< Numeri 21 >

1 Mfumu ya Akanaani ya ku Aradi, imene inkakhala ku Negevi, itamva kuti Aisraeli akubwera kudzera msewu wopita ku Atarimu, inachita nkhondo ndi Aisraeli nigwira ena mwa iwo.
And Arad the Chananitish king who dwelt by the wilderness, heard that Israel came by the way of Atharin; and he made war on Israel, and carried off some of them captives.
2 Ndipo Israeli anachita lonjezo ili kwa Yehova: “Mukapereka anthu awa mʼdzanja lathu ife tidzawonongeratu mizinda yawo.”
And Israel vowed a vow to the Lord, and said, If thou wilt deliver this people into my power, I will devote it and its cities [to thee].
3 Yehova anamva pempho la Aisraeli ndipo anapereka Akanaaniwo kwa iwo. Anawawononga pamodzi ndi mizinda yawo. Kotero malowo anatchedwa Horima.
And the Lord hearkened to the voice of Israel, and delivered the Chananite into his power; and [Israel] devoted him and his cities, and they called the name of that place Anathema.
4 Aisraeli anayenda kuchokera ku phiri la Hori kudzera njira ya ku Nyanja Yofiira kuzungulira dziko la Edomu. Koma anthu anataya mtima mʼnjiramo
And having departed from mount Or by the way [leading] to the Red Sea, they compassed the land of Edom, and the people lost courage by the way.
5 ndipo anayankhula motsutsana ndi Mulungu ndi Mose, nati, “Chifukwa chiyani munatitulutsa kuchoka mʼdziko la Igupto kuti tidzafere mʼchipululu muno? Kuno kulibe chakudya, kulibe madzi ndipo chakudya cha chabechabechi tatopa nacho.”
And the people spoke against God and against Moses, saying, Why is this? Hast thou brought us ought of Egypt to slay us in the wilderness? for there is not bread nor water; and our soul loathes this light bread.
6 Choncho Yehova anatumiza njoka zaululu pakati pawo. Zinaluma anthu ndipo Aisraeli ambiri anafa.
And the Lord sent among the people deadly serpents, and they bit the people, and much people of the children of Israel died.
7 Anthuwo anabwera kwa Mose ndi kunena kuti, “Tachimwa chifukwa tayankhula motsutsana ndi Yehova komanso inu. Pempherani kwa Yehova kuti atichotsere njokazi.” Tsono Mose anapempherera anthuwo.
And the people came to Moses and said, We have sinned, for we have spoken against the Lord, and against thee: pray therefore to the Lord, and let him take away the serpent from us.
8 Yehova anati kwa Mose, “Upange njoka yaululu ndipo uyipachike pa mtengo. Aliyense amene walumidwa akangoyangʼana njokayo adzakhala ndi moyo.”
And Moses prayed to the Lord for the people; and the Lord said to Moses, Make thee a serpent, and put it on a signal-[staff]; and it shall come to pass that whenever a serpent shall bite a man, every one [so] bitten that looks upon it shall live.
9 Pamenepo Mose anapanga njoka yamkuwa ndi kuyipachika pa mtengo. Ndipo aliyense wolumidwa akayangʼana njoka yamkuwayo ankakhala ndi moyo.
And Moses made a serpent of brass, and put it upon a signal-[staff]: and it came to pass that whenever a serpent bit a man, and he looked on the brazen serpent, he lived.
10 Aisraeli anayendabe nakamanga misasa yawo ku Oboti.
And the children of Israel departed, and encamped in Oboth.
11 Kenaka anasamuka ku Oboti nakamanga misasa yawo ku Iye-Abarimu, mʼchipululu chimene chili kummawa kwa Mowabu, kotulukira dzuwa.
And having departed from Oboth, they encamped in Achalgai, on the farther side in the wilderness, which is opposite Moab, toward the east.
