< 1 Khawrin 10 >

1 Manuca rhoek aw, a pa rhoek tah khomai hmuiah boeih om uh tih tuili dongah boeih a kat uh te na mangvawt uh ham ka ngaih moenih.
Not I want (for *N(k)O*) you to be ignorant, brothers, that the fathers of us all under the cloud were and all through the sea passed,
2 Te vaengah Moses taengla khomai neh tuili dongah boeih nuem uh.
and all into Moses (were baptized *N(k)O*) in the cloud and in the sea
3 Hlang boeih loh mueihla buh te amah la a caak uh.
and all the same spiritual food ate
4 A cungkuem loh mueihla tui te amah la a ok uh. Amih aka hmaithawn mueihla lungpang lamkah te a ok uh. Te dongah Khrih tah lungpang la om.
and all the same spiritual they drank drink they were drinking for from [the] spiritual accompanying [them] rock, the rock then was Christ;
5 Tedae Pathen tah a yet ngai taengah a lungtlun pawt tih khosoek ah mitmoeng uh.
Nevertheless not with the most of them was well pleased God; they were strewn for in the wilderness.
6 Te rhoek te mamih ham mueimae la ana thoeng coeng. Te daengah ni amih loh a nai bangla mamih taengah boethae huengaihnah te a om pawt eh.
These things now types to us have become for not to be us desirers of evil things even as they also they also desired.
7 Amih taengkah hlangvang, mueibawk rhoek bangla om uh boeh. A daek vanbangla pilnam tah caak ham neh ok hamla ngol tih malawk hamla pai.
Neither idolaters do become even as some of them (as *N(k)O*) it has been written: Sat down the people to eat and to drink and rose up to play.
8 Amih khuikah hlangvang loh a cukhalh uh bangla cukhalh uh boel sih. Te dongah ni hlang thawngkul thawng thum loh khohnin pakhat ah ana cungku uh.
Neither shall we commit sexual immorality even as some of them committed sexual immorality, and fell (in *k*) one day twenty three thousand.
9 Amih khuikah a ngen loh a noemcai uh bangla Khrih te noemcai uh boel sih. Te dongah ni rhul loh a poci sak uh.
Neither shall we test the (Christ *NK(O)*) even as (and *k*) some of them tested, and by serpents (were destroyed. *N(k)O*)
10 Amih khuikah hlangvang loh a kohuet uh bangla kohuet uh boeh. Te dongah ni aka phaekung lamloh a poci uh.
Neither do grumble (just as *N(k)O*) (and *k*) some of them grumbled, and perished by the Destroyer.
11 Te tah amih taengah mueimae la ana thoeng coeng. Tedae kumhal kah a bawtnah loh amih taengla a pha te mamih rhalrhingnah ham a daek coeng. (aiōn g165)
These things now (all *K*) (typologically it was happening *N(k)O*) to them, were written then for admonition of us to whom the ends of the ages (has come. *N(k)O*) (aiōn g165)
12 Te dongah a pai hamla aka poek aka poek long tah a bung pawt ham ngaithuen saeh.
Therefore the [one] thinking to have stood he should take heed lest he may fall.
13 Nangmih te hlanghing pawt koinih cuekhalhnah loh n'kae mahpawh. Tedae uepom Pathen amah loh na noeng uh kah a voelah noemcai ham n'hlah mahpawh. Tedae noemcainah te ueh thai ham caehlong khaw a saii bitni.
Temptation you not has seized only except what is common to man; faithful now [is] God, who not will allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but will provide with the temptation also the escape to be able (you *k*) to endure [it].
14 Te dongah ka thintlo rhoek mueibawknah lamloh rhaelrham uh laeh.
Therefore, beloved of mine, do flee from idolatry.
15 Hlang cueih rhoek bangla ka thui. Nangmih loh oltloek ham te ka thui.
As to sensible [ones] I speak, do judge for yourselves what I say.
16 Yoethennah boengloeng te tah n'uem uh coeng. Te te Khrih thii bulbonah la a om moenih a? Vaidam n'aeh uh te Khrih pum te bulbonah la a om moenih a?
The cup of blessing that we bless, surely a participation it is in the blood of Christ The bread that we break, surely a participation in the body of Christ it is?
