< Oweruza 18 >
1 Masiku amenewo munalibe mfumu mu Israeli. Ndipo anthu a fuko la Dani amafunafuna malo okhalamo ngati cholowa chawo, chifukwa kufikira nthawi imeneyo anali asanalandire cholowa chawo pakati pa mafuko a Israeli.
In those days there was no king in Israel, and the tribe of Dan sought them an inheritance to dwell in: for unto that day they had not received their lot among the other tribes.
2 Choncho fuko la Dani linatumiza kuchokera ku mabanja awo onse anthu olimba mtima asanu. Anthuwa anachokera ku Zora ndi ku Esitaoli ndipo anatumidwa kukazonda ndi kuliyendera dzikolo. Anthu amenewa ankayimira fuko lonse la Dani. Anthuwa anawawuza kuti, “Pitani mukazonde dzikolo.” Anthuwa anafika ku dziko la mapiri la Efereimu ndi kupita ku nyumba ya Mika komwe anakagona.
So the children of Dan sent five most valiant men of their stock and family from Saraa and Esthaol, to spy out the land, and to view it diligently: and they said to them: Go, and view the land. They went on their way, and when they came to mount Ephraim, they went into the house of Michas, and rested there:
3 Ali ku nyumba ya Mika anazindikira mawu a mnyamata, Mlevi uja. Choncho anapita kwa iye namufunsa kuti, “Unabwera ndi ndani kuno? Nanga ukuchita chiyani ku malo ano? Komanso nʼchifukwa chiyani uli kuno?”
And knowing the voice of the young man the Levite, and lodging with him, they said to him: Who brought thee hither? what dost thou here? why wouldst thou come hither?
4 Iye anawawuza zimene Mika anamuchitira ndipo anati, “Iye anandilemba ntchito ndipo ndine wansembe wake.”
He answered them: Michas hath done such and such things for me, and hath hired me to be his priest.
5 Kenaka iwo anati kwa iye, “Chonde tifunsire kwa Mulungu kuti tidziwe ngati ulendo wathuwu tiyende bwino.”
Then they desired him to consult the Lord, that they might know whether their journey should be prosperous, and the thing should have effect.
6 Wansembeyo anawayankha kuti, “Pitani mu mtendere, Yehova ali ndi inu pa ulendo wanuwu.”
He answered them: Go in peace, the Lord looketh on your way, and the journey that you go.
7 Choncho anthu asanuwo ananyamuka ndipo anafika ku Laisi, kumene anaona kuti anthu ankakhala mwabata monga anthu a ku Sidoni. Anali anthu opanda chowavuta ndiponso aphee. Tsono popeza mʼdziko mwawo analibe chosowa, iwo anali a chuma. Anaonanso kuti anthuwo ankakhala kutali ndi Sidoni ndipo analibe ubale ndi wina aliyense.
So the five men going on came to Lais: and they saw how the people dwelt therein without any fear, according to the custom of the Sidonians, secure and easy, having no man at all to oppose them, being very rich, and living separated, at a distance from Sidon and from all men.
8 Ozonda dziko aja atabwerera kwa abale awo ku Zora ndi Esitaoli, abale awowo anawafunsa kuti, “Mwaonako zotani?”
And they returned to their brethren in Saraa and Esthaol, who asked them what they had done? to whom they answered:
9 “Tiyeni tikamenyane nawo nkhondo popeza taliona dziko lawolo kuti ndi lachonde kwambiri. Kodi simuchitapo kanthu? Musachite mphwayi kupita mʼdzikomo ndi kukalilanda.
Arise, and let us go up to them: for we have seen the land which is exceeding rich and fruitful: neglect not, lose no time: let us go and possess it, there will be no difficulty.
10 Mukalowa, mukapeza anthu amene ali osatekeseka ndi dziko lalikulu. Yehova wakupatsani dziko limeneli. Malowo ngosasowa kanthu kalikonse kopezeka pa dziko lapansi.”
We shall come to a people that is secure, into a spacious country, and the Lord will deliver the place to us, in which there is no want of any thing that groweth on the earth.
11 Kenaka anthu 600 a fuko la Dani ananyamuka ku Zora ndi Esitaoli atanyamula zida za nkhondo.
There went therefore of the kindred of Dan, to wit, from Saraa and Esthaol, six hundred men, furnished with arms for war,
12 Tsono anakamanga msasa ku Kiriati-Yearimu mʼdziko la Yuda. Malowa ali kumadzulo kwa Kiriati-Yearimu. Ichi ndi chifukwa chake malowo akutchedwa Mahane Dani mpaka lero.
And going up they lodged in Cariathiarim of Juda: which place from that time is called the camp of Dan, and is behind Cariathiarim.
13 Kuchokera kumeneko anapita ku dziko lamapiri la Efereimu ndipo anafika ku nyumba ya Mika.
From thence they passed into mount Ephraim. And when they were come to the house of Michas,
14 Anthu asanu amene anakazonda dziko la Laisi anati kwa abale awo, “Kodi mukudziwa kuti imodzi mwa nyumba izi muli efodi, mafano a mʼnyumba otchedwa terafimu, fano losema ndiponso fano lokuta ndi siliva? Ndiye mudziwe chochita.”
The five men, that before had been sent to view the land of Lais, said to the rest of their brethren: You know that in these houses there is an ephod, and theraphim, and a graven, and a molten god: see what you are pleased to do.
15 Choncho anthuwa anapatuka napita ku nyumba ya Mika kumene mnyamata, Mlevi uja ankakhala ndipo anamufunsa za mmene zinthu zilili.
