< Levitiko 22 >

1 Yehova anawuza Mose kuti,
And the Lord spoke unto Moses, saying,
2 “Uza Aaroni ndi ana ake kuti azilemekeza zinthu zopatulika zimene Aisraeli azipereka kwa Ine, kuti asayipitse dzina langa loyera. Ine ndine Yehova.
Speak unto Aaron and to his sons, that they keep themselves away from the holy things of the children of Israel, [so that they profane not my holy name] which they hallow unto me: I am the Lord.
3 “Uwawuze kuti ngati wina aliyense mwa zidzukulu zawo mʼmibado yonse imene ikubwera adzayandikira zinthu zopatulika zimene ana a Israeli apereka kwa Yehova, ali wodetsedwa, ameneyo achotsedwe pamaso pa Yehova. Ine ndine Yehova.
Say unto them, In your generations, if there be any man of all your seed, that approacheth unto the holy things, which the children of Israel hallow unto the Lord, having his uncleanness upon him, that soul shall be cut off from my presence: I am the Lord.
4 “Munthu aliyense mwa zidzukulu za Aaroni amene ali ndi khate kapena amatulutsa zoyipa mʼthupi mwake, asadye zinthu zopatulika mpaka atayeretsedwa. Wansembe angakhale wodetsedwa atakhudzana ndi chinthu chimene chadetsedwa ndi chinthu chakufa kapena kukhudza munthu amene wataya umuna,
Any man whatsoever of the seed of Aaron, that is a leper, or hath a running issue, shall not eat of the holy things, until he be clean; and whoso toucheth any thing that is unclean by the dead, or a man whose seed goeth from him;
5 kapena kukhudza chilichonse chokwawa chomwe chimadetsa munthu, kapena kukhudza munthu amene angamudetse, kapenanso kukhudza kanthu kena kalikonse kodetsedwa.
Or a man who toucheth any creeping thing, whereby he may be made unclean, or a man through whom he can be rendered unclean, through any kind of uncleanness which he hath:
6 Tsono ngati wansembe angakhudze chilichonse mwa zimenezi ndiye kuti adzakhala wodetsedwa mpaka madzulo. Asadye chopereka chilichonse chopatulika mpaka atasamba thupi lake lonse.
The person that toucheth any such shall be unclean until the evening, and he shall not eat of the holy things, unless he have bathed his flesh in water.
7 Munthuyo adzakhala woyeretsedwa pamene dzuwa lalowa, ndipo angathe kudya chopereka chopatulikacho popeza ndi chakudya chake.
And when the sun hath set, he shall be clean; and afterward he may eat of the holy things; because it is his food.
8 Wansembe sayenera kudya chinthu chofa chokha kapena chojiwa ndi chirombo kuopa kuti angadzidetse ndi chakudyacho. Ine ndine Yehova.
That which dieth of itself, or is torn by beasts, shall he not eat, to defile himself therewith: I am the Lord.
9 “‘Choncho ansembe azisunga malamulo angawa kuti asapezeke wolakwa ndi kufa chifukwa chopeputsa malamulowa. Ine ndine Yehova, amene ndimawayeretsa.
And they shall keep my charge, that they may not bear sin through it, and die therefore, if they profane it: I am the Lord who sanctify them.
10 “‘Aliyense amene si wabanja la wansembe, kaya ndi mlendo wa wansembe, kapena wantchito wake, asadye chopereka chopatulika.
And no stranger shall eat of a holy thing: a sojourner of a priest, or a hired servant, shall not eat of a holy thing.
11 Koma kapolo amene wagulidwa ndi ndalama kapena kubadwira mʼbanja la wansembe angathe kudya chakudya cha wansembeyo.
But if a priest buy a person with his money, then may he eat of it; and those that are born in his house, may eat of his bread.
12 Mwana wamkazi wa wansembe amene wakwatiwa ndi munthu amene si wansembe, asadyeko nsembe zopatulikazo.
And if the daughter of a priest be married unto a stranger, she may not eat of the offered part of holy things.
13 Koma mwana wamkazi wa wansembe amene ali wamasiye kapena wosudzulidwa, ndipo alibe mwana, komanso anabwerera ku nyumba ya abambo ake monga pa nthawi ya utsikana wake, angathe kudya chakudya cha abambo ake. Mlendo asadye chakudya chopatulika.
But the daughter of a priest, if she be a widow, or divorced, and have no child, and is returned unto her father's house, as in her youth, may eat of her father's bread; but no stranger shall eat thereof.
14 “‘Ngati munthu wina aliyense adya chopereka chopatulika mosadziwa, munthuyo amubwezere wansembe chinthu chopatulikacho ndipo awonjezerepo limodzi la magawo asanu a chinthucho.
And if a man eat a holy thing unwittingly, then shall he add the fifth part thereof unto it, and he shall make good unto the priest the holy thing.
15 Choncho ansembe asayipitse zopereka zopatulika za Aisraeli zimene apereka kwa Yehova
And they shall not profane the holy things of the children of Israel, which they offer unto the Lord;
16 ndipo asachimwitse ndi kupalamulitsa Aisraeli powalola kudya zakudya zawo zopatulika. Ine ndine Yehova amene ndimawayeretsa.’”
And load on themselves the iniquity of trespass, when they eat their holy things; for I am the Lord who sanctify them.
