< Maliro 1 >

1 Haa! Mzinda uja wasiyidwa wokhawokha, umene kale unali wodzaza ndi anthu! Kale unali wotchuka pakati pa mitundu ya anthu! Tsopano wasanduka ngati mkazi wamasiye. Kale unali mfumukazi ya onse pa dziko lapansi, tsopano wasanduka kapolo.
How! - she sits alone the city great of people she has become like a widow ([one] great *L(abh)*) among the nations a princess among the provinces she has become forced labor.
2 Ukulira mowawidwa mtima usiku wonse, misozi ili pa masaya pake. Mwa abwenzi ake onse, palibe ndi mmodzi yemwe womutonthoza. Abwenzi ake onse amuchitira chiwembu; onse akhala adani ake.
Bitterly she weeps in the night and tear[s] her [are] on cheek her not [belongs] to her a comforter from all lovers her all friends her they have dealt treacherously with her they have become of her enemies.
3 Yuda watengedwa ku ukapolo, kukazunzika ndi kukagwira ntchito yolemetsa. Iye akukhala pakati pa anthu a mitundu ina; ndipo alibe malo opumulira. Onse omuthamangitsa iye amupitirira, ndipo alibe kwina kothawira.
She has gone into exile Judah from affliction and from an abundance of servitude her she dwells among the nations not she has found a resting place all pursuers her they have overtaken her between the narrow places.
4 Misewu yopita ku Ziyoni ikulira, chifukwa palibe ndi mmodzi yemwe akubwera ku maphwando ake. Zipata zake zonse zili pululu, ansembe akubuwula. Anamwali ake akulira, ndipo ali mʼmasautso woopsa.
[the] roads of Zion [are] mourning because not [those who] come an appointed feast all gates her [are] desolate priests her [are] groaning virgins her [are] grieving and she it is bitter to her.
5 Adani ake asanduka mabwana ake; odana naye akupeza bwino. Yehova wamubweretsera mavuto chifukwa cha machimo ake ambiri. Ana ake atengedwa ukapolo pamaso pa mdani.
They have become opponents her a head enemies her they are at ease for Yahweh he has caused grief to her on [the] multitude of transgressions her children her they have gone captivity before an opponent.
6 Ulemerero wonse wa mwana wamkazi wa Ziyoni wachokeratu. Akalonga ake ali ngati mbawala zosowa msipu; alibe mphamvu zothawira owathamangitsa.
And it has gone out (from from [the] daughter of *Q(K)*) Zion all splendor her they have become princes her like deer [which] not they have found pasture and they have gone with not strength before a pursuer.
7 Pa masiku a masautso ndi kuzunzika kwake, Yerusalemu amakumbukira chuma chonse chimene mʼmasiku amakedzana chinali chake. Anthu ake atagwidwa ndi adani ake, panalibe aliyense womuthandiza. Adani ake ankamuyangʼana ndi kumuseka chifukwa cha kuwonongeka kwake.
She has remembered Jerusalem [the] days of affliction her and homelessness her all precious things her which they were from days of antiquity when fell people her in [the] hand of an opponent and not a helper [belonged] to her they saw her opponents they laughed at annihilation her.
8 Yerusalemu wachimwa kwambiri ndipo potero wakhala wodetsedwa. Onse amene ankamulemekeza pano akumunyoza, chifukwa aona umaliseche wake. Iye mwini akubuwula ndipo akubisa nkhope yake.
Sin she has sinned Jerusalem there-fore impurity she has become all [those who] honored her they despise her for they have seen nakedness her also she has groaned and she has turned away backward.
9 Uve wake umaonekera pa zovala zake; iye sanaganizire za tsogolo lake. Nʼchifukwa chake kugwa kwake kunali kwakukulu; ndipo analibe womutonthoza. “Inu Yehova, taonani masautso anga, pakuti mdani wapambana.”
Uncleanness her [was] on skirts her not she remembered outcome her and she has come down wonders not a comforter [belonged] to her see O Yahweh affliction my for it has magnified itself [the] enemy.
10 Adani amulanda chuma chake chonse; iye anaona mitundu ya anthu achikunja ikulowa mʼmalo ake opatulika, amene Inu Mulungu munawaletsa kulowa mu msonkhano wanu.
Hand his he has spread out [the] opponent over all precious things her for it saw nations [which] they went sanctuary its which you had commanded not they will come in the assembly of you.
11 Anthu ake onse akubuwula pamene akufunafuna chakudya; asinthanitsa chuma chawo ndi chakudya kuti akhale ndi moyo. “Inu Yehova, taonani ndipo ganizirani, chifukwa ine ndanyozeka.”
