< Masalimo 69 >

1 Kwa mtsogoleri wa mayimbidwe. Salimo la Davide. Potsata mayimbidwe a “Akakombo.” Pulumutseni Inu Mulungu, pakuti madzi afika mʼkhosi
“To the chief musician upon Shoshannim, by David.” Save me, O God; for the waters are come even to threaten my life.
2 Ine ndikumira mʼthope lozama mʼmene mulibe popondapo. Ndalowa mʼmadzi ozama; mafunde andimiza.
I am sunk in the mire of the deep, where there is no standing; I am come into the depths of the waters, and the flood overfloweth me.
3 Ndafowoka ndikupempha chithandizo; kummero kwanga kwawuma gwaa, mʼmaso mwanga mwada kuyembekezera Mulungu wanga.
I am weary of my calling; my throat is hoarse; my eyes fail, while I hope for my God.
4 Iwo amene amadana nane popanda chifukwa ndi ochuluka kuposa tsitsi la kumutu kwanga; ambiri ndi adani anga popanda chifukwa, iwo amene akufunafuna kundiwononga. Ndikukakamizidwa kubwezera zomwe sindinabe.
More than the hairs of my head are those that hate me without a cause; numerous are those that would destroy me, that are my enemies wrongfully: what I have not robbed shall I now restore.
5 Mukudziwa uchitsiru wanga, Inu Mulungu, kulakwa kwanga sikuli kobisika kwa Inu.
O God, thou art well aware of my folly, and my guilty deeds are from thee not hidden.
6 Iwo amene amadalira Inu asanyozedwe chifukwa cha ine, Inu Ambuye Wamphamvuzonse. Iwo amene amafunafuna Inu asachititsidwe manyazi chifukwa cha ine, Inu Mulungu wa Israeli.
Let not those that wait on thee, O Lord Eternal of hosts, be made ashamed through me: let not those that seek thee be confounded through me, O God of Israel.
7 Pakuti ndimapirira kunyozedwa chifukwa cha Inu, ndipo manyazi amaphimba nkhope yanga.
Because for thy sake have I borne reproach, hath confusion covered my face.
8 Ndine mlendo kwa abale anga, munthu wakudza kwa ana aamuna a amayi anga;
A stranger am I become unto my brothers, and an alien unto my mother's children.
9 pakuti changu chochitira nyumba yanu chandiphetsa ndipo chipongwe cha iwo amene amanyoza Inu chandigwera.
Because the zeal for thy house hath devoured me; and the reproaches of those that reproached thee are fallen upon me.
10 Pamene ndikulira ndi kusala kudya, ndiyenera kupirira kunyozedwa;
When I wept at the fasting of my soul, it became a reproach to me.
11 pomwe ndavala chiguduli, anthu amandiseweretsa.
And when I made sackcloth my garment, I became a proverb to them.
12 Iwo amene amakhala pa chipata amandinena, ndipo ine ndine nyimbo ya zidakwa.
Those that sit in the gate talk against me; and [about me make] songs the drinkers of strong drink.
13 Koma ndikupempha kwa Inu Ambuye, pa nthawi yanu yondikomera mtima; mwa chikondi chanu chachikulu Inu Mulungu, mundiyankhe pondipulumutsa.
But as for me, I direct my prayer unto thee, O Lord, in a time of favor; O God, in the multitude of thy kindness: answer me in the truth of thy salvation.
14 Mundilanditse kuchoka mʼmatope, musalole kuti ndimire, pulumutseni ine kwa iwo amene amadana nane, kuchoka mʼmadzi ozama.
Deliver me out of the mire, that I may not sink: let me be delivered from those that hate me, and out of the depths of the waters.
15 Musalole kuti chigumula chindimeze, kuya kusandimeze ndipo dzenje lisatseke pakamwa pake kundimiza.
Let not the flood of waters overflow me, and let not the deep swallow me up, and let not the pit close its mouth upon me.
16 Ndiyankheni Inu Yehova mwa ubwino wanu wa chikondi chanu; mwa chifundo chanu chachikulu tembenukirani kwa ine.
Answer me, O Lord; for thy kindness is good: according to the multitude of thy mercies turn thou unto me.
