< Aroma 8 >
1 Choncho, tsopano amene ali mwa Khristu Yesu alibe mlandu owatsutsa
No therefore now condemnation to those in Christ Jesus (not according to flesh walk but according to spirit. *K*)
2 chifukwa mwa Khristu Yesu, lamulo la Mzimu Woyera amene amapereka moyo, lawamasula ku lamulo la tchimo ndi la imfa.
For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has set free (you *N(K)O*) from the law of sin and of death.
3 Pakuti zimene Malamulo sanathe kuzichita, popeza anali ofowoka chifukwa cha khalidwe lathu la uchimo, Mulungu anazichita potumiza Mwana wake mʼchifanizo cha munthu ochimwa kuti akhale nsembe yauchimo. Ndipo Iye anagonjetsa tchimo mʼthupi la munthu,
For powerless [being] the law, in that it was weak through the flesh, God His own Son having sent in likeness of flesh of sin and for sin condemned sin in the flesh,
4 ndi cholinga chakuti chilungamo chofunikira cha lamulo chikwaniritsidwe kwathunthu mwa ife amene sitikhala monga mwachikhalidwe chathu cha uchimo koma mwa Mzimu.
so that the righteousness of the law may be fulfilled in us not according to [the] flesh walking but according to [the] Spirit.
5 Pakuti anthu amene amakhala monga mwa makhalidwe oyipa a thupi amayika malingaliro awo pa zinthu zathupi. Koma amene amakhala monga mwa Mzimu amayika malingaliro awo pa zinthu za Mzimu.
Those for according to flesh being the [things] of the flesh mind those however according to Spirit the [things] of the Spirit.
6 Kuyika mtima pa zathupi ndi imfa koma kuyika mtima pa za Mzimu ndi moyo ndi mtendere.
The for mind of the flesh [is] death, the but mind of the Spirit life and peace.
7 Pakuti mtima umene wakhazikika pa zathupi ndi wodana ndi Mulungu. Sunagonjere lamulo la Mulungu ndipo sungathe kutero.
because the mind of the flesh [is] hostility toward God; for the law of God not it is subject, nor even for can it [be];
8 Ndipo anthu amene amalamulidwa ndi khalidwe lauchimo sangathe kukondweretsa Mulungu.
Those now in flesh being God to please not are able;
9 Koma inu simulamulidwanso ndi khalidwe lanu lauchimo koma ndi Mzimu ngati Mzimu wa Mulungu akhaladi mwa inu. Koma ngati munthu aliyense alibe Mzimu wa Khristu, iyeyu si wa Khristu.
You yourselves now not are in flesh but in Spirit, if indeed if indeed Spirit of God dwells in you. if however anyone [the] Spirit of Christ not has, he not is of Him.
10 Ndipo ngati Khristu ali mwa inu, thupi lanu ndi lakufa chifukwa cha uchimo, koma mzimu wanu ndi wamoyo chifukwa cha chilungamo.
If now Christ [is] in you, the indeed body [is] dead on account of sin the however Spirit [is] life on account of righteousness.
11 Ndipo ngati Mzimu wa Mulungu amene anaukitsa Yesu kwa akufa akhala mwa inu, Iyeyo amene anaukitsa Khristu kwa akufa adzapatsanso moyo matupi anu amene amafa kudzera mwa Mzimu wake amene amakhala mwa inu.
If now the Spirit of the [One] having raised up (*no*) Jesus out from [the] dead dwells in you, the [One] having raised up (*k*) Christ out from [the] dead (Jesus *O*) will give life also to the mortal bodies of you on account of (the dwelling *N(k)O*) of His (Spirit *N(k)O*) in you.
12 Kotero abale, ife tili ndi zoti tikwaniritse, koma osati za khalidwe lathu lauchimo, kumachita zofuna zake.
So then, brothers, debtors we are not to the flesh according to flesh to live;
13 Pakuti ngati inu mukhala monga mwa khalidwe lauchimo, mudzafa. Koma ngati mwa Mzimu mupha ntchito zoyipa zathupi, mudzakhala ndi moyo.
