< 1 Samuel 2 >

1 Te phoeiah Hannah te thangthui tih, “BOEIPA dongah ka lungbuei loh sundaep, BOEIPA ah ka ki loh pomsang uh coeng. Namah kah khangnah dongah ka kohoe tih, ka thunkha khaw ka ka loh a ang thil coeng.
And Hannah prayeth, and saith: 'My heart hath exulted in Jehovah, My horn hath been high in Jehovah, My mouth hath been large over mine enemies, For I have rejoiced in Thy salvation.
2 BOEIPA bangla aka cim om pawh. Nang aka puet khaw om pawt tih, lungpang khaw kaimih kah Pathen bangla a om moenih.
There is none holy like Jehovah, For there is none save Thee, And there is no rock like our God.
3 BOEIPA tah lungming Pathen la om tih, khoboe rhamlang khaw amah loh a khiing a lang coeng dongah na ka lamkah mangkhak ol aka thoeng neh, a sang sang la muep cal boeh.
Ye multiply not — ye speak haughtily — The old saying goeth out from your mouth, For a God of knowledge [is] Jehovah, And by Him actions are weighed.
4 Hlangrhalh rhoek kah lii te paep cakhaw, aka paloe rhoek loh thadueng a vah uh.
Bows of the mighty are broken, And the stumbling have girded on strength.
5 Aka soep rhoek loh buh a kutloh uh daengah bungpong khaw a toeng uh. Caya long pataeng parhih khaw a sak coeng dongah, ca aka ping khaw a thathae coeng.
The satiated for bread hired themselves, And the hungry have ceased. While the barren hath borne seven, And she abounding with sons hath languished.
6 BOEIPA loh a duek sak tih a hing sak. Saelkhui la a det coeng dae koep a thoh bal. (Sheol h7585)
Jehovah putteth to death, and keepeth alive, He bringeth down to Sheol, and bringeth up. (Sheol h7585)
7 BOEIPA loh a talh dae koep a boei sak, a tlayae sak dae koep a pomsang.
Jehovah dispossesseth, and He maketh rich, He maketh low, yea, He maketh high.
8 Diklai kah tungpuei tah BOEIPA koe la om tih, lunglai khaw a sut thil coeng dongah tattloel te laipi khui lamkah a thoh. Khodaeng khaw hlangcong taengah ngol sak ham te, natva lamloh a pomsang tih amih te thangpomnah ngolkhoel neh a phaeng.
He raiseth from the dust the poor, From a dunghill He lifteth up the needy, To cause [them] to sit with nobles, Yea, a throne of honour He doth cause them to inherit, For to Jehovah [are] the fixtures of earth, And He setteth on them the habitable world.
9 A hlangcim rhoek kah a hlangcim kho te a ngaithuen. Tedae halang rhoek kah thadueng loh pakhat khaw a na pawt dongah hmaisuep ah ngam uh.
The feet of His saints He keepeth, And the wicked in darkness are silent, For not by power doth man become mighty.
10 Amah aka oelh la aka oelh te tah BOEIPA loh a rhihyawp sak tih, vaan lamkah rhaek neh a daeh. BOEIPA loh diklai khobawt duela lai a tloek vetih a manghai te sarhi a tak sak phoeiah a messiah ki khaw a pomsang ni,” a ti.
Jehovah — broken down are His adversaries, Against them in the heavens He thundereth: Jehovah judgeth the ends of earth, And giveth strength to His king, And exalteth the horn of His anointed.'
11 Te phoeiah Elkanah loh Ramah la a im te a paan. Tedae camoe tah khosoih Eli taengah BOEIPA bibi la om.
And Elkanah goeth to Ramath, unto his house, and the youth hath been serving Jehovah, [in] the presence of Eli the priest;
12 Te vaengah Eli ca rhoi tah muen rhoi ca tih BOEIPA te ming rhoi pawh.
and the sons of Eli [are] sons of worthlessness, they have not known Jehovah.
13 Te vaengah pilnam lamkah hlang boeih loh hmueih a nawn tih khosoih rhoek kah hamsum vaengah khosoih kah tueihyoeih pakhat te maeh thong la halo hatah a kut dongah ciksum a sum pathum te a pom.
And the custom of the priests with the people [is]: any man sacrificing a sacrifice — then hath the servant of the priest come in when the flesh is boiling, and the hook of three teeth in his hand,
14 Anih loh baeldung khaw, voh khaw, ampaih khaw, am khaw a toeh vaengah ciksum loh a doek boeih te khosoih loh amah ham a loh. Te tlam te Shiloh la aka pawk Israel boeih taengah a saii rhoi.
and hath struck [it] into the pan, or kettle, or caldron, or pot; all that the hook bringeth up doth the priest take for himself; thus they do to all Israel who are coming in, there, in Shiloh.