12 Kuchoka kumeneko anayendabe nakamanga misasa yawo mʼchigwa cha Zeredi.
And thence they departed, and encamped in the valley of Zared.
13 Anasamukanso kumeneko nakamanga moyandikana ndi Arinoni mʼdera limene lili mʼchipululu chimene chimafika mʼdziko la Aamori. Arinoni ndiwo malire a Mowabu ndi Aamori.
And they departed thence and encamped on the other side of Arnon in the wilderness, [the country] which extends from the coasts of the Amorites; for Arnon is the borders of Moab, between Moab and the Amorites.
14 Nʼchifukwa chake Buku la Nkhondo za Yehova limati, “Mzinda wa Wahebu uli mu Sufa, mu zigwa za Arinoni,
Therefore it is said in a book, A war of the Lord has set on fire Zoob, and the brooks of Arnon.
15 ku matsitso a zigwa amene afika mpaka ku Ari nakhudza malire a dziko la Mowabu.”
And he has appointed brooks to cause Er to dwell [there]; and it lies near to the coasts of Moab.
16 Kuchokera kumeneko anapitirira mpaka ku Beeri, pa chitsime chomwe Yehova anawuza Mose kuti, “Sonkhanitsa anthu pamodzi ndipo ndidzawapatsa madzi.”
And thence [they came to] the well; this [is] the well of which the Lord said to Moses, Gather the people, and I will give them water to drink.
17 Pamenepo Aisraeli anayimba nyimbo iyi: “Tulutsa madzi, chitsime iwe! Chiyimbireni nyimbo,
Then Israel sang this song at the well, Begin [to sing] of the well;
18 chitsime chomwe anakumba mafumu, chomwe anakumba anthu omveka, ndi ndodo zawo zaufumu ndi ndodo zawo zoyendera.” Kenaka anachoka ku chipululu ndi kupita ku Matana.
the princes digged it, the kings of the nations in their kingdom, in their lordship sank it in the rock: and [they went] from the well to Manthanain,
19 Kuchoka ku Matana anapita ku Nahalieli, kuchoka ku Nahalieli anapita ku Bamoti,
and from Manthanain to Naaliel, and from Naaliel to Bamoth, and from Bamoth to Janen, which is in the plain of Moab [as seen] from the top of the quarried [rock] that looks toward the wilderness.
20 ndipo atachoka ku Bamoti anapita ku chigwa cha dziko la Mowabu kudzera njira ya pamwamba pa phiri la Pisiga, moyangʼanana ndi Yesimoni.
And Moses sent ambassadors to Seon king of the Amorites, with peaceable words, saying,
21 Aisraeli anatumiza amithenga kwa Sihoni mfumu ya Aamori, kuti,
We will pass through thy land, we will go by the road; we will not turn aside to the field or to the vineyard.
22 “Tiloleni kuti tidutse mʼdziko mwanu. Sitidzapatukira mʼminda mwanu kapena mu mpesa wanu kapena kumwa madzi mʼchitsime chili chonse. Tidzayenda mu msewu waukulu wa mfumu mpaka titadutsa malire a dziko lanu.”
We will not drink water out of thy well; we will go by the king's highway, until we have past thy boundaries.
23 Koma Sihoni sanalole kuti Aisraeli adutse mʼdziko mwake. Iye anasonkhanitsa pamodzi ankhondo ake onse kuti akamenyane ndi Aisraeli mʼchipululu. Atafika pa Yahazi anamenyana ndi Aisraeli.
And Seon did not allow Israel to pass through his borders, and Seon gathered all his people, and went out to set the battle in array against Israel into the wilderness; and he came to Jassa, and set the battle in array against Israel.
24 Koma Aisraeli anamupha ndi kulanda dziko lake kuchokera ku Arinoni mpaka ku Yaboki, kulekezera mʼmalire a dziko la Aamoni, chifukwa malire a dziko la Aamoni anali otetezedwa.
