< Chivumbulutso 9 >
1 Mngelo wachisanu anayimba lipenga lake, ndipo ndinaona nyenyezi ikugwa pa dziko lapansi kuchokera ku thambo. Nyenyeziyo inapatsidwa kiyi ya ku chidzenje chakuya. (Abyssos )
And the fifth messenger sounded the trumpet, and I saw a star having fallen to the earth out of Heaven, and there was given to him the key of the pit of the abyss, (Abyssos )
2 Nyenyeziyo itatsekula pa chidzenje chakuyacho panatuluka utsi ngati wochokera mʼngʼanjo yayikulu. Dzuwa ndi thambo zinada chifukwa cha utsi ochokera mʼdzenjemo. (Abyssos )
and [he] opened the pit of the abyss, and there came up a smoke out of the pit as smoke of a great furnace, and the sun and the air were darkened from the smoke of the pit. (Abyssos )
3 Ndipo mʼkati mwa utsimo munatuluka dzombe kukalowa mʼdziko lapansi ndipo linapatsidwa mphamvu zoluma ngati za zinkhanira pa dziko lapansi.
And out of the smoke came forth locusts to the earth, and there was given to them authority, as scorpions of the earth have authority,
4 Dzombelo linalamulidwa kuti lisawononge udzu wa pa dziko lapansi, kapena chomera chilichonse, kapena mtengo uliwonse, koma anthu okhawo amene analibe chizindikiro cha Mulungu pa mphumi zawo.
and it was said to them that they may not injure the grass of the earth, nor any green thing, nor any tree, but only the men who do not have the seal of God on their foreheads,
5 Silinapatsidwe mphamvu yowapha koma yowazunza kwa miyezi isanu. Ndipo ululu umene anthuwo anawumva unali ngati wa chinkhanira chikaluma munthu.
and it was given to them that they may not kill them, but that they may be tormented five months, and their torment—as the torment of a scorpion—when it may strike a man;
6 Masiku amenewo anthu adzafunafuna imfa koma sadzayipeza. Adzalakalaka kufa koma imfa izidzawathawa.
and in those days men will seek death and they will not find it, and they will desire to die, and death will flee from them.
7 Dzombe linkaoneka ngati akavalo okonzekera nkhondo. Pamitu pawo panali ngati zipewa zaufumu zagolide ndipo nkhope zawo ngati za anthu.
And the likenesses of the locusts—like to horses made ready to battle, and on their heads [something] as garlands like gold, and their faces as faces of men,
8 Tsitsi lawo linali ngati la amayi, mano awo ngati a mikango.
and they had hair as hair of women, and their teeth were as [those] of lions,
9 Dzombelo linavala za pachifuwa zachitsulo. Phokoso la mapiko awo linali ngati phokoso la magaleta ankhondo ambiri okokedwa ndi akavalo othamangira ku nkhondo.
and they had breastplates as breastplates of iron, and the noise of their wings—as the noise of chariots of many horses running to battle;
10 Linali ndi michira ngati zinkhanira ndi mbola. Mʼmichira yake munali mphamvu yozunza nayo anthu kwa miyezi isanu.
and they have tails like to scorpions, and stings were in their tails; and their authority [is] to injure men five months;
11 Mfumu yawo inali mngelo wolamulira Chidzenje chakuya chija. Mʼchihebri dzina lake ndi Abadoni ndipo mʼChigriki ndi Apoliyoni (tanthauzo lake ndiye kuti, Wowononga). (Abyssos )
and they have over them a king—the messenger of the abyss—a name [is] to him in Hebrew, Abaddon, and in the Greek he has a name, Apollyon. (Abyssos )
12 Tsoka loyamba lapita; matsoka ena awiri akubwerabe.
The first woe went forth, behold, there yet come two woes after these things.
13 Mngelo wachisanu ndi chimodzi anayimba lipenga lake, ndipo ndinamva liwu lochokera ku ngodya zinayi za guwa lansembe lagolide lija lokhala pamaso pa Mulungu.
And the sixth messenger sounded the trumpet, and I heard a voice out of the four horns of the altar of gold that is before God,
14 Liwulo linati kwa mngelo wachisanu ndi chimodzi amene anali ndi lipenga uja, “Masula angelo anayi amene anamangidwa pa mtsinje waukulu wa Yufurate.”
saying to the sixth messenger who had the trumpet, “Loose the four messengers who are bound at the great river Euphrates”;
15 Ndipo anamasulidwadi angelo anayi aja amene anasungidwa kukonzekera ora ili, tsiku ili, mwezi uwu ndi chaka ichi kuti aphe limodzi la magawo atatu a anthu.
and the four messengers were loosed, who have been made ready for the hour, and day, and month, and year, that they may kill the third of mankind;
16 Ndinamva chiwerengero cha ankhondo a pa akavalo aja, kuti chinali 200 miliyoni.
and the number of the forces of the horsemen—twice ten thousand ten thousands, and I heard the number of them.
17 Akavalo ndi okwerapo amene ndinaona mʼmasomphenya anga ankaoneka motere: Zovala za pachifukwa pawo zinali zofiira ngati moto, zobiriwira ngati utsi, ndi zachikasu ngati miyala ya sulufule. Mitu ya akavalowo inali ngati ya mikango ndipo mʼkamwa mwawo munkatuluka moto, utsi ndi sulufule.
And thus I saw the horses in the vision, and those sitting on them, having breastplates of fire, and jacinth, and brimstone; and the heads of the horses [are] as heads of lions, and out of their mouths proceed fire, and smoke, and brimstone;
18 Gawo limodzi la magawo atatu a anthu linaphedwa ndi miliri yamoto, utsi ndi sulufule zimene zinkachoka mʼkamwa mwawo.
by these three plagues the third of mankind was killed, from the fire, and from the smoke, and from the brimstone, that is proceeding out of their mouths,
19 Mphamvu za akavalowo inali mʼkamwa mwawo ndi mʼmichira mwawo; pakuti michira yawo inali ngati njoka; ndi mitu imene inkalumira.
for the power of the horses are in their mouth, and in their tails, for their tails [are] like serpents, having heads, and they injure with them.
20 Anthu ena onse amene sanaphedwe ndi miliri imeneyi sanalapebe kuti asiye ntchito zawo zoyipa. Iwo sanasiye kupembedza ziwanda ndi mafano agolide, asiliva, amkuwa, amwala ndi amtengo, mafano amene sangathe kuona, kumva kapena kuyankhula.
And the rest of mankind, who were not killed in these plagues, neither converted from the works of their hands, that they may not worship the demons, and idols, those of gold, and those of silver, and those of brass, and those of stone, and those of wood, that are neither able to see, nor to hear, nor to walk,
21 Sanalapenso kuleka zakupha, zamatsenga awo, zachigololo zawo kapena umbava wawo.
and they did not convert from their murders, nor from their sorceries, nor from their whoredoms, nor from their thefts.