< Yohane 18 >

1 Yesu atamaliza kupemphera, Iye anachoka ndi ophunzira ake ndi kuwoloka chigwa cha Kidroni. Kumbali inayo kunali munda wa Olivi, ndipo Iye ndi ophunzira ake analowamo.
After offering this prayer Jesus went out with His disciples to a place on the further side of the Ravine of the Cedars, where there was a garden which He entered--Himself and His disciples.
2 Tsopano Yudasi, amene anamupereka amadziwa malowo chifukwa Yesu ankakumana ndi ophunzira ake kumeneko.
Now Judas also, who at that very time was betraying Him, knew the place, for Jesus had often resorted there with His disciples.
3 Choncho Yudasi anabwera ku munda, akutsogolera gulu la asilikali ndi akuluakulu ena ochokera kwa akulu a ansembe ndi Afarisi. Iwo anali atanyamula miyuni, nyale ndi zida.
So Judas, followed by the battalion and by a detachment of the Temple police sent by the High Priests and Pharisees, came there with torches and lamps and weapons.
4 Yesu, podziwa zonse zimene zimati zichitike kwa Iye, anatuluka ndi kuwafunsa kuti, “Kodi mukufuna ndani?”
Jesus therefore, knowing all that was about to befall Him, went out to meet them. "Who are you looking for?" He asked them.
5 Iwo anayankha kuti, “Yesu wa ku Nazareti.” Yesu anati, “Ndine.” (Ndipo Yudasi womuperekayo anali atayima nawo pamenepo).
"For Jesus the Nazarene," was the answer. "I am he," He replied. (Now Judas who was betraying Him was also standing with them.)
6 Pamene Yesu anati, “Ndine,” iwo anabwerera mʼmbuyo ndi kugwa pansi.
As soon then as He said to them, "I am he," they went backwards and fell to the ground.
7 Iye anawafunsanso kuti, “Kodi mukumufuna ndani?” Ndipo iwo anati, “Yesu wa ku Nazareti.”
Again therefore He asked them, "Who are you looking for?" "For Jesus the Nazarene," they said.
8 Yesu anayankha kuti, “Ine ndakuwuzani kuti Ndine. Ngati inu mukufuna Ine, asiyeni anthu awa apite.”
"I have told you," replied Jesus, "that I am he. If therefore you are looking for me, let these my disciples go their way."
9 Izi zinachitika kuti mawu amene Iye anayankhula akwaniritsidwe: “Ine sindinataye ndi mmodzi yemwe mwa iwo amene mwandipatsa.”
He made this request in order that the words He had spoken might be fulfilled, "As for those whom Thou hast given me, I have not lost one."
10 Kenaka Simoni amene anali ndi lupanga analitulutsa ndi kutema nalo wantchito wa wamkulu wa ansembe, nadula khutu lake la kudzanja lamanja. (Dzina la wantchitoyo ndi Makusi).
Simon Peter, however, having a sword, drew it, and, aiming at the High Priest's servant, cut off his right ear. The servant's name was Malchus.
11 Yesu analamula Petro kuti, “Bwezera lupanga mʼchimake! Kodi Ine ndisamwere chikho chimene Atate andipatsa?”
Jesus therefore said to Peter, "Put back your sword. Shall I refuse to drink the cup of sorrow which the Father has given me to drink?"
12 Kenaka gulu la asilikali ndi olamulira wawo ndi akuluakulu a Ayuda anamugwira Yesu. Iwo anamumanga.
So the battalion and their tribune and the Jewish police closed in, and took Jesus and bound Him.
13 Poyamba anapita naye kwa Anasi amene anali mkamwini wa Kayafa, mkulu wa ansembe chaka chimenecho.
They then brought Him to Annas first; for Annas was the father-in-law of Caiaphas who was High Priest that year.
14 Kayafa anali amene analangiza Ayuda kuti kukanakhala kwabwino ngati munthu mmodzi akanafera anthu.
(It was this Caiaphas who had advised the Jews, saying, "It is to your interest that one man should die for the People.")
15 Simoni Petro ndi ophunzira wina ankamutsatira Yesu chifukwa ophunzira uyu amadziwika kwa mkulu wa ansembe. Iye analowa ndi Yesu mʼbwalo la mkulu wa ansembe
Meanwhile Simon Peter was following Jesus, and so also was another disciple. The latter was known to the High Priest, and went in with Jesus into the court of the High Priest's palace.