15 Maehtha te a phum uh hlan ah pataeng khosoih kah tueihyoeih te halo tih hmueih aka ngawn hlang taengah, “Maeh te khosoih ham a hai pah la a thing la m'pae, na maeh hmin te doe mahpawh,” a ti nah.
Also before they make perfume with the fat — then hath the priest's servant come in, and said to the man who is sacrificing, 'Give flesh to roast for the priest, and he doth not take of thee flesh boiled, but raw;'
16 Tedae anih te hlang pakhat loh, “Maehtha he a noek kah bangla m'phum m'phum vetih man na hinglu loh a nai te namah ham na loh sue,” a ti nah. Te vaengah, “Pawh, tahae nam paek pawt atah thama la ka loh ni,” a ti nah.
and the man saith unto him, 'Let them surely make a perfume (as to-day) with the fat, then take to thee as thy soul desireth;' and he hath said to him, 'Surely now thou dost give; and if not — I have taken by strength.'
17 Tedae cadong rhoi tholhnah tah BOEIPA mikhmuh ah a len koek la om coeng. Tekah hlang rhoi loh BOEIPA khocang ni a tlaitlaek rhoi coeng.
And the sin of the young men is very great [in] the presence of Jehovah, for the men have despised the offering of Jehovah.
18 Samuel tah takhlawk hnisui te a sui tih BOEIPA mikhmuh kah bi aka bi camoe la om.
And Samuel is ministering [in] the presence of Jehovah, a youth girt [with] an ephod of linen;
19 A kum kum kah a tue a pha vaengah tah Hannah khaw hmueih nawn ham a va neh cet rhoi. Te vaengah a manu loh Samuel ham hnikul ca a saii tih a khuen pah.
and a small upper coat doth his mother make to him, and she hath brought it up to him from time to time, in her coming up with her husband to sacrifice the sacrifice of the time.
20 Te vaengah Elkanah neh a yuu te Eli loh yoethen a paek tih, “BOEIPA taengah a bih vanbangla a huithuinah yueng la hekah huta pum dongah BOEIPA loh nang taengah tiingan hang khueh saeh,” a ti nah. Te phoeiah amah hmuen la cet uh.
And Eli blessed Elkanah, and his wife, and said, 'Jehovah doth appoint for thee seed of this woman, for the petition which she asked for Jehovah;' and they have gone to their place.
21 Hannah te BOEIPA loh a hip dongah vawn tih capa pathum neh canu panit a cun. Te vaengah camoe Samuel tah BOEIPA taengah rhoeng hang.
When Jehovah hath looked after Hannah, then she conceiveth and beareth three sons and two daughters; and the youth Samuel groweth up with Jehovah.
22 Eli he bahoeng patong coeng dae a ca rhoi loh Israel pum taengah a saii rhoi boeih te khaw, tingtunnah dap thohka aka muk huta rhoek taengah a yalh rhoi te khaw a yaak.
And Eli [is] very old, and hath heard all that his sons do to all Israel, and how that they lie with the women who are assembling [at] the opening of the tent of meeting,
23 Te dongah amih rhoi te, “Balae tih he rhoek kah hno he na saii rhoi? Nangmih rhoi kah boethae ol te khaw kai loh he pilnam cungkuem taeng lamkah ka yaak coeng.
and he saith to them, 'Why do ye things like these? for I am hearing of your evil words from all the people — these!
24 Ka ca rhoi nang te tlam moenih, BOEIPA pilnam lamkah ha puek tih ka yaak olthang te a then moenih.
Nay, my sons; for the report which I am hearing is not good causing the people of Jehovah to transgress. —
25 Hlang pakhat te hlang pakhat soah a tholh atah anih ham te Pathen loh lai a rhoe pueng. Tedae hlang pakhat te BOEIPA soah a tholh coeng atah anih ham te ulae aka thangthui pa eh,” a ti nah. Tedae amih rhoi te BOEIPA loh duek sak ham a ngaih coeng dongah a napa ol te hnatun rhoi pawh.
If a man sin against a man, then hath God judged him; but if against Jehovah a man sin, who doth pray for him?' and they hearken not to the voice of their father, though Jehovah hath delighted to put them to death.
