< Miyambo 20 >

1 Vinyo amachititsa munthu kukhala wonyoza ndipo chakumwa choledzeretsa chimachititsa munthu kukhala wolongolola; aliyense wosochera nazo zimenezi alibe nzeru.
It is a luxurious thing, wine, and inebriation is tumultuous. Anyone who is delighted by this will not be wise.
2 Ukali wa mfumu uli ngati kubangula kwa mkango; amene amawuputa mkwiyowo amataya moyo wake.
Just like the roaring of a lion, so also is the dread of a king. Whoever provokes him sins in his own soul.
3 Nʼchaulemu kwa munthu kupewa mikangano, koma chitsiru chilichonse chimafulumira kulongolola.
Honor is for the man who separates himself from contentions. But all the foolish meddle in altercations.
4 Munthu waulesi satipula mʼmunda pa nthawi yoyenera; kotero pa nthawi yokolola adzafunafuna zinthu koma sadzapeza kanthu kalikonse.
Because of the cold, the lazy one was not willing to plough. Therefore, in the summer, he will beg, and it will not be given to him.
5 Zolinga za mtima wa munthu zili ngati madzi akuya, munthu womvetsa zinthu ndiye yekha angawatunge.
Counsel in the heart of a man is like deep waters. But a wise man will draw it out.
6 Anthu ambiri amayankhula za kukhulupirika kwawo, koma munthu wokhulupirika angamupeze ndani?
Many men are called merciful. But who will find a faithful man?
7 Munthu wolungama amakhala ndi makhalidwe abwino; odala ndi ana ake amene amatsanzira moyo wake.
The just who walks in his simplicity shall leave behind him blessed sons.
8 Mfumu ikhala pa mpando wake wa chiweruzo, imapeta ndi maso ake anthu onse oyipa.
The king who sits on the throne of judgment scatters all evil with his gaze.
9 Ndani amene anganene kuti, “Ndawuyeretsa mtima wanga; ndilibe tchimo lililonse?”
Who is able to say: “My heart is clean. I am pure from sin?”
10 Masikelo ndi miyeso ya zinthu imene ili yachinyengo zonsezi Yehova zimamunyansa.
Diverse weights, diverse measures: both are abominable with God.
11 Ngakhale mwana amadziwika ndi zochita zake, ngati zochita zake zili zoyera ndi zoyenera.
A child may be understood by his interests: whether his works may be clean and upright.
12 Makutu amene amamva ndi maso amene amaona, zonsezi anazilenga ndi Yehova.
The hearing ear and the seeing eye: the Lord has made them both.
13 Usakonde tulo ungasauke; khala maso ndipo udzakhala ndi chakudya chambiri.
Do not love sleep, lest deprivation oppress you. Open your eyes and be satisfied with bread.
14 Munthu wogula chinthu amati, “Sichabwino, sichabwino.” Koma akagula nʼkuchokapo amayamba kudzitama.
“It is bad, it is bad,” says every buyer; and when he has withdrawn, then he will boast.
15 Pali golide ndi miyala yamtengowapatali, koma milomo yoyankhula zanzeru ndi yamtengowapatali koposa zonsezi.
There is gold, and there are a multitude of jewels. But lips of knowledge are a precious vessel.
16 Utenge chovala cha munthu amene waperekera mlendo chikole; kuti chikhale chikole chako chifukwa waperekera chikole munthu wachilendo.
Take away the vestments of him who stands up to vouch for a stranger, and take a pledge from him instead of from outsiders.
17 Chakudya chochipeza mwachinyengo chimukomera munthu, koma pa mapeto pake chimasanduka ngati mchenga mʼkamwa mwake.
The bread of lies is sweet to a man. But afterwards, his mouth will be filled with pebbles.
18 Zokonzekera zimapindula utafunsira uphungu; ndipo usanamenye nkhondo yamba wapempha malangizo oyenera.
Plans are strengthened by counsels. And wars are to be handled by governments.
19 Amene amanka nanena miseche amawulula zachinsinsi. Choncho usamagwirizane naye munthu woyankhula zopusayo.
Do not become involved with him who reveals mysteries, and who walks deceitfully, and who enlarges his lips.
20 Ngati munthu atemberera abambo ake kapena amayi ake, moyo wake udzazimitsidwa ngati nyale mu mdima wandiweyani.
Whoever curses his father and mother, his lamp will be extinguished in the midst of darkness.
21 Cholowa chochipeza mofulumira poyamba, sichidzakhala dalitso pa mapeto pake.
When an inheritance is obtained hastily in the beginning, in the end it will be without a blessing.
22 Usanene kuti, “Ine ndidzabwezera choyipa chimenechi!” Dikira Yehova, ndipo Iye adzakupulumutsa.
Do not say, “I will repay evil.” Wait for the Lord, and he will free you.
23 Miyeso yosintha imamunyansa Yehova; ndipo masikelo onyenga si abwino.
Diverse weights are an abomination with the Lord. A deceitful balance is not good.
24 Mayendedwe a munthu amawalamulira ndi Yehova, tsono munthu angadziwe bwanji njira yake?
The steps of men are directed by the Lord. But who is the man able to understand his own way?
25 Ndi msampha kwa munthu kuyankhula mofulumira kuti “Chinthu ichi nʼchopatulika kwa Yehova,” popeza mwina atha kusintha maganizo utalumbira kale.
It is ruin for a man to devour what is holy, or, after making vows, to retract them.
26 Mfumu ya nzeru imapeta kwathunthu anthu oyipa.
A wise king scatters the impious and bends an archway over them.
27 Mpweya wa munthu uli ngati nyale ya Yehova; imafufuza ziwalo zake zonse zamʼkati.
The spirit of a man is a lamp to the Lord, which investigates all the secrets of the inner self.
28 Kukoma mtima ndi kukhulupirika ndizo zimasunga mfumu; chilungamo chimalimbikitsa mpando wake waufumu.
Mercy and truth guard the king, and his throne is strengthened by clemency.
29 Ulemerero wa achinyamata uli mu mphamvu zawo, imvi ndi ulemerero wa anthu okalamba.
The joy of youths is their strength. And the dignity of old men is their grey hairs.
30 Mikwingwirima yopweteka ndiyo imachotsa zoyipa, ndipo mikwapulo ndiyo imachotsa zamʼkatikati mwa munthu.
The bruise of a wound, as well as scourges, shall wipe away evils in the more secret places of the inner self.

< Miyambo 20 >