoepnah ham a?” a ti nah. Tedae, “Na nu Jezebel kah pumyoihnah neh anih kah sungrhai rhoepsaep dongah rhoepnah ete?” a ti nah.
When Joram met Jehu, he said to him, “Are you coming on a peaceful visit?” Jehu replied, “(How can there be peace while you and your people are prostrating themselves to worship idols and practicing very much (witchcraft/sorcery) like your mother Jezebel did?/There certainly cannot be peace while you and your people are prostrating themselves to worship idols and practicing (witchcraft/sorcery) like your mother Jezebel has been doing!)” [RHQ]
23 Jehoram te a kut a palet doela rhaelrham tih Ahaziah te, “Ahaziah hlangthai palat,” a ti nah.
Joram cried out, “Ahaziah, they have deceived us! [They want to kill us]!” So Joram turned his chariot around and tried to flee.
24 Jehu loh a kut neh lii te a phuk tih Jehoram te a ban laklo ah a kah. Te vaengah palaa te a lungkoe lamloh a pawlh pah dongah amah kah leng khuiah pahoi sop uh.
But Jehu drew his bow mightily and shot [an arrow that pierced] Joram between his shoulder blades. The arrow [went through his body and] pierced his heart, and he slumped down dead in his chariot.
25 Te vaengah a rhalboei pathum nah Bidkar taengah, “Jezreel Naboth lo kah khamyai ah anih te hal lamtah voei laeh. BOEIPA loh anih ham he olrhuh a thaa te a napa Ahab hnukkah aka ngol rhoi nang neh kai loh poek sih.
Then Jehu said to his assistant Bidkar, “Take his corpse and throw it here into the field that belonged to Naboth. [I am sure that] you remember that when you and I were riding together [in chariots] behind King Joram’s father Ahab, that Yahweh said this about Ahab:
26 Naboth thii neh anih ca rhoek kah thii te BOEIPA olphong bangla hlaem ah ka hmuh pawt nim. Te dongah BOEIPA olphong bangla he khamyai ham te nang taengah kan thuung ni. Te dongah BOEIPA ol bangla anih he khamyai ah hal lamtah voei laeh,” a ti nah.
‘Yesterday I saw Ahab murder [MTY] Naboth and his sons here. And I solemnly promise that I will punish him right here in this same field!’ So take Joram’s corpse and throw it into that field! That will fulfill what Yahweh said would happen.”
27 Judah manghai Ahaziah loh a hmuh vaengah Bethhaggan longpuei la rhaelrham. Tedae anih hnuk te Jehu loh a hloem tih Ibleam taengkah Gur kham ah tah, “Anih te khaw amah kah leng khuiah ngawn uh,” a ti nah. Te vaengah Megiddo la rhaelrham dae pahoi duek.
When King Ahaziah saw what happened, he fled [in his chariot] toward Beth-Haggan [town]. But Jehu pursued him and said [to his other commanders], “Shoot him, also!” So they shot him [with arrows] while he was riding in his chariot on the road up to Gur, near Ibleam [town]. He continued going in his chariot until he reached Megiddo [city], where he died.
28 Anih te a sal rhoek loh Jerusalem hil a ngol sak tih David khopuei kah amah phuel ah tah anih te a napa rhoek neh a up uh.
His officials took his corpse back to Jerusalem and buried it in the tombs in the [part of Jerusalem called] ‘The City of David’, where his ancestors had been buried.
29 Ahab capa Joram kah kum hlai khat kum vaengah Ahaziah te Judah soah manghai.
Ahaziah had become the king of Judah when Joram had been ruling Israel for almost eleven years.
30 Jehu Jezreel la a pawk daengah Jezebel loh a yaak. Te dongah a mik te mikdum la a khueh tih a lu te a khuem phoeiah bangbuet lamloh a dan.
Then Jehu went to Jezreel. When [Ahab’s widow] Jezebel heard what had happened, she put paint/makeup on her eyelids, and combed her hair to make it beautiful, and looked out the window [of the palace toward the street below].
31 Jehu te vongka lamloh a kun van neh, “A boei aka ngawn Zimri a sading a?” a ti nah.
While Jehu was entering the city gate, she called out to him, “You [are like] Zimri! You are a murderer! [I think] you are certainly not [RHQ] coming on a peaceful visit!”
32 Te vaengah a maelhmai te bangbuet taengla loe hang tih, “Kai taengah unim, unim?” a ti. Te dongah anih te imkhoem panit pathum loh a moe thil.
Jehu looked up toward the window, and then he said, “Who is (on my side/wants to help me)? Anyone?” Two or three palace officials looked down at him [from a window and pointed to themselves].
33 Tedae, “Anih te tulh la tulh uh,” a ti nah dongah Jezebel te a tulh uh. Te vaengah a thii te pangbueng dong neh marhang dongah a haeh pah. Te phoeiah amah te a suntlae.
Jehu said to them, “Throw her down here!” So they threw her down, and [when she hit the ground and died], some of her blood splattered on the city wall and on the horses [that were pulling the chariots].
34 Cet tih a caak a ok phoeiah tah, “Thuep uh lah, thae a phoei thil coeng he, tedae anih he manghai canu ni up uh nawn,” a ti nah.
Then Jehu went into the palace and ate and drank. Then he said [to some of his men], “Take the corpse of that women whom Yahweh has cursed and bury it, because she is a king’s daughter [and therefore should be buried properly].”
35 Jezebel te up ham cet uh dae amah te hmuh uh voel pawh. A luhong, a kho neh a kut dongkah kutbom dawk ana om.
But when they went to get her corpse to bury it, all that was left was only her skull and [the bones of] her feet and her hands. Everything else was gone.
36 Te dongah mael uh tih a taengla puen uh. Te dongah Jehu loh, “He tah BOEIPA loh a sal Tishbi Elijah kut dongah a thui bangla, ‘Jezreel khoyo ah ui rhoek loh Jezebel saa te a caak ni.
When they reported this to Jehu, he said, “That is what Yahweh said would happen! He told his servant/prophet Elijah, ‘In [the city of] Jezreel, dogs will eat the flesh of Jezebel’s corpse.
37 Jezebel kah rhok he Jezreel khoyo kah lohma rhi ah aek bangla om rhoe om ni,’ a ti ol bangla Jezebel he thui boel saeh,” a ti.
Her bones will be scattered there in Jezreel like dung, with the result that no one will be able to [recognize them and] say, “These are Jezebel’s bones.”’”

< 2 Manghai 9 >