If for according to flesh you live, you are about to die; if however by [the] Spirit the deeds of the body you put to death, you will live.
14 Onse amene amatsogozedwa ndi Mzimu wa Mulungu ndi ana a Mulungu.
As many as for by [the] Spirit of God are led, these sons of God are.
15 Mzimu amene inu munalandira samakusandutsani akapolo, kuti muzikhalanso amantha, koma Mzimu amakusandutsani ana. Ndipo mwa Iye ife timafuwula kuti, “Abba, Atate.”
Not for you have received a spirit of bondage again to fear, but you have received [the] Spirit of divine adoption as sons by whom we cry; Abba O Father!
16 Mzimu mwini amavomerezana ndi mzimu wathu kuti ife ndife ana a Mulungu.
Himself the Spirit bears witness with the spirit of us that we are children of God.
17 Tsono ngati tili ana ake, ndiye kuti ndife olowa mʼmalo a Mulungu ndi olowa mʼmalo pamodzi ndi Khristu. Ngati ife timva zowawa pamodzi ndi Khristu, tidzalandiranso ndi ulemerero womwe pamodzi naye.
If now children, also heirs; heirs indeed of God joint-heirs however of Christ; if indeed if indeed we suffer with [Him] so that also we shall be glorified together.
18 Ine ndiganiza kuti masautso amene tikuwamva nthawi ino, sakufanana ndi ulemerero umene udzaonetsedwa mwa ife.
I reckon for that not comparable the sufferings of the present time [are] to the coming glory to be revealed to us.
19 Pakuti chilengedwe chikudikira ndi chiyembekezo kuonetsedwa poyera kwa ana a Mulungu.
The for earnest expectation of the creation the revelation of the sons of God awaits;
20 Pakuti chilengedwe sichinasankhe kugonjera zopanda pake, koma mwachifuniro cha Iye amene analola kuti chigonjere. Koma chili ndi chiyembekezo
To the for futility the creation was subjected, not willingly but because of the [One] having subjected [it], in hope
21 chakuti chidzamasulidwa ku ukapolo wa chivundi ndi kulandiranso ufulu ndi ulemerero wa ana a Mulungu.
for also itself the creation will be set free from the bondage of decay into the freedom of the glory of the children of God.
22 Ife tikudziwa kuti chilengedwe chonse chakhala chikubuwula ndi ululu ngati ululu wa nthawi yobereka mwana mpaka tsopano lino.
We know for that all the creation groans together and it travails together until now;
23 Si zokhazo ayi, ngakhale ife tomwe, amene tili ndi zipatso zoyamba za Mzimu, tikubuwulira mʼkati mwathu pomwe tikudikira mwachidwi kusankhidwa kwathu ngati ana, kuwomboledwa kwa matupi athu.
Not only [so] now, but even ourselves the firstfruit of the Spirit having we ourselves also ourselves in ourselves groan divine adoption as sons awaiting, the redemption of the body of us.
24 Pakuti ife tinapulumutsidwa mʼchiyembekezo ichi. Koma chiyembekezo chimene chimaoneka si chiyembekezo ayi. Kodi ndani amene amayembekezera chimene ali nacho kale?
In this for hope we were saved; hope however being seen not is hope; what for sees any (why also *KO*) does he hope for [it]?
25 Koma ngati ife tiyembekeza chimene tikanalibe, ndiye kuti tikuyembekeza modekha mtima.
If however what not we see we hope for, in patience we await.
26 Momwemonso, Mzimu amatithandiza ife mʼkufowoka kwathu. Ife sitidziwa momwe tiyenera kupempherera koma Mzimu mwini amatipempherera mobuwula ndi mawu osafotokozedwa.