All people its [are] groaning [are] seeking bread they have given (precious things their *Q(K)*) for food to restore life see O Yahweh and look! for I am despised.
12 “Kodi zimenezi mukuziyesa zachabe, inu nonse mukudutsa? Yangʼanani ndipo muone. Kodi pali mavuto ofanana ndi amene andigwerawa, amene Ambuye anandibweretsera pa tsiku la ukali wake?
Not to you O all [those who] pass by of [the] road look and see if there [is] pain like pain my which it has been done to me which he has caused grief Yahweh on [the] day of [the] burning of anger his.
13 “Anatumiza moto kuchokera kumwamba, unalowa mpaka mʼmafupa anga. Anayala ukonde kuti ukole mapazi anga ndipo anandibweza. Anandisiya wopanda chilichonse, wolefuka tsiku lonse.
From a high place he sent fire in bones my and he mastered it he spread out a net for feet my he made turn back me backward he made me desolate all the day faint.
14 “Wazindikira machimo anga onse ndipo ndi manja ake anawaluka pamodzi. Machimowa afika pakhosi panga, ndipo Ambuye wandithetsa mphamvu. Iye wandipereka kwa anthu amene sindingalimbane nawo.
It has been bound on [the] yoke of transgressions my by hand his they are woven together they have come up on neck my he has made feeble strength my he has given me [the] Lord in [the] hands of [those whom] not I am able to stand.
15 “Ambuye wakana anthu anga onse amphamvu omwe ankakhala nane: wasonkhanitsa gulu lankhondo kuti lilimbane nane, kuti litekedze anyamata anga; mʼmalo ofinyira mphesa Ambuye wapondereza anamwali a Yuda.
He has thrown away all mighty [ones] my - [the] Lord in midst my he has proclaimed on me an appointed meeting to break young men my a winepress he has trodden [the] Lord for [the] virgin of [the] daughter of Judah.
16 “Chifukwa cha zimenezi ndikulira ndipo maso anga adzaza ndi misozi. Palibe aliyense pafupi woti anditonthoze, palibe aliyense wondilimbitsa mtima. Ana anga ali okhaokha chifukwa mdani watigonjetsa.
On these [things] - I [am] weeping eye my - eye my [is] going down water for he is far from me a comforter [one who] restores life my they are children my desolate for he has prevailed [the] enemy.
17 “Ziyoni wakweza manja ake, koma palibe aliyense womutonthoza. Yehova walamula kuti abale ake a Yakobo akhale adani ake; Yerusalemu wasanduka chinthu chodetsedwa pakati pawo.
It has spread out Zion hands its not a comforter [belongs] to it he has commanded Yahweh of Jacob [those] around him [will be] opponents his it has become Jerusalem an impure thing between them.
18 “Yehova ndi wolungama, koma ndine ndinawukira malamulo ake. Imvani inu anthu a mitundu yonse; onani masautso anga. Anyamata ndi anamwali anga agwidwa ukapolo.
[is] righteous He Yahweh for mouth his I have been rebellious listen please O all (the peoples *Q(K)*) and see pain my young women my and young men my they have gone in captivity.
19 “Ndinayitana abwenzi anga koma anandinyenga. Ansembe ndi akuluakulu anga anafa mu mzinda pamene ankafunafuna chakudya kuti akhale ndi moyo.
I called to lovers my they they deceived me priests my and elders my in the city they perished for they sought food for themselves so they may be restored life their.
20 “Inu Yehova, onani mmene ine ndavutikira! Ndikuzunzika mʼkati mwanga, ndipo mu mtima mwanga ndasautsidwa chifukwa ndakhala osamvera. Mʼmisewu anthu akuphedwa, ndipo ku mudzi kuli imfa yokhayokha.
See O Yahweh for distress [belongs] to me inward parts my they are in turmoil it has been overturned heart my in inner being my for extremely I have been rebellious from outside it has bereaved a sword [is] in the house like death.
21 “Anthu amva kubuwula kwanga, koma palibe wonditonthoza. Adani anga onse amva masautso anga; iwo akusangalala pa zimene Inu mwachita. Lifikitseni tsiku limene munalonjeza lija kuti iwonso adzakhale ngati ine.
They heard that [was] groaning I not a comforter [belonged] to me all enemies my they heard distress my they rejoiced for you you have acted you have brought [the] day [which] you proclaimed and they may be like me.
22 “Lolani kuti ntchito zawo zoyipa zifike pamaso panu; muwalange ngati mmene mwandilangira ine chifukwa cha machimo anga onse. Ndikubuwula kwambiri ndipo mtima wanga walefuka.”
May it come all wickedness their before you and deal severely to them just as you have dealt severely to me on all transgressions my for [are] many groaning my and heart my [is] faint.

< Maliro 1 >