16 koma Petro anadikira kunja pa khomo. Ophunzira winayo amene amadziwika kwa mkulu wa ansembe, anatuluka ndi kuyankhula ndi mtsikana amene anali mlonda wa pa khomo ndi kumulowetsa Petro.
But Peter remained standing outside the door, till the disciple who was acquainted with the High Priest came out and induced the portress to let Peter in.
17 Mtsikanayo anafunsa Petro kuti, “Kodi iwe sindiwe mmodzi wa ophunzira a Munthu uyu?” Iye anayankha kuti, “Ayi, sindine.”
This led the girl, the portress, to ask Peter, "Are you also one of this man's disciples?" "No, I am not," he replied.
18 Popeza kunkazizira, anyamata antchito ndi akuluakulu ena anasonkha moto wamakala namawotha atayimirira mozungulira. Petro nayenso anayimirira pamodzi ndi iwo namawotha nawo motowo.
Now because it was cold the servants and the police had lighted a charcoal fire, and were standing and warming themselves; and Peter too remained with them, standing and warming himself.
19 Pa nthawi imeneyi, mkulu wa ansembe anamufunsa Yesu za ophunzira ake ndi chiphunzitso chake.
So the High Priest questioned Jesus about His disciples and His teaching.
20 Yesu anayankha kuti, “Ine ndinayankhula poyera ku dziko lapansi. Nthawi zonse ndimaphunzitsa mʼsunagoge kapena mʼNyumba ya Mulungu kumene Ayuda onse amasonkhana pamodzi. Ine sindimanena kanthu mseri.
"As for me," replied Jesus, "I have spoken openly to the world. I have continually taught in some synagogue or in the Temple where all the Jews are wont to assemble, and I have said nothing in secret.
21 Nʼchifukwa chiyani mukundifunsa Ine? Afunseni amene amamva. Zoonadi akudziwa zimene Ine ndinanena.”
Why do you question me? Question those who heard what it was I said to them: these witnesses here know what I said."
22 Yesu atanena izi, mmodzi wa akuluakulu amene anali pafupi anamumenya kumaso. Iye anafunsa kuti, “Mayankhidwe awa ndi woti ndi kuyankha mkulu wa ansembe?”
Upon His saying this, one of the officers standing by struck Him with his open hand, asking Him as he did so, "Is that the way you answer the High Priest?"
23 Yesu anayankha kuti, “Ngati Ine ndanena kanthu kolakwika, chitirani umboni chimene ndalakwa. Koma ngati ndanena zoona, nʼchifukwa chiyani mwandimenya?”
"If I have spoken wrongly," replied Jesus, "bear witness to it as wrong; but if rightly, why that blow?"
24 Kenaka Anasi anamutumiza Iye, ali womangidwabe, kwa Kayafa, mkulu wa ansembe.
So Annas sent Him bound to Caiaphas the High Priest.
25 Pamene Simoni Petro anali chiyimirire kuwotha moto, anafunsidwa kuti, “Kodi iwe si mmodzi wa ophunzira ake?” Iye anayankha kuti, “Ayi, sindine.”
But Simon Peter remained standing and warming himself, and this led to their asking him, "Are you also one of his disciples?" He denied it, and said, "No, I am not."
26 Mmodzi wa antchito a mkulu wa ansembe, mʼbale wa munthu amene anadulidwa khutu ndi Petro anamutsutsa iye kuti, “Kodi sindinakuone iwe pamodzi ndi Iye mʼmunda muja?”
One of the High Priest's servants, a relative of the man whose ear Peter had cut off, said, "Did I not see you in the garden with him?"
27 Petro anakananso, ndipo pa nthawi yomweyo tambala analira.
Once more Peter denied it, and immediately a cock crowed.
28 Kenaka Ayuda anamutenga Yesu kuchoka kwa Kayafa ndi kupita ku nyumba yaufumu ya bwanamkubwa wa Chiroma. Tsopano kunali mmamawa, ndipo polewa kudetsedwa monga mwa mwambo Ayuda sanalowe mʼnyumba yaufumuyo; iwo anafuna kuti adye Paska.
