< Miyambo 1 >

1 Iyi ndi miyambi ya Solomoni mwana wa Davide, mfumu ya Israeli:
proverb Solomon son: child David king Israel
2 Ndi yothandiza kuti munthu adziwe nzeru ndi malangizo; kuti amvetse mawu a matanthauzo ozama;
to/for to know wisdom and discipline: instruction to/for to understand word understanding
3 kuti alandire malangizo othandiza kuti achite zinthu mwanzeru, akhale wangwiro, wachilungamo ndiponso wosakondera.
to/for to take: recieve discipline: instruction be prudent righteousness and justice and uprightness
4 Ndi yothandiza munthu wamba kuti aphunzire nzeru za kuchenjera, achinyamata kudziwa zinthu bwino ndi kulingalira.
to/for to give: give to/for simple craftiness to/for youth knowledge and plot
5 Munthu wanzeru amvetse bwino miyamboyi kuti awonjezere kuphunzira kwake, ndi munthu womvetsa zinthu bwino apatepo luso,
to hear: hear wise and to add teaching and to understand counsel to buy
6 kuti azimvetsa miyambi ndi mafanizo, mawu a anthu anzeru ndi mikuluwiko.
to/for to understand proverb and mockery word wise and riddle their
7 Kuopa Yehova ndiye chiyambi cha nzeru. Zitsiru zimanyoza nzeru ndi malangizo.
fear LORD first: beginning knowledge wisdom and discipline: instruction fool(ish) to despise
8 Mwana wanga, mvera malangizo a abambo ako ndipo usakane mawu okuwongolera a amayi ako.
to hear: hear son: child my discipline: instruction father your and not to leave instruction mother your
9 Ali ngati sangamutu yokongola ya maluwa pamutu pako ndiponso ali ngati mkanda mʼkhosi mwako.
for wreath favor they(masc.) to/for head your and necklace to/for neck your
10 Mwana wanga, ngati anthu oyipa afuna kukukopa usamawamvere.
son: child my if to entice you sinner not be willing
11 Akadzati, “Tiye kuno; tikabisale kuti tiphe anthu, tikabisalire anthu osalakwa;
if to say to go: come [emph?] with us to ambush to/for blood to treasure to/for innocent for nothing
12 tiwameze amoyo ngati manda, ndi athunthu ngati anthu otsikira mʼdzenje. (Sheol h7585)
to swallow up them like/as hell: Sheol alive and unblemished: complete like/as to go down pit (Sheol h7585)
13 Motero tidzapeza zinthu zosiyanasiyana zamtengowapatali ndi kudzaza nyumba zathu ndi zolanda;
all substance precious to find to fill house: home our spoil
14 Bwera, chita nafe maere, ndipo tidzagawana chuma chathu tonse.”
allotted your to fall: deserting in/on/with midst our purse one to be to/for all our
15 Mwana wanga, usayende nawo pamodzi, usatsagane nawo mʼnjira zawozo.
son: child my not to go: walk in/on/with way: journey with them to withhold foot your from path their
16 Iwowatu amangofuna zoyipa zokhazokha, amathamangira kukhetsa magazi.
for foot their to/for bad: evil to run: run and to hasten to/for to pour: kill blood
17 Nʼkopanda phindu kutchera msampha mbalame zikuona!
for for nothing to scatter [the] net in/on/with eye: seeing all master: [master of] wing
18 Koma anthu amenewa amangobisalira miyoyo yawo yomwe; amangodzitchera okha msampha!
and they(masc.) to/for blood their to ambush to treasure to/for soul: life their
19 Awa ndiwo mathero a anthu opeza chuma mwankhanza; chumacho chimapha mwiniwake.
so way all to cut off: to gain unjust-gain [obj] soul: life master his to take: take
20 Nzeru ikufuwula mu msewu, ikuyankhula mokweza mawu mʼmisika;
wisdom in/on/with outside to sing in/on/with street/plaza to give: cry out voice her
21 ikufuwula pa mphambano ya misewu, ikuyankhula pa zipata za mzinda kuti,
in/on/with head: top to roar to call: call out in/on/with entrance gate in/on/with city word her to say
22 “Kodi inu anthu osachangamukanu, mudzakondwera ndi kusachangamuka mpaka liti? Nanga anthu onyogodola adzakondabe kunyogodola mpaka liti? Kapena opusa adzadana ndi nzeru mpaka liti?
till how simple to love: lover simplicity and to mock scorning to desire to/for them and fool to hate knowledge
23 Tamverani mawu anga a chidzudzulo. Ine ndikukuwuzani maganizo anga ndi kukudziwitsani mawu anga.
to return: repent to/for argument my behold to bubble to/for you spirit my to know word my [obj] you
24 Popeza ndinakuyitanani koma inu munakana kumvera. Ndinayesa kukuthandizani koma panalibe amene anasamala.
because to call: call to and to refuse to stretch hand my and nothing to listen
25 Uphungu wanga munawunyoza. Kudzudzula kwanga simunakusamale.
and to neglect all counsel my and argument my not be willing
26 Ndiye inenso ndidzakusekani mukadzakhala mʼmavuto; ndidzakunyogodolani chikadzakugwerani chimene mumachiopacho.
also I in/on/with calamity your to laugh to mock in/on/with to come (in): come dread your
27 Chiwonongeko chikadzakugwerani ngati namondwe, tsoka likadzakufikirani ngati kamvuluvulu, mavuto ndi masautso akadzakugwerani.
in/on/with to come (in): come (like/as devastation *Q(K)*) dread your and calamity your like/as whirlwind to come in/on/with to come (in): come upon you distress and anguish
28 “Tsono mudzandiyitana koma sindidzayankha; mudzandifunafuna, koma simudzandipeza.
then to call: call to me and not to answer to seek me and not to find me
29 Popeza iwo anadana ndi chidziwitso ndipo sanasankhe kuopa Yehova,
underneath: because of for to hate knowledge and fear LORD not to choose
30 popeza iwo sanasamale malangizo anga ndipo ananyoza chidzudzulo changa.
not be willing to/for counsel my to spurn all argument my
31 Tsono adzadya zipatso zoyenera mayendedwe awo ndi kukhuta ndi ntchito zimene anachita kwa ena.
and to eat from fruit way: journey their and from counsel their to satisfy
32 Pakuti anthu osachangamuka amaphedwa chifukwa cha kusochera kwawo, ndipo zitsiru zimadziwononga zokha chifukwa cha mphwayi zawo.
for faithlessness simple to kill them and ease fool to perish them
33 Koma aliyense wondimvera adzakhala mwa bata; adzakhala mosatekeseka posaopa chilichonse.”
and to hear: hear to/for me to dwell security and to rest from dread distress: harm

< Miyambo 1 >