And Israel smote him with the slaughter of the sword, and they became possessors of his land, from Arnon to Jaboc, as far as the children of Amman, for Jazer is the borders of the children of Amman.
25 Ndipo Aisraeli analanda mizinda yonse ya Aamori, nakhalamo kuphatikizapo Hesiboni ndi midzi yake yozungulira.
And Israel took all their cities, and Israel dwelt in all the cities of the Amorites, in Esebon, and in all cities belonging to it.
26 Hesiboni unali mzinda wa Sihoni mfumu ya Aamori, yemwe anamenyana ndi mfumu yakale ya dziko la Mowabu. Lonselo linakhala dziko lake mpaka ku Arinoni.
For Esebon is the city of Seon king of the Amorites; and he before fought against the king of Moab, and they took all his land, from Aroer to Arnon.
27 Nʼchifukwa chake alakatuli amati: “Bwerani ku Hesiboni, mzindawo umangidwenso; mzinda wa Sihoni ukhazikike.
Therefore say they who deal in dark speeches, Come to Esebon, that the city of Seon may be built and prepared.
28 “Moto unabuka ku Hesiboni, malawi a moto kuchokera mu mzinda wa Sihoni. Unanyeketsa Ari mzinda wa ku Mowabu, nzika za ku malo okwera a Arinoni.
For a fire has gone forth from Esebon, a flame from the city of Seon, and has consumed as far as Moab, and devoured the pillars of Arnon.
29 Tsoka kwa iwe Mowabu! Mwawonongedwa inu anthu a ku Kemosi! Ana ake aamuna wawasandutsa ngati anthu othawathawa ndipo ana ake aakazi ngati akapolo, akapolo a Sihoni, mfumu ya Aamori.
Woe to thee, Moab; thou art lost, thou people of Chamos: their sons are sold for preservation, and their daughters are captives to Seon king of the Amorites.
30 “Koma ife tawagonjetsa; Hesiboni wawonongedwa mʼnjira monse mpaka kufika ku Diboni. Tawaphwasula mpaka ku mzinda wa Nofa, mzinda womwe umafika ku Medeba.
And their seed shall perish [from] Esebon to Daebon; and their women have yet farther kindled a fire against Moab.
31 “Choncho Aisraeli anakhala mʼdziko la Aamori.”
And Israel dwelt in all the cities of the Amorites.
32 Mose atatumiza azondi ku Yazeri, Aisraeliwo analanda midzi yozungulira ndi kuthamangitsa Aamori omwe ankakhala kumeneko.
And Moses sent to spy out Jazer; and they took it, and its villages, and cast out the Amorite that dwelt there.
33 Kenaka anabwerera, nadzera njira ya ku Basani. Choncho Ogi mfumu ya ku Basani ndi gulu lake lonse lankhondo anatuluka kukakumana nawo ndipo anamenyana nawo ku Ederi.
And having returned, they went up the road thhebraismat leads to Basan; and Og the king of Basan went forth to meet them, and all his people to war to Edrain.
34 Yehova anati kwa Mose, “Usachite naye mantha pakuti ndamupereka mʼmanja mwako pamodzi ndi gulu lake lonse lankhondo ndi dziko lake lomwe. Ndipo uchite kwa iye zimene unachita Sihoni mfumu ya Aamori, amene ankalamulira ku Hesiboni.”
And the Lord said to Moses, Fear him not; for I have delivered him and all his people, and all his land, into thy hands; and thou shalt do to him as thou didst to Seon king of the Amorites, who dwelt in Esebon.
35 Choncho Aisraeli anapha Ogi pamodzi ndi ana ake aamuna ndi gulu lake lonse la nkhondo. Palibe ndi mmodzi yemwe amene anatsala wamoyo, ndipo analanda dziko lakelo.
And he smote him and his sons, and all his people, until he left none of his to be taken alive; and they inherited his land.

< Numeri 21 >