< Masalimo 31 >

1 Kwa mtsogoleri wa mayimbidwe. Salimo la Davide. Mwa Inu Yehova, ine ndimathawiramo; musalole nʼkomwe kuti ndichititsidwe manyazi; mundipulumutse chifukwa cha chilungamo chanu.
“To the chief musician, a psalm of David.” In thee, O Lord, do I put my trust; Oh that I may never be put to shame: through thy righteousness do thou release me.
2 Tcherani khutu lanu kwa ine, bwerani msanga kudzandilanditsa; mukhale thanthwe langa lothawirapo, linga lolimba kundipulumutsa ine.
Bend unto me thy ear; speedily deliver me: be thou unto me as a rock of protection, as a mountain strong-hold to save me.
3 Popeza Inu ndinu thanthwe langa ndi linga langa, chifukwa cha dzina lanu tsogolereni ndi kundiwongolera.
For my rock and my stronghold art thou; and for the sake of thy name lead me, and guide me.
4 Ndimasuleni mu msampha umene anditchera pakuti ndinu pothawirapo panga.
Draw me out of the net which they have laid secretly for me; for thou art my protection.
5 Mʼmanja mwanu ndipereka mzimu wanga; womboleni Yehova Mulungu wachoonadi.
Into thy hand do I commit my spirit: thou redeemest me, O Lord, the God of truth.
6 Koma ine ndimadana nawo amene amamamatira mafano achabechabe; ine ndimadalira Yehova.
I hate those that depend on lying vanities; but I trust indeed in the Lord.
7 Ndidzakondwa ndi kusangalala mʼchikondi chanu popeza Inu munaona masautso anga ndipo mumadziwa kuwawa kwa moyo wanga.
I will be glad and rejoice in thy kindness; because thou hast seen my misery; thou hast taken cognizance of the distresses of my soul;
8 Inu simunandipereke kwa mdani koma mwayika mapazi anga pa malo otakasuka.
And thou hast not surrendered me into the hand of the enemy: thou hast caused my feet to stand on an ample space.
9 Mundichitire chifundo Inu Yehova pakuti ndili pa mavuto; maso anga akulefuka ndi chisoni, mʼmoyo mwanga ndi mʼthupi mwanga momwe mukupweteka.
Be gracious unto me, O Lord, for I am in distress; my eye is consumed through vexation—my soul [too] and my body.
10 Moyo wanga ukunyeka chifukwa cha kuwawidwa mtima ndi zaka zanga chifukwa cha kubuwula; mphamvu zanga zatha chifuwa cha masautso, ndipo mafupa anga akulefuka.
For my life is spent with sorrow, and my years with sighing, my strength faileth because of my iniquity, and my bones are consumed.
11 Chifukwa cha adani anga onse, ndine wonyozeka kwambiri ndi anansi anga; ndine chochititsa manyazi kwa abwenzi anga. Iwo amene amandiona mu msewu amandithawa.
Because of all my assailants am I become a reproach, and unto my neighbors greatly so, and a terror to my acquaintance, those that see me abroad flee away from me.
12 Ine ndinayiwalika kwa iwo ngati kuti ndinamwalira; ndakhala ngati mʼphika wosweka.
I am forgotten as a dead man out of the heart: I am become like a perishable vessel.
13 Pakuti ine ndamva zonena zoyipa za anthu ambiri; zoopsa zandizungulira mbali zonse; iwo akukonza chiwembu kuti alimbane nane, kuti atenge moyo wanga.
For I have heard the slandering of many; terror was on every side, while they took counsel together against me: to take away my life did they purpose.
14 Koma ndikudalira Inu Yehova; ndikunena kuti, “Ndinu Mulungu wanga.”
But I trusted well in thee, O Lord: I said, Thou art my God.
15 Masiku anga ali mʼmanja mwanu; ndipulumutseni kwa adani anga ndi kwa iwo amene akundithamangitsa.
In thy hand are my destinies: deliver me from the hand of my enemies, and from my persecutors.
16 Walitsani nkhope yanu pa mtumiki wanu; pulumutseni mwa chikondi chanu chosatha.
Let thy face shine upon thy servant: save me through thy kindness.
17 Yehova musalole kuti ndichite manyazi, pakuti ndalirira kwa Inu; koma oyipa achititsidwe manyazi ndipo agone chete mʼmanda. (Sheol h7585)
O Lord, let me not be put to shame; for I have called on thee: let the wicked be put to shame, let them be silent, [passing] to the nether world. (Sheol h7585)
18 Milomo yawo yabodzayo ikhale chete, pakuti chifukwa cha kunyada ayankhula modzikuza kutsutsana ndi wolungama.
Let the lying lips be made dumb, which speak hard things against the righteous, with pride and contempt.
19 Ndi waukulu ubwino wanu umene mwawasungira amene amakuopani, umene mumapereka anthu akuona kwa iwo amene amathawira kwa Inu.
Oh how great is thy goodness, which thou hast treasured up for those that fear thee; which thou hast wrought for those that trust in thee before the sons of men!
20 Mu mthunzi wa pamalo popezeka panu muwabisa, kuwateteza ku ziwembu za anthu; mʼmalo anu okhalamo mumawateteza kwa anthu owatsutsa.
Thou wilt conceal them in the secret of thy presence from the conspiracy of men: thou wilt keep them secretly in a pavilion from the strife of tongues.
21 Matamando akhale kwa Yehova, pakuti anaonetsa chikondi chake chodabwitsa kwa ine pamene ndinali mu mzinda wozingidwa.
Blessed be the Lord: for he hath shown me his kindness wonderfully in a beleaguered city.
22 Ndili mʼnkhawa zanga ndinati, “Ine ndachotsedwa pamaso panu!” Komabe Inu munamva kupempha chifundo kwanga pamene ndinapempha thandizo kwa Inu.
And yet had I said in my despondency, I am cut off from before thy eyes: nevertheless thou didst hear the voice of my supplications when I cried loudly unto thee.
23 Kondani Yehova oyera mtima ake onse! Yehova amasunga wokhulupirika koma amalanga kwathunthu anthu odzikuza.
Oh love the Lord, all ye his pious ones: the Lord preserveth the faithful, and recompenses the presumption of him that acteth proudly.
24 Khalani ndi nyonga ndipo limbani mtima, inu nonse amene mumayembekezera Yehova.
Be strong, and let your heart be of good courage, all ye that hope in the Lord.

< Masalimo 31 >