17 Vaidam tah pakhat, pum pakhat la tun n'om uh. Hlang boeih loh vaidam pakhat te ni n'cabol uh.
Because [there is] one loaf one body the many we are; for all of the one loaf we partake.
18 Pumsa ah Israel te dan uh lah. Te rhoek tah hmueih aka ca neh hmueihtuk kah a pueipo la a om uh moenih a?
do consider Israel according to flesh: (Surely *N(k)O*) those eating the sacrifices fellow partakers in the altar are?
19 Te dongah ka thui coeng te ta. Khat khat tah mueirhol buh la om tih khat khat tah mueirhol la om ta.
What then do I mean? That an idol-sacrifice anything is or that an idol anything is?
20 Tedae te te rhaithae ham a ngawn tih Pathen taengah a nawn uh moenih. Te dongah rhaithae kah pueipo la na om uh ka ngaih moenih.
Rather that what (they sacrifice *N(k)O*) (the *ko*) (gentiles *KO*) to demons and not to God (they sacrifice; *N(k)O*) Not I do wish now you fellow partakers with demons to be.
21 Boeipa kah boengloeng neh rhaithae kah boengloeng hmaih na ok uh thai moenih. Boeipa kah caboei neh rhaithae kah caboei te na cabol thai moenih.
Not you are able [the] cup of [the] Lord to drink and [the] cup of demons; Not you are able of [the] table of [the] Lord to partake and of [the] table of demons.
22 Boeipa n'thatlai sak te khaw amah lakah thaom la n'om pawt nim?
Or do we provoke to jealousy the Lord? Surely not stronger than He are we?
23 A cungkuem loh thuem cakhaw a cungkuem khaw a rhoei moenih. A cungkuem loh thuem cakhaw a cungkuem loh a hlinsai moenih.
All things (to me *K*) are lawful but not all things are profitable; All things (to me *K*) are lawful but not all edify.
24 Amah kah te pawt tih hlang tloe kah te tlap saeh.
No one the [good] of himself should seek but that of the other (each. *K*)
25 Maehkung kah a yoih boeih te mingcimnah lamloh boelh mueh la ca uh.
Everything in the meat market being sold do eat nothing inquiring on account of conscience;
26 Diklai neh a khuiah aka baetawt he Boeipa kah ni.
The Lord’s for [is] the earth and the fullness of it.
27 Aka tangnahmueh khuikah khat khat loh nangmih te n'khue tih caeh na ngaih atah mingcimnah lamloh boelh kolla nangmih ham han tawn carhui tah ca uh.
If (now *k*) anyone invites you of the unbelieving and you wish to go, everything which is being set before you do eat nothing inquiring on account of conscience;
28 Tedae khat khat loh nangmih taengah, “He he mueirhol buh ni,” a ti atah anih, aka puen neh mingcimnah kongah ca uh boeh.
If however anyone to you shall say; This (temple-sacrifice *N(k)O*) is, not do eat on account of him which having shown [it] and conscience; (of the for Lord [is] the earth and the fullness of her. *K*)
29 Tedae anih bueng pawt tih hlang tloe kah mingcimnah te ka thui. Balae tih kai kah poenghalnah tah hlang tloe kah mingcimnah neh lai a tloek thil.
[the] conscience now I am saying [is] not your own but that of the other. so why so why for the freedom of mine is judged by another’s conscience?
30 Kai loh lungvatnah neh ka cabol atah balae tih kai loh ka uem te n'soehsal?
If (now *k*) I myself with thankfulness partake, why am I denigrated for that which I myself give thanks?
31 Te dongah mebang na caak uh akhaw, na ok uh akhaw, mebang na saii uh akhaw, a cungkuem te Pathen kah thangpomnah ham saii uh.
Whether therefore you eat or drink or whatever you perform, all things to the glory of God do perform.
32 Judah rhoek taeng neh Greek rhoek taengah khaw, Pathen kah hlangboel taengah khaw a cuemhmuet la om uh.
Without offense both to Jews do you be and to Greeks and to the church of God —
33 Kai tah hlang boeih taengah boeih ka kolo. Kamah ka rhoeirhoep ham pawt tih a yet kah te ni ka toem. Te daengah ni a daem uh eh.
even as I myself also I myself also all in all things please not seeking the of myself (profiting *N(k)O*) but that of the many that they may be saved.

< 1 Khawrin 10 >