So they brought Jesus from Caiaphas's house to the Praetorium. It was the early morning, and they would not enter the Praetorium themselves for fear of defilement, and in order that they might be able to eat the Passover.
29 Choncho Pilato anatuluka napita kwa iwo ndipo anati, “Kodi ndi milandu yanji imene mukumuzenga munthu uyu?”
Accordingly Pilate came out to them and inquired, "What accusation have you to bring against this man?"
30 Iwo anayankha kuti, “Ngati Iye akanakhala kuti si wolakwa, ife sitikanamupereka kwa inu.”
"If the man were not a criminal," they replied, "we would not have handed him over to you."
31 Pilato anati, “Mutengeni inu eni ake ndi kumuweruza Iye monga mwa malamulo anu.” Ayuda anatsutsa nati, “Koma tilibe ulamuliro wakupha aliyense.”
"Take him yourselves," said Pilate, "and judge him by your Law." "We have no power," replied the Jews, "to put any man to death."
32 Izi zinachitika kuti mawu a Yesu amene anayankhula kusonyeza mtundu wa imfa imene Iye anati adzafe nayo akwaniritsidwe.
They said this that the words might be fulfilled in which Jesus predicted the kind of death He was to die.
33 Kenaka Pilato anapita mʼkati mwa nyumba yaufumu nayitanitsa Yesu, ndipo anamufunsa kuti, “Kodi iwe ndi mfumu ya Ayuda?”
Re-entering the Praetorium, therefore, Pilate called Jesus and asked Him, "Are you the King of the Jews?"
34 Yesu anafunsa kuti, “Kodi amenewo ndi maganizo anu wokha? Kapena kuti ena anakuwuzani za Ine?”
"Do you say this of yourself, or have others told it you about me?" replied Jesus.
35 Pilato anayankha kuti, “Kodi iwe ukuganiza kuti ine ndine Myuda? Ndi anthu ako ndi akulu a ansembe ako amene akupereka iwe kwa ine. Kodi walakwanji?”
"Am I a Jew?" exclaimed Pilate; "it is your own nation and the High Priests who have handed you over to me. What have you done?"
36 Yesu anati, “Ufumu wanga si wa dziko lapansi lino. Ukanakhala wa pansi pano, antchito anga akanachita nkhondo kulepheretsa Ayuda kundigwira. Koma tsopano ufumu wanga ndi wochokera kumalo ena.”
"My kingdom," replied Jesus, "does not belong to this world. If my kingdom did belong to this world, my subjects would have resolutely fought to save me from being delivered up to the Jews. But, as a matter of fact, my kingdom has not this origin."
37 Pilato anati, “Kani ndiwe mfumu!” Yesu anayankha kuti, “Inu mwalondola ponena kuti, Ine ndine mfumu. Kunena zoona, Ine ndinabadwa chifukwa cha chimenechi, ndipo nʼchifukwa chake ndinabwera mʼdziko lapansi, kudzachitira umboni choonadi. Aliyense amene ali mbali yachoonadi amamvera mawu anga.”
"So then you are a king!" rejoined Pilate. "Yes," said Jesus, "you say truly that I am a king. For this purpose I was born, and for this purpose I have come into the world--to give testimony for the truth. Every one who is a friend of the truth listens to my voice."
38 Pilato anafunsa kuti, “Kodi choonadi nʼchiyani?” Ndi mawu awa iye anapitanso kwa Ayuda ndipo anati, “Ine sindikupeza mlandu mwa Iye.
"What is truth?" said Pilate. But no sooner had he spoken the words than he went out again to the Jews and told them, "I find no crime in him.
39 Koma ndi mwambo wanu kuti pa nthawi ya Paska, ine ndikumasulireni wamʼndende mmodzi. Kodi mufuna ndikumasulireni ‘Mfumu ya Ayuda?’”
But you have a custom that I should release one prisoner to you at the Passover. So shall I release to you the King of the Jews?"
40 Iwo anafuwula nati, “Ameneyu ayi! Mutipatse ife Baraba!” Barabayo anali wachifwamba.
With a roar of voices they again cried out, saying, "Not this man, but Barabbas!" Now Barabbas was a robber.

< Yohane 18 >