< Levitiko 15 >

1 Yehova anawuza Mose ndi Aaroni kuti,
And the Lord spoke to Moses and Aaron, saying,
2 “Yankhulani ndi Aisraeli ndipo muwawuze kuti, ‘Mwamuna aliyense akakhala ndi nthenda yotulutsa mafinya ku maliseche ake, zotulukazo ndi zonyansa ndithu.
Speak to the children of Israel, and thou shalt say to them, Whatever man shall have an issue out of his body, his issue is unclean.
3 Lamulo lokhudza kudziyipitsira ndi zotuluka ku maliseche a munthu nali: Malisechewo akamatulukabe mafinya, kaya aleka, munthuyo adzakhala wodetsedwa:
And this [is] the law of his uncleanness; whoever has a gonorrhoea out of his body, this is his uncleanness in him by reason of the issue, by which, his body is affected through the issue: all the days of the issue of his body, by which his body is affected through the issue, there is his uncleanness.
4 “‘Bedi lililonse limene munthu wotulutsa mafinyayo agonapo, ndiponso chinthu chilichonse chimene akhalepo chidzakhala chodetsedwa.
Every bed on which he that has the issue shall happen to lie, is unclean; and every seat on which he that has the issue may happen to sit, shall be unclean.
5 Aliyense wokhudza bedi la munthuyo achape zovala zake ndi kusamba. Komabe adzakhala wodetsedwa mpaka madzulo.
And the man who shall touch his bed, shall wash his garments, and bathe himself in water, and shall be unclean till evening.
6 Aliyense wokhala pa chinthu chimene munthu wotulutsa mafinyayo anakhalapo, achape zovala zake ndi kusamba. Komabe adzakhala wodetsedwa mpaka madzulo.
And whosoever sits on the seat on which he that has the issue may have sat, shall wash his garments, and bathe himself in water, and shall be unclean until evening.
7 “‘Aliyense wokhudza thupi la munthu amene akutulutsa mafinyayo achape zovala zake ndi kusamba. Komabe adzakhala wodetsedwa mpaka madzulo.
And he that touches the skin of him that has the issue, shall wash his garments and bathe himself in water, and shall be unclean till evening.
8 “‘Munthu wotulutsa mafinya akalavulira malovu munthu wina amene ndi woyeretsedwa, munthu ameneyo achape zovala zake ndi kusamba. Komabe adzakhala wodetsedwa mpaka madzulo.
And if he that has the issue should spit upon one that is clean, [that person] shall wash his garments, and bathe himself in water, and be unclean until evening.
9 “‘Chilichonse chimene munthuyo akhalira akakwera pa kavalo chidzakhala chodetsedwa.
And every ass's saddle, on which the man with the issue shall have mounted, shall be unclean till evening.
10 Ndipo aliyense wokhudza chimene anakhalira munthuyo adzakhala wodetsedwanso mpaka madzulo. Aliyense wonyamula chinthucho achape zovala zake ndi kusamba. Komabe adzakhala wodetsedwa mpaka madzulo.
And every one that touches whatsoever shall have been under him shall be unclean until evening; and he that takes them up shall wash his garments, and bathe himself in water, and shall be unclean until evening.
11 “‘Munthu wotulutsa mafinyayo akakhudza munthu aliyense asanasambe mʼmanja, wokhudzidwayo achape zovala zake ndi kusamba. Komabe adzakhala wodetsedwa mpaka madzulo.
And whomsoever he that has the issue shall touch, if he have not rinsed his hands in water, he shall wash his garments, and bathe his body in water, and shall be unclean until evening.
12 “‘Mʼphika wadothi umene munthu wotulutsa mafinyayo wakhudza awuphwanye, ndipo chiwiya chilichonse chamtengo achitsuke ndi madzi.
And the earthen vessel which he that has the issue shall happen to touch, shall be broken; and a wooden vessel shall be washed with water, and shall be clean.
13 “‘Munthu wotulutsa mafinyayo akaona kuti wachira, awerenge masiku asanu ndi awiri akuyeretsedwa kwake kenaka achape zovala zake ndi kusamba pa kasupe, ndipo adzayeretsedwa.
and if he that has the issue should be cleansed of his issue, then shall he number to himself seven days for his purification; and he shall wash his garments, and bathe his body in water, and shall be clean.
14 Pa tsiku la chisanu ndi chitatu atenge njiwa ziwiri kapena mawunda a nkhunda awiri ndi kubwera nazo pamaso pa Yehova pa khomo pa tenti ya msonkhano ndipo azipereke kwa wansembe.
And on the eighth day he shall take to himself two turtle-doves or two young pigeons, and he shall bring them before the Lord to the doors of the tabernacle of witness, and shall give them to the priest.
15 Wansembe apereke zimenezo: imodzi ikhale nsembe yopepesera machimo ndipo inayo ikhale ya nsembe yopsereza. Pamenepo ndiye kuti wansembeyo wachita mwambo wopepesera machimo a munthu wotulutsa mafinya uja pamaso pa Yehova.
And the priest shall offer them one for a sin-offering, and the other for a whole-burnt-offering; and the priest shall make atonement for him before the Lord for his issue.
16 “‘Mwamuna akataya pansi mbewu yake yaumuna, asambe thupi lake lonse. Komabe adzakhala wodetsedwa mpaka madzulo.
And the man whose seed of copulation shall happen to go forth from him, shall then wash his whole body, and shall be unclean until evening.
17 Chovala chilichonse kapena chikopa chilichonse pomwe pagwera mbewu yaumunayo achichape, komabe chidzakhala chodetsedwa mpaka madzulo.
And every garment, and every skin on which there shall be the seed of copulation shall both be washed with water, and be unclean until evening.