17 Musabisire nkhope yanu mtumiki wanu, ndiyankheni msanga, pakuti ndili pa mavuto.
And hide not thy face from thy servant; for I am in distress: make haste and answer me.
18 Bwerani pafupi ndi kundilanditsa; ndiwomboleni chifukwa cha adani anga.
Draw nigh unto my soul, and redeem it: because of my enemies do thou ransom me.
19 Inu mukudziwa momwe ndanyozedwera, kunyozedwa ndi kuchititsidwa manyazi; adani anga onse ali pamaso panu.
Thou well knowest my reproach, and my shame, and my confusion: before thee are all my assailants.
20 Mnyozo waswa mtima wanga ndipo wandisiya wopanda thandizo lililonse; ndinafunafuna ena woti andichitire chisoni, koma panalibe ndi mmodzi yemwe woti anditonthoze, sindinapeze ndi mmodzi yemwe.
Reproach hath broken my heart; and I am sick; and I waited for pity, but there was none; and for comforters, but I found none.
21 Iwo anayika ndulu mʼchakudya changa ndi kundipatsa vinyo wosasa chifukwa cha ludzu.
And they put into my food gall; and in my thirst they give me vinegar to drink.
22 Chakudya chomwe chayikidwa patsogolo pawo chikhale msampha; chikhale chobwezera chilango ndiponso khwekhwe.
May [then] their table become a snare before them: and to those that are at peace, a trap.
23 Maso awo adetsedwe kotero kuti asaonenso ndipo misana yawo ipindike mpaka kalekale.
May their eyes become dark, that they cannot see; and make their loins continually to waver.
24 Khuthulirani ukali wanu pa iwo; mkwiyo wanu woyaka moto uwathe mphamvu.
Pour out over them thy indignation, and let the heat of thy anger overtake them.
25 Malo awo akhale wopanda anthu pasapezeke ndi mmodzi yemwe wokhala mʼmatenti awo.
May their palace become desolate: in their tents let no one dwell.
26 Pakuti iwo amazunza amene inu munamuvulaza ndi kuyankhula zowawa kwa amene munawapweteka.
For whom thou hast smitten they persecute; and of the pain of those whom thou but wounded do they converse.
27 Awonjezereni kulakwa pa kulakwa kwawo, musalole kuti akhale ndi gawo pa chipulumutso chanu.
Lay guilt upon their guilt; and let them not come into thy righteousness.
28 Iwo afufutidwe mʼbuku la amoyo ndipo asalembedwe pamodzi ndi olungama.
Let them be blotted out of the book of the living; and with the righteous let them not be written down.
29 Ndikumva zowawa ndi kuzunzika; lolani chipulumutso chanu, Inu Mulungu, chinditeteze.
But I am poor and suffering: let thy salvation, O God, set me up on high.
30 Ine ndidzatamanda dzina la Mulungu mʼnyimbo, ndidzalemekeza Iye ndi chiyamiko.
I will praise the name of God with song, and will magnify him with thanksgiving.
31 Izi zidzakondweretsa Yehova kupambana ngʼombe, kupambananso ngʼombe yayimuna, pamodzi ndi nyanga ndi ziboda zake.
And this will please the Lord better than an ox or bullock having horns and cloven hoofs.
32 Wosauka adzaona ndipo adzasangalala, Inu amene mumafunafuna Mulungu, mitima yanu ikhale ndi moyo!
The meek will see this, and be rejoiced: ye that seek God, and your heart shall revive.
33 Yehova amamvera anthu osowa ndipo sanyoza anthu ake omangidwa.
For the Lord listeneth unto the needy, and his prisoners he despiseth not.
34 Kumwamba ndi dziko lapansi zitamanda Iye, nyanja ndi zonse zomwe zimayenda mʼmenemo,
Let heaven and earth praise him, the seas, and every thing that moveth therein.
35 pakuti Mulungu adzapulumutsa Ziyoni ndi kumanganso mizinda ya Yuda, anthu adzakhala kumeneko ndipo dzikolo lidzakhala lawo;
For God will save Zion, and will build the cities of Judah: that they may abide there, and have it in possession:
36 ana atumiki ake adzalitenga kukhala cholowa chawo, ndipo iwo amene amakonda dzina lake adzakhala kumeneko.
And the seed of his servants shall inherit it; and they that love his name shall dwell therein.

< Masalimo 69 >