< Nahumu 3 >

1 Tsoka kwa mzinda wopha anthu, mzinda wodzaza ndi mabodza, mzinda wodzaza ndi anthu olanda zinthu anzawo, mu mzinda mʼmene simusowa anthu osautsidwa nthawi zonse!
A curse is on the town of blood; it is full of deceit and violent acts; and there is no end to the taking of life.
2 Kulira kwa zikwapu, mkokomo wa mikombero, kufuwula kwa akavalo ndiponso phokoso la magaleta!
The noise of the whip, and the noise of thundering wheels; horses rushing and war-carriages jumping,
3 Kuthamanga kwa anthu okwera pa akavalo, kungʼanima kwa malupanga ndi kunyezimira kwa mikondo! Anthu ambiri ophedwa, milumilu ya anthu akufa, mitembo yosawerengeka, anthu akupunthwa pa mitemboyo.
Horsemen driving forward, and the shining sword and the bright spear: and a great number of wounded, and masses of dead bodies; they are falling over the bodies of the dead:
4 Zonsezi ndi chifukwa cha zilakolako za mkazi wachiwerewere, wokopa anthu uja, mkazi wochita zamatsenga, amene anakopa mitundu ya anthu ndi zachiwerewere zake, ndiponso anthu a mitundu ina ndi zaufiti zake.
Because of all the false ways of the loose woman, expert in attraction and wise in secret arts, who takes nations in the net of her false ways, and families through her secret arts.
5 Yehova Wamphamvuzonse akuti, “Ine ndikutsutsana nawe. Ndidzakuvula chovala chako. Anthu a mitundu ina ndidzawaonetsa umaliseche wako ndipo udzachita manyazi pamaso pa maufumu onse.
See, I am against you, says the Lord of armies, and I will have your skirts pulled over your face, and let the nations see you unclothed, and the kingdoms your shame.
6 Ndidzakuthira zonyansa, ndidzakuchititsa manyazi ndiponso kukusandutsa chinthu choseketsa.
I will make you completely disgusting and full of shame, and will put you up to be looked at by all.
7 Onse amene adzakuona adzakuthawa ndipo adzati, ‘Ninive wasanduka bwinja, adzamulira ndani?’ Kodi ndingamupeze kuti munthu woti nʼkukutonthoza?”
And it will come about that all who see you will go in flight from you and say, Nineveh is made waste: who will be weeping for her? where am I to get comforters for her?
8 Kodi ndiwe wopambana Tebesi, mzinda wokhala mʼmbali mwa Nailo, wozunguliridwa ndi madzi? Mtsinjewo unali chitetezo chake, madziwo anali linga lake.
Are you better than No-amon, seated on the Nile streams, with waters all round her; whose wall was the sea and her earthwork the waters?
9 Mphamvu zake zinali Kusi ndi Igupto, Puti ndi Libiya anali ena mwa abwenzi ake.
Ethiopia was her strength and Egyptians without number; Put and Lubim were her helpers.
10 Komabe anthu a ku Tebesi anagwidwa ndipo anapita ku ukapolo. Ana ake anawaphwanyitsa pansi mʼmisewu yonse ya mu mzindamo. Anachita maere ogawana anthu ake otchuka, ndipo anthu ake onse amphamvu anamangidwa ndi maunyolo.
But even she has been taken away, she has gone away as a prisoner: even her young children are smashed to bits at the top of all the streets: the fate of her honoured men is put to the decision of chance, and all her great men are put in chains.
11 Iwenso Ninive udzaledzera; udzabisala ndipo udzafunafuna malo othawirako kuopa mdani.
And you will be overcome with wine, you will become feeble; you will be looking for a safe place from those who are fighting against you.
12 Malo ako onse otetezedwa ali ngati mitengo ya mkuyu yokhala ndi zipatso zoyambirira kucha; pamene agwedeza mitengoyo, nkhuyuzo zimagwera mʼkamwa mwa wofuna kuzidya.
All your walled places will be like fig-trees and your people like the first figs, falling at a shake into the mouth which is open for them.
13 Tayangʼana ankhondo ako, onse ali ngati akazi! Zipata za dziko lako zatsekukira adani ako; moto wapsereza mipiringidzo yake.
See, the people who are in you are women; the doorways of your land are wide open to your attackers: the locks of your doors have been burned away in the fire.
14 Tungani madzi woti mudzamwe nthawi ya kuzunguliridwa kwanu, limbitsani chitetezo chanu! Pondani dothi, ikani mʼchikombole, konzani khoma la njerwa!
Get water for the time when you are shut in, make strong your towns: go into the potter's earth, stamping it down with your feet, make strong the brickworks.
15 Kumeneko moto udzakupserezani; lupanga lidzakukanthani ndipo lidzakuwonongani ngati likuwononga ziwala. Chulukanani ngati ziwala, chulukanani ngati dzombe!
There the fire will make you waste; you will be cut off by the sword: make yourself as great in number as the worms, as great in number as the locusts.
16 Mwachulukitsa chiwerengero cha anthu a malonda anu mpaka kupambana nyenyezi za mlengalenga, koma iwo ngati dzombe akuwononga dziko ndipo kenaka akuwuluka nʼkuchoka.
Let your traders be increased more than the stars of heaven:
17 Akalonga ako ali ngati dzombe, akuluakulu ako ali ngati gulu la dzombe limene lamatirira pa khoma nthawi yozizira, koma pamene dzuwa latuluka limawuluka, ndipo palibe amene amadziwa komwe lapita.
Your crowned ones are like the locusts, and your scribes like the clouds of insects which take cover in the walls on a cold day, but when the sun comes up they go in flight, and are seen no longer in their place.
18 Iwe mfumu ya ku Asiriya, abusa ako agona tulo; anthu ako olemekezeka amwalira. Anthu ako amwazikira ku mapiri popanda ndi mmodzi yemwe wowasonkhanitsa.
Sorrow! how are the keepers of your flock sleeping, O king of Assyria! your strong men are at rest; your people are wandering on the mountains, and there is no one to get them together.
19 Palibe chimene chingachize bala lako; chilonda chako sichingapole. Aliyense amene amamva za iwe amawomba mʼmanja chifukwa cha kugwa kwako, kodi alipo amene sanazilawepo nkhanza zako zosatha?
Your pain may not be made better; you are wounded to death: all those hearing the news about you will be waving their hands in joy over you: for who has not undergone the weight of your evil-doing again and again?

< Nahumu 3 >