18 Mwamuna akagona ndi mkazi wake nataya mbewu yake yaumuna, onse awiriwo asambe. Komabe adzakhala odetsedwa mpaka madzulo.
And a woman, if a man shall lie with her with seed of copulation—they shall both bathe themselves in water and shall be unclean until evening.
19 “‘Mkazi akakhala wosamba ndipo ikakhala kuti ndi nthawi yake yeniyeni yosamba, adzakhala wodetsedwa masiku asanu ndi awiri. Aliyense amene adzamukhudza adzakhala wodetsedwa mpaka madzulo.
And the woman whosoever shall have an issue of blood, when her issue shall be in her body, shall be seven days in her separation; every one that touches her shall be unclean until evening.
20 “‘Chilichonse chimene mkaziyo agonera pa nthawi yake yosamba chidzakhala chodetsedwa, ndipo chilichonse chimene adzakhalira chidzakhalanso chodetsedwa.
And every thing whereon she shall lie in her separation, shall be unclean; and whatever she shall sit upon, shall be unclean.
21 Aliyense wokhudza bedi lake achape zovala zake ndi kusamba, komabe adzakhala wodetsedwa mpaka madzulo.
And whosoever shall touch her bed shall wash his garments, and bathe his body in water, and shall be unclean until evening.
22 Aliyense wokhudza chimene wakhalapo achape zovala zake ndi kusamba, komabe adzakhala wodetsedwa mpaka madzulo.
and every one that touches any vessel on which she shall sit, shall wash his garments and bathe himself in water, and shall be unclean until evening.
23 Kaya ndi bedi kapena chinthu china chilichonse chimene anakhalapo, ngati munthu wina akhudza chinthucho, munthuyo adzakhala wodetsedwa mpaka madzulo.
And whether it be while she is on her bed, or on a seat which she may happen to sit upon when he touches her, he shall be unclean till evening.
24 “‘Mwamuna aliyense akagona naye ndipo magazi osamba kwake ndi kumukhudza, munthuyo adzakhala wodetsedwa masiku asanu ndi awiri, ndipo bedi limene wagonapo lidzakhalanso lodetsedwa.
And if any one shall lie with her, and her uncleanness be upon him, he shall be unclean seven days; and every bed on which he shall have lain shall be unclean.
25 “‘Mkazi akataya magazi masiku ambiri, wosakhala pa nthawi yake yosamba, kapena akamasambabe kupitirira nthawi yake yosamba, mkaziyo adzakhala wodetsedwa nthawi yonse imene akutaya magazi, monga momwe amakhalira pa masiku ake osamba.
And if a woman have an issue of blood many days, not in the time of her separation; if the blood should also flow after her separation, all the days of the issue of her uncleanness [shall be] as the days of her separation: she shall be unclean.
26 Bedi lililonse limene mkaziyo adzagonapo pa masiku onse pamene ali wotaya magazi, ndiponso chilichonse chimene wakhalira chidzakhala chodetsedwa monga mmene chimakhalira chodetsedwa pa nthawi yake yosamba.
And every bed on which she shall lie all the days of her flux shall be to her as the bed of her separation, and every seat whereon she shall sit shall be unclean according to the uncleanness of her separation.
27 Aliyense amene adzakhudza zinthu zimenezo adzakhala wodetsedwa ndipo ayenera kuchapa zovala zake ndi kusamba, komabe adzakhala wodetsedwa mpaka madzulo.
Every one that touches it shall be unclean; and he shall wash his garments, and bathe his body in water, and shall be unclean till evening.
28 “‘Nthawi yosamba ikatha, mkaziyo awerenge masiku asanu ndi awiri, ndipo masikuwo akatha adzakhala woyeretsedwa.
But if she shall be cleansed from her flux, then she shall number to herself seven days, and afterwards she shall be esteemed clean.
29 Pa tsiku lachisanu ndi chitatu, mkaziyo atenge njiwa ziwiri kapena mawunda awiri, ndipo abwere nazo kwa wansembe pa khomo la Tenti ya Msonkhano.
And on the eighth day she shall take two turtle-doves, or two young pigeons, and shall bring them to the priest, to the door of the tabernacle of witness.
30 Wansembe apereke imodzi kuti ikhale nsembe yopepesera machimo ndipo inayo ikhale ya nsembe yopsereza. Pamenepo ndiye kuti wansembeyo wachita mwambo wopepesera mkaziyo pamaso pa Yehova chifukwa cha matenda ake wosamba aja.
And the priest shall offer one for a sin-offering, and the other for a whole-burnt-offering, and the priest shall make atonement for her before the Lord for her unclean flux.
31 “‘Choncho muwayeretsa ana a Israeli nʼkudetsedwa kwawo kuti angafe pochita tchimo lowadetsa limene polichita limadetsa malo anga wokhalamo amene ali pakati pawo.’”
And ye shall cause the children of Israel to beware of their uncleannesses; so they shall not die for their uncleanness, in polluting my tabernacle that is among them.
32 Amenewa ndi malamulo a munthu amene akutuluka mafinya kumaliseche kwake, komanso a munthu aliyense amene wadetsedwa ndi mbewu yaumuna,
This is the law of the man who has an issue, and if one discharge seed of copulation, so that he should be polluted by it.
33 mkazi wodwala chifukwa cha msambo komanso a mwamuna kapena mkazi amene akutulutsa mafinya kumaliseche kwake ndi mwamuna wogona ndi mkazi amene akusamba.
And [this is the law] for her that has the issue of blood in her separation, and as to the person who has an issue of seed, in his issue: [it is a law] for the male and the female, and for the man who shall have lain with her that is set apart.

< Levitiko 15 >