< Makuh 12 >

1 Acunüng Jesuh naw msuimcäpnak am ami veia ngthu pyen lü, “Khyang mat naw capyit nglin lü, ngvawng lü, capyittui msawihnak vai khui co lü, ngängnak vaia im sa lü, lokbi he üng jah khah lü, a im ceh ta lü kdunglawngki.
And he began to be speaking unto them, in parables, —A man planted, a vineyard, and put round it a wall, and digged a wine-vat, and built a tower, —and let it out to husbandmen; and left home.
2 Capyit kbih kcün üng capyit ngvawng ngängki hea veia a m'ya mat capyitkthei a yah vai la khaia a tüih.
And he sent forth, unto the husbandmen, in the season, a servant, that, from the husbandmen, he might receive of the fruits of the vineyard;
3 Capyit ngängki he naw m'ya cun man u lü kpaiki he naw a jünga ami tüih be.
and, taking him, they beat him, and sent him away, empty.
4 Acunüng capyit ngvawng mah naw a m'ya akce ami veia a tüih be; acun pi a lu kpai u lü, am hmuhtheh phyakia pawh u lü, ami tüih be.
And, again, sent he forth unto them, another servant; and, him, they smote on the head, and dishonoured.
5 Acunüng ngvawng mah naw akce ami veia tüih be tü se, ani cun hnim u lü, acunkba bäa akce he pi avang jah kpai u lü, avang ami jah hnim.
And another sent he forth; and, him, they slew. And many others; some, indeed beating, and, others, slaying.
6 A tüih vai mat däng awmki cun amäta jawngnak leng lenga a capa mat dänga kyaki. Anghnua a capa cun ngvawng kngängea veia a tüih. ‘Hina ka capa ta leisawng khai hea ngsingki ni’ a ti.
Yet one, had he, a son beloved: he sent him forth last unto them, saying—They will pay deference unto my son!
7 Cunsepi capyit ngvawng ngängki he naw, ‘Hin hin ngvawng maha capa va ni kbak. Law ua, mi hnim u lü, a khawh mi ka na vai’ tia pyen u lü,
But, those husbandmen, unto themselves, said—This, is the heir: Come! let us slay him, and, ours, shall be, the inheritance.
8 acunkba manki he naw hnim u lü capyit ngvawng kpunga ami tawnin.
And, taking, they slew him, and cast him forth outside the vineyard.
9 Acunüng capyit ngvawng mah naw i ti law khai? Ngvawng mah law lü ngvawng ngängki he jah hnim lü capyit ngvawng cun akce he üng jah pe khai.
What will the lord of the vineyard do? He will come, and destroy the husbandmen, and let the vineyard unto others.
10 ‘Sawngsaki he naw ami yawka lung cun, avana kthaka kyäp law be säihki ni.
Have ye not, this scripture, read—A stone which the builders rejected, the same, hath become head of the corner!
11 Ahin cun Bawipa pawha kyaki; ihlawka mi ma kyühkse vaia kyaki ni’ ti hin cangcim üng am nami kheh khawiki aw?” a ti.
From the Lord, hath this come to pass, and is marvellous in our eyes?
12 Acunüng Judah mkhawng he naw amimi a jah pyennaka msuimcäpnak ni ti ksing u lü man khai hea ami bü. Cunsepi khyang he jah kyüh u lü yawk u lü ami cehtak.
And they were seeking, to secure, him, —and were in fear of the multitude; for they perceived that, against them, the parable he had spoken. And, leaving him, they departed.
13 Pharise avang he la Heroda khyang üngka he ngthähnak am Jesuh man khai hea Jesuha veia ami jah tüih.
And they send forth unto him certain of the Pharisees and of the Herodians, that they might, catch, him, in discourse.
14 A veia law u lü, “Saja aw, nang cun u pi am na cäinaki, khyang naw hawkba a ning ngaih pi am cäi na lü, khyanga hmai am teng lü, nghnicima phäha Pamhnama ngthungtak ngjak hlü na jah mtheiki ti kami ksingki. Romah Sangpuxang üng ngcawn pet vai hin mi thum üng nglawiki aw? Pet vai aw am pet vai aw?” jah mtheha ami ti.
And, coming, they say unto him—Teacher! we know that, true, thou art, and it concerneth thee not about anyone, —for thou lookest not unto the face of men; but, in truth, the way of God, dost teach: —Is it allowable to give tax unto Caesar, or not? Should we give, or should we not give?
15 Jesuh naw ami hleihlaknak jah ksing lü, “Ivaia nami na mhnüteiki he ni? Denarih ngui na pe law ua, teng vang,” a ti.
But, he, knowing their hypocrisy, said unto them—Why are ye, tempting, me? Bring me a denary, that I may see it.