Likewise now also the Spirit joins to help (the *N(k)O*) (weakness *N(K)O*) of us; the for things which (we may pray for *NK(o)*) as it behooves not we know, but Himself the Spirit makes intercession (for *k*) (of us *K*) with groanings inexpressible;
27 Koma Iye amene amasanthula mitima yathu amadziwa maganizo a Mzimu, chifukwa Mzimu amapempherera oyera mtima molingana ndi chifuniro cha Mulungu.
The [One] now searching hearts knows what [is] the mindset of the Spirit, because according to God He intercedes for [the] saints.
28 Ndipo ife tikudziwa kuti zinthu zonse zimathandizana kuwachitira ubwino amene amakonda Mulungu, amene anayitanidwa monga mwa cholinga chake.
We know now that to those loving God all things works together (God *O*) for good, to those according to [His] purpose called being.
29 Pakuti amene Mulungu anawadziwiratu, anawasankhiratunso kuti akonzedwe mʼchifanizo cha Mwana wake, kuti Iye akhale Mwana woyamba kubadwa mwa abale ambiri.
For those whom He foreknew, also He predestined [to be] conformed to the image of the Son of Him for to be Him firstborn among many brothers;
30 Iwo amene anawasankhiratu, anawayitananso. Amene Iye anawayitana anawalungamitsanso ndipo amene anawalungamitsa anawapatsanso ulemerero.
Those whom then He predestined, these also He called; and whom He called, these also He justified; whom then He justified, these also He glorified.
31 Nanga tsono tidzanena chiyani pa izi? Ngati Mulungu ali mbali yathu, adzatitsutsa ife ndani?
What then will we say to these things? If God [is] for us, who [can be] against us?
32 Iye amene sanatimane Mwana wake wa Iye yekha, koma anamupereka chifukwa cha ife tonse. Iye adzalekeranjinso pamodzi naye kutipatsa ife zinthu zonse mwaulere?
He who indeed [his] own Son not spared, but for us all gave up Him, how surely also with Him the [things] all us will He grant?
33 Ndani amene adzabweretsa mlandu kutsutsa amene Mulungu anawasankha? Ndi Mulungu amene amalungamitsa.
Who will bring an accusation against [the] elect of God? God [is] who is justifying;
34 Ndani amene angatipeze ife olakwa? Palibe. Khristu Yesu amene anafa, kuposera pamenepo, amene anaukitsidwa ndi moyo, amene ali kudzanja lamanja la Mulungu ndiye amene akutipempherera.
Who [is] the [one] condemning? [For it is] Christ (Jesus *NO*) the [one] having died rather now (also *k*) having been raised up (from dead *O*) who also is at [the] right hand of God, who and is interceding for us.
35 Ndani amene adzatilekanitsa ife ndi chikondi cha Khristu? Kodi ndi masautso, kapena zowawa, kapena mazunzo, kapena njala, kapena umaliseche, kapena choopsa, kapena lupanga?
Who us will separate from the love of Christ? Tribulation or distress or persecution or famine or nakedness or danger or sword?
36 Monga kwalembedwa: “Chifukwa cha inu, ife tikuphedwa tsiku lonse: ife tikutengedwa ngati nkhosa zoti zikaphedwe.”
Even as it has been written that For the sake of you we face death all the day, we were regarded as sheep of slaughter.
37 Ayi, mu zonsezi ife ndife oposa agonjetsi mwa Iye amene anatikonda.
But in these things all we more than conquer through the [One who] having loved us;
38 Pakuti ine ndatsimikiza ndi mtima wonse kuti ngakhale imfa, kapena moyo, ngakhale angelo, kapena ziwanda, ngakhale zinthu zilipo, kapena zili mʼtsogolo, kapena mphamvu zina,
I have been persuaded for that neither death nor life nor angels nor principalities nor things being present nor things to come nor powers
39 ngakhale kutalika, kapena kuya, kapena chilichonse mʼchilengedwe chonse, sizingathe kutisiyanitsa ndi chikondi cha Mulungu chimene chili mwa Khristu Yesu Ambuye athu.
nor height nor depth nor any created thing other will be able us to separate from the love of God in Christ Jesus the Lord of us.