And when they had turned a little aside, they went into the house of the young man the Levite, who was in the house of Michas: and they saluted him with words of peace.
16 Nthawi imeneyi nʼkuti anthu 600 a fuko la Dani aja atayima pa chipata atanyamula zida za nkhondo.
And the six hundred men stood before the door, appointed with their arms.
17 Anthu asanu amene anakazonda dziko aja analowa ndi kukatenga fano losema, efodi, fano la mʼnyumba lotchedwa terafimu, ndi fano lokutidwa ndi siliva. Nthawiyi nʼkuti wansembe uja ndi anthu 600 okhala ndi zida za nkhondo aja ali chiyimire pa chipata.
But they that were gone into the house of the young man, went about to take away the graven god, and the ephod, and the theraphim, and the molten god, and the priest stood before the door, the six hundred valiant men waiting not far off.
18 Anthuwo atalowa mʼnyumba ya Mika ndi kutenga fano losema, efodi, fano la mʼnyumba, ndi fano lokutidwa ndi siliva, wansembeyo anawafunsa kuti, “Kodi mukuchita chiyani?”
So they that were gone in took away the graven thing, the ephod, and the idols, and the molten god. And the priest said to them: What are you doing?
19 Iwo anamuyankha kuti, “Khala chete usayankhule. Tsagana nafe ndipo udzakhala mlangizi wathu ndi wansembe wathu. Kodi si kwabwino kwa iwe kukhala wansembe wa fuko lonse la Israeli mʼmalo mokhala wansembe wa munthu mmodzi yekha?”
And they said to him: Hold thy peace and put thy finger on thy mouth and come with us, that we may have thee for a father, and a priest. Whether is better for thee, to be a priest in the house of one man, or in a tribe and family in Israel?
20 Wansembeyo anakondwera ndipo anatenga efodi, fano la mʼnyumba ndi fano losema natsagana nawo.
When he had heard this, he agreed to their words, and took the ephod, and the idols, and the graven god, and departed with them.
21 Choncho iwo anatembenuka nachoka, atatsogoza ana, zoweta ndi katundu wawo yense.
And when they were going forward, and had put before them the children and the cattle and all that was valuable,
22 Atayenda mtunda pangʼono kuchokera pa nyumba ya Mika, anthu amene amakhala pafupi ndi nyumba ya Mika anasonkhana kulondola a fuko la Dani aja, ndipo anawapeza.
And were now at a distance from the house of Michas, the men that dwelt in the houses of Michas gathering together followed them,
23 Atawafuwulira, a fuko la Dani aja anachewuka ndipo anafunsa Mika kuti, “Chavuta nʼchiyani kuti usonkhanitse anthu chotere?”
And began to shout out after them. They looked back, and said to Michas: What aileth thee? Why dost thou cry?
24 Iye anayankha kuti, “Inu mwanditengera milungu imene ndinapanga pamodzi ndi wansembe nʼkumapita. Tsono ine ndatsala ndi chiyani? Ndiye inu mungafunse kuti chavuta nʼchiyani?”
And he answered: You have taken away my gods which I have made me and the priest, and all that I have, and do you say: What aileth thee?
25 Anthu a fuko la Dani aja anayankha kuti, “Usayankhuleponso kanthu chifukwa anthu awa angapse mtima nakumenya ndipo iwe ndi banja lako lonse nʼkutayapo miyoyo yanu.”
And the children of Dan said to him: See thou say no more to us, lest men enraged come upon thee, and thou perish with all thy house.
26 Choncho anthu a fuko la Dani anapitiriza ulendo wawo. Mika ataona kuti anthuwo anali amphamvu kuposa iye, anangotembenuka kubwerera kwawo.
And so they went on the journey they had begun. But Michas seeing that they were stronger than he, returned to his house.
27 Anthu a fuko la Dani aja anatenga zinthu zimene Mika anapanga pamodzi ndi wansembe uja. Iwo anakafika ku Laisi kwa anthu a phee, osatekeseka aja ndipo anawathira nkhondo, nawapha ndi kutentha mzindawo ndi moto.
And the six hundred men took the priest, and the things we spoke of before, and came to Lais to a people that was quiet and secure, and smote them with the edge of the sword: and the city was burnt with fire,
28 Panalibe wowapulumutsa chifukwa anali kutali ndi Sidoni ndiponso sanali pa ubale ndi wina aliyense. Mzindawo unali mʼchigwa cha Beti-Rehobu. Anthu a fuko la Adaniwo anawumanganso mzindawo ndi kumakhalamo.
There being no man at all who brought them any succour, because they dwelt far from Sidon, and had no society or business with any man. And the city was in the land of Rohob: and they rebuilt it and dwelt therein.
29 Iwo anawutcha mzindawo Dani, kutengera dzina la kholo lawo Dani, amene anali mwana wa Israeli, ngakhale kuti mzindawo poyamba unali Laisi.
Calling the name of the city Dan after the name of their father, who was the son of Israel, which before was called Lais.
30 Anthu a fuko la Dani anayimiritsa fano losema lija. Yonatani mwana wa Geresomu, mwana wa Mose pamodzi ndi ana ake onse anakhala ansembe a fuko la Dani mpaka pa tsiku la ukapolo wa dzikolo.
And they set up to themselves the graven idol, and Jonathan the son of Gersam the son of Moses, he and his sons were priests in the tribe of Dan, until the day of their captivity.
31 Choncho anthu a fuko la Dani ankapembedza fano limene Mika anapanga nthawi yonse pamene nyumba ya Mulungu inali ku Silo.
And the idol of Michas remained with them all the time that the house of God was in Silo. In those days there was no king in Israel.