< Chivumbulutso 1 >
1 Vumbulutso lochokera kwa Yesu Khristu, limene Mulungu anamupatsa kuti aonetse atumiki ake zimene zinayenera kuchitika posachedwa. Iye anatuma mngelo wake kuti adziwitse mtumiki wake Yohane,
The revelation given by Jesus Christ, which God granted Him, that He might make known to His servants certain events which must shortly come to pass: and He sent His angel and communicated it to His servant John.
2 amene akuchitira umboni chilichonse chimene anachiona. Awa ndi Mawu a Mulungu ndi umboni wa Yesu Khristu.
This is the John who taught the truth concerning the Word of God and the truth told us by Jesus Christ-- a faithful account of what he had seen.
3 Ngodala munthu amene awerenga mawu oneneratu zamʼtsogolo ndi iwo amene amamva ndi kusunga zolembedwa mʼbukuli pakuti nthawi yayandikira.
Blessed is he who reads and blessed are those who listen to the words of this prophecy and lay to heart what is written in it; for the time for its fulfillment is now close at hand.
4 Ndine Yohane, Kupita ku mipingo isanu ndi iwiri ya mʼchigawo cha Asiya. Chisomo ndi mtendere kwa inu, kuchokera kwa Iye amene ali, amene analipo ndi amene akubwera ndi kwa mizimu isanu ndi iwiri yokhala patsogolo pa mpando wake waufumu,
John sends greetings to the seven Churches in the province of Asia. May grace be granted to you, and peace, from Him who is and was and evermore will be; and from the seven Spirits which are before His throne;
5 ndiponso kuchokera kwa Yesu Khristu mboni yokhulupirika, woyamba kuukitsidwa, ndi wolamulira mafumu a dziko lapansi. Kwa Iye amene amatikonda ndipo watimasula ku machimo athu ndi magazi ake,
and from Jesus Christ, the truthful witness, the first of the dead to be born to Life, and the Ruler of the kings of the earth. To Him who loves us and has freed us from our sins with His own blood,
6 ndipo watisandutsa mafumu ndi ansembe kuti tizitumikira Mulungu ndi Atate ake. Kwa Iye kukhale ulemerero ndi mphamvu ku nthawi zosatha, Ameni. (aiōn )
and has formed us into a Kingdom, to be priests to God, His Father--to Him be ascribed the glory and the power until the Ages of the Ages. Amen. (aiōn )
7 “Onani akubwera ndi mitambo,” ndipo “Aliyense adzamuona, ndi amene anamubaya omwe.” Ndipo anthu a mitundu yonse ya pa dziko lapansi “adzalira chingʼangʼadza chifukwa cha Iye.”
He is coming in the clouds, and every eye will see Him, and so will those who pierced Him; and all the nations of the earth will gaze on Him and mourn. Even so. Amen.
8 “Ine ndine Alefa ndi Omega,” akutero Ambuye Mulungu Wamphamvuzonseyo “amene muli, amene munalipo, ndi amene mudzakhalapo.”
"I am the Alpha and the Omega," says the Lord God, "He who is and was and evermore will be--the Ruler of all."
9 Ine Yohane mʼbale wanu ndi mnzanu mʼmasautso ndi mu ufumu ndi mukupirira kwambiri, zomwe ndi zathu mwa Yesu, ndinali pa chilumba cha Patimo chifukwa cha Mawu a Mulungu ndi umboni wa Yesu.
I John, your brother, and a sharer with you in the sorrows and Kingship and patient endurance of Jesus, found myself in the island of Patmos, on account of the Word of God and the truth told us by Jesus.
10 Pa tsiku la Ambuye ndinanyamulidwa ndi Mzimu ndipo ndinamva kumbuyo kwanga mawu ofuwula ngati lipenga,
In the Spirit I found myself present on the day of the Lord, and I heard behind me a loud voice which resembled the blast of a trumpet.
11 amene anati, “Lemba mʼbuku zimene ukuziona ndipo uzitumize ku mipingo isanu ndi iwiri ya ku Efeso, Simurna, Pergamo, Tiyatira, Sarde, Filadefiya ndi ku Laodikaya.”
It said, "Write forthwith in a roll an account of what you see, and send it to the seven Churches--to Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergamum, Thyateira, Sardis, Philadelphia and Laodicea."
12 Nditatembenuka kuti ndione amene amandiyankhulayo, ndinaona zoyikapo nyale zisanu ndi ziwiri zagolide.
I turned to see who it was that was speaking to me; and then I saw seven golden lampstands,
13 Pakati pa zoyikapo nyalezo ndinaona wina wooneka ngati Mwana wa Munthu atavala mkanjo wofika kumapazi ake ndipo anamangirira lamba wagolide pa chifuwa pake.
and in the center of the lampstands some One resembling the Son of Man, clothed in a robe which reached to His feet, and with a girdle of gold across His breast.
14 Tsitsi lake linali loyera ngati thonje, kuyera ngati matalala, ndipo maso ake amawala ngati malawi amoto.
His head and His hair were white, like white wool--as white as snow; and His eyes resembled a flame of fire.
15 Mapazi ake anali ngati chitsulo choti chili mʼngʼanjo yamoto, ndipo mawu ake anali ngati mkokomo wamadzi othamanga.
His feet were like silver-bronze, when it is white-hot in a furnace; and His voice resembled the sound of many waters.
16 Mʼdzanja lake lamanja ananyamula nyenyezi zisanu ndi ziwiri, ndipo mʼkamwa mwake munali lupanga lakuthwa konsekonse. Nkhope yake imawala ngati dzuwa lowala kwambiri.
In His right hand He held seven stars, and a sharp, two-edged sword was seen coming from His mouth; and His glance resembled the sun when it is shining with its full strength.
17 Nditamuona ndinagwa pa mapazi ake ngati wakufa. Kenaka Iye anasanjika dzanja lake lamanja pa ine nati, “Usachite mantha. Ndine Woyamba ndi Wotsiriza.
When I saw Him, I fell at His feet as if I were dead. But He laid His right hand upon me and said, "Do not be afraid: I am the First and the Last, and the ever-living One.
18 Ine ndine Wamoyo; ndinali wakufa ndipo taona ndine wamoyo mpaka muyaya! Ndipo ndili ndi makiyi a imfa ndi Hade. (aiōn , Hadēs )
I died; but I am now alive until the Ages of the Ages, and I have the keys of the gates of Death and of Hades! (aiōn , Hadēs )
19 “Chomwecho, lemba zimene waona, zimene zilipo panopa ndi zimene zidzachitike mʼtsogolo.
Write down therefore the things you have just seen, and those which are now taking place, and those which are soon to follow:
20 Tanthauzo la nyenyezi zisanu ndi ziwiri zimene waziona mʼdzanja langa lamanja ndi la zoyikapo nyale zagolide zisanu ndi ziwiri ndi ili: Nyenyezi zisanu ndi ziwiri ndi angelo a mipingo isanu ndi iwiri ija, ndipo zoyikapo nyale zisanu ndi ziwiri zija ndi mipingo isanu ndi iwiri ija.”
the secret meaning of the seven stars which you have seen in My right hand, and of the seven lampstands of gold. The seven stars are the ministers of the seven Churches, and the seven lampstands are the seven Churches.