< Marko 13 >

1 Iye atachoka mʼNyumba ya Mulungu, mmodzi wa ophunzira ake anati kwa Iye, “Aphunzitsi taonani! Miyala ikuluikulu! Nyumba zikongolerenji!”
And as he went forth out of the temple, one of his disciples says to him, Teacher, see what kind of stones and what kind of buildings.
2 Yesu anayankha kuti, “Kodi mukuziona nyumba zikuluzikuluzi? Palibe mwala ndi umodzi pano umene udzakhala pa unzake; uliwonse udzagwetsedwa pansi.”
And Jesus having answered, he said to him, See thou these great buildings? There will be left, no, not a stone upon a stone, that will, no, not be brought down.
3 Yesu atakhala pansi pa phiri la Olivi moyangʼanana ndi Nyumba ya Mulungu, Petro, Yakobo, Yohane ndi Andreya anamufunsa Iye pambali kuti,
And as he sat upon the mount of Olives opposite the temple, Peter and James and John and Andrew questioned him privately,
4 “Tatiwuzani, izi zidzachitika liti? Nanga chizindikiro chakuti zatsala pangʼono kukwaniritsidwa chidzakhala chiyani?”
Tell us, when will these things be? And what is the sign when all these things are going to be fulfilled?
5 Yesu anawawuza kuti, “Chenjerani kuti wina asakunyengeni.
And having answered them, Jesus began to say to them, Watch that not any man lead you astray.
6 Anthu ambiri adzabwera mʼdzina langa, nadzati, ‘Ine ndi Iyeyo,’ ndipo adzanamiza anthu ambiri.
For many will come in my name, saying, I am, and they will lead many astray.
7 Pamene mudzamva zankhondo ndi mbiri zankhondo, musadzadzidzimuke. Zinthu zotere ziyenera kuchitika, koma sikuti chimaliziro chafika kale ayi.
And when ye may hear of wars and rumors of wars, be not alarmed, for it must happen, but the end is not yet.
8 Mtundu udzawukira mtundu unzake, ndi ufumu kuwukira ufumu unzake. Kudzakhala zivomerezi mʼmalo osiyanasiyana, ndi njala. Izi ndi chiyambi chabe cha zowawa monga mayi pobereka.
For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom, and there will be earthquakes in various places, and there will be famines and troubles. These things are the beginnings of travails.
9 “Muyenera kukhala tcheru. Mudzaperekedwa ku mabwalo oweruza ndi kukwapulidwa mwankhanza mʼmasunagoge. Mudzayima pamaso pa abwanamkubwa ndi mafumu monga mboni kwa iwo chifukwa cha Ine.
But watch ye yourselves, for they will deliver you up to councils, and ye will be beaten in synagogues. And ye will be stood before rulers and kings because of me, for a testimony to them.
10 Ndipo Uthenga Wabwino uyenera kuyamba walalikidwa kwa anthu a mitundu yonse.
And the good news must first be preached to all the nations.
11 Nthawi iliyonse pamene mwamangidwa ndi kuyimbidwa mlandu, musadandaule za zimene mudzanena. Zimene mudzapatsidwe pa nthawiyo yankhulani; pakuti sindinu amene mudzayankhula, koma Mzimu Woyera.
But when they lead you, delivering you up, be not anxious before what ye might speak, nor meditate. But whatever may be given you in that hour, speak ye this, for ye are not who speak, but the Holy Spirit.
12 “Mʼbale adzapereka mʼbale kuti aphedwe, ndipo abambo adzapereka mwana wawo. Ana adzawukira makolo awo ndi kuwapereka kuti aphedwe.
And brother will betray brother to death, and a father a child. And children will rise up against parents, and will condemn them to death.
13 Anthu onse adzakudani chifukwa cha Ine, koma amene adzalimbika mpaka potsiriza, ameneyo ndiye adzapulumuke.
And ye will be hated by all men because of my name, but he who endures to the end, this man will be saved.
14 “Mukadzaona ‘chinthu chonyansa chosakaza’ chitayima pa malo amene si ake, owerenga azindikire. Pamenepo amene ali ku Yudeya athawire kumapiri.
But when ye see the abomination of desolation, which was spoken by Daniel the prophet, standing where it ought not (let him who reads understand), then let those in Judea flee to the mountains,
15 Aliyense amene ali pa denga la nyumba yake asatsike kapena kulowa mʼnyumba kukatenga kanthu kalikonse.
and let the man on the housetop not go down into the house, nor enter in to take anything out of his house,
16 Aliyense amene ali ku munda asabwerere kukatenga mkanjo wake.
and let the man who is in the field not turn back for the things behind, to take his cloak.
17 Kudzakhala koopsa mʼmasiku amenewo kwa amayi oyembekezera ndi amayi oyamwitsa!
But woe to those who have in the womb, and to those who suckle in those days.