26 Camoe Samuel tah a pong a pa neh boeilen tih BOEIPA taeng neh hlang taengah khaw hoeikhang hang.
And the youth Samuel is going on and growing up, and [is] good both with Jehovah, and also with men.
27 Te vaengah Pathen kah hlang te Eli taengla halo tih, “BOEIPA loh, ‘Egypt kah Pharaoh im hmuiah a om vaengah na pa im ah ka phoe rhoela ka phoe ta nama?
And there cometh a man of God unto Eli, and saith unto him, 'Thus said Jehovah, Was I really revealed unto the house of thy father in their being in Egypt, before Pharaoh's house,
28 Ka mikhmuh ah hnisui aka vah ham neh ka hmueihtuk la aka cet tih, bo-ul aka phum la ka khosoih sak ham ni Israel koca rhoek boeih khui lamkah anih ka tuek tih, Israel ca rhoek kah a hmaihlutnah boeih te na pa imkhui ah ka paek.
even to choose him out of all the tribes of Israel to Me for a priest, to go up on Mine altar, to make a perfume, to bear an ephod before Me, and I give to the house of thy father all the fire-offerings of the sons of Israel?
29 Balae tih, ka hmueih neh khuirhung la kang uen ka khosaa te na talaeh phoeiah ka pilnam Israel kah khocang boeih khuikah a vueilue dongah na suen uh tih kai lakah na ca rhoi na thangpom,’ a ti.
Why do ye kick at My sacrifice, and at Mine offering which I commanded [in] My habitation, and dost honour thy sons above Me, to make yourselves fat from the first part of every offering of Israel, of My people?
30 Te dongah Israel Pathen BOEIPA olphong loh, ‘Na imkhui ah khaw, na pa imkhui ah khaw kumhal duela ka mikhmuh ah pongpa ham ka thui rhoela ka thui coeng,’ a ti. Tedae BOEIPA kah olphong loh, ‘Kai lamkah tah savisava, Kai aka thangpom tah ka thangpom vetih kai aka hnaep tah thaephoei thil la om ni.’
'Therefore — the affirmation of Jehovah, God of Israel — I certainly said, Thy house and the house of thy father, do walk up and down before Me to the age; and now — the affirmation of Jehovah — Far be it from Me! for he who is honouring Me, I honour, and those despising Me, are lightly esteemed.
31 A tue a pha vaengah namah kah na ban khaw, na pa imkhui kah bantha te khaw ka haih vetih na imkhui ah a hamca om mahpawh.
'Lo, days [are] coming, and I have cut off thine arm, and the arm of the house of thy father, that an old man is not in thy house;
32 Israel te boeih voelphoeng cakhaw na khuirhung kah rhal ni na paelki eh. Na hing tue khuiah na imkhui ah patong om mahpawh.
and thou hast beheld an adversary [in My] habitation, in all that He doth good with Israel, and there is not an old man in thy house all the days.
33 Na mik khah sak ham neh na hinglu yaai sak ham ka hmueihtuk dong lamloh nang kah hlang te ka pat sak moenih. Tedae na imkhui kah hlang rhoek te a pueh a kan la boeih duek uh ni.
'And the man I cut not off of thine from Mine altar, [is] to consume thine eyes, and to grieve thy soul; and all the increase of thy house do die men;
34 Te dongah na ca rhoi, Hophni neh Phinekha ham te tahae kah miknoek loh nang taengla ha thoeng vetih amih rhoi te khohnin pakhat dongah duek rhoi ni.
and this [is] to thee the sign that cometh unto thy two sons, unto Hophni and Phinehas — in one day they die both of them;
35 Te vaengah ka thinko kah bangla aka cak khosoih te kamah ham ka thoh vetih ka hinglu dongkah te a saii ni. Anih ham khaw im ka thoh pah vetih ka cak sak vaengah ka koelh hlang kah a mikhmuh ah khohnin takuem pongpa ni.
and I have raised up for Me a stedfast priest; as in My heart and in My soul he doth do; and I have built for him a stedfast house, and he hath walked up and down before Mine anointed all the days;
36 Na imkhui kah aka sueng boeih khaw cak hlii neh buh hluem te a taengah bakop thil ham ham paan ni. Te vaengah, ‘Buh kamat caak ham khaw khosoihbi pakhat dongah te kai n'thawth laem,’ a ti ni,” a ti nah.
and it hath been, every one who is left in thy house doth come in to bow himself to him, for a wage of silver, and a cake of bread, and hath said, Admit me, I pray thee, unto one of the priest's offices, to eat a morsel of bread.'

< 1 Samuel 2 >