< Masalimo 65 >

1 Kwa mtsogoleri wa mayimbidwe. Salimo la Davide. Nyimbo. Matamando akudikira Inu Mulungu mu Ziyoni; kwa inu malumbiro athu adzakwaniritsidwa.
Unto the end. A Psalm of David. A Canticle of Jeremiah and Ezekiel to the people of the captivity, when they began to go into exile. O God, a hymn adorns you in Zion, and a vow will be repaid to you in Jerusalem.
2 Inu amene mumamva pemphero, kwa inu anthu onse adzafika.
Hear my prayer: all flesh will come to you.
3 Pamene tinathedwa nzeru ndi machimo, Inu munakhululukira mphulupulu zathu.
Words of iniquity have prevailed over us. And you will pardon our impieties.
4 Odala iwo amene inu muwasankha ndi kuwabweretsa pafupi kukhala mʼmabwalo anu! Ife tadzazidwa ndi zinthu zabwino za mʼNyumba mwanu, za mʼNyumba yanu yoyera.
Blessed is he whom you have chosen and taken up. He will dwell in your courts. We will be filled with the good things of your house. Holy is your temple:
5 Mumatiyankha ife ndi ntchito zodabwitsa zachilungamo, Inu Mulungu Mpulumutsi wathu, chiyembekezo cha mathero onse a dziko lapansi ndi cha nyanja zomwe zili kutali kwambiri,
wonderful in equity. Hear us, O God our Savior, the hope of all the ends of the earth and of a sea far away.
6 amene munapanga mapiri ndi mphamvu zanu, mutadziveka nokha ndi mphamvu.
You prepare the mountains in your virtue, wrapped with power.
7 Amene munakhalitsa bata nyanja kukokoma kwa mafunde ake, ndi phokoso la anthu a mitundu ina.
You stir up the depths of the sea, the noise of its waves. The nations will be troubled,
8 Iwo amene akukhala kutali amaopa zizindikiro zozizwitsa zanu; kumene dzuwa limatulukira ndi kumene dzuwa limalowera. Inu mumafuna nyimbo zachimwemwe.
and those who dwell at the limits will be afraid, before your signs. You will make the passing of morning and evening enjoyable.
9 Inu mumasamalira dziko lapansi ndi kulithirira; Inuyo mumalilemeretsa kwambiri. Mtsinje wa Mulungu ndi wodzaza ndi madzi kuti upereke tirigu kwa anthu, pakuti Inu munakhazikitsa zimenezi.
You have visited the earth, and you have saturated it. You have enriched it in so many ways. The river of God has been filled with water. You have prepared their food. For thus is its preparation.
10 Mwadzaza nthaka yake ndi madzi ndi kusalaza migula yake, mwayifewetsa ndi mvula yamawawa ndi kudalitsa mbewu zake.
Drench its streams, multiply its fruits; it will spring up and rejoice in its showers.
11 Inu mumaveka chaka ndi zinthu zochuluka, ndipo ngolo zanu zimasefukira ndi zinthu zochuluka.
You will bless the crown of the year with your kindness, and your fields will be filled with abundance.
12 Malo a udzu a mʼchipululu amasefukira; mapiri avekedwa ndi chisangalalo.
The beauty of the desert will fatten, and the hills will be wrapped with exultation.
13 Madambo akutidwa ndi zoweta ndi zigwa zavekedwa ndi tirigu; izo pamodzi zikufuwula ndi kuyimba mwachimwemwe.
The rams of the sheep have been clothed, and the valleys will abound with grain. They will cry out; yes, they will even utter a hymn.

< Masalimo 65 >