< Masalimo 68 >

1 Kwa mtsogoleri wa mayimbidwe. Salimo la Davide. Adzuke Mulungu, adani ake amwazikane; adani ake athawe pamaso pake.
For the end, a Psalm of a Song by David. Let God arise, and let his enemies be scattered; and let them that hate him flee from before him.
2 Monga momwe mphepo imachotsera utsi; Inu muwawulutsire kutali. Monga phula limasungunukira pa moto, oyipa awonongeke pamaso pa Mulungu.
As smoke vanishes, let them vanish: as wax melts before the fire, so let the sinners perish from before God.
3 Koma olungama asangalale ndi kukondwera pamaso pa Mulungu; iwo akondwere ndi kusangalala.
But let the righteous rejoice; let them exult before God: let them be delighted with joy.
4 Imbirani Mulungu imbirani dzina lake matamando, mukwezeni Iye amene amakwera pa mitambo; dzina lake ndi Yehova ndipo sangalalani pamaso pake.
Sing to God, sing praises to his name: make a way for him that rides upon the west (the Lord is his name) and exult before him. They shall be troubled before the face of him,
5 Atate wa ana amasiye, mtetezi wa akazi amasiye, ndiye Mulungu amene amakhala mʼmalo oyera.
[who is] the father of the orphans, and judge of the widows: [such is] God in his holy place.
6 Mulungu amakhazikitsa mtima pansi osungulumwa mʼmabanja, amatsogolera amʼndende ndi kuyimba; koma anthu osamvera amakhala ku malo owuma a dziko lapansi.
God settles the solitary in a house; leading forth prisoners mightily, also them that act provokingly, [even] them that dwell in tombs.
7 Pamene munatuluka kutsogolera anthu anu, Inu Mulungu, pamene munayenda kudutsa chipululu,
O God, when thou wentest forth before thy people, when thou wentest through the wilderness; (Pause)
8 dziko lapansi linagwedezeka, miyamba inakhuthula pansi mvula, pamaso pa Mulungu, Mmodzi uja wa ku Sinai. Pamaso pa Mulungu, Mulungu wa Israeli.
the earth quaked, yea, the heavens dropped [water] at the presence of the God of Sina, at the presence of the God of Israel.
9 Munapereka mivumbi yochuluka, Inu Mulungu; munatsitsimutsa cholowa chanu cholefuka.
O God, thou wilt grant to thine inheritance a gracious rain; for it was weary, but thou didst refresh it.
10 Anthu anu anakhala mʼmenemo ndipo munapatsa anthu osauka zimene zinkawasowa chifukwa cha ubwino wanu Mulungu.
Thy creatures dwell in it: thou hast in thy goodness prepared for the poor.
11 Ambuye analengeza mawu, ndipo gulu linali lalikulu la iwo amene anapita kukawafalitsa;
The Lord God will give a word to them that preach [it] in a great company.
12 “Mafumu ndi ankhondo anathawa mwaliwiro; mʼmisasa anthu anagawana zolanda pa nkhondo.
The king of the forces of the beloved, of the beloved, [will] even [grant them] for the beauty of the house to divide the spoils.
13 Ngakhale mukugona pakati pa makola a ziweto, mapiko a nkhunda akutidwa ndi siliva, nthenga zake ndi golide wonyezimira.”
Even if ye should lie among the lots, [ye shall have] the wings of a dove covered with silver, and her breast with yellow gold.
14 Pamene Wamphamvuzonse anabalalitsa mafumu mʼdziko, zinali ngati matalala akugwa pa Zalimoni.
When the heavenly One scatters kings upon it, they shall be made snow-white in Selmon.
15 Mapiri a Basani ndi mapiri aulemerero; mapiri a Basani, ndi mapiri a msonga zambiri.
The mountain of God is a rich mountain; a swelling mountain, a rich mountain.
16 Muyangʼaniranji mwansanje inu mapiri a msonga zambiri, pa phiri limene Mulungu analisankha kuti azilamulira, kumene Yehova mwini adzakhalako kwamuyaya?
Wherefore do ye conceive [evil], ye swelling mountains? [this is] the mountain which God has delighted to dwell in; yea, the Lord will dwell [in it] for ever.
17 Magaleta a Mulungu ndi osawerengeka, ndi miyandamiyanda; Ambuye wabwera kuchokera ku Sinai, walowa mʼmalo ake opatulika.
The chariots of God are ten thousand fold, thousands of rejoicing ones: the Lord is among them, in Sina, in the holy place.
18 Pamene Inu munakwera mmwamba, munatsogolera a mʼndende ambiri; munalandira mphatso kuchokera kwa anthu, ngakhale kuchokera kwa owukira, kuti Inu Mulungu, mukhale kumeneko.
