< Masalimo 105 >

1 Yamikani Yehova, itanani dzina lake; lalikirani pakati pa anthu a mitundu ina zimene Iye wachita.
Alleluia. Give thanks to the Lord, and call upon his name; declare his works among the heathen.
2 Imbirani Iye, imbani matamando kwa Iyeyo; fotokozani za machitidwe ake onse odabwitsa.
Sing to him, yea, sing praises to him: tell forth all his wonderful works.
3 Munyadire dzina lake loyera; mitima ya iwo amene amafunafuna Yehova ikondwere.
Glory in his holy name: let the heart of them that seek the Lord rejoice.
4 Dalirani Yehova ndi mphamvu zake; funafunani nkhope yake nthawi yonse.
Seek ye the Lord, and be strengthened; seek his face continually.
5 Kumbukirani zodabwitsa zimene Iye anazichita, zozizwitsa zake ndi maweruzo amene anapereka,
Remember his wonderful works that he has done; his wonders, and the judgments of his mouth;
6 inu zidzukulu za Abrahamu mtumiki wake, inu ana a Yakobo, osankhika ake.
[ye] seed of Abraam, his servants, [ye] children of Jacob, his chosen ones.
7 Iye ndiye Yehova Mulungu wathu; maweruzo ake ali pa dziko lonse lapansi.
He is the Lord our God; his judgments are in all the earth.
8 Iyeyo amakumbukira pangano lake kwamuyaya, mawu amene analamula kwa mibado yonse,
He has remembered his covenant for ever, the word which he commanded for a thousand generation:
9 pangano limene Iye anapanga ndi Abrahamu, lumbiro limene analumbira kwa Isake.
which he established as a covenant to Abraam, and [he remembered] his oath to Isaac.
10 Iye analitsimikiza kwa Yakobo monga zophunzitsa, kwa Israeli monga pangano lamuyaya:
And he established it to Jacob for an ordinance, and to Israel for an everlasting covenant;
11 “Ndidzapereka kwa iwe dziko la Kanaani ngati gawo la cholowa chako.”
saying To thee will I give the land of Chanaan, the line of your inheritance:
12 Pamene iwo anali ngati anthu ochepa mʼchiwerengero, ochepa ndithu, ndiponso alendo mʼdzikolo,
when they were few in number, very few, and sojourners in it.
13 ankayendayenda kuchoka ku mtundu wina wa anthu ndi kupita ku mtundu wina, kuchoka mu ufumu wina kupita ku wina.
And they went from nation to nation, and from [one] kingdom to another people.
14 Iye sanalole wina aliyense kuwapondereza; anadzudzula mafumu chifukwa cha iwo:
He suffered no man to wrong them; and he rebuked kings for their sakes:
15 “Musakhudze odzozedwa anga; musachitire choyipa aneneri anga.”
[saying], Touch not my anointed ones; and do my prophets no harm.
16 Iye anabweretsa njala pa dziko ndipo anawononga chakudya chonse;
Moreover he called for a famine upon the land; he broke the whole support of bread.
17 Iyeyo anatumiza munthu patsogolo pawo, Yosefe anagulitsidwa ngati kapolo.
He sent a man before them; Joseph was sold for a slave.
18 Iwo anavulaza mapazi ake ndi matangadza, khosi lake analiyika mʼzitsulo,
They hurt his feet with fetters; his soul passed into iron,
19 mpaka zimene Iye ananeneratu zitakwaniritsidwa, mpaka mawu a Yehova ataonetsa kuti Iye ananena zoona.
until the time that his cause came on; the word of the Lord tried him as fire.
20 Mfumu inatuma munthu kukamumasula, wolamulira wa mitundu ya anthu anamasula iyeyo.
The king sent and loosed him; [even] the prince of the people, and let him go free.
21 Anamuyika kukhala wolamulira nyumba yake, wolamulira zonse zimene iye anali nazo,
He made him Lord over his house, and ruler of all his substance;
22 kulangiza ana a mfumu monga ankafunira ndi kuphunzitsa nzeru akuluakulu.
to chastise his rulers at his pleasure, and to teach his elders wisdom.
23 Tsono Israeli analowa mu Igupto; Yakobo anakhala monga mlendo mʼdziko la Hamu.
Israel also came into Egypt, and Jacob sojourned in the land of Cham.