18 Pempherani kuti zimenezi zisadzachitike nthawi yozizira,
And pray ye that your flight may not be in winter.
19 chifukwa masiku amenewo adzakhala owawitsa osafanana ndi ena kuyambira pachiyambi, pamene Mulungu analenga dziko, kufikira lero ndipo sadzafanananso ndi ena.
For those days will be tribulation, such as has not happened from the beginning of the creation that God created until now, and no, will not happen.
20 Ambuye akanapanda kufupikitsa masikuwo, palibe amene akanapulumuka. Koma chifukwa cha osankhidwiratu, amene anawasankha, Iye anawafupikitsa.
And unless the Lord cut short the days, no flesh would have been saved, but because of the chosen, whom he chose, he cut short the days.
21 Pa nthawi imeneyo, ngati wina adzati kwa inu, ‘Taonani, Khristu ali kuno, kapena, Taonani, uyo ali apoyo!’ musakhulupirire.
And then if any man should say to you, Lo, here is the Christ, or, Lo, there, do not believe.
22 Pakuti akhristu onama ndi aneneri onama adzaonekera ndipo adzachita zizindikiro ndi zodabwitsa kuti anyenge osankhidwiratu ngati kutakhala kotheka kutero.
For false Christs and false prophets will arise, and will give signs and wonders, in order to lead astray, if possible, even the chosen.
23 Choncho khalani tcheru; ndakuwuzani zonse nthawi isanafike.
But watch ye. Behold, I have foretold all to you.
24 “Koma masiku amenewo, masautsowo atatha, “‘dzuwa lidzada, ndipo mwezi sudzawala;
But in those days, after that tribulation, the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light,
25 nyenyezi zidzagwa kuchokera ku thambo, ndipo mayiko mumlengalenga adzagwedezeka!’
and the stars of the sky will be falling, and the powers that are in the heavens will be shaken.
26 “Nthawi imeneyo anthu adzaona Mwana wa Munthu akubwera mʼmitambo ndi mphamvu yayikulu ndi ulemerero.
And then they will see the Son of man coming in clouds with much power and glory.
27 Ndipo adzatuma angelo ake kukasonkhanitsa osankhidwiratu ake ku mphepo zinayi, kuyambira kumalekezero a dziko lapansi mpaka ku malekezero ake enanso.
And then he will send forth his agents, and will gather together his chosen from the four winds, from the outermost part of the earth as far as the outermost part of heaven.
28 “Tsopano phunzirani phunziro ili kuchokera ku mtengo wamkuyu. Pamene msonga za nthambi zake zikhala za nthete ndipo masamba ake ayamba kuphukira, mumadziwa kuti dzinja layandikira.
But learn a parable from the fig tree. When its branch now becomes tender, and sprouts the leaves, ye know that summer is near.
29 Momwenso pamene muona zinthu izi zikuchitika, dziwani kuti wayandikira, ali pa khomo.
So ye also, when ye may see these things happening, know ye that it is near, at the doors.
30 Zoonadi, Ine ndikuwuzani kuti mʼbado uno sudzatha mpaka zinthu zonsezi zitachitika.
Truly I say to you, that this generation will, no, not pass away, until all these things happen.
31 Kumwamba ndi dziko lapansi zidzatha, koma mawu anga sadzatha.”
The sky and the earth will pass away, but my words may, no, not pass away.
32 “Palibe amene akudziwa za tsikulo kapena nthawi, ngakhale angelo akumwamba, kapena Mwana, koma Atate wokha.
But about that day or that hour no man knows, not even the agents in heaven, nor the Son, but the Father.
33 Khalani maso! Khalani tcheru! Simudziwa pamene nthawi imeneyo idzafike.
Watch ye! Be alert and pray, for ye know not when the time is,
34 Zili ngati munthu amene akuchokapo. Amasiyira nyumba yake antchito ake, aliyense ndi ntchito yake; ndi kumuwuza wa pa khomo kuti azikhala maso.
like a man abroad, having left his house, and having given authority to his bondmen, and to each man his work, and commanded the doorkeeper that he should watch.
35 “Inunso muyenera kukhala maso chifukwa simukudziwa nthawi imene mwini nyumba adzabwere, kaya madzulo, kapena pakati pa usiku, kapena tambala akulira, kapena mʼbandakucha.
Watch therefore, for ye know not when the lord of the house comes, at evening, or at midnight, or at cock crowing, or in the morning,
36 Ngati atabwera mwadzidzidzi, asadzakupezeni inu muli mtulo.
lest having come suddenly, he may find you sleeping.
37 Zimene ndikunena kwa inu, ndikunena kwa aliyense: ‘Khalani tcheru!’”
And what I say to you I say to all, watch!

< Marko 13 >