16 Denarih ngui mat a veia lawpüi u se Jesuh naw, “Hin hin ua müihmai la ua ngming ni?” ti se amimi naw, “Empero” ami ti.
And, they, brought one. And he saith unto them—Whose, is this image, and the inscription? And, they, said unto him—Caesar’s.
17 Acunüng Jesuh naw jah msang lü, “Emperoa ka Empero üng pe u lü, Mhnama ka Mhnam üng pe ua,” ti se, Ami van cäi lawki he.
And, Jesus, said—the things of Caesar, render, unto Caesar, and, the things of God, unto God. And they were marvelling at him.
18 Acunüng Saduke he avang thihnak üngka naw thawhnak be am ve tikie Jesuha veia law u lü,
And there come Sadducees unto him, —who, indeed say—Resurrection, there is none! and they were questioning him, saying—
19 “Saja aw, Mosi naw mi phäha thum a yuknak üng, ‘Khyang naw am ca lü a khyu a thih tak üng a na naw a ktaia cangsawn am düt khaia, acuna hmeinu cun a khäm be vai a ti.’
Teacher! Moses, wrote for us, that—If one’s brother die, and leave behind a wife, and leave no child, that his brother should take his wife, and raise up seed unto his brother.
20 Bena khyüh awmki he; axüngvai he säih khyumahki am ca mah lü thiki.
Seven brethren, there were: and, the first, took a wife, and, dying, left no seed, —
21 Acunüng anghngihnak naw nghnumi a khäm be ani pi am ca lü thiki. Akthumnak naw acunkba bäa khämki naw am ca lü a thihtak.
And, the second, took her, and died, not leaving behind seed, —and, the third, likewise, —
22 Acukba ami van naw ami khäm be; ami khyüh am ca u lü thiki he. Anghnua nghnumi pi thiki.
And, the seven, left no seed; last of all, the woman also, died: —
23 Thikie thawhnak bea mhmüp üng ami thawh law be üng nghnumi cun ua khyua kya khai ni, ami khyüh naw ami khyunaka kyaki,” ami ti.
In the resurrection, —of, which, of them shall she be, wife? For, the seven, had her to wife.
24 Jesuh naw jah msang lü, “Ihlawka nami hmaki he! Ise am nami ksing ni tia kyaküng, Mhnama johit la cangcim am nami ksinga phäha kyaki.
Jesus said unto them—Are ye not, for this cause, deceiving yourselves, knowing neither the Scriptures, nor the power of God?
25 Akthi he ami thawh law be üng khankhawngsä hea kba law khai he, ngkhyunglanak am ve be ti khai.
For, when, from among the dead, they rise, they neither marry, nor are given in marriage, but are like messengers in the heavens.
26 Thihnak üngka naw thawh bea mawnglam: Pamhnam naw Mosi üng, ‘Kei Abrahama Mhnam, Isaka Mhnam, Jakopa Mhnama ka kyaki’ tia a mtheh cen, Mosia cauk üng kpyap meiha a däinaka manwg ng’yuki am nami khe khawiki he aw?
But, as touching the dead, that they, do rise, —Have ye not read in the book of Moses, at the Bush, how God spake unto him, saying—I [am] the God of Abraham, and God of Isaac, and God of Jacob: —
27 Mhnam cun akthi hea Mhnama am kya, akxüng hea Mhnama kyaki. Aktäa am ngtäikia ngai kyu ve uki,” a ti.
He is not a God of, dead, men, but of, living. Greatly, are ye deceiving yourselves.
28 Ami ngcuhnak ngjaki thum jah mtheiki mat awmki. Jesuh naw Saduke he akdawa jah msangki ti hmu lü ngthäh khaia a veia lawki naw, “Ia ngthupet ni aktung säih?” tia a kthäh law.
And one of the Scribes, coming near, hearing them discussing, seeing that, well, he had answered them, began to question him—Which is the chief commandment of all?
29 Jesuh naw msang lü, “Ngthupet he üngka aktung säih cun, ‘Aw Isarel ngaia! Bawipa mi Pamhnam mat däng ni mi Bawipaakya ve.
Jesus answered—The chief is: Hear! O Israel, —The Lord our God, is, one Lord;
30 Bawipa na Pamhnam cun na mlungmthin, na xünnak, na ksingnak la na kyannak avan am na jawngnak vai’ tia kyaki.
Therefore shalt thou love the Lord thy God, with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, —and with all thy mind; and with all thy strength.