Thou art gone up on high, thou hast led captivity captive, thou hast received gifts for man, yea, for [they were] rebellious, that thou mightest dwell among them.
19 Matamando akhale kwa Ambuye, kwa Mulungu Mpulumutsi wathu amene tsiku ndi tsiku amasenza zolemetsa zathu.
Blessed be the Lord God, blessed be the Lord daily; and the God of our salvation shall prosper us. (Pause)
20 Mulungu wathu ndi Mulungu amene amapulumutsa; Ambuye Wamphamvuzonse ndiye amene amatipulumutsa ku imfa.
Our God is the God of salvation; and to the Lord belong the issues from death.
21 Ndithu Mulungu adzaphwanya mitu ya adani ake, zipewa za ubweya za iwo amene amapitiriza kuchita machimo awo.
But God shall crust the heads of his enemies; the hairy crown of them that go on in their trespasses.
22 Ambuye akunena kuti, “Ndidzawabweretsa kuchokera ku Basani; ndidzawabweretsa kuchokera ku nyanja zozama.
The Lord said, I will bring again from Basan, I will bring [my people] again through the depths of the sea.
23 Kuti muviyike mapazi anu mʼmagazi a adani anu, pamene malilime a agalu anu akudyapo gawo lawo.”
That thy foot may be dipped in blood, [and] the tongue of thy dogs [be stained] with that of [thine] enemies.
24 Mayendedwe aulemu a anthu anu aonekera poyera, Inu Mulungu; mayendedwe olemekeza Mulungu wanga ndi Mfumu yanga yokalowa mʼmalo opatulika.
Thy goings, O God, have been seen; the goings of my God, the king, in the sanctuary.
25 Patsogolo pali oyimba nyimbo pakamwa, pambuyo pawo oyimba nyimbo ndi zipangizo; pamodzi ndi iwo pali atsikana akuyimba matambolini.
The princes went first, next before the players on instruments, in the midst of damsels playing on timbrels.
26 Tamandani Mulungu mu msonkhano waukulu; tamandani Yehova mu msonkhano wa Israeli.
Praise God in the congregations, the Lord from the fountains of Israel.
27 Pali fuko lalingʼono la Benjamini, kuwatsogolera, pali gulu lalikulu la ana a mafumu a Yuda, ndiponso pali ana a mafumu a Zebuloni ndi Nafutali.
There is Benjamin the younger [one] in ecstasy, the princes of Juda their rulers, the princes of Zabulon, the princes of Nephthali.
28 Kungani mphamvu zanu Mulungu; tionetseni nyonga zanu, Inu Mulungu, monga munachitira poyamba.
O God, command thou thy strength: strengthen, O God, this which thou hast wrought in us.
29 Chifukwa cha Nyumba yanu ku Yerusalemu, mafumu adzabweretsa kwa Inu mphatso.
Because of thy temple at Jerusalem shall kings bring presents to thee.
30 Dzudzulani chirombo pakati pa mabango, gulu la ngʼombe zazimuna pakati pa ana angʼombe a mitundu ya anthu. Mochititsidwa manyazi, abweretse mitanda ya siliva. Balalitsani anthu a mitundu ina amene amasangalatsidwa ndi nkhondo.
Rebuke the wild beasts of the reed: let the crowd of bulls with the heifers of the nations [be rebuked], so that they who have been proved with silver may not be shut out: scatter thou the nations that wish for wars.
31 Nthumwi zidzachokera ku Igupto; Kusi adzadzipereka yekha kwa Mulungu.
Ambassadors shall arrive out of Egypt; Ethiopia shall hasten [to stretch out] her hand readily to God.
32 Imbirani Mulungu Inu mafumu a dziko lapansi imbirani Ambuye matamando. (Sela)
Sing to God, ye kingdoms of the earth; sing psalms to the Lord. (Pause)
33 Kwa Iye amene amakwera pa mitambo yakalekale ya mmwamba amene amabangula ndi mawu amphamvu.
Sing to God that rides on the heaven of heaven, eastward: lo, he will utter a mighty sound with his voice.
34 Lengezani za mphamvu za Mulungu, amene ulemerero wake uli pa Israeli amene mphamvu zake zili mʼmitambo.
Give ye glory to God: his excellency is over Israel, and his power is in the clouds.
35 Ndinu woopsa, Inu Mulungu mʼmalo anu opatulika; Mulungu wa Israeli amapereka mphamvu ndi nyonga kwa anthu ake. Matamando akhale kwa Mulungu!
God is wonderful in his holy [places], the God of Israel: he will give power and strength to his people: blessed be God.

< Masalimo 68 >