24 Yehova anachulukitsa anthu ake; ndipo anachititsa kuti akhale ochuluka kwambiri kuposa adani awo;
And he increased his people greatly, and made them stronger than their enemies.
25 amene mitima yawo anayitembenuza kuti idane ndi anthu ake, kukonzera chiwembu atumiki ake.
And he turned their heart to hate his people, to deal craftily with his servants.
26 Yehova anatuma Mose mtumiki wake, ndi Aaroni amene Iye anamusankha.
He sent fort Moses his servant, [and] Aaron whom he had chosen.
27 Iwo anachita zizindikiro zozizwitsa pakati pawo, zodabwitsa zake mʼdziko la Hamu.
He established among them his signs, and [his] wonders in the land of Cham.
28 Yehova anatumiza mdima nasandutsa dziko kuti likhale la mdima. Koma anthuwo anakaniratu mawu a Yehova.
He sent forth darkness, and made it dark; yet they rebelled against his words.
29 Yehova anasandutsa madzi awo kukhala magazi, kuchititsa kuti nsomba zawo zife.
He turned their waters into blood, and slew their fish.
30 Dziko lawo linadzaza ndi achule amene analowa mʼzipinda zogona za olamulira awo.
Their land produced frogs abundantly, in the chambers of their kings.
31 Iye anayankhula, ndipo kunabwera ntchentche zochuluka ndi nsabwe mʼdziko lawo lonse.
He spoke, and the dog-fly came, and lice in all their coasts.
32 Iyeyo anatembenuza mvula yawo kukhala matalala, ndi zingʼaningʼani mʼdziko lawo lonse;
He turned their rain into hail, [and sent] flaming fire in their land.
33 Anagwetsa mitengo yawo ya mpesa ndi mitengo yawo ya mkuyu, nawononganso mitengo ina ya mʼdziko lawolo.
And he smote their vines and their fig trees; and broke every tree of their coast.
34 Iye anayankhula, ndipo dzombe linabwera, ziwala zosawerengeka;
He spoke, and the locust came, and caterpillars innumerable,
35 zinadya chilichonse chobiriwira cha mʼdziko lawo, zinadya zonse zotuluka mʼnthaka yawo.
and devoured all the grass in their land, and devoured the fruit of the ground.
36 Kenaka anakantha ana onse oyamba kubadwa a mʼdziko lawo, zipatso zoyamba za umunthu wawo wonse.
He smote also every first-born of their land, the first-fruits of all their labour.
37 Yehova anatulutsa Israeli, atatenga siliva ndi golide wambiri, ndipo pakati pa mafuko awo palibe mmodzi amene anafowoka.
And he brought them out with silver and gold; and there was not a feeble one among their tribes.
38 Dziko la Igupto linakondwa pamene iwo anachoka, pakuti kuopsa kwa Israeli kunawagwera iwo.
Egypt rejoiced at their departing; for the fear of them fell upon them.
39 Iye anatambasula mitambo ngati chofunda chawo, ndi moto owawunikira usiku.
He spread out a cloud for a covering to them, and fire to give them light by night.
40 Iwo anapempha, ndipo Iye anawabweretsera zinziri ndipo anawakhutitsa ndi chakudya chochokera kumwamba.
They asked, and the quail came, and he satisfied them with the bread of heaven.
41 Iye anatsekula thanthwe, ndipo madzi anatuluka; ngati mtsinje anayenda mʼchipululu.
He clave the rock, and the waters flowed, rivers ran in dry places.
42 Pakuti anakumbukira lonjezo lake loyera limene linaperekedwa kwa Abrahamu mtumiki wake.
For he remembered his holy word, which [he promised] to Abraam his servant.
43 Iye anatulutsa anthu ake akukondwera, osankhika ake akufuwula mwachimwemwe;
And he brought out his people with exultation, and his chosen with joy;
44 Iye anawapatsa mayiko a anthu a mitundu ina ndipo anakhala olowamʼmalo a zimene ena anazivutikira,
and gave them the lands of the heathen; and they inherited the labours of the people;
45 kuti iwo asunge malangizo ake ndi kutsatira malamulo ake. Tamandani Yehova.
that they might keep his ordinances, and diligently seek his law.

< Masalimo 105 >