17 Yehova anawuza Mose kuti,
And the Lord spoke unto Moses, saying,
18 “Yankhula ndi Aaroni, ana ake pamodzi ndi Aisraeli onse, ndipo uwawuze kuti, ‘Ngati wina aliyense wa inu, Mwisraeli kapena mlendo amene akukhala mu Israeli abwera ndi mphatso ya nsembe yopsereza kwa Yehova, kupereka chimene analumbira kapena kuti ikhale nsembe yaufulu,
Speak unto Aaron, and unto his sons, and unto all the children of Israel, and say unto them, If there be any man of the house of Israel, or of the strangers in Israel, that offereth his oblation, be it for any manner of vows, or for any manner of freewill-offerings, which they may offer unto the Lord for a burnt-offering:
19 ndiye kuti abwere ndi ngʼombe yayimuna, nkhosa yayimuna kapena mbuzi yayimuna. Izi zikhale zopanda chilema kuti zilandiridwe.
Then shall it be, that it may be favorably received for you, a male without blemish, of the oxen, of the sheep, or of the goats.
20 Musapereke nyama iliyonse yokhala ndi chilema chifukwa sidzalandiridwa mʼmalo mwanu.
Whatsoever on which there is a blemish shall ye not offer; for it will not be favorably received for you.
21 Pamene wina aliyense abweretsa ngʼombe kapena nkhosa kuti ikhale nsembe yachiyanjano kwa Yehova, kukwaniritsa zimene analumbira kapena kuti ikhale nsembe yaufulu, nyamayo iyenera kukhala yangwiro ndi yopanda chilema kuti ilandiridwe.
And when a man offereth a sacrifice of peace-offering unto the Lord as a vow, or a freewill-offering of the herds or of the flocks: it shall be without blemish to be favorably received; no kind of bodily defect shall be thereon.
22 Musapereke kwa Yehova nyama zakhungu, zovulala kapena zolumala, kapena nyama zimene zikutulutsa mafinya mʼthupi mwake, kapena zimene zili ndi nthenda yonyerenyetsa, kapena zimene zili ndi mphere. Nyama zotere musaziyike pa guwa kuti zikhale nsembe yopsereza kwa Yehova.
A blind, or broken-limbed, or maimed animal, or one having a wen, or itch, or scurvy, —ye shall not offer these unto the Lord, and a fire-offering shall ye not make of them upon the altar unto the Lord.
23 Koma mungathe kupereka ngʼombe yayimuna kapena nkhosa imene ili ndi chiwalo chachitali kapena chachifupi kukhala nsembe yaufulu. Koma simungayipereke ngati nsembe yoperekera zimene munalumbirira chifukwa sidzalandiridwa.
And an ox or a lamb that hath a limb too long or too short, that mayest thou offer for a freewill-offering; but for a vow it shall not be favorably received.
24 Nyama iliyonse imene mavalo ake ndi onyuka kapena ophwanyika, ongʼambika kapena oduka, musamayipereke kwa Yehova mʼdziko lanu.
And one that is bruised, or crushed, or broken, or cut in the testicles, shall ye not offer unto the Lord; and in your land shall ye not make the like.
25 Ndipo musalandire nyama zotere kuchokera kwa mlendo ndi kuzipereka kukhala zakudya za Mulungu wanu. Zimenezi sizidzalandiridwa mʼmalo mwanu chifukwa zili ndi chilema ndipo ndi zolumala.’”
And from a stranger's hand shall ye not offer the bread of your God from any of these; because their corruption is on them, a bodily defect is on them: they shall not be favorably received for you.
26 Yehova anawuza Mose kuti,
And the Lord spoke unto Moses, saying,
27 “Pamene mwana wangʼombe, mwana wankhosa kapena mwana wambuzi wabadwa, akhale ndi make kwa masiku asanu ndi awiri. Kuyambira tsiku lachisanu ndi chitatu mpaka mʼtsogolo mwake, angathe kulandiridwa kuti akhale nsembe yopsereza ya kwa Yehova.
When a bullock, or a sheep, or a goat, is brought forth, then shall it remain seven days by its mother; and from the eighth day and thenceforth shall it be favorably received for an offering made by fire unto the Lord.
28 Musaphe ngʼombe kapena nkhosa pamodzi ndi mwana wake tsiku limodzi. Muyidye pa tsiku lomwelo; musasiyeko ina mpaka mmawa. Ine ndine Yehova.
And whether it be ox or sheep, ye shall not kill it and its young both in one day.
29 “Pamene mupereka nsembe yoyamika kwa Yehova, muyipereke mwakufuna kwanu mu njira yoti ilandiridwe mʼmalo mwanu.
And when ye offer a sacrifice of thanksgiving unto the Lord, offer it so that it may be favorably received of you.
30 Muyidye pa tsiku lomwelo, wosasiyako ina mpaka mmawa. Ine ndine Yehova.
On the same day shall it be eaten up; ye shall leave none of it until the morning: I am the Lord.
31 “Choncho sungani malamulo anga ndi kuwatsatira. Ine ndine Yehova.
And ye shall keep my commandments and do them: I am the Lord.
32 Musanyoze dzina langa loyera. Koma lilemekezedwe pakati pa Aisraeli. Ine ndine Yehova amene ndimakuyeretsani
And ye shall not profane my holy name; so that I may be sanctified among the children of Israel; I am the Lord who sanctify you,
33 ndipo ndine amene ndinakutulutsani mu Igupto kuti ndikhale Mulungu wanu. Ine ndine Yehova.”
That brought you out of the land of Egypt, to be unto you a God: I am the Lord.

< Levitiko 22 >