31 Anghngihnak cun: ‘Na impeiloceng namät na jawngnaka kba na jawngnak vai’ tia kyaki. Ahina thea kyäp bawkia ngthupet akce i am ve ti,” a ti.
The second, is, this—Thou shalt love, thy neighbour, as thyself. Greater than these, other commandment, is there none.
32 Acunüng thum jah mtheiki naw, “Saja aw, pyen thei veki! na kcang pyen veki, Bawipa däng ni Mhnama akya ve, Ania thea Mhnam akce am ve.
The Scribe said unto him—Well, Teacher! in truth, hast thou said—He is, One, and there is none other, than he;
33 Nghngicim naw a mlungmthin, a ksingnak la a kyannak avan am Mhnam a jawngnak vaia kyaki; acunüng a impeiloceng, amät a jawngnaka kba a jawngnak vai. Xüngkseie la akce he am Mhnama veia ngkengnak pawha kthaka a mtheh ngjak hin daw bawki ni,” ti lü a pyen.
And, to love him, with all the heart, and with all the understanding, —and with all the might; and to love one’s neighbour as one’s self, is, abundantly more, than all the whole burnt offerings and sacrifices.
34 Thum jah mtheiki naw mcei ye lü msang beki ti Jesuh naw ksing lü, “Nang naw Pamhnama khaw am thuk na veki,” a ti. Acun käna u naw i pi am kthäh dat u.
And, Jesus, seeing him, that, with intelligence he answered, said unto him—Not far, [art thou] from the kingdom of God! And, no one, any longer, was daring to, question, him.
35 Jesuh naw temple k’uma a jah mthei k’um üng jah kthäh lü, “Mesijah cun Davita mjükphyüi ni tia thum jah mtheiki he naw ihawkba ami ti thei ni?
And Jesus, answering, was saying, as he taught in the temple—How say the Scribes that, the Christ, is, Son of David?
36 Ngmüimkhya Ngcim naw pyensak se, Davit amät naw pi pyen lü: ‘Bawipa naw ka Bawipa veia: Na ye he na khawkunga ka jah tak law vei däa, ka kpat da ngawa’ a ti ni?
David himself, hath said, by the Holy Spirit, —The Lord, hath said unto, my Lord, Sit thou on my right hand, until I put thy foes beneath thy feet.
37 Davit amät ye naw, ‘Bawipa’; tia a khü hin ihawkba a mjükphyüia kya khai ni?” a ti. Acunüng khyang khawjah naw jekyai u lü ami ngaih.
David himself, calleth him, Lord: whence, then, is he, his own son? And, the great multitude, was hearing him gladly.
38 Acukba a jah mthei k’um üng Jesuh naw, “Thum jah mtheiki he jah cäiei na ua, suisak akkyu suisa u lü ami ngtaw hü vai jawngnaki he, jawituknaka khyang hea jah mhlünmtai vai ngaihki he.
And, in his teaching, he was saying—Beware of the Scribes, who desire, in robes, to be walking about, and salutations in the markets,
39 Sinakoka ngawhnak akdaw säih ja buh pawhnaka hmün akdaw säih ngjahlüki he.
And first seats in the synagogues, and first couches in the chief meals, —
40 Hmeinu hea khawhthem ei aw u lü, khyang hleihlaknak vaia aksoa ktaiyüki he. Ahin he naw mkhuimkhanak khamei däm khai he,” a ti.
Who devour widows’ houses, and, for a pretence, are long in prayer: these, shall receive a more surpassing judgment.
41 Jesuh cun khawhthem ami petnaka peia ngaw lü, khyang he naw ihawkba khawhthem pung k’uma ami ktawk jah tengki. Aktäa bawimangki he naw ngui khawjah ktawki he.
And, taking his seat over against the treasury, he was observing how, the multitude, was casting in copper into the treasury, and, man rich, were casting in, much.
42 Acunüng hmeinu m'yenkse mat naw law lü, tangka ajawca nghngih a ktawk law.
And there came, one destitute, widow, and cast in two mites, which are, a farthing.
43 Acunüng Jesuh naw axüisaw he atänga jah khü lü, “Akcanga ka ning jah mthehki, hina hmeinu m'yenkse naw pung üng akdäm bawk pe ve.
And, calling near his disciples, he said to them—Verily, I say unto you, this destitute widow, more than they all, hath cast in, of those casting into the treasury;
44 Peki he ami van naw ami taka ngui kpawih üngka va peki he; Cunsepi hina hmeinu naw a m'yenksenak üngka a xünnak vaia a takca avan pe ve,” a ti.
For, they all, out of their surplus, cast in, but, she, out of her deficiency, all, as much as she had, cast in, —the whole of her living.

< Makuh 12 >