< Isaiah 11 >

1 Jesse ih thing tahmuih hoiah tadok tacawt ueloe, anih ih tangzun thung hoiah tanghang to tacawt tahang tih.
And a rod hath come out from the stock of Jesse, And a branch from his roots is fruitful.
2 Angraeng ih Muithla anih nuiah om ueloe, palunghahaih Muithla hoi panoekthaihaih, khopoek thaihaih Muithla hoi thacakhaih, panoek kophaih Muithla hoi Angraeng zithaih to tawn tih;
Rested on him hath the Spirit of Jehovah, The spirit of wisdom and understanding, The spirit of counsel and might, The spirit of knowledge and fear of Jehovah.
3 Angraeng zithaih loe anih anghoehaih ah om tih; anih loe a hnukhaih baktiah lokcaek mak ai, naa hoi thaih ih baktiah doeh lokcaek mak ai:
To refresh him in the fear of Jehovah, And by the sight of his eyes he judgeth not, Nor by the hearing of his ears decideth.
4 toe amtang kaminawk to toenghaih hoiah lokcaek ueloe, poek pahnaem long kaminawk hanah toenghaih hoiah lok takroek tih; thingboeng ah kaom anih pakha thung ih lok hoiah long to bop ueloe, a pahni pong ih takhi hoiah kasae kami to paduek tih.
And he hath judged in righteousness the poor, And decided in uprightness for the humble of earth, And hath smitten earth with the rod of his mouth, And with the breath of his lips he putteth the wicked to death.
5 Toenghaih loe anih ih kaengkaeh ah om ueloe, oepthohhaih loe kaengah angzaeng ih kazii ah om tih.
And righteousness hath been the girdle of his loins, And faithfulness — the girdle of his reins.
6 Tasui hoi tuucaa nawnto om ueloe, kaithlaeng doeh nawkta hoi nawnto tabok tih; maitaw caa, kaipui caa hoi kathawk moinawk nawnto pra o ueloe, nawkta ta mah nihcae to hoi tih.
And a wolf hath sojourned with a lamb, And a leopard with a kid doth lie down, And calf, and young lion, and fatling [are] together, And a little youth is leader over them.
7 Maitaw loe taqom hoi nawnto rawkcak caa ueloe, a caanawk doeh nawnto tabok o tih; kaipui loe maitaw tae baktiah caphaeh to caa tih.
And cow and bear do feed, Together lie down their young ones, And a lion as an ox eateth straw.
8 Tahnu nae li nawkta loe pahui sae akhaw nuiah amhai ueloe, tahnu kamphi nawkta doeh pahui sae khaw nuiah ban to koeng tih.
And played hath a suckling by the hole of an asp, And on the den of a cockatrice Hath the weaned one put his hand.
9 Kai ih kaciim mae nuiah loe nihcae nganbawh kana paekhaih hoi amrohaih to om mak ai boeh; tuinawk mah tuipui khuk o khoep baktih toengah, long loe Angraeng panoekhaih hoiah koi tih boeh.
Evil they do not, nor destroy in all My holy mountain, For full hath been the earth with the knowledge of Jehovah, As the waters are covering the sea.
10 To na niah loe Jesse ih tangzun to tadok ueloe, kaminawk han payang ih kahni baktiah angdoe tahang tih; Sithaw panoek ai kaminawk mah anih to pakrong o tih, anih anghakhaih ahmuen loe lensawkhaih hoiah om tih.
And there hath been, in that day, A root of Jesse that is standing for an ensign of peoples, Unto him do nations seek, And his rest hath been — honour!
11 To na niah loe Angraeng mah ban payangh ueloe, kanghmat angmah ih kaminawk to Assyria prae, Izip prae, Pathros prae, Kush prae, Elam prae, Shina prae, Hammath prae hoi tuipui thungah kaom kaminawk to pahlong let tih.
And it hath come to pass, in that day, The Lord addeth a second time his power, To get the remnant of His people that is left, From Asshur, and from Egypt, And from Pathros, and from Cush, And from Elam, and from Shinar, And from Hamath, and from isles of the sea,
12 Sithaw panoek ai kaminawk hanah kahni payang pae ueloe, haek ih Israel caanawk hoi ahmuen kruekah kamhet Judahnawk to tacuu let tih.
And He hath lifted up an ensign to nations, And gathereth the driven away of Israel, And the scattered of Judah He assembleth, From the four wings of the earth.
13 Ephraim uthaih palung to boeng ueloe, Judah misa koehhaih doeh anghma tih boeh; Ephraim mah Judah to ut mak ai boeh, Judah mah doeh Ephraim to raihaih paek mak ai boeh.
And turned aside hath the envy of Ephraim, And the adversaries of Judah are cut off, Ephraim doth not envy Judah, And Judah doth not distress Ephraim.
14 Nihcae mah ni duembang ih Philistin kaminawk to patom o ueloe, ni angyae bangah kaom kaminawk ih hmuen to nawnto lomh pae o tih; Edom hoi Moab to tuh o tih, Ammon kaminawk loe nihcae khaeah ang paek o tih boeh.
And they have flown on the shoulder of the Philistines westward, Together they spoil the sons of the east, Edom and Moab sending forth their hand, And sons of Ammon obeying them.
15 Izip kaminawk ih tuipui palai to amrosak tih; a thacakhaih takhi hoiah a ban to vapui nuiah ahae ueloe, kaminawk mah khokpanai hoiah angkat o thai hanah, vapui to sarihto ah angphaesak tih.
And Jehovah hath devoted to destruction The tongue of the sea of Egypt, And hath waved His hand over the river, In the terror of his wind, And hath smitten it at the seven streams, And hath caused [men] to tread [it] with shoes.
16 Israel caanawk Izip prae hoi angzoh o nathuem ih baktih toengah, Assyria prae ah kanghmat angmah ih kaminawk hanah caehhaih manglaih lampui to om tih.
And there hath been a highway, For the remnant of His people that is left, from Asshur, As there was for Israel in the day of his coming up out of the land of Egypt!